Official Match Thread Season 31: Round 3 - Gold City Royals vs Baghdad Bombers at The Golden Throne

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4 : 24.43 {lW} - Long handpass to the running Danger In Texas.
4 : 24.45 {lW} - A long looping handpass to GreyCrow.
4 : 24.49 {CHF} - A measured kick in the direction of CakeEater.
4 : 24.55 {CHF} - Horrific choice of kick and Tony Lynn 15 will mark unopposed.
Gold City Royals : 12.8.80
Baghdad Bombers : 12.14.86

Match Over!
Tony Lynn 15 saves the day for the Bombers. What a cracking game from both teams. The Bombers celebrate hard.
Rich (BB code):
GCR               1    2        3    4        6    5        12   8    80       
BOM               1    3        4    5        7    8        12   14   86       
GCR        HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt  BOM         HO  K  M  H  T  FF FA G  B   Dt
Noobz0r     0  2  0  3  0  0  0  0  0   12  The Jesus    0  4  0  3  0  0  1  0  0   15
Blacky      0  5  3  7  0  1  2  0  0   33  Pugsley      0  1  0  7  3  1  0  0  0   30
spookism    0  7  1  5  0  1  3  0  0   26  KohPhi       0  3  0  3  0  0  1  0  0   12
MrPremiers  0  4  6  5  1  0  0  0  0   44  MITS         0  5  2  5  1  0  0  0  0   35
brahj       0  8  9  6  2  0  2  0  0   65  Tony Lynn    0  8  7  8  0  0  0  0  1   62
Smartys Po  0  6  3  4  0  0  0  0  0   35  snozulu      0  4  3  2  0  0  0  0  0   25
The acurat  0  2  0  1  0  1  0  1  0   15  LicoriceAl   0  5  2  4  1  1  0  0  0   34
ShaunDugga  0  0  0  1  0  0  1  0  0   -1  Kilroy       0  6  3  5  1  0  1  0  0   38
Danger In   0  7  5  7  1  0  1  2  0   63  Santoz       0  9  3  8  1  0  2  0  1   51
Paddles_    0  7  3  5  2  0  0  1  2   56  Keg still    0  9  5  8  0  1  1  2  2   70
CakeEater   0  5  1  6  1  1  0  2  0   47  CALL ME SN   0  4  1  8  1  1  1  0  0   33
Ulahoopski  0  5  3  3  1  0  1  0  1   32  Here2telly   0  8  2  7  1  0  0  1  1   55
NTRabbit    0  1  0  2  0  1  0  1  0   14  iDon         0  5  1  0  0  0  1  3  2   35
The Filth   0  4  0  0  0  1  0  2  2   27  miggs        0  5  0  0  3  3  2  2  3   39
grumblegut  0  2  0  0  1  0  0  0  2   12  Antonio Bl   0  4  0  0  0  0  0  2  2   26
GreyCrow    12 13 0  5  1  0  1  1  0   68  BLUEALLTHR   10 8  0  7  4  0  0  0  0   64
Marlowe     0  9  0  7  2  1  1  0  1   48  kickthethi   0  7  2  7  5  2  0  0  2   65
nahnah      0  10 0  4  6  5  1  2  0   76  RobR         0  10 0  18 2  4  1  1  0   81
Easty       0  5  3  7  0  0  0  0  0   38  TheCoach16   0  2  0  2  0  0  1  0  0    7
Gadzorks    0  8  2  3  2  1  1  0  0   42  Jabba73      0  4  4  6  1  1  1  1  0   44

Rich (BB code):
            GCR   BOM
Hitouts   : 12   10 
Kicks     : 110  111 
Marks     : 39   35 
Handballs : 81   108 
Tackles   : 20   24 
Frees For : 13   14 
Frees Ag. : 14   13 
Smothers  : 3    0 
Ironouts  : 3    4 
Inside50  : 13   18 
Goals     : 12   12 
Behinds   : 8    14

Rich (BB code):
First Quarter :
1.54 - Rushed behind to GCR - GCR by 1 point(s).
7.28 - Rushed behind to BOM - scores level.
11.52 - Goal to Danger In Texas (GCR) - GCR by 6 point(s).
17.26 - Behind to Paddles_ (GCR) - GCR by 7 point(s).
18.3 - Behind to Tony Lynn 15 (BOM) - GCR by 6 point(s).
19.25 - Behind to iDon (BOM) - GCR by 5 point(s).
22.29 - Goal to iDon (BOM) - BOM by 1 point(s).

Second Quarter :
1.44 - Rushed behind to BOM - BOM by 2 point(s).
3.05 - Behind to Paddles_ (GCR) - BOM by 1 point(s).
3.47 - Goal to The Filth Wizard (GCR) - GCR by 5 point(s).
5.33 - Behind to The Filth Wizard (GCR) - GCR by 6 point(s).
6.06 - Goal to The Filth Wizard (GCR) - GCR by 12 point(s).
8.16 - Goal to Jabba73 (BOM) - GCR by 6 point(s).
11.15 - Behind to kickthething (BOM) - GCR by 5 point(s).
13.04 - Goal to miggs (BOM) - BOM by 1 point(s).
17.59 - Goal to miggs (BOM) - BOM by 7 point(s).

Third Quarter :
1.59 - Goal to iDon (BOM) - BOM by 13 point(s).
8.43 - Goal to Paddles_ (GCR) - BOM by 7 point(s).
10.22 - Goal to Antonio BlueVein (BOM) - BOM by 13 point(s).
11.46 - Behind to Ulahoopski (GCR) - BOM by 12 point(s).
17.03 - Goal to NTRabbit (GCR) - BOM by 6 point(s).
17.45 - Goal to GreyCrow (GCR) - scores level.
18.38 - Rushed behind to BOM - BOM by 1 point(s).
20.02 - Behind to Antonio BlueVein (BOM) - BOM by 2 point(s).
22.52 - Behind to iDon (BOM) - BOM by 3 point(s).
23.22 - Goal to Antonio BlueVein (BOM) - BOM by 9 point(s).

Final Quarter :
.47 - Goal to RobR (BOM) - BOM by 15 point(s).
1.52 - Goal to Keg still on legs (BOM) - BOM by 21 point(s).
3.11 - Goal to CakeEater (GCR) - BOM by 15 point(s).
6.45 - Behind to Marlowe (GCR) - BOM by 14 point(s).
7.3 - Rushed behind to GCR - BOM by 13 point(s).
8.06 - Goal to CakeEater (GCR) - BOM by 7 point(s).
8.34 - Goal to Danger In Texas (GCR) - BOM by 1 point(s).
8.59 - Behind to Santoz (BOM) - BOM by 2 point(s).
10.07 - Behind to Here2tellyouwhy (BOM) - BOM by 3 point(s).
10.44 - Goal to Here2tellyouwhy (BOM) - BOM by 9 point(s).
11.34 - Goal to nahnah (GCR) - BOM by 3 point(s).
13.33 - Goal to iDon (BOM) - BOM by 9 point(s).
14.53 - Behind to Antonio BlueVein (BOM) - BOM by 10 point(s).
15.22 - Rushed behind to BOM - BOM by 11 point(s).
16.53 - Rushed behind to BOM - BOM by 12 point(s).
19.46 - Goal to The acurate one (GCR) - BOM by 6 point(s).
21.16 - Behind to The Filth Wizard (GCR) - BOM by 5 point(s).
22.06 - Goal to nahnah (GCR) - GCR by 1 point(s).
23.1 - Behind to Keg still on legs (BOM) - scores level.
23.45 - Goal to Keg still on legs (BOM) - BOM by 6 point(s).

Rich (BB code):
Noobz0r              0 (On) Total : 100%
Blacky               0 (On) Total : 100%
spookism             0 (On) Total : 100%
MrPremiership        0 (On) Total : 100%
brahj                0 (On) Total : 100%
Smartys Power        0 (On) Total : 100%
Gadzorks             0 (On) 93.42 (Off) Total : 93%
ShaunDuggan          0 (On) 9.46 (Off) 97.42 (On) Total : 12%
Danger In Texas      0 (On) Total : 100%
Paddles_             0 (On) Total : 100%
CakeEater            0 (On) Total : 100%
Ulahoopski           0 (On) Total : 100%
NTRabbit             0 (On) Total : 100%
The Filth Wizard     0 (On) Total : 100%
grumbleguts          0 (On) Total : 100%
GreyCrow             0 (On) Total : 100%
Marlowe              0 (On) Total : 100%
nahnah               0 (On) Total : 100%
Easty                0 (Off) 9.46 (On) 97.42 (Off) Total : 87%
The acurate one      0 (Off) 93.42 (On) Total : 6%

TheCoach16           0 (On) 6.33 (Off) 13.56 (On) 14.1 (Off) 34.46 (On) 38.29 (Off) 52.13 (On) 95.52 (Off) Total : 54%
KohPhi               0 (On) Total : 100%
CALL ME SNAKE        0 (On) 13.56 (Off) 14.1 (On) 52.13 (Off) 54.27 (On) Total : 97%
MITS                 0 (On) Total : 100%
The Jesus            0 (On) 48.27 (Off) 78.42 (On) Total : 70%
snozulu              0 (On) Total : 100%
Santoz               0 (On) 18.4 (Off) 42.34 (On) Total : 76%
Kilroy               0 (On) Total : 100%
Tony Lynn 15         0 (On) 42.34 (Off) 48.27 (On) Total : 94%
kickthething         0 (On) Total : 100%
Jabba73              0 (On) 54.27 (Off) Total : 54%
Here2tellyouwhy      0 (On) Total : 100%
iDon                 0 (On) Total : 100%
miggs                0 (On) Total : 100%
Antonio BlueVein     0 (On) Total : 100%
BLUEALLTHRU          0 (On) Total : 100%
RobR                 0 (On) Total : 100%
Pugsley              0 (On) 78.42 (Off) 95.52 (On) Total : 83%
Keg still on legs    0 (Off) 18.4 (On) 34.46 (Off) 38.29 (On) Total : 77%
LicoriceAllsorts     0 (Off) 6.33 (On) Total : 92%

Total :  3600               Average :  90

  • While overall a quiet day for both players, Antonio BlueVein gave Noobz0r a bit of a touch-up. - 81m from 8 to 89.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, Blacky beat miggs today - but not by much. - 94m from 4 to 98.
  • While not all all one-way, BLUEALLTHRU had the better of GreyCrow. - 99m from 0 to 99.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, CakeEater beat The Jesus today - but not by much. - 48m from 0 to 48.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, it could be argued that CakeEater had the better game against Tony Lynn 15 - although there was very little in it. - 39m from 61 to 100.
  • While both players struggled to make an impact, brahj was slightly more polished than CALL ME SNAKE. - 32m from 55 to 87.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, CALL ME SNAKE won the bout with NTRabbit. - 22m from 2 to 24.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, CALL ME SNAKE and The Filth Wizard had an epic contest. - 19m from 28 to 47.
  • Despite neither player having much impact, LicoriceAllsorts and Danger In Texas were well-matched - there was no victor. - 85m from 14 to 99.
  • Spending most of the game pushing and shoving each other, Danger In Texas beat Santoz today - but not by much. - 12m from 0 to 12.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, Kilroy and Easty were evenly matched. - 87m from 10 to 97.
  • In quite a tussle, Gadzorks did very well against Santoz. - 45m from 48 to 93.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, Tony Lynn 15 massacred Gadzorks. - 35m from 5 to 40.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, kickthething gave grumbleguts a hiding. - 1m from 46 to 47.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, Here2tellyouwhy either broke even with MrPremiership or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 95m from 3 to 98.
  • In a comparatively small-fry arm wrestle, spookism did well against iDon. - 79m from 13 to 92.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, brahj did very well against Jabba73. - 52m from 2 to 54.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, grumbleguts beat Keg still on legs today - but not by much. - 2m from 28 to 30.
  • In a bit of an exhibition, Keg still on legs did a demolition job on Smartys Power. - 59m from 39 to 98.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, ShaunDuggan had the better of Kilroy. - 90m from 9 to 99.
  • While very slim pickings for both players, NTRabbit came out tops over the brave KohPhi. - 32m from 64 to 96.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, KohPhi had The Filth Wizard's measure. - 15m from 2 to 17.
  • While not all all one-way, kickthething had the better of Marlowe. - 42m from 55 to 97.
  • In an epic battle, Marlowe and Pugsley were hard to separate - though Marlowe was slightly more effective. - 46m from 9 to 55.
  • Neither getting, near the ball much, RobR did a demolition job on Marlowe. - 5m from 1 to 6.
  • While the match-up was a bit of a side-show, MITS did well against Ulahoopski. - 98m from 1 to 99.
  • In a solid performance, Paddles_ had snozulu's measure. - 96m from 0 to 96.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Pugsley and grumbleguts were hard to separate - though Pugsley was slightly more effective. - 0m from 64 to 64.
  • Regardless that this wasn't a huge game for either player, nahnah had Pugsley's measure. - 5m from 1 to 6.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, Pugsley was slightly more polished than The Filth Wizard. - 0m from 96 to 96.
  • While not all all one-way, RobR came out tops over the brave nahnah. - 90m from 9 to 99.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, Santoz won the bout with grumbleguts. - 1m from 16 to 17.
  • While overall a quiet day for both players, I'm not sure that what The acurate one did to Santoz should be entirely legal. - 5m from 94 to 99.
  • While worlds weren't set on fire, kickthething massacred Smartys Power. - 33m from 3 to 36.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, not much between Smartys Power and TheCoach16 - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 0m from 37 to 37.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, TheCoach16 either broke even with The Filth Wizard or vaguely bested him - it was hard to tell. - 33m from 62 to 95.
  • Neither having much reason to brag, The Jesus and grumbleguts were hard to separate - though The Jesus was slightly more effective. - 0m from 82 to 82.
  • In what was a very slow day for both, grumbleguts exposed TheCoach16's frailties. - 0m from 1 to 1.
4 : 24.55 {CHF} - Horrific choice of kick and Tony Lynn 15 will mark unopposed.
Gold City Royals : 12.8.80
Baghdad Bombers : 12.14.86

Match Over!
Tony Lynn 15 saves the day for the Bombers. What a cracking game from both teams. The Bombers celebrate hard.
It’s not just our celebrations that are hard!
Wow what a nail biter. Unlucky in the end Royals and bad luck on the loss.

Thanks for the enjoyable week of banter and best of luck for the rest of the season.

Thanks for posting Dingster

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Official Match Thread Season 31: Round 3 - Gold City Royals vs Baghdad Bombers at The Golden Throne

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