1 : 8.03 {FF} - Was it touched? Goal umpire says no!.
Ophidian Old Boys : 2.2.14
Sin City Swamprats : 2.0.12
1 : 8.07 {C} - Neither ruckman can take advantage of the bounce.
1 : 8.14 {lW} - The ball is now with GotTheGoodes.
1 : 8.18 {rHFF} - A worm burner to Power Raid.
1 : 8.22 {rHFF} - Poor effort from Power Raid and thewizardmelon takes the mark.
1 : 8.24 {lHBF} - Who wants it? thewizardmelon does. Great stuff.
1 : 8.28 {C} - His kick covers more height than distance.
1 : 8.32 {C} - What a shocking kick - straight to tigs2010.
1 : 8.36 {C} - Running with the ball is tigs2010.
1 : 8.38 {C} - BloodySwan receives his handpass.
1 : 8.43 {C} - Irish BlueBagger was legged.
1 : 8.47 {C} - Elton Johns Wig looks downfield.
1 : 8.51 {lHFF} - That kick makes it hard for The_Kraken.
1 : 8.53 {lHFF} - ant555 claims the mark but its play on.
1 : 8.57 {rHBF} - ant555 takes off.
1 : 9.01 {CHB} - Fires out the handpass to Jewelsbon.
1 : 9.05 {lW} - GotTheGoodes trying to offer a lead.
1 : 9.09 {lW} - Here's a chance for an opportunist rover.
1 : 9.11 {rW} - Pugsley has possession.
1 : 9.16 {rW} - A wild handball - but luckily Tigerturbulance was well placed to clean up.
1 : 9.2 {CHF} - A long pass towards Dingster.
1 : 9.23 {CHF} - Over the head of Dingster.
1 : 9.26 {CHF} - Dingster has possession.
1 : 9.3 {lFP} - His kick covers more height than distance.
1 : 9.34 {lFP} - Too long for King Tenz and RPCB marks.
1 : 9.38 {rBP} - RPCB breaks a tackle and is off.
1 : 9.4 {CHB} - He rewards the Jewelsbon lead.
1 : 9.45 {CHB} - Jewelsbon is caught under pressure and knocks the ball forward.
1 : 9.49 {CHF} - Dingster dances around Jewelsbon.
1 : 9.53 {lFP} - Finds King Tenz with a handball.
1 : 9.55 {FF} - Handpass to space. gab213 runs onto it.
1 : 9.59 {FF} - gab213 wants a goal.
1 : 10.03 {FF} - It's a goal to gab213.
Ophidian Old Boys : 3.2.20
Sin City Swamprats : 2.0.12
1 : 10.07 {C} - The ball is bounced to the clear advantage of spookism.
1 : 10.13 {lW} - Who wants it? philreich does. Great stuff.
1 : 10.18 {lW} - philreich has made a real mess of this.
1 : 10.22 {C} - Running with the ball is tigs2010.
1 : 10.25 {rHFF} - Kicks with his non-preferred side.
1 : 10.28 {rHFF} - Power Raid marks well from the back of the pack.
1 : 10.32 {rHFF} - Nobody's checking Power Raid.
1 : 10.36 {rHFF} - Power Raid sells the dummy and helps himself to a bounce.
1 : 10.4 {rFP} - Power Raid is still looking for options and takes another.
1 : 10.42 {rFP} - Power Raid from thirty metres.
1 : 10.46 {rFP} - Power Raid doesn't let us down.
Ophidian Old Boys : 3.2.20
Sin City Swamprats : 3.0.18
1 : 10.51 {C} - Tigerturbulance palms the ball down.
1 : 10.56 {rW} - A bit of space for Pugsley to utilise.
1 : 11.01 {lHFF} - Geeze he's got onto that one. Pressure on The_Kraken to mark.
1 : 11.05 {lHFF} - But straight to ant555.
1 : 11.08 {rHBF} - ant555 is now off and running.
1 : 11.11 {rHBF} - Hands it off to spookism.
1 : 11.15 {rHBF} - Robertio might be in trouble with the tribunal after that tackle on spookism. Play on is the call.
1 : 11.19 {CHF} - Dingster slowing down the play.
1 : 11.23 {CHF} - Dingster is tackled beautifully by Jewelsbon.
1 : 11.25 {rHBF} - Not enough pressure on ant555.
1 : 11.3 {CHB} - He kicks across the ground towards Jewelsbon.
1 : 11.34 {CHB} - That's an extraordinary juggled one-hander to Dingster.
1 : 11.38 {CHF} - Dingster has a paddock.
1 : 11.41 {FF} - Gets onto his preferred foot and boots it long.
1 : 11.44 {FF} - All up but nobody can take the mark.
1 : 11.48 {lBP} - Its hard and tough but Rodney Dangerfield wins possession.
1 : 11.52 {lHBF} - Flicks it to sataris.
1 : 11.56 {lHBF} - Gives the ball to Ticky009.
1 : 11.58 {C} - A long pass towards tigs2010.
1 : 12.03 {C} - But he picks out Elton Johns Wig.
1 : 12.07 {rW} - Pugsley fighting to get a clear kick.
1 : 12.1 {lHFF} - He gets boot to ball immediately.
1 : 12.13 {lHFF} - The_Kraken in the best position takes the mark.
1 : 12.17 {lHFF} - The_Kraken with the ball now.
1 : 12.21 {lHFF} - But he's run too far.
1 : 12.25 {rHBF} - ant555 looks downfield.
1 : 12.27 {rHBF} - He handpasses to BloodySwan.
1 : 12.31 {rHBF} - Passes to spookism by hand.
1 : 12.36 {rHBF} - A slick handpass goes to ant555.
1 : 12.4 {C} - tigs2010 presents.
1 : 12.41 {C} - tigs2010 misjudges it and it's an easy mark to Elton Johns Wig.
1 : 12.46 {rW} - Pugsley looks downfield.
1 : 12.5 {C} - Elton Johns Wig screaming for the ball - and he is heard.
1 : 12.54 {C} - tigs2010 upset the marking attempt by Elton Johns Wig.
1 : 12.56 {C} - Elton Johns Wig dances around tigs2010.
1 : 13 {lHFF} - He doesn't waste any time in getting boot to ball.
1 : 13.04 {lHFF} - Here's a chance for an opportunist rover.
1 : 13.08 {rHBF} - ant555 takes off.
1 : 13.13 {lW} - A worm burner to GotTheGoodes.
1 : 13.15 {lW} - But Pugsley is standing in the way and marks.
1 : 13.19 {rW} - Pugsley picks it up on the bounce.
1 : 13.23 {lHFF} - A hospital kick.
1 : 13.27 {lHFF} - That's a great mark.
1 : 13.29 {lHFF} - With the ball is The_Kraken.
1 : 13.33 {lHFF} - ant555 drags The_Kraken down beautifully.
1 : 13.37 {rHBF} - ant555 signals for his teammates to present.
1 : 13.41 {lHBF} - Spears a kick towards Ticky009.
1 : 13.43 {lHBF} - Anybody's ball.
1 : 13.48 {rHFF} - sabso has it.
1 : 13.52 {rHFF} - sabso fifty-five out - backs himself.
1 : 13.56 {rHFF} - Punched through for a point by Ticky009.
Ophidian Old Boys : 3.3.21
Sin City Swamprats : 3.0.18
1 : 14.02 {FB} - Now GremioPower has the ball. What can he do with it?.
1 : 14.06 {rHBF} - Throws it onto his boot.
1 : 14.1 {rHBF} - ant555 wrestles with The_Kraken - and wins. Good mark.
1 : 14.15 {rHBF} - ant555 sizes the options in front of him.
1 : 14.16 {lHBF} - He kicks across the ground towards Ticky009.
1 : 14.21 {lHBF} - Spoilt by sabso.
1 : 14.25 {CHF} - Dingster sizes the options in front of him.
1 : 14.29 {CHF} - Dingster bounces the ball.
1 : 14.31 {CHF} - But Dingster tripped up Jewelsbon.
1 : 14.35 {CHB} - Jewelsbon has it.
1 : 14.39 {rW} - His kick covers more height than distance.
1 : 14.43 {rW} - philreich drops an absolute sitter.
1 : 14.45 {rW} - Nobody's checking Pugsley.
1 : 14.49 {lHFF} - Thumps the ball forward.
1 : 14.53 {lHFF} - ant555 plants a foot on The_Kraken's neck and takes a screamer.
1 : 14.58 {lHBF} - Ticky009 wants to get on with proceedings.
1 : 15 {lHBF} - Ticky009 takes a bounce and nearly fumbles it.
1 : 15.04 {lW} - Ticky009 is still looking for options and takes another.
1 : 15.08 {C} - He gets a handpass to tigs2010.
1 : 15.12 {rHFF} - He rewards the Power Raid lead.
1 : 15.14 {rHFF} - Spoilt by thewizardmelon.
1 : 15.18 {rHFF} - A bit of space for Power Raid to utilise.
1 : 15.22 {rFP} - Handpasses to BloodySwan.
1 : 15.26 {rFP} - A chance now for BloodySwan who kicks at goal.
1 : 15.31 {rFP} - It's a goal.
Ophidian Old Boys : 3.3.21
Sin City Swamprats : 4.0.24
1 : 15.33 {C} - spookism palms the ball down.
1 : 15.41 {C} - BloodySwan looking for a lead.
1 : 15.45 {C} - Great bump by Irish BlueBagger. BloodySwan has not moved.
1 : 15.47 {C} - Elton Johns Wig threads his way through traffic.
1 : 15.51 {rW} - Pugsley screaming for the ball - and he is heard.
1 : 15.55 {rW} - One grab... Two... Three... Mark to Pugsley.
1 : 16 {rW} - Pugsley looking for a lead.
1 : 16.01 {lW} - Gets a handpass away to philreich.
1 : 16.06 {CHF} - With his laser-like left foot.
1 : 16.1 {CHF} - Jewelsbon claims the mark but its play on.
1 : 16.14 {CHF} - Its hard and tough but Dingster wins possession.
1 : 16.16 {FF} - Irish BlueBagger on the end of this.
1 : 16.2 {FF} - Irish BlueBagger wants a goal.
1 : 16.24 {FF} - That takes Irish BlueBagger's goal tally to 1.
Ophidian Old Boys : 4.3.27
Sin City Swamprats : 4.0.24
1 : 16.28 {C} - Tigerturbulance gets one hand to it.
1 : 16.34 {rW} - BloodySwan with some space now.
1 : 16.38 {lHFF} - MP_ makes an offer.
1 : 16.43 {lHFF} - Over The Post drops an absolute sitter.
1 : 16.45 {CHB} - Braklet sucks it up like a dustbuster and he's off and running.
1 : 16.49 {CHB} - Handpass over the shoulder to Tigerturbulance.
1 : 16.53 {lHBF} - Gets hands off within the nick of time.
1 : 16.57 {lHBF} - A lookaway handpass to Tigerturbulance.
1 : 17.01 {lHBF} - Long handpass to the running Irish BlueBagger.
1 : 17.03 {C} - Elton Johns Wig presents.
1 : 17.07 {C} - But he picks out tigs2010.
1 : 17.12 {C} - Quality gather by tigs2010.
1 : 17.16 {lHFF} - A spearing pass towards MP_.
1 : 17.17 {lHFF} - MP_ uses Over The Post as a stepladder. Great mark.
1 : 17.22 {lHFF} - MP_ signals for his teammates to present.
1 : 17.26 - <<< Shuestar13 is coming on to replace jackster83 >>>
1 : 17.32 {lHFF} - MP_ with the ball now.
1 : 17.36 {lHFF} - MP_ has time to take a bounce.
1 : 17.4 {rHFF} - A quick handpass to Power Raid.
1 : 17.45 {rFP} - sataris on the end of this.
1 : 17.46 {rFP} - sataris takes a bounce and nearly fumbles it.
1 : 17.51 {rFP} - Not a lot of daylight for sataris to aim at.