Resource Season 38 Rules and Tribunal Thread

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I just want to be seen as a good admin, greatest of all time just makes it harder to be seen for what I truly am, a wonderful singer.
If you want to lift your singing cred we should do a duo together

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Gold City Royals wish to appeal the charge laid out by administrator @The Filth Wizard for a breach of section 4a "Failing to submit a valid initial squad in the squad submission thread by deadline"

The Gold City royals did indeed submit a valid squad list in the squad submission thread prior to deadline. As seen in the post below, the squad was submitted on 30th June, much earlier than the 20th July submission deadline. The Royals request this charge be withdrawn immediately.
This has made my day.
The Royals also argue that the penalty of 4 premiership points and a 2 game suspension for the captain (me) is is excessive in its nature and the punishment does not fit the crime.
This is fair. 2 game suspension is a joke of a penalty to match the 4 point deduction. 6 points and 1 game would be more fair, or 4 and 1. So many ways to skin a cat...
If you want to lift your singing cred we should do a duo together
Please no, your songs and KohPhi's videos, two things that I have vowed never to click Play on again, still getting over the trauma.
This is fair. 2 game suspension is a joke of a penalty to match the 4 point deduction. 6 points and 1 game would be more fair, or 4 and 1. So many ways to skin a cat...
I feel like it's an excessive penalty. Honestly a 1 game suspension and no loss of points for a first offence seems more appropriate given no one intentionally submits a team sheet late. Multipath offences, sure, throw the book at them since they haven't learned their lesson. I could have played the Charlie Cameron good bloke / record card given I've been a captain for 6 seasons and this is the first time I've missed a team sheet. World moves on.
I feel like it's an excessive penalty. Honestly a 1 game suspension and no loss of points for a side offence seems more appropriate given no one intentionally submits a team sheet late. Multipath offences, sir, throw the book at them since they haven't learned their lesson. I could have played the Charlie Cameron good bloke / record card given I've been a captain for 6 seasons and this is the first time I've missed a team sheet. World moves on.
Nope, has to be a team penalty attributed to it. You could make an inactive captain for a week, commit the offence, and then sack the captain and take over.

Needs to be both a slap to the captain and the team, who are both responsible for a simple task of submitting a team sheet.

I'm not against, in all honesty, teams from submitting ALL of their team sheets at the start of the season and then editing them as they go. At least, you shouldn't be penalised for not submitting a team sheet - you may have it wrong but that's not as major of an offense as simply not submitting one before the deadline.
This is fair. 2 game suspension is a joke of a penalty to match the 4 point deduction. 6 points and 1 game would be more fair, or 4 and 1. So many ways to skin a cat...
What’s the poor cat ever do to you? 🤯
I feel like it's an excessive penalty. Honestly a 1 game suspension and no loss of points for a first offence seems more appropriate given no one intentionally submits a team sheet late. Multipath offences, sure, throw the book at them since they haven't learned their lesson. I could have played the Charlie Cameron good bloke / record card given I've been a captain for 6 seasons and this is the first time I've missed a team sheet. World moves on.

Missing a team sheet has always been one of the most severe penalties in the game and the severity of the penalties is always determined by, and signed off by, committee representatives. It’s intended as a deterrent.

There’s no reason to miss a team sheet. It’s a copy paste job that captains (no scratch that, LEADERSHIP GROUPS) have three days to post. Having seen some of the later discourse I’m not sure if I was more disappointed in seeing easily closed loopholes come up as I was nobody else in your team going gee maybe we should have had your back here. The fingers were all pointed at the rules or the committee but you rarely see those fingers point backwards to groups of people that volunteered their eyes to notice something amiss.

Now the fact is this - every team knows they need to post a team sheet by deadline. Always have, always will. It’s the one rolled gold set in stone task for a club as long as they are in a season. A club that didn’t get one in can only look inward, especially if their game plan is waiting until the last moment. That also includes not contributing to rule discussion when that prompt is given every off season. I’ll also factor in not saying boo when another club gets penalized in the exact same way only a few weeks ago.

You’re a good captain and an important cog in this league so I hope the world does go on. I also hope you are one of our loudest voices when we seek to make any improvements in the coming off season because we need them.
Missing a team sheet has always been one of the most severe penalties in the game and the severity of the penalties is always determined by, and signed off by, committee representatives. It’s intended as a deterrent.

There’s no reason to miss a team sheet. It’s a copy paste job that captains (no scratch that, LEADERSHIP GROUPS) have three days to post. Having seen some of the later discourse I’m not sure if I was more disappointed in seeing easily closed loopholes come up as I was nobody else in your team going gee maybe we should have had your back here. The fingers were all pointed at the rules or the committee but you rarely see those fingers point backwards to groups of people that volunteered their eyes to notice something amiss.

Now the fact is this - every team knows they need to post a team sheet by deadline. Always have, always will. It’s the one rolled gold set in stone task for a club as long as they are in a season. A club that didn’t get one in can only look inward, especially if their game plan is waiting until the last moment. That also includes not contributing to rule discussion when that prompt is given every off season. I’ll also factor in not saying boo when another club gets penalized in the exact same way only a few weeks ago.

You’re a good captain and an important cog in this league so I hope the world does go on. I also hope you are one of our loudest voices when we seek to make any improvements in the coming off season because we need them.
There should be a rule for dumb appeals.

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If a player's or teams actions are having a profoundly negative effect on the experience and functioning of the league, or against the spirit of the Sweet F.A and attempting to and/or succeeding in undermining the integrity of the competition, then the committee and the admin will convene in the tribunal to decide on a suitable punishment. Penalties will range from an official warning to match suspension/s, depending on the severity of the offence as adjudicated by the Administrator and the Committee.

Any Committee member may formally lay a charge against another SFA player or team whom they believe is in Disrepute, by presenting their case to the admin in committee. This must include the player/team they wish to charge with BTGID and the reasoning for the charge. The admin will make a decision on whether or not the offending action was harmful enough to harm the integrity of the competition. If the admin believes it is worthy for a BTGID charge, they will put it to a committee vote. A majority of 7/13 is required for the offending party to be charged with disrepute.
Sec 7 is riddled with inconsistencies.

The "League" is not the "Game".

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Resource Season 38 Rules and Tribunal Thread

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