Event Season 36 SFA Players Association MVP - Beez Trophy - 15-16 December 2023 - To Be Continued AEDT 6pm

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Think this is the third time in a couple of weeks that I've said that this place continues to surprise. And boy howdy it's still true!

First up - with the conclusion of this thread Kennedy Parker completes his second shift as Admin and joins the [redacted]. Congratulations on completing another term (and for your top 5 finish tonight), both in running the league and being a big part of it, and may you not be a stranger to these parts. Go well mate.

Thank you to everyone who has read a post or a thread or seen a stupid shoop of mine and thought "Yeah that's the cut of my jib, imma sling some votes into him". This community is very much a release and a creative outlet for me, and it's humbling to think that others resonate with my shitposting. I appreciate all of you.

Falconista this will be you one day. You are everything an elite poster strives to be, and it's only a matter time before you ascend the final step. You almost pulled off the ultimate double - beez winner & premiership captain. Helluva season my friend.

TheInjuryFactory you're the true GOAT.

Tigerturbulance you are a force of nature. Well done on another top 5 finish.

To the rest of the top 20, and indeed all who polled votes, well done on having great seasons where your efforts were noticed by the wider SFA community. Here's to next season!

Finally to my Wazzas. Can't say this often enough, but I'm here because of you. The rub of the green may be ever elusive but what we have transcends anything a simulator could spit out.


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KP announced 2nd and 1st in the one post.

Clearly had enouglol okay, I must be in a half comatose state, the pace of the thread has taken its toll lol

Congrats Tonga Bob , also to Falconista for a great showing. Well done to all who placed.
KP announced 2nd and 1st in the one post.

Clearly had enough
That's standard for basically every count because when there's one to go the winner is obvious
That's standard for basically every count because when there's one to go the winner is obvious
Yeah, it wasn't that, I totally missed the announcement :tearsofjoy:
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The runner-up of the Season 36 Beez Trophy is none other than premiership captain Falconista. Falconista in many ways is the heir of Barrybran's throne at Gumbania except in Season 36, the prince becomes a king.

This season Falconista has taken over the maintenance of the ladder and statistics thread, reliably updating it each week like Ljp86 and Broken have done for so long and done an exquisite job - to the point where he was duly awarded the Frankston Rover Award.

Not only that, he ran Qooty Tipping, he made media threads digging into the view of admins and funny statistical quirks of ladders and even paid real money for Scott Cummings to do a cameo shoutout for Barrybran's milestone game which can be seen below.

But above all Falconista was the one to finally break the Gumbies drought and become the first premiership captain in 20 seasons to bring the premiership cup back to Gumbies FFC.

In the context of the history of the Gumbies. This is like the Wright Brothers taking the first flight, this Bill Gates and Paul Allen creating the Altair 8800 Computer. None of those guys are as revolutionary as Falconista who has invented the concept of WINNING at the Gumbies.

Congratulations to the new king of Gumbania on 2nd place in the Beez Trophy :crown::trophy: -- Falconista !!

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Wow, he's really gone and done it again. S35 - Beez Win, S36 - Mobbs Win, S36 - Beez Win.

Tonga Bob is your Season 36 BEEZ TROPHY WINNER!!!!!

After taking it out in the previous season, Bob has run the exact same play and score the win again with his high quality media for milestones, the Know Your Opponents write-ups and advertised through a playlist, the Qooty related statistical work with free kicks, the hosting of the McInnes Prize for the shoopers alongside Falconista. He's also played a part in Heritage Round selecting the S25-36 legends draft team alongside serial_thrilla ! He has all bases covered and 10 seasons after JoshWoodenSpoon went back-to-back in the Beez in Season 25-26, Tonga Bob does it in Season 35-36 to become the fourth dual Beez winner alongside JWS, The Filth Wizard and TheInjuryFactory !

Now I've noticed a curious timeline here...

PlayerJoshWoodenSpoonTonga Bob
DebutSeason 19Season 29
Wins First BeezSeason 25Season 35
Wins Second BeezSeason 26Season 36
Account NukedSeason 29

No matter what you do Tonga Bob DO NOT ENTER A BET WITH Harvey Manfrenjensenden in the next 3 seasons!

Congratulations on yet another Beez win continuing the Coney Island Warriors domination of the award! 🇹🇴

Not sure how exactly to conclude this write-up as I have Tonga Bob congratulations fatigue on this so I'm just gonna leave this here.


Damn so close. Bad luck Falconista

I know you'll get one soon.
Congrats bubble tea.

Just another meaningless popularity contest like the rising star…
No, thats the EKA. Sheesh, you think you know a guy ...

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Congrats Falconista - absolutely well deserved for the mountain of work you did in S36! Gumbies truly at the top of the tree this year. What a time to be alive!
S36 Rules and serial_thrilla Thread
S36 Rules and serial_thrilla Thread
S36 Rules and serial_thrilla Thread
S36 Rules and serial_thrilla Thread
S36 Rules and serial_thrilla Thread
I've never had an original thought ever
Think this is the third time in a couple of weeks that I've said that this place continues to surprise. And boy howdy it's still true!

First up - with the conclusion of this thread Kennedy Parker completes his second shift as Admin and joins the [redacted]. Congratulations on completing another term (and for your top 5 finish tonight), both in running the league and being a big part of it, and may you not be a stranger to these parts. Go well mate.

Thank you to everyone who has read a post or a thread or seen a stupid shoop of mine and thought "Yeah that's the cut of my jib, imma sling some votes into him". This community is very much a release and a creative outlet for me, and it's humbling to think that others resonate with my shitposting. I appreciate all of you.

Falconista this will be you one day. You are everything an elite poster strives to be, and it's only a matter time before you ascend the final step. You almost pulled off the ultimate double - beez winner & premiership captain. Helluva season my friend.

TheInjuryFactory you're the true GOAT.

Tigerturbulance you are a force of nature. Well done on another top 5 finish.

To the rest of the top 20, and indeed all who polled votes, well done on having great seasons where your efforts were noticed by the wider SFA community. Here's to next season!

Finally to my Wazzas. Can't say this often enough, but I'm here because of you. The rub of the green may be ever elusive but what we have transcends anything a simulator could spit out.

A speech befitting of a winner- well done mate.

There are plenty of wonderful posters not in the top-20 placings (and Tonga Bob exposed some very solid users who went voteless). The league is in good shape.

Seems I'm the meat in the "Freo trio" sandwich with TheInjuryFactory and Tonga Bob. Simultaneously I'm both scared and aroused- what a thrill for a Saturday night!
Congratulations to all the vote getters, especially those in the top 20. It is testament to the depth of the league that I see so many people outside the top 20 that have given me so much joy this season.

You’re a fantastic bunch of characters and these last two nights are a befitting acknowledgment to those who help make Sweet the dynamic community it is (and I’ve only just scratched the surface of it).

I doff my cap to Kennedy Parker and the other organisers for putting on a wonderful capstone event to S36. I hope you stick around and are clearly highly valued around the league.

A special mention to Falconista for a star making season. Qremiership Captain and a placing in the beez is a worthy reward for all your efforts.

Now to the real fun stuff. There’s a Holy Wazza Trinity that I can’t speak highly enough about.
Tonga Bob TheInjuryFactory and FootyGuy13 are all vital to the league and have given up so much time and effort to provide us with an astounding amount of merriment, organisation and creativity. I’ve recently been lucky enough to have a peak behind the curtain at your brainstorming and it’s mind-boggling the level of organisation and detail you put in. I cannot fathom the league without you. And that’s not even mentioning all the leadership and organisation you provide to Coney Island. Most importantly you’re all quality lads who I feel privileged to be on the same team and subsequently be supported by.

On an individual level I’m stoked FootyGuy’s low key/behind the scenes efforts were appreciated.

TiF is the Michaelangelo of graphics and I particularly enjoyed this result after the All SFA snub.

And Bob, what can I say that hasn’t been expressed by this historic run? You’re blazing a bloody special trail and setting a ridiculously high standard for Sweet. To do all this with a malfunctioning laptop as well is crazy :p
Mazel-ist of Tovs to you fine sir!
TiF is the Michaelangelo of graphics and I particularly enjoyed this result after the All SFA snub.
Are you able to elaborate on this alleged snub for us as I'm certainly not aware of it? The Beez and All SFA are two different awards with different criteria applied. If you aren't the best for the season in your particular position you may not be selected for the team.
It seems to make sense to me. Anyway, once again let's celebrate the winners rather than bemoan people not making it.
Are you able to elaborate on this alleged snub for us as I'm certainly not aware of it? The Beez and All SFA are two different awards with different criteria applied. If you aren't the best for the season in your particular position you may not be selected for the team.
It seems to make sense to me. Anyway, once again let's celebrate the winners rather than bemoan people not making it.
I really don’t as this is a night of celebration.
I shouldn’t have tarnished this occasion with my own personal opinion so apologise for doing so.
Let the celebrations continue!
I really don’t as this is a night of celebration.
I shouldn’t have tarnished this occasion with my own personal opinion so apologise for doing so.
Let the celebrations continue!


Top 3 now, and to the surprise of nobody it is the media maestro TheInjuryFactory from the Coney Island Warriors who has amassed another 1332 votes in the Beez to absolutely smash through the 10k Career Beez Votes Mark and become the new all-time Beez leader overtaking The Filth Wizard ( Record Alert!: Hate )

During the season TIF has created a community for all the conspiracy nuts to gather in one place and share theories about who really controls the SFA. He's maintained his staples such as the Three Things I Learnt This Week thread and took on the Mid Season Survey. He's done an in-depth analysis of rookie in-take and also hosted the popular TIF Awards. That's not even mentioning all his work helping out with graphics and awards he's done for me not just this season but across many.

TIF's contributions are insightful, humorous and high quality and he absolutely deserves the mantle of all time Beez vote leader.

Now having said that, I want to talk about something else.

What the * is this s**t TIF?

12th place in the Power Rankings for the Swamprats?! Seriously?

Literally the entire league went at the end of last season to watch Okey fail to kick his 1000 goals in the final round of S35. That's relevance. Okey also kicked 1000 goals in Round 2.

We ended up finishing top 4 kicking your top of the power rankings Warriors out of the top 4 in Round 16.

We're below the Roys who haven't been relevant since S25 and have no awards this past season? Below the Furies who are actively trying to destroy their own club? Below the Royals who were voted the worst team to play against in the midseason survey?

I demand that these rankings be appropriately revised in time for next season!

Congratulations TIF on another Top 3 finish in the Beez!

I suppose he had to win something 😉

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