Samantha Murphy Ballarat * Patrick Orren Stephenson Charged With Murder

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The Murder of Rebecca Young - Ballarat

The Murder of Hannah McGuire - Ballarat * Lachie Young charged

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I was thinking about the police manipulating the public via the media and they can’t say misleading stuff in press releases or stage things because no one would trust the police to say the truth if it came out.
I’m thinking the same thing and also how this fits in with their brief of evidence.
I’m curious on MrsBlueSky thoughts of why they might do this.
I've been thinking about the mobile phone being found before the hugs and high fives witnessed by all the drones, media and cameras that was in the mud at the dam and been wondering if the people in the nearby house had to sign a statement saying they didn't see anyone putting it there the previous day.
Definitely don't have this on my bingo card. This is truly special.

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I was thinking about the police manipulating the public via the media and they can’t say misleading stuff in press releases or stage things because no one would trust the police to say the truth if it came out.
I wouldn't like to say another Mrs somebody is wrong about anything.
Off the top of my head I can't think of occasions where police actually planted things - there was a seed pod incident with DNA and paint etc on a murdered woman's hair in a morgue who didn't have it there before the police forensic officer arrived and there was something planted like a coke can for a photo of a crime scene incriminating somebody that was then found guilty. But they may not be good examples because they were proven later to be false accusations.
I can hear someone going Oh dear God.
But I can state on a first hand basis that we had 6 policemen come and search my house once and they said I could go if I wanted and did, but my daughter wanted to stay because she is a chip off the old block and recognised one of the forensic officer from above and stayed in the house. He intimidated her so much that when I got back she was distraught.
You know what, I would even believe the part of Greg Lynn's story that shotgun fragment with one of the deceased campers DNA wasn't put there for evidence.
Another Oh dear god moment.
I wouldn't like to say another Mrs somebody is wrong about anything.
Off the top of my head I can't think of occasions where police actually planted things - there was a seed pod incident with DNA and paint etc on a murdered woman's hair in a morgue who didn't have it there before the police forensic officer arrived and there was something planted like a coke can for a photo of a crime scene incriminating somebody that was then found guilty. But they may not be good examples because they were proven later to be false accusations.
I can hear someone going Oh dear God.
But I can state on a first hand basis that we had 6 policemen come and search my house once and they said I could go if I wanted and did, but my daughter wanted to stay because she is a chip off the old block and recognised one of the forensic officer from above and stayed in the house. He intimidated her so much that when I got back she was distraught.
You know what, I would even believe the part of Greg Lynn's story that shotgun fragment with one of the deceased campers DNA wasn't put there for evidence.
Another Oh dear god moment.
Is it fair to assume you have a serious distrust of the police?
I wouldn't like to say another Mrs somebody is wrong about anything.
Off the top of my head I can't think of occasions where police actually planted things - there was a seed pod incident with DNA and paint etc on a murdered woman's hair in a morgue who didn't have it there before the police forensic officer arrived and there was something planted like a coke can for a photo of a crime scene incriminating somebody that was then found guilty. But they may not be good examples because they were proven later to be false accusations.
I can hear someone going Oh dear God.
But I can state on a first hand basis that we had 6 policemen come and search my house once and they said I could go if I wanted and did, but my daughter wanted to stay because she is a chip off the old block and recognised one of the forensic officer from above and stayed in the house. He intimidated her so much that when I got back she was distraught.
You know what, I would even believe the part of Greg Lynn's story that shotgun fragment with one of the deceased campers DNA wasn't put there for evidence.
Another Oh dear god moment.
🤔 The police have had reason to search your house before ** updates list of suspects in Murderystuffs disappearance
This thread has reached its zenith, can we go any higher?

Comedy Central Cc GIF by Another Period
I wouldn't like to say another Mrs somebody is wrong about anything.
Off the top of my head I can't think of occasions where police actually planted things - there was a seed pod incident with DNA and paint etc on a murdered woman's hair in a morgue who didn't have it there before the police forensic officer arrived and there was something planted like a coke can for a photo of a crime scene incriminating somebody that was then found guilty. But they may not be good examples because they were proven later to be false accusations.
I can hear someone going Oh dear God.
But I can state on a first hand basis that we had 6 policemen come and search my house once and they said I could go if I wanted and did, but my daughter wanted to stay because she is a chip off the old block and recognised one of the forensic officer from above and stayed in the house. He intimidated her so much that when I got back she was distraught.
You know what, I would even believe the part of Greg Lynn's story that shotgun fragment with one of the deceased campers DNA wasn't put there for evidence.
Another Oh dear god moment.

Hmm, it makes sense now on where your view is coming from. I get it. All police aren’t corrupt, but it seems not all levels of policing are completely free from corruption. I think once you’ve witnessed something that makes you scratch your head it can skew your opinion thereafter. I grew up, in the 80’s, in a place where only 1 copper was ever on duty at any one time and they knocked off around 8.30pm. I could tell a story or two, but then I reckon anyone who is from a small country town definitely can. But I’d like to think that over time it has got better, and we have to have faith that things are being handled correctly, legally, truthfully, and in a manner where the end goal is for justice to prevail. If we don’t hold onto that, if none of us believe in that, then the whole concept of a lawful society goes to shit.

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It’s a challenge to find a fresh perspective on what may’ve occurred from the time SM left home for her morning exercise session.

Approx 1 month after her disappearance, Police arrested a young man who they say deliberately murdered her at an area known as Mt Clear (to me it’s all about as Clear as Mud!)
PS had apparently been under secret surveillance for the preceding 2 weeks, but for reasons not made public, his arrest waited until 6 March, with an indication then given that he had killed her within an hour of her leaving home that morning.

Now, some 3.5 months after his arrest, and numerous police searches of surrounding areas, we are aware that :

  • Samantha Murphy is still missing
  • Police are in possession of her mobile phone
  • Said phone is apparently functioning
  • PS’s is remaining tight lipped
  • Seems his family members have left town
  • No one who knows PS or his family, is speaking publicly (rumoured comments but nothing specific either way)
  • His next court date is 8th August
  • PS has Paul Galbally, a high profile, high cost lawyer, in his corner

And that’s about the sum of it.

Despite the fact that here we have some of the world’s best sleuths delve into and analyse to the ent degree every imaginable possibility, including the weird, the wild & the wacky - I’m still searching for that something ‘concrete’, as currently things don’t gel for me.
Despite the fact that here we have some of the world’s best sleuths delve into and analyse to the ent degree every imaginable possibility, including the weird, the wild & the wacky - I’m still searching for that something ‘concrete’, as currently things don’t gel for me.
It's pretty standard police practice, once someone has been charged, to shut up shop and say nothing. If they have enough to charge, then there is nothing to be gained and everything to lose from revealing information to the public.
The surprising thing (to me at least) is that they have continued to search, and allowed the public to see them continuing to search. If they wanted to keep the phone secret, they could have. It seems like a tactical decision to go public with the finding of the phone.

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