Conspiracy Theory Sandy Hook - Dec 2012 alleged school shooting at Newtown, Connecticut

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Do you have a source or are you just going to post screenshots of shit you've dredged up online?

Why, you don't believe in facts.
Apparently there were nearly 500 kids enrolled, please show me the footage of them evacuating?
Please show me class list with all the students names in each class?
Show me an electricity bill to prove the school actually operated?
Why, you don't believe in facts.
Apparently there were nearly 500 kids enrolled, please show me the footage of them evacuating?
Please show me class list with all the students names in each class?
Show me an electricity bill to prove the school actually operated?

I'm asking for a source so I can confirm the facts. A picture of police cards with words superimposed over the top is neither a source or a fact.

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You can't claim a bunch of police cars is a FEMA exercise for sandy hook because there's writing over the photo, do better then that ablett.
You can't claim a bunch of police cars is a FEMA exercise for sandy hook because there's writing over the photo, do better then that ablett.

Nope, this is legitimate, irrefutable evidence. Please try harder to show Ablett WHY this did happen because clearly this writing over an image shows it did not.
Sandy Hook is a village of over 11,000 people. If the school was a stage and no kids were enrolled in it i guess that a significant proportion of the townsfolk were in on it too.

"Did you hear? There has been a shooting over at the Elementary School!"

"But that's been closed for years and is due for demolition".

"Nope. Over 600 kids enrolled apparently".

"But I live 500 meters from the place and my kids throw rocks at its windows. I haven't seen a soul there for years let along 600 kids".

"Cops and emergency services down there right now".

"Guess I'm a full king moron then. Know anyone in this small town whose kids go there? I don't."

"Now that you mention it, nope"

Seems legit.
I like being cynical of conspiracies but this is one I reckon has some credence. There's just so much intense weirdness and inaccuracies to everything.

I believe there are plot holes in everyone's life. Of course things don't always make sense. And you can always make an argument for most things being false flags. But Sandy Hook has so many inconsistencies and flaws in logic.
Its unfortunate that no one reads through all of the evidence posted earlier in this thread proving the existence of the school. This includes county budget and expense reports for years showing not only how much the school cost (along with other schools in the area), but how many students were enrolled. This is year on year and publicly available.

Add to this twitter accounts from teachers showing pics of what was going on at the school from day to day.

Add to this the school district education website showing the school was operating, as it had notices etc for mundane school events etc.n

There is irrefutable proof from multiple public sources for years to show that this was a regular school operating like any other.

Seriously, how could a fictional school be given all of this public money year on year (and again its in all of the publicly tabled budgets which you can go and revirw yourself) without one person raising it as a conspiracy in its own right!!

There's so much more to debunk the 'school didnt exist' myth, half of it buried early on in this thread.

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Its unfortunate that no one reads through all of the evidence posted earlier in this thread proving the existence of the school. This includes county budget and expense reports for years showing not only how much the school cost (along with other schools in the area), but how many students were enrolled. This is year on year and publicly available.

Add to this twitter accounts from teachers showing pics of what was going on at the school from day to day.

Add to this the school district education website showing the school was operating, as it had notices etc for mundane school events etc.n

There is irrefutable proof from multiple public sources for years to show that this was a regular school operating like any other.
I agree, there is enough proof in this thread to show that the Sandy Hook school shooting was in fact a reality.
Sadly, when you deal with Conspiracy Theorists you have to come to grips with the fact that they are thinking in the hyperreality.

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I still believe there were far too many anomalies.

- No Xmas Decorations at all
- The Father of Emily Parker laughing and smiling seconds before talking about his deceased daughter in a live interview.
- The Medical Examiner's interview was off the charts bizarre
- The website that shows zero internet usage from Sandy Hook
- Security Camera's were allegedly upgraded yet no footage showing "Adam Lanza" at least walking around the premises, something that America always does through MSM is show security footage just moments prior to any major crime.
- No footage at all of any bodies coming out on stretchers, every victim was fatally wounded, no-one injured and declared dead before any paramedics could enter the building
- Multiple Sandy Hook Residents winning tattslotto, some even won more than once
- MSM using footage which shows heavily armed Police Officers entering the sister school
- School Bulldozed and workers made to sign non-disclosure agreements
- Not 1 photo showing Adam Lanza and Ryan Lanza in the same photograph or even a family photo.
- The most ridiculously faked photo's of Adam Lanza, that all show him with the crazy eyed stare such as this one

Sorry but i just cannot believe this event occurred at least in the way it has been portrayed.

It either didn't happen or happened extremely different to how it has been reported by Police and Media.
I still believe there were far too many anomalies.

- No Xmas Decorations at all
- The Father of Emily Parker laughing and smiling seconds before talking about his deceased daughter in a live interview.
- The Medical Examiner's interview was off the charts bizarre
- The website that shows zero internet usage from Sandy Hook
- Security Camera's were allegedly upgraded yet no footage showing "Adam Lanza" at least walking around the premises, something that America always does through MSM is show security footage just moments prior to any major crime.
- No footage at all of any bodies coming out on stretchers, every victim was fatally wounded, no-one injured and declared dead before any paramedics could enter the building
- Multiple Sandy Hook Residents winning tattslotto, some even won more than once
- MSM using footage which shows heavily armed Police Officers entering the sister school
- School Bulldozed and workers made to sign non-disclosure agreements
- Not 1 photo showing Adam Lanza and Ryan Lanza in the same photograph or even a family photo.
- The most ridiculously faked photo's of Adam Lanza, that all show him with the crazy eyed stare such as this one

Sorry but i just cannot believe this event occurred at least in the way it has been portrayed.

It either didn't happen or happened extremely different to how it has been reported by Police and Media.

That's because you believe the points that you listed above to be fact. Almost every single one has been debunked (that is, those that have actual facts to them. Some are just opinion restated as fact, such as an expectation on how someone should grieve, and even that has a proper explanation based on medical fact).

Something else i need to pull you up on, is about how you mention how this is reported in the police and media. I posted this earlier in this thread as well (seeing as no one bothers to read through the thread anymore).

The questions most conspiracy theorists ask are banal. They are about inconsistencies in a narrative that any reasonable person would fully expect to be inconsistent. They signify nothing in particular.

Why on earth would you expect there to be an encyclopedic accounting of tens of thousands, of details? Why on earth would you expect there to be no inconsistencies in the media reports?

You are dealing with a scene that started in chaos, death, gore, terror, shock, and paralyzing fear. Accounts of chaos are going to be chaotic. Then you've got a developing scene involving literally thousands of people over a full day, and then into the weeks beyond. Millions of details.

Who will tell the story of this scene?

The police are concerned first with ensuring safety, and then with investigating. They want to figure out exactly what happened. But they are going to produce a report, and it's not going to satisfy everyone, because it's not going to cover stuff the police do not feel is relevant. Purple van with guys in masks? Not an issue, so not in the report. Guy in the wood? Policeman, not in the report. So the story is not going to satisfy.

The media are concerned with filling the air or the page with words and images. So they repeat what they see, they show interviews, they repeat things they heard, they read from police statements, they chat with each other. They are not interested in creating an encyclopedia.

Wikipedia is interested in creating an encyclopedia, and probably have the most useful account of events. But their account is drawn from "reliable sources", which is generally media accounts. So it's a synthesis of something that was created to fill space. A distillation, and and fairly consistent and useful one, but not really an in-depth one.

The individual, you or I, we can't tell the story in the encyclopedic detail that is demanded, because it's too big. There's already weeks and weeks worth of TV coverage. Millions of words in print. There were hundreds of people there. Can we talk to them all? It would take days simply to independently verify the bare bones Wikipedia entry. It can't be done.
Not one thread of video evidence that Adam Lanza was at the school!
What parent of their deceased kid laughs before being interviewed!
No bodies were ever taken away in the ambulances!

The Biggest thing for me is they have never shown 1 family photo..

At least 1 photo of the Mother and Adam or the Dad and Adam..

They love to play the sweet little boy growing up turned bad because of violent video games.

It's absolute tripe.
The Biggest thing for me is they have never shown 1 family photo..

At least 1 photo of the Mother and Adam or the Dad and Adam..

They love to play the sweet little boy growing up turned bad because of violent video games.

It's absolute tripe.
Thats the BIGGEST thing for you? That you havent seen a family photo?

If a photo was shown to you, what would it prove? If you saw this photo, would you then say " I can see that Sandy Hook is all above board, thank you for enlightening me"?
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The strangest thing I remember from when I was reading into this conspiracy, was the footage from above that showed all the people walking in and around the school. It just looked so, I don't know, fake I guess. Really unnatural. Not sure what it proves, if anything, but it's just another thing about this case that is bloody weird.
This recent shooting (hoax) at the mental health clinic you see ambulances close to the scene & numerous casualties being attended to, injuries bandaged & people on stretched being escorted into ambulances yet at Sandy Hook no ambulances were allowed even near the scene & they're wasn't one casualty sighted, not even Adam Lanzar( fictional character ) in a body bag.
This recent shooting (hoax) at the mental health clinic you see ambulances close to the scene & numerous casualties being attended to, injuries bandaged & people on stretched being escorted into ambulances yet at Sandy Hook no ambulances were allowed even near the scene & they're wasn't one casualty sighted, not even Adam Lanzar( fictional character ) in a body bag.

When do you think the first real mass shooting will take place? One that isn't a false flag operation.
This recent shooting (hoax) at the mental health clinic you see ambulances close to the scene & numerous casualties being attended to, injuries bandaged & people on stretched being escorted into ambulances yet at Sandy Hook no ambulances were allowed even near the scene & they're wasn't one casualty sighted, not even Adam Lanzar( fictional character ) in a body bag.
So Sandy Hook was a hoax because there were no casualities sighted and the mental health shooting was a hoax because casualities were being attended to? Strong logic. I'm convinced you are taking the piss and this is all for our entertainment.
Toump Ass has SANDY HOOK QUESTIONS he needs answered and clearly there is no better place to find the answers than here! Thanks in advance Unknown Identity The Slitherin' Snake @ash_1500 ablett


2. I get regular invoices for my internet usage. Who was the Sandy Hook Elementary School internet provider and where are there regular invoices for internet usage? What sort of plan were the on? Who paid for their website?

3. Why is it always a crazy person that shoots people? "Oh he had mental illness", "Oh he wasn't quite right in the head". I mean it's never a normal person that decides to go kill people, is it now? Always the same person!

4. Why doesn't everyone cry like I cry when I'm upset? I have proper meltdown/tantrums, but you see these guys on TV like "Oh yah, you know, boo hoo, someone took my only child and put a gun in his head and pulled the trigger, his brain like all over the wall at elementary school, but anyway tonight i'm going to make some waffles it's ok. Ban guns though".

5. Where are all the gory pictures of dead bodies? I want to see little children with bullet wounds in their faces and their guts hanging out of their torsos. I want to see bloodied footprints on the carpet. Where are the pictures? Surely this is in the public interest; if SANDY HOOK really happened I can't see why these images wouldn't have been printed on front page of every newspaper in the world and broadcast on daytime television.


When do you think the first real mass shooting will take place? One that isn't a false flag operation.
It hasn't happened yet, so what makes you think it will happen?
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This recent shooting (hoax) at the mental health clinic you see ambulances close to the scene & numerous casualties being attended to, injuries bandaged & people on stretched being escorted into ambulances yet at Sandy Hook no ambulances were allowed even near the scene & they're wasn't one casualty sighted, not even Adam Lanzar( fictional character ) in a body bag.

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Conspiracy Theory Sandy Hook - Dec 2012 alleged school shooting at Newtown, Connecticut

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