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Speaking of umpires the Woori v Wandin game there was quite a lot of laughable decisions. Particularly the Wandin interchange infringement.

For some reason they decided to go old school and "rest" the top 3 umpires in the reserves prelim ahead of next weeks GF. That rubbish used to happen 20 years ago - just run your top 3 in the prelim and the GF - not rocket science! I also believe the umpires coach appointed himself to the senior prelim which is quite bizarre - although he did give himself match of the day for most of the season. (Although one of the top 3 was called up to do the senior game due to another umpire injuring himself Wed night).
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For some reason they decided to go old school and "rest" the top 3 umpires in the reserves prelim ahead of next weeks GF. That rubbish used to happen 20 years ago - just run your top 3 in the prelim and the GF - not rocket science! I also believe the umpires coach appointed himself to the senior prelim which is quite bizarre - although he did give himself match of the day for most of the season. (Although one of the top 3 was called up to do the senior game due to another umpire injuring himself Wed night).

This ridiculous concept that the umpiring appointments need to be fair has to removed. Best umpires umpire the biggest games if the same three get the three senior grand finals so be it.
This ridiculous concept that the umpiring appointments need to be fair has to removed. Best umpires umpire the biggest games if the same three get the three senior grand finals so be it.

Not that simple. Implies that there is daylight between the top 3 and the rest of the pack which is not always the case. Past few years any of the top 6 could have done Prem. Plus you often have multiple GF's on the same weekend. If you also followed that tactic of same 3 guys doing D2, D1 and then Prem you'll find that they need to also cover all the next H&A season by themselves because everyone else has gone to other leagues!

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You’re the one taking pot shots at a club that’s got a hell of a lot more respect throughout the league unlike Wandin. Here’s a tip any monkey can recruit if they have no limits on what they can spend.
Says the ultimate authority of everything Yarra Valley footy. The facts are there for all to see, you want to call them pot shots then you do you. Predictable rubbish as per usual.
Says the ultimate authority of everything Yarra Valley footy. The facts are there for all to see, you want to call them pot shots then you do you. Predictable rubbish as per usual.

Straight after a prelim rather than enjoy the win you’ve got on BF to pot a bloke.
Then his club.

For some reason they decided to go old school and "rest" the top 3 umpires in the reserves prelim ahead of next weeks GF. That rubbish used to happen 20 years ago - just run your top 3 in the prelim and the GF - not rocket science! I also believe the umpires coach appointed himself to the senior prelim which is quite bizarre - although he did give himself match of the day for most of the season. (Although one of the top 3 was called up to do the senior game due to another umpire injuring himself Wed night).
Interesting selections there MIW. Wouldn't the coach be watching umpires to determine who is the best for the respective games and not be umpiring? Lots of issues/ problems with a coach umpiring finals or even H&A fixtures when they should be out and about coaching and developing umpires, especially those who need a helping hand.

Like a football team, the best umpires should be umpiring the best games each week and this is more important in finals. Clubs don't rest players and neither should umpiring groups.
Yes - every other league does it the logical way. But the coach insists he is the best! Many left at the start of the season to avoid the shennanigans - the rest just knew they would have to suck it up. Will be interesting to see what happens next week. There are 9 umpires left and 9 umpires needed. But 1 tore his calf last week so everyone is now wondering whether boss man (reluctantly of course) appoints himself to fill the gap! For his second GF after doing the vets!! There are umpires from D2 GF day who could step in if required so will be interesting this week. Bring the popcorn!!
Yes - every other league does it the logical way. But the coach insists he is the best! Many left at the start of the season to avoid the shennanigans - the rest just knew they would have to suck it up. Will be interesting to see what happens next week. There are 9 umpires left and 9 umpires needed. But 1 tore his calf last week so everyone is now wondering whether boss man (reluctantly of course) appoints himself to fill the gap! For his second GF after doing the vets!! There are umpires from D2 GF day who could step in if required so will be interesting this week. Bring the popcorn!!

He ruins every game he umpires.
Yes - every other league does it the logical way. But the coach insists he is the best! Many left at the start of the season to avoid the shennanigans - the rest just knew they would have to suck it up. Will be interesting to see what happens next week. There are 9 umpires left and 9 umpires needed. But 1 tore his calf last week so everyone is now wondering whether boss man (reluctantly of course) appoints himself to fill the gap! For his second GF after doing the vets!! There are umpires from D2 GF day who could step in if required so will be interesting this week. Bring the popcorn!!

Wasn’t last seasons format that each umpire was rated and given a GF accordingly?
So for argument sake if there was 38 positions available the 38th ranked umpire got a GF.

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That's how it's worked in the valley for years - and all other comps. Umpires are ranked on performance throughout the year and a top 6 tend to sort themself out by finals time. First few weeks of finals allow the top 3 to be determined although in past few years with the staggered finals series, the final order is usually worked out by second week of prem finals. 1-3 do prem, 4-6 do D1, 7-9 do D2 and then through reserves, etc.

No issues with boss man doing H&A games through the season - he needs to help fill the many vacancies. But the constant awarding himself match of the day has raised more than a few eyebrows. I think it was round 14 before he realised there was a div 2 lol. Quite a few keep in touch with me and whilst they don't agree or like it, they don't want to raise it and put a target on their backs. You don't see too many of Kim Jon's generals raising their hand!
That's how it's worked in the valley for years - and all other comps. Umpires are ranked on performance throughout the year and a top 6 tend to sort themself out by finals time. First few weeks of finals allow the top 3 to be determined although in past few years with the staggered finals series, the final order is usually worked out by second week of prem finals. 1-3 do prem, 4-6 do D1, 7-9 do D2 and then through reserves, etc.

No issues with boss man doing H&A games through the season - he needs to help fill the many vacancies. But the constant awarding himself match of the day has raised more than a few eyebrows. I think it was round 14 before he realised there was a div 2 lol. Quite a few keep in touch with me and whilst they don't agree or like it, they don't want to raise it and put a target on their backs. You don't see too many of Kim Jon's generals raising their hand!

No issue if he is better than the others. Surely the umpires understand that.
Weekend’s prediction is Narre to have a clean sweep of the footy plus the netball, with atleast a couple of pictures in the local rag of all the premiership cups stacked up on a table in the rooms.

Actually there might be an upset in D Grade netball, so the league can point to that and maintain that there’s a competitive balance
Weekend’s prediction is Narre to have a clean sweep of the footy plus the netball, with atleast a couple of pictures in the local rag of all the premiership cups stacked up on a table in the rooms.

Actually there might be an upset in D Grade netball, so the league can point to that and maintain that there’s a competitive balance

Wandin will win and it won’t be close. Think they’ll win a couple in a row even more so if Mitchener accepts their huge offer.

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