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I have enjoyed your constant updates during this saga and it has kept all of us that have been worried at one stage more sane, clearly it shows you do have more inside knowledge of this saga with your "contacts". I honestly hope you still update regularly as this shitstorm rolls on.

But, I'm not sure but it feels like this saga is actually personally getting to you by the last 2 days with your posts. You haven't been as balanced with you opinions lately which I personally enjoy as having all views (positive or negative) posted is great for this discussion, the last 24 hours you have been playing the man also which we are ALL better than that especially the new members (I myself doubt their intentions) but it also could be a real supporter that would like to discuss his views instead of being flamed.

I myself only made this account weeks after this story first broke in Feb and people thought I was a troll especially with my sarcastic user name (which I would like to change now, maybe Doss or Jab can do a quick swap for me;) )

Anyway what Im trying to say is, your posts carry more weight when they aren't heavily one sided or flaming another Essendon supporter, I do understand that this whole saga is taking its toll on everyone.

I'm not saying this to have a go, it's more the fact that everyone here who are Essendon supporters do respect what you post and you are highly regarded in this thread, I wouldn't like to see you stoop to the HTB level of discussion.
Agree wholeheartedly and not to have a go at Rines, but because she is an excellent poster when staying on topic.

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I'm hearing that Hird will not take 12 month ban.

Has agreed to consider 3 month ban IF it helps the club and gets out of this mess. Wants a personal apology from Vlad and Gillon.

Reid will not take ban under any circumstances.

Not sure on the other two.

So the AFL needs to move another 9 months on Hird, 3 months on Reid and this thing could be sorted.
Quick Straw Poll:

If the AFL offered:
Club 1.5M fine
Hird and Corcoran 3 months each
Reid and Thompson 20K fines each

Would a) you take it and b) think that Hird and Co will take it?
Just spent an hour and a half catching up.


As usual, great posts Rines.

Chip Le Grand has been very good throughout this saga. It's a pity Smith works at the Australian as I'm looking for a new paper since boycotting the Age early this year and the Herald Sun years ago.

Over the last 24 hours, I've felt sick, but right now, I have renewed hope.

We need to fight this all the way to the end. There is no alternative but complete victory here. The few tidbits the Australian has dropped are very good news and I'm really looking forward as to what comes out over the next 24 hours. I'm sure we have more 'aces' up our sleeves to turn the PR war back our way.

Hold fast, everyone! If the backpedaling by the AFL over the last few days is any indication, then we're in a VERY strong position.

Certain foamers are going to go harder as they realise that the EFC are the only club that would have the balls to do this, and it looks like they will win.

In reality, they're secretly admiring us for standing up for what we believe in.

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I hear what you are saying. The release of that blatant PR stunt that was the 'charge sheet' did piss me off. I am very very angry right now. Very angry.

So I'm sorry if that has been coming across in my posts.

I just can't believe the AFL haven't copped more flak for this little stunt.. imagine if a prosecutor did something like this? It would mean the ENTIRE case would be thrown out. In the legal profession is it HIGHLY frowned upon to 'release' something that you have given an undertaking not to.. and even worse to release something that you have already agreed to 'revise' before release.

It was a low act and I am probably still reacting to that tbh.. oh and the fact that they have let our players twist whilst knowing the truth the WHOLE time.. the just let the media run and run and run..

Up until a couple of hours before 360 I was not aware the AFL had been given such clear advice.. I'll admit it was a blow.. I had always hoped the AFL had, on some level, been trying to help our club. However it just showed that Vlad and Co had knifed evans and our great club for their own glory.

I am disappointed and hurt.. sorry if that has offended anyone in the thread lately. I will come back refreshed tomorrow.

It all cool :thumbsu: we are only human and aint super human like hirdy :p

Well we all know the saying, Rome wasn't built in a day. So tearing down city hall will not be an easy feat if that's essadons plans. This will be a rough ride, currently the AFL own Mayfair, park lane and the water and power station with the 4 stations and Essendon are just starting their game now behind the eight ball.
Quick Straw Poll:

If the AFL offered:
Club 1.5M fine
Hird and Corcoran 3 months each
Reid and Thompson 20K fines each

Would a) you take it and b) think that Hird and Co will take it?

It would have to be stated that the EFC are cleared of ALL doping charges. ASADA investigation closed. It would also have to be made completely clear that this is strictly for GOVERNANCE.

Also, Vlad and Gillon to stand down.

None of the above negotiable.
Quick Straw Poll:

If the AFL offered:
Club 1.5M fine
Hird and Corcoran 3 months each
Reid and Thompson 20K fines each

Would a) you take it and b) think that Hird and Co will take it?

yes if andy himself specified it was not anything ASADA related, probably yes anyway.

No idea on the club, depends, if the AFL are willing to come that far back, maybe they will continue to do so?
The reasons WHY Hird's testimony has basically been ignored by ASADA and the AFL in favour of everyone else's is baffling. Especially when PART of the charge against the club is hiring robinson.. but then you rely on robinson to tell you that Hird was doing dodgy stuff... whatev's AFL, whatev's.

Two huge bullets by the Australian today and more will follow. The EFC train is just pulling out of the station folks, strap yourselves in.. going to be a great ride imho.

AFL has fired all its bullets and now it is our turn. The 'ultimatum' threat was the first.. it was just one of many many many underhanded things that have been done to our proud footy club.

I suspect that heads will roll at the AFL once the full facts come out. And I think Caro will be slinking away with her tail between her legs. Shameful.

The bit I love the most:
Neither Melatonin nor Melanotan II are substances banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Normally, neither would be of any interest to investigators looking for evidence of doping.
Yet the fact that Robinson's testimony about Hird's drug-taking features prominently in the AFL's 34 pages of allegations against Essendon and its officials and ASADA's 400-page summary - and Hird's version of events not at all - provides an insight into why Essendon and Hird are so livid at ASADA and the AFL.
INeither would be of ANY interest to anyone looking for doping.. and yet they were of interest.. again and again and again.. why? Because the AFL have been looking to stitch up Hird for a long time as a warning to others. The fact that this completely irrelevant line of investigation is then leaked to the media, distorted, included in the 'charge sheet' and used as fact is even more baffling.
And people wonder why Hird is fighting? #StandbyHird

My faith is being restored.

This is about the last comment - any insulation of dumb n dumber would only be to Vlad and Dillon/Gillon
Quick Straw Poll:

If the AFL offered:
Club 1.5M fine
Hird and Corcoran 3 months each
Reid and Thompson 20K fines each

Would a) you take it and b) think that Hird and Co will take it?
Would I take it? Yes

Though it's not my name that is being tarnished so whatever the 4 choose I'll stand by them.
Ban would be effective immediately after hearing (which would be held first Monday after EFC are eliminated from competition).
If that is the case, then i would be inclined to take the deal. But if the AFL are willing to back track this far then who is to say we can't push and further reduce the penalties..
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