Official Match Thread Season 39, Round 1: Dragons FFC v Roys FFC at Ljp86's Lair

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3 : 18.13 {CHB} - That's a real finger-breaker in the direction of DragoDelph.
3 : 18.19 {CHB} - DragoDelph has surprised even himself by taking the mark.
3 : 18.23 {CHB} - DragoDelph takes off.
3 : 18.28 {lW} - Kicks in the direction of Drizzy.
3 : 18.34 {lW} - 3KZ is Football reads the play better and marks.
3 : 18.38 {rW} - 3KZ is Football signals for his teammates to present.
3 : 18.45 {rW} - Gets hands off within the nick of time.
3 : 18.48 {rW} - Round the neck decision - free kick to Ljp86.
3 : 18.52 {lW} - Drizzy with the ball now.
3 : 18.58 {CHF} - A measured kick to T2B_.
3 : 19.03 {CHF} - The ball spills free.
3 : 19.09 {CHF} - T2B_ breaks a tackle and is off.
3 : 19.13 {CHF} - Gives the ball to Ljp86.
3 : 19.19 {FF} - A bit of a miskick.
3 : 19.23 {FF} - Bradesmaen is the target but he's outplayed by Reardo.
3 : 19.28 {FB} - Reardo assessing what lies ahead of him.
3 : 19.34 {rBP} - Quick hands to Roylion.
3 : 19.38 {lBP} - Handballs to windyhill.
3 : 19.44 {lBP} - windyhill dummy's the handpass and then takes a bounce.
3 : 19.48 {lBP} - That's a fantasic tackle by Knifey Spoony.
3 : 19.52 {rFP} - Knifey Spoony sucks it up like a dustbuster and he's off and running.
3 : 19.58 {rFP} - HawkAussie runs past and takes the handpass.
3 : 20.02 {rFP} - HawkAussie dummy's the handpass and then takes a bounce.
3 : 20.08 {rFP} - HawkAussie may even have goaled.
3 : 20.13 {rFP} - HawkAussie adds a minor score to his team's total.
Dragons FFC : 7.6.48
Roys FFC : 8.7.55

3 : 20.23 {FB} - Reardo looking for a lead.
3 : 20.27 {FB} - Reardo looks at the umpire guiltily as he runs over the line. That's deliberate.
3 : 20.33 {FF} - Bradesmaen signals for his teammates to present.
3 : 20.37 {FF} - This should be a goal to Bradesmaen.
3 : 20.44 {FF} - And Bradesmaen gets it.
Dragons FFC : 8.6.54
Roys FFC : 8.7.55

3 : 20.48 {C} - Winning the bounce is DERRINALPHIL.
3 : 20.58 {lW} - A bit of space for Phar Ace to utilise.
3 : 21.02 {lW} - Phar Ace has a bounce.
3 : 21.08 {C} - He kicks across the ground towards SpecialBruce.
3 : 21.13 {C} - He can't hold it.
3 : 21.17 {C} - Who wants it? Purple Jesus does. Great stuff.
3 : 21.23 {lW} - Gets hands off within the nick of time.
3 : 21.27 {lW} - He takes the opportunity to bounce.
3 : 21.33 {lW} - Almost a throw to Lbaddie29.
3 : 21.37 {lW} - A quick handpass to Drizzy.
3 : 21.43 {rW} - Hands it off to Hatchy1992.
3 : 21.47 {rW} - Hatchy1992 had the opportunity to offload but is caught and will lose the ball.
3 : 21.52 {lW} - Phar Ace sizes the options in front of him.
3 : 21.58 {rHFF} - A spearing pass towards Aristotle Pickett.
3 : 22.02 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett slips at the crucial moment and its marked by Blaze Storm.
3 : 22.08 {rHBF} - Chief looking for a lead.
3 : 22.12 {rHBF} - Someone call a dentist. Chief has run into JackNah_8 and is hurting.
3 : 22.16 {lHFF} - JackNah_8 with a moment to look downfield.
3 : 22.23 {lHFF} - Almost a throw to royboy2.
3 : 22.27 {lHFF} - DERRINALPHIL on the end of this.
3 : 22.33 {CHF} - He tries to find Mooch with a chip pass.
3 : 22.37 {CHF} - Mooch can't mark but is able to bring the ball to ground.
3 : 22.42 {CHB} - DragoDelph takes them on.
3 : 22.47 {rHBF} - No-look handpass to Chief.
3 : 22.52 {rHBF} - Huge handpass to Ljp86. As good as a kick.
3 : 22.58 {rHBF} - He has time to take a bounce.
3 : 23.02 {lW} - That kick is a real floater.
3 : 23.08 {lW} - Over the head of Drizzy.
3 : 23.12 {rW} - 3KZ is Football streaming down the ground.
3 : 23.16 {CHF} - Thumps the ball forward.
3 : 23.22 {CHF} - One grab... Two... Three... Mark to Mooch.
3 : 23.27 {CHF} - Mooch sizes the options in front of him.
3 : 23.32 {CHF} - Mooch bounces the ball.
3 : 23.37 {CHF} - Great tackle on Mooch.
3 : 23.43 {CHB} - The ball is now with DragoDelph.
3 : 23.47 {CHB} - DragoDelph dummy's the handpass and then takes a bounce.
3 : 23.51 {rHBF} - Gets a handpass away to Chief.
3 : 23.57 {rHBF} - Whistle blows for kicking in danger.
3 : 24.01 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett takes off.
3 : 24.08 - <<< judge judy is coming on to replace fitzroybowiedog >>>
3 : 24.16 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett slowing down the play.
3 : 24.22 {rHFF} - He has time to take a bounce.
3 : 24.27 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett goes for a long goal.
3 : 24.32 {rHFF} - And he gets it.
Dragons FFC : 8.6.54
Roys FFC : 9.7.61

3 : 24.37 {C} - DERRINALPHIL palms the ball down.
3 : 24.47 {rW} - 3KZ is Football takes off.
3 : 24.51 - <<< Ge3ks is coming on to replace A Swallow >>>
Dragons FFC : 8.6.54
Roys FFC : 9.7.61

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3 : 24.16 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett slowing down the play.
3 : 24.22 {rHFF} - He has time to take a bounce.
3 : 24.27 {rHFF} - @Aristotle Pickett goes for a long goal.
3 : 24.32 {rHFF} - And he gets it.
Dragons FFC : 8.6.54
Roys FFC : 9.7.61
Aristotle Pickett with a crucial settler late on.
Got a goal
Missed it somehow. Someone keeps posting in the team PM while there's a match on. Instadrop.

3 : 24.01 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett takes off.
3 : 24.08 - <<< judge judy is coming on to replace fitzroybowiedog >>>
3 : 24.16 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett slowing down the play.
3 : 24.22 {rHFF} - He has time to take a bounce.
3 : 24.27 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett goes for a long goal.
3 : 24.32 {rHFF} - And he gets it.
Dragons FFC : 8.6.54
Roys FFC : 9.7.61

The move is repaid! Very timely.
4 : 25.01 {C} - The ball is bounced and DERRINALPHIL gets the tap.
4 : .1 {rW} - HawkAussie has it. What can he do with it?.
4 : .14 {lHFF} - No-look handpass to freo84.
4 : .2 {FF} - A wobbly old kick.
4 : .24 {FF} - Reardo did enough to prevent a mark being taken.
4 : .3 {FF} - Who wants it? Bradesmaen does. Great stuff.
4 : .34 {FF} - Sets sail for home..
4 : .38 {FF} - It's an ugly kick but its a goal.
Dragons FFC : 9.6.60
Roys FFC : 9.7.61

4 : .45 {C} - Both ruckmen fooled by a rare decent bounce up.
4 : .55 {rW} - 3KZ is Football takes them on.
4 : .59 {rW} - He handpasses to judge judy.
4 : 1.05 {rW} - Ljp86 applies the tackle on judge judy.
4 : 1.09 {lW} - Nobody's checking Drizzy.
4 : 1.13 {lW} - Drizzy takes a bounce and nearly fumbles it.
4 : 1.2 {lW} - He involves Ljp86 in the play.
4 : 1.23 {rHFF} - Searching pass in the direction of Ligma.
4 : 1.3 {rHFF} - Ligma gets too far under the ball.
4 : 1.34 {rHFF} - Ligma with a moment to look downfield.
4 : 1.38 {FF} - He doesn't waste any time in getting boot to ball.
4 : 1.45 {FF} - Anybody's ball.
4 : 1.49 {FB} - Reardo through heavy traffic.
4 : 1.55 {rHBF} - He looks for Mike.
4 : 1.59 {rHBF} - freo84 reckons he got a touch to that but the umpire's having none of it. Mark to Mike.
4 : 2.05 {rHBF} - Mike looking for a lead.
4 : 2.09 {rHBF} - DERRINALPHIL on the end of this.
4 : 2.13 {lW} - That kick is a real floater.
4 : 2.19 {lW} - The ball drops short of Phar Ace.
4 : 2.24 {lW} - Its hard and tough but Phar Ace wins possession.
4 : 2.3 {lHFF} - Handpasses to JackNah_8.
4 : 2.34 {lHFF} - Don't tell me he's kicked it.
4 : 2.38 {lHFF} - JackNah_8 doesn't let us down.
Dragons FFC : 9.6.60
Roys FFC : 10.7.67

4 : 2.46 {C} - Two-handed smash out of the ruck by Lbaddie29.
4 : 2.54 {lW} - Drizzy with all the time in the world.
4 : 2.58 {lW} - A long looping handpass to Lbaddie29.
4 : 3.02 {lW} - Watch out! Oh! royboy2 has laid Lbaddie29 out flat.
4 : 3.09 {rW} - 3KZ is Football hits the ground running.
4 : 3.13 {rW} - 3KZ is Football picks out a 2-on-1 contest and Drizzy wins it.
4 : 3.34 {lW} - Drizzy takes them on.
4 : 3.38 {lW} - Drizzy has a bounce.
4 : 3.38 {C} - He tries to find Purple Jesus with a chip pass.
4 : 3.4 {C} - Atrocious kick. Not even kilometre perfect.
4 : 3.42 {C} - Now SpecialBruce has the ball. What can he do with it?.
4 : 3.5 {rHFF} - Throws it onto his boot.
4 : 3.52 {rHFF} - Blaze Storm drops an absolute sitter.
4 : 3.54 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett assessing what lies ahead of him.
4 : 3.58 {rFP} - A quick handpass to Fleabane .
4 : 4.03 {rFP} - Sets sail for home..
4 : 4.09 {rFP} - It's a goal.
Dragons FFC : 9.6.60
Roys FFC : 11.7.73

4 : 4.13 {C} - DERRINALPHIL taps it down.
4 : 4.23 {C} - DERRINALPHIL weaves through the congestion.
4 : 4.27 {lHFF} - A spearing pass towards JackNah_8.
4 : 4.33 {lHFF} - Chief will take this. No - he's dropped it.
4 : 4.37 {CHB} - DragoDelph breaks free and has found some space.
4 : 4.43 {CHB} - He involves HawkAussie in the play.
4 : 4.48 {lHBF} - Kick goes sideways.
4 : 4.54 {lHBF} - Top mark - not paid.
4 : 4.58 {lHBF} - Not enough pressure on Blaze Storm.
4 : 5.02 {lHBF} - A wild handball - but luckily Ljp86 was well placed to clean up.
4 : 5.09 {lHBF} - He has time to take a bounce.
4 : 5.12 {CHB} - He elects to use DragoDelph and kicks in that direction.
4 : 5.19 {CHB} - Over the head of DragoDelph.
4 : 5.23 {CHB} - DragoDelph through heavy traffic.
4 : 5.27 {CHB} - DragoDelph takes a bounce and nearly fumbles it.
4 : 5.33 {rW} - Hatchy1992 takes off on a lead.
4 : 5.37 {rW} - Hatchy1992 spills the mark.
4 : 5.43 {lW} - Phar Ace has possession.
4 : 5.48 {lW} - Passes to judge judy by hand.
4 : 5.54 {lW} - DERRINALPHIL runs past and takes the handpass.
4 : 5.58 {lW} - HawkAussie rips the ball off DERRINALPHIL.
4 : 6.02 {rW} - Hatchy1992 sizes the options in front of him.
4 : 6.08 {rW} - Finds Ljp86 with a handball.
4 : 6.12 {CHF} - A short kick to T2B_.
4 : 6.18 {CHF} - Too long for T2B_ and Mobbs marks.
4 : 6.22 {CHB} - Running with the ball is Mobbs.
4 : 6.29 {CHB} - He has a bounce.
4 : 6.33 {C} - Mobbs touches the ball to the ground.
4 : 6.37 {C} - No-look handpass to SpecialBruce.
4 : 6.43 {lHFF} - A kick towards JackNah_8 territory.
4 : 6.47 {lHFF} - JackNah_8 in the best position takes the mark.
4 : 6.54 {lHFF} - JackNah_8 sizes the options in front of him.
4 : 6.58 {FF} - He gets his kick away.
4 : 7.02 {FF} - TheGoatBaron is caught under pressure and knocks the ball forward.
4 : 7.08 {FF} - The bounce favours TheGoatBaron and he is off and running.
4 : 7.12 {FF} - TheGoatBaron steadies himself and has a shot ....
3 : 9.01 {FF} - Now which way will it bounce? Ohr its gone the wrong way.
Dragons FFC : 6.5.41
Roys FFC : 8.5.53

3 : 9.11 {FB} - Reardo looking for a lead.
3 : 9.16 {rHBF} - His kick is towards Mike.
3 : 9.22 {rHBF} - Mike gets too far under the ball.
3 : 9.26 {rHBF} - Mike looks downfield.
3 : 9.32 {C} - A bit of a miskick.
3 : 9.36 {C} - Top mark - not paid.
3 : 9.4 {C} - Purple Jesus sucks it up like a dustbuster and he's off and running.
3 : 9.46 {C} - Purple Jesus has time to take a bounce.
3 : 9.51 {C} - Purple Jesus loves a shot at goal.
3 : 9.56 {C} - That's a telling goal from Purple Jesus.
Dragons FFC : 7.5.47
Roys FFC : 8.5.53

3 : 10.01 {C} - That's a shocking bounce!.
3 : 10.11 {C} - SpecialBruce does some crumbing and is away.
3 : 10.15 {rHFF} - Sees Aristotle Pickett ahead and sends it his way.
3 : 10.22 {rHFF} - Over the head of Aristotle Pickett.
3 : 10.25 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett streaming down the ground.
3 : 10.32 {FF} - A kick in the general direction of TheGoatBaron.
3 : 10.36 {FF} - Pie 4 Life will take this. No - he's dropped it.
3 : 10.4 {lBP} - DJ75 with a little space.
3 : 10.46 {lBP} - Quick hands to Lbaddie29 under pressure.
3 : 10.51 {lBP} - Lbaddie29 is chased down by royboy2 - great effort!.
3 : 10.56 {FF} - Its hard and tough but TheGoatBaron wins possession.
3 : 11.01 {FF} - TheGoatBaron goes for goal.
3 : 11.07 {FF} - Ohhr he should have drilled it.
Dragons FFC : 7.5.47
Roys FFC : 8.6.54

3 : 11.15 {FB} - With the ball is DJ75.
3 : 11.21 {FB} - He has time to take a bounce.
3 : 11.25 {FB} - Draws a man and then with hands to Ljp86.
3 : 11.31 {FB} - Handpass over the shoulder to Pie 4 Life.
3 : 11.36 {lHBF} - Throws it onto his boot.
3 : 11.4 {lHBF} - Blaze Storm misjudges it and it's an easy mark to Aristotle Pickett.
3 : 11.46 {lHFF} - Nobody's checking JackNah_8.
3 : 11.5 {FF} - TheGoatBaron and Pie 4 Life jostle for position.
3 : 11.56 {FF} - The ball spills free.
3 : 12 {FB} - The ball is now with Pie 4 Life.
3 : 12.04 {lHBF} - Blaze Storm calls for it.
3 : 12.1 {lHBF} - No-one can take the mark.
3 : 12.15 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett has possession.
3 : 12.21 {rHFF} - DERRINALPHIL on the end of this.
3 : 12.25 {rHFF} - Gets hands off within the nick of time.
3 : 12.31 {CHF} - A short kick to Mooch.
3 : 12.36 {CHF} - Mooch with a one-hander.
3 : 12.4 {CHF} - The ball is now with Mooch.
3 : 12.46 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett screaming for the ball - and he is heard.
3 : 12.5 {rHFF} - That's an extraordinary juggled one-hander to Blaze Storm.
3 : 12.56 {rHBF} - Chief looks downfield.
3 : 13 {rHBF} - A quick handpass to HawkAussie.
3 : 13.04 {rHBF} - A slick handpass goes to Ljp86.
3 : 13.1 {rHBF} - Crunching tackle by fitzroybowiedog.
3 : 13.15 {lHFF} - JackNah_8 takes off.
3 : 13.21 {lHFF} - The crowd will go nuts if this goes through.
3 : 13.25 {lHFF} - This should be a goal ... but it isn't.
Dragons FFC : 7.5.47
Roys FFC : 8.7.55

3 : 13.35 {FB} - DJ75 sizes the options in front of him.
3 : 13.39 {FB} - Brought down by Fleabane.
3 : 13.45 {FF} - Now TheGoatBaron has the ball. What can he do with it?.
3 : 13.5 {FF} - TheGoatBaron is crunched in a tackle.
3 : 13.56 {FB} - Pie 4 Life wants to get on with proceedings.
3 : 14 {rHBF} - A short kick to Chief.
3 : 14.04 {rHBF} - Chief gets too far under the ball.
3 : 14.1 {rHBF} - With the ball is Chief.
3 : 14.15 {C} - Pumps it long for Purple Jesus.
3 : 14.21 {C} - SpecialBruce reads the kick best and marks well in front of Purple Jesus.
3 : 14.25 {C} - SpecialBruce turns on the afterburners - look at him go.
3 : 14.29 {C} - Crackerjack bump by Purple Jesus on SpecialBruce.
3 : 14.35 {C} - Not enough pressure on Purple Jesus.
3 : 14.39 {C} - Purple Jesus handpasses - but straight to SpecialBruce.
3 : 14.45 {rW} - 3KZ is Football with some space now.
3 : 14.49 {rW} - Hands it off to DERRINALPHIL.
3 : 14.55 {rW} - HawkAussie sews DERRINALPHIL up in a fantastic tackle.
3 : 15 {lW} - Drizzy sucks it up like a dustbuster and he's off and running.
3 : 15.04 {lW} - Great tackle on Drizzy.
3 : 15.1 {rW} - 3KZ is Football has possession.
3 : 15.14 {lHFF} - JackNah_8 and Chief jostle for position.
3 : 15.2 {lHFF} - Chief comes in from the side to intercept.
3 : 15.24 {rHBF} - Chief assessing what lies ahead of him.
3 : 15.28 {rHBF} - Long handpass to the running Ljp86.
3 : 15.35 {lHBF} - Spears a kick towards Blaze Storm.
3 : 15.38 {lHBF} - Blaze Storm is caught under pressure and knocks the ball forward.
3 : 15.45 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett tucks the ball under his arm and scoots away.
3 : 15.49 {CHF} - Draws a man and then with hands to Mooch.
3 : 15.53 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett runs past and takes the handpass.
3 : 16 {CHF} - An underground handpass to Mooch.
3 : 16.04 {lFP} - Pumps it long for Elmer_Hauser.
3 : 16.1 {lFP} - A Swallow rises over the pack majestically.
3 : 16.14 {rBP} - A Swallow turns on the afterburners - look at him go.
3 : 16.2 {CHB} - A worm burner to DragoDelph.
3 : 16.24 {CHB} - Mooch upset the marking attempt by DragoDelph.
3 : 16.28 {CHB} - With the ball is DragoDelph.
3 : 16.34 {CHB} - DragoDelph runs into Mooch and is getting up very slowly.
3 : 16.38 {CHF} - Mooch wants to get on with proceedings.
3 : 16.45 {FF} - A kick towards TheGoatBaron territory.
3 : 16.49 {FF} - Spoilt by Pie 4 Life.
3 : 16.55 {FF} - TheGoatBaron breaks free and has found some space.
3 : 16.59 {FF} - Great tackle by Pie 4 Life.
3 : 17.03 {FB} - Pie 4 Life sizes the options in front of him.
3 : 17.1 {FB} - He has a bounce.
3 : 17.13 {FB} - Handballs to Lbaddie29.
3 : 17.2 {rHBF} - A short kick to Chief.
3 : 17.23 {rHBF} - Too long for Chief and JackNah_8 marks.
3 : 17.28 {CHF} - Mooch fighting to get a clear kick.
3 : 17.34 {rFP} - With his laser-like left foot.
3 : 17.38 {rFP} - DJ75 reads the kick best and marks well in front of Fleabane.
3 : 17.45 {lBP} - DJ75 sucks it up like a dustbuster and he's off and running.

3 : 17.49 {lBP} - A lookaway handpass to Ljp86.
3 : 17.55 {rBP} - Sees A Swallow out of the corner of his eye.
3 : 17.59 {rBP} - A Swallow stretches and takes the overhead mark.
3 : 18.03 {rBP} - A Swallow slowing down the play.
3 : 18.09 {rBP} - He has a bounce.
Damn! Out positioned me there! :mad:

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4 : 7.18 {FF} - He's dobbed it.
Dragons FFC : 9.6.60
Roys FFC : 12.7.79

4 : 7.22 {C} - Lbaddie29 gets one hand to it.
4 : 7.33 {lW} - Drizzy through heavy traffic.
4 : 7.37 {rHFF} - He kicks towards Ligma and Chezzalenko Reborn.
4 : 7.43 {rHFF} - Ligma can't mark. Chezzalenko Reborn can.
4 : 7.47 {lHBF} - Chezzalenko Reborn with all the time in the world.
4 : 7.53 {FB} - A lookaway handpass to Reardo.
4 : 7.57 {rHBF} - He kicks long and low.
4 : 8.01 {rHBF} - freo84 must wash his hands in superglue. Astonishing mark.
4 : 8.07 {rHFF} - Ligma with a little space.
4 : 8.11 {FF} - A measured kick to Bradesmaen.
4 : 8.18 {FF} - Reardo reads the kick best and marks well in front of Bradesmaen.
4 : 8.22 {FB} - Reardo with a moment to look downfield.
4 : 8.26 {lBP} - windyhill screaming for the ball - and he is heard.
4 : 8.32 {lBP} - Knifey Spoony intercepts the kick and marks.
4 : 8.37 {lFP} - VandoHawk looks downfield.
4 : 8.43 {lFP} - A chance now for VandoHawk who kicks at goal.
4 : 8.47 {lFP} - Off line - one behind.
Dragons FFC : 9.7.61
Roys FFC : 12.7.79

4 : 8.57 {FB} - windyhill has it. What can he do with it?.
4 : 9.01 {FB} - DERRINALPHIL runs past and takes the handpass.
4 : 9.07 {lHBF} - He gets onto his right side and kicks to Chezzalenko Reborn.
4 : 9.11 {lHBF} - Ligma was hanging around the back of the pack but the ball fell into his lap.
4 : 9.18 {CHF} - T2B_ takes off.
4 : 9.22 {CHF} - Quick hands to Lbaddie29.
4 : 9.26 {CHF} - Lbaddie29 goes all the way.
4 : 9.32 {CHF} - And he doesn't disappoint us.
Dragons FFC : 10.7.67
Roys FFC : 12.7.79

4 : 9.36 {C} - The ball is bounced to the clear advantage of Lbaddie29.
4 : 9.46 {C} - Who wants it? Purple Jesus does. Great stuff.
4 : 9.51 - <<< HinkleysHeroes is coming on to replace 3KZ is Football >>>
4 : 10.01 {C} - Purple Jesus weaves through the congestion.
4 : 10.07 {C} - He gets a handpass to HawkAussie.
4 : 10.11 {CHF} - Long handpass to the running T2B_.
4 : 10.18 {CHF} - Almost a throw to Ljp86.
4 : 10.22 {CHF} - Great bump by judge judy. Ljp86 has not moved.
4 : 10.25 {CHB} - Mobbs threads his way through traffic.
4 : 10.32 {CHB} - Finds royboy2 with a handball.
4 : 10.36 {CHB} - royboy2 bounces the ball.
4 : 10.42 {rHBF} - A wild handball - but luckily Mike was well placed to clean up.
4 : 10.46 {rW} - judge judy receives his handpass.
4 : 10.51 {rW} - judge judy nearly got done for running too far but he remembers to bounce at last.
4 : 10.56 {C} - SpecialBruce receives his handpass.
4 : 11.01 {rHFF} - He spots an option and kicks to Aristotle Pickett.
4 : 11.08 {rHFF} - Big mark by Blaze Storm!.
4 : 11.11 {lHBF} - Blaze Storm sizes the options in front of him.
4 : 11.15 {rW} - Quick hands to Hatchy1992.
4 : 11.21 {lW} - Handpass to space. Drizzy runs onto it.
4 : 11.25 {C} - Gives the ball to Purple Jesus.
4 : 11.4 {rHFF} - Thumps the ball forward.
4 : 11.44 {rHFF} - Top mark - not paid.
4 : 11.46 {rHFF} - Ligma with some space now.
4 : 11.46 {rHFF} - Ligma from just outside the fifty ...
4 : 11.5 {rHFF} - Perfect goal kicking technique. That's number 2 for Ligma.
Dragons FFC : 11.7.73
Roys FFC : 12.7.79

4 : 11.56 {C} - Neither ruckman can take advantage of the bounce.
4 : 12.07 {C} - SpecialBruce threads his way through traffic.
4 : 12.1 {C} - OOOOOOOooohh... Purple Jesus has poleaxed SpecialBruce.
4 : 12.15 {lW} - Drizzy is now off and running.
4 : 12.21 {rHFF} - Geeze he's got onto that one. Pressure on Ligma to mark.
4 : 12.25 {rHFF} - Great mark! No! The umpire calls play on.
4 : 12.31 {rHFF} - Its hard and tough but Ligma wins possession.
4 : 12.36 {rHFF} - Ligma nearly got done for running too far but he remembers to bounce at last.
4 : 12.41 {rHFF} - A slick handpass goes to Lbaddie29.
4 : 12.46 {rHFF} - A long looping handpass to Ljp86.
4 : 12.5 {rHFF} - Gets a handpass away to Lbaddie29.
4 : 12.56 {rHFF} - Great tackle by royboy2.
4 : 13 {lHBF} - Chezzalenko Reborn dances around Ligma.
4 : 13.06 {C} - A mongrel punt in the direction of SpecialBruce.
4 : 13.1 {C} - Purple Jesus rises over the pack majestically.
4 : 13.17 {C} - Purple Jesus looks downfield.
4 : 13.21 {C} - Draws a man and then with hands to HawkAussie.
4 : 13.25 {lW} - Sees Drizzy out of the corner of his eye.
4 : 13.31 {lW} - Anybody's ball.
4 : 13.35 {rW} - HinkleysHeroes weaves through the congestion.
4 : 13.41 {lW} - A short kick to Phar Ace.
4 : 13.45 {lW} - In the right place at the right time is Phar Ace who marks.
4 : 13.5 {lW} - Phar Ace has it.
4 : 13.56 {rHFF} - Kicks with his non-preferred side.
4 : 14 {rHFF} - Blaze Storm takes one of the best marks you'll ever see.
4 : 14.06 {lHBF} - Blaze Storm signals for his teammates to present.
4 : 14.1 {lW} - Handpass to space. Lbaddie29 runs onto it.
4 : 14.15 {lHBF} - Finds Ljp86 with a handball.
4 : 14.21 {lHBF} - Ljp86 dummy's the handpass and then takes a bounce.
4 : 14.25 {lHBF} - Lbaddie29 runs past and takes the handpass.
4 : 14.31 {lHBF} - Fires out the handpass to Blaze Storm.
4 : 14.35 {lHBF} - He takes the opportunity to bounce.
4 : 14.41 {rHBF} - A poor handpass but Chief is up to the challenge.
4 : 14.45 {rHBF} - Fires out the handpass to Ljp86.
4 : 14.49 {rHBF} - judge judy has been held out of the contest - the whistle has gone.
4 : 14.55 {rHFF} - Aristotle Pickett to send the ball forward.
4 : 15 {rHFF} - Gives the ball to judge judy.
4 : 15.06 {rHFF} - He has time to take a bounce.
4 : 15.1 {rHFF} - Crackerjack bump by Blaze Storm on Aristotle Pickett.
4 : 15.14 {rHBF} - Chief sizes the options in front of him.
4 : 15.21 {C} - Purple Jesus takes off on a lead.
4 : 15.24 {C} - Purple Jesus can't take it.
4 : 15.31 {C} - SpecialBruce has it.
4 : 15.35 - <<< Pickitt is coming on to replace VandoHawk >>>
4 : 15.45 {C} - SpecialBruce has it.
4 : 15.49 {C} - He has a bounce.
4 : 15.55 {CHF} - He has another one.
4 : 16 {FF} - His kick is towards TheGoatBaron.
4 : 16.06 {FF} - TheGoatBaron spills the mark.
4 : 16.1 {FF} - TheGoatBaron with all the time in the world.
4 : 16.14 {FF} - A gimme goal coming up if TheGoatBaron keeps his cool.
4 : 16.2 {FF} - TheGoatBaron's kick is close. A goal!.
Dragons FFC : 11.7.73
Roys FFC : 13.7.85

4 : 16.24 {C} - DERRINALPHIL wins the tap decisively.
4 : 16.34 {C} - SpecialBruce is now off and running.
4 : 16.38 {C} - Gets hands off within the nick of time.
4 : 16.45 {rW} - He transfers play using HinkleysHeroes.
4 : 16.49 {rW} - All up but nobody can take the mark.
4 : 16.55 {rW} - Now HinkleysHeroes has the ball. What can he do with it?.
4 : 16.59 {C} - Passes to SpecialBruce by hand.
4 : 17.06 {lW} - Gives the ball to Phar Ace.
4 : 17.1 {C} - Sees SpecialBruce out of the corner of his eye.
4 : 17.13 {C} - Purple Jesus will take this. No - he's dropped it.
4 : 17.2 {rW} - Hatchy1992 is now off and running.
4 : 17.23 {rW} - Lbaddie29 receives his handpass.
4 : 17.3 {CHF} - His kick covers more height than distance.
4 : 17.34 {CHF} - No mark taken as T2B_ and Mobbs wrestle for position.
4 : 17.38 {rHBF} - Its hard and tough but Mike wins possession.
4 : 17.45 {rHBF} - freo84 sews Mike up in a fantastic tackle.
4 : 17.49 {lHFF} - freo84 with some space now.
4 : 17.55 {rFP} - He kicks to a contest.
4 : 17.59 {rFP} - But chipping in front is windyhill.
4 : 18.03 {lBP} - windyhill wants to get on with proceedings.
4 : 18.09 {rHBF} - His kick is hurried.
4 : 18.13 {rHBF} - Mike appeals for the mark but play on's the call.
4 : 18.19 {rHBF} - Mike tucks the ball under his arm and scoots away.
4 : 18.23 {CHB} - He elects to use Mobbs and kicks in that direction.
4 : 18.3 {CHB} - Mobbs spills the mark.
4 : 18.34 {CHB} - Mobbs has it. What can he do with it?.
4 : 18.38 {lW} - Thumps the ball forward.
4 : 18.45 {lW} - Phar Ace outbodies Hatchy1992 and takes a brilliant mark.
4 : 18.48 {lW} - Phar Ace slowing down the play.
4 : 18.55 {lW} - A lookaway handpass to DERRINALPHIL.
4 : 18.59 {lW} - DERRINALPHIL can't pull the wool over the umpire's eyes that was deliberate.
4 : 19.03 {C} - Purple Jesus takes off.
4 : 19.09 {C} - A poor handpass but HawkAussie is up to the challenge.
4 : 19.13 {lHFF} - He kicks long and low.
4 : 19.19 {lHFF} - freo84 brushes Mike aside and takes the mark.
4 : 19.23 {lHFF} - freo84 signals for his teammates to present.
4 : 19.3 {CHF} - That came off the outside of the boot.
4 : 19.34 {CHF} - Man in front will be paid this mark - that's T2B_.
4 : 19.38 {CHF} - T2B_ has it.
4 : 19.44 {FF} - HawkAussie runs past and takes the handpass.
4 : 19.48 {FF} - This should be a goal to HawkAussie.

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Official Match Thread Season 39, Round 1: Dragons FFC v Roys FFC at Ljp86's Lair

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