State of Origin Series XV Fixture, Ladder, Results & Stats

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State of Origin is back!

Round 1 is set to kick off tomorrow with match threads available on Monday January 6th, as we get Series XV of Sweet FA's State of Origin underway.

A big thank you to Ant Bear for your support of the concept, and to the commitee, in particular Barrybran and Dingster, thank you for assisting to make the series viable once again. Thank you also to Kennedy Parker, without your determination to bring back the concept and make it a reality you wouldn't have inspired me to keep the concept alive for this series.

Thanks to all the skippers spookism, ClarkeM, Dingster, NaturalDisaster and Tarkyn_24 who have been huge supporters of the series and have contributed strongly to the logistics behind the scenes.

NaturalDisaster will be the chief simmer, supported by JoshWoodenSpoon, Barrybran and Hate.

Barrybran will be curating the stats for the series, with Ljp86 continuing his fantastic work with the ladder and round by round reviews.

Thanks to you all for your time and effort, without your input we wouldn't have a Series XV.

There are 120+ players taking part in this series, thank you for getting around it, I hope you all enjoy representing your states and mixing with players from all across the competition.

We have a huge month of qooty ahead, with Season 29 set to kick off at the end of it.

Welcome to Series XV.​
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SFA State of Origin Series 15 Official Premiership Fixture

Round One - 8 January 2020 (Opening Round)

South Australia vs Victoria Country at Adelaide Oval
Western Australia vs Allies at Perth Stadium
Bye: Victoria Metro

Round Two - 11 January 2020

Victoria Metro vs Western Australia At Melbourne Cricket Ground
Allies vs South Australia at Sydney Cricket Ground
Bye: Victoria Country

Round Three - 14 January 2020

Victoria Country vs Allies at Mallacoota Town Oval
Victoria Metro vs South Australia at Melbourne Cricket Ground
Bye: Western Australia

Round Four - 17 January 2020

South Australia vs Western Australia at Adelaide Oval
Victoria Country vs Victoria Metro at Moyston Cricket and Recreation Reserve
Bye: Allies

Round Five - 20 January 2020

Allies vs Victoria Metro at The Gabba
Western Australia vs Victoria Country at Perth Stadium
Bye: South Australia

Finals Week One - 24 January 2020 (Australia Day Long Weekend)

1st vs 2nd at TBA
SFA State of Origin Series 15 Starting Ladder

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Allies                 -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
South Australia        -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Victoria Country       -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Victoria Metro         -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Western Australia      -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -


• SFA State or Origin Series 15 Fixture announced
• First series since relaunch held before Season 27
• Five teams to take part, round-robin format with Grand Final
• Series 14 Grand Final rematch to take place in Round One

Round One Fixtures (Opening Round)

South Australia vs Victoria Country at Adelaide Oval (MOTR)
Western Australia vs Allies at Perth Stadium
Bye: Victoria Metro

Scoring Averages/Efficiency Series 15

Av Points                SF      SA      HF      HA      AF      AA    Goals  Behinds   Acc%    Rat%

Allies                  00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
South Australia         00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Victoria Country        00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Victoria Metro          00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Western Australia       00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00

Points Totals            SF   SA    HF   HA   AF   AA    H    A

Allies                    -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
South Australia           -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Victoria Country          -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Victoria Metro            -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Western Australia         -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -

Did you know? Allies and Western Australia have won the most SFA State of Origin championships with three each. The Allies also hold the record for most wins in State of Origin with 24 victories.
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SFA State of Origin List of Champions

Series     Winner

1          Victoria
2          South Australia
3          Western Australia
4          Western Australia
5          Western Australia
6          Allies
7          Victoria Country
8          Victoria Country
9          Allies
10         NSW/ACT
11         Allies
12         Victoria Metro
13         NSW/ACT
14         South Australia

Adding to the note that 2 teams lead with 3 pennants, if you count Victoria (first tourney) as Vic Metro, all the other teams (including non-participants this time around NSW/ACT), every other team has 2. So it's actually a tight fit.

Adding to the note that 2 teams lead with 3 pennants, if you count Victoria (first tourney) as Vic Metro, all the other teams (including non-participants this time around NSW/ACT), every other team has 2. So it's actually a tight fit.
I know that Metro are a charity case Mobbs, but you don't have to give them an asterisk'd win.
Rich (BB code):

KICKS                                 HANDBALLS                             DISPOSALS                             HITOUTS
PLAYER              TEAM       K      PLAYER              TEAM       H      PLAYER              TEAM       D      PLAYER              TEAM      HO 
Bloodied52          ALL        16     GCB85               VCO        16     Metalcrusher        WAU        29     Golumless           SAU        16
Carson Dial         WAU        15     Metalcrusher        WAU        16     GCB85               VCO        27     Agent93             WAU        11
JackBero            SAU        15     cadsky              SAU        14     cadsky              SAU        27     Knifey Spoony       VCO        10
TheInjuryFactory    WAU        13     Agent93             WAU        14     Agent93             WAU        27     AceAndy             ALL        10
cadsky              SAU        13     haydo               VCO        14     haydo               VCO        27     U2tigers            ALL         3
Agent93             WAU        13     TheInjuryFactory    WAU        13     TheInjuryFactory    WAU        26     TheInjuryFactory    WAU         0
Knifey Spoony       VCO        13     WaynesWorld19       SAU        13     Carson Dial         WAU        25     GCB85               VCO         0
haydo               VCO        13     SarahSmiles         VCO        13     Bloodied52          ALL        25     cadsky              SAU         0
Noobz0r             WAU        13     Art Vandelay_       VCO        12     WaynesWorld19       SAU        25     Biggie              WAU         0
Metalcrusher        WAU        13     akkaps              ALL        11     JackBero            SAU        24     akkaps              ALL         0

MARKS                                 TACKLES                               GOALS                                 BEHINDS
PLAYER                         M      PLAYER              TEAM       T      PLAYER              TEAM       G      PLAYER              TEAM       B 
akkaps              ALL        10     TheInjuryFactory    WAU         8     BRAB                ALL         5     CakeEater           WAU         5
Biggie              WAU         9     Callums_Guns        ALL         8     ant555              VCO         4     AceAndy             ALL         4
por_please_ya       SAU         8     Art Vandelay_       VCO         7     Knifey Spoony       VCO         3     BRAB                ALL         3
GCB85               VCO         7     Loonerty            ALL         6     CakeEater           WAU         3     larrikin            WAU         3
Carson Dial         WAU         7     iBeng               SAU         6     larrikin            WAU         3     Sparkle             VCO         3
fitzroybowiedog     ALL         7     GCB85               VCO         5     philreich           SAU         3     dogs105             SAU         2
Pie 4 Life          VCO         7     Matera92            WAU         5     TheInjuryFactory    WAU         2     SM                  ALL         2
Noobz0r             WAU         6     Knifey Spoony       VCO         4     Biggie              WAU         2     Elton John Wig      VCO         2
Lemon Boi           ALL         6     cadsky              SAU         3     Agent93             WAU         2     manangatang         VCO         2
HawkAussie          ALL         6     JackBero            SAU         3     Loonerty            ALL         2     harry000            ALL         2

FREES FOR                             FREES AGAINST                         DREAM TEAM                            EXIE
PLAYER              TEAM      FF      PLAYER              TEAM      FA      PLAYER              TEAM      DT      PLAYER              TEAM     EXIE
Agent93             WAU         8     SM                  ALL         7     TheInjuryFactory    WAU       112     TheInjuryFactory    WAU       127
Art Vandelay_       VCO         7     GCB85               VCO         4     cadsky              SAU        96     GCB85               VCO       117
Matera92            WAU         5     Callums_Guns        ALL         3     Agent93             WAU        95     cadsky              SAU       114
Callums_Guns        ALL         4     Lemon Boi           ALL         3     GCB85               VCO        94     Biggie              WAU       113
Golumless           SAU         4     cadsky              SAU         2     Biggie              WAU        90     Agent93             WAU       108
TheInjuryFactory    WAU         3     JackBero            SAU         2     Knifey Spoony       VCO        90     akkaps              ALL       108
SarahSmiles         VCO         3     haydo               VCO         2     Carson Dial         WAU        89     Carson Dial         WAU       107
miggs               WAU         3     Art Vandelay_       VCO         2     Bloodied52          ALL        88     Bloodied52          ALL       101
Carson Dial         WAU         2     Metalcrusher        WAU         2     akkaps              ALL        86     JackBero            SAU       101
Bloodied52          ALL         2     Van_Dyke            WAU         2     JackBero            SAU        86     Knifey Spoony       VCO       101
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Rich (BB code):

KICKS                    HANDBALLS                DISPOSALS                HITOUTS
TEAM         K           TEAM         H           TEAM         D           TEAM        HO 
WAU         161          WAU         137          WAU         298          SAU          16
ALL         150          ALL         127          ALL         277          ALL          13
SAU         137          VCO         122          VCO         247          WAU          11
VCO         125          SAU         107          SAU         244          VCO          10
VME           0          VME           0          VME           0          VME           0

MARKS                    TACKLES                  GOALS                    BEHINDS
TEAM         M           TEAM         T           TEAM         G           TEAM         B 
ALL          55          ALL          30          WAU          16          ALL          16
SAU          53          WAU          28          SAU          15          VCO          13
VCO          51          SAU          28          ALL          15          WAU          11
WAU          50          VCO          28          VCO          15          SAU           6
VME           0          VME           0          VME           0          VME           0

FREES FOR                FREES AGAINST            DREAM TEAM               EXIE
TEAM        FF           TEAM        FA           TEAM        DT           TEAM       EXIE
WAU          26          ALL          26          WAU        1115          WAU        1317
VCO          19          SAU          19          ALL        1046          ALL        1258
ALL          16          WAU          16          VCO         974          VCO        1167
SAU          14          VCO          14          SAU         965          SAU        1162
VME           0          VME           0          VME           0          VME           0
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Rich (BB code):

KICKS                    HANDBALLS                DISPOSALS                HITOUTS
TEAM         K           TEAM         H           TEAM         D           TEAM        HO 
WAU         161          WAU         137          WAU         298          SAU          16
ALL         150          ALL         127          ALL         277          ALL          13
SAU         137          VCO         122          VCO         247          WAU          11
VCO         125          SAU         107          SAU         244          VCO          10
VME           0          VME           0          VME           0          VME           0

MARKS                    TACKLES                  GOALS                    BEHINDS
TEAM         M           TEAM         T           TEAM         G           TEAM         B 
ALL          55          ALL          30          WAU          16          ALL          16
SAU          53          WAU          28          SAU          15          VCO          13
VCO          51          SAU          28          ALL          15          WAU          11
WAU          50          VCO          28          VCO          15          SAU           6
VME           0          VME           0          VME           0          VME           0

FREES FOR                FREES AGAINST            DREAM TEAM               EXIE
TEAM        FF           TEAM        FA           TEAM        DT           TEAM       EXIE
WAU          26          ALL          26          WAU        1115          WAU        1317
VCO          19          SAU          19          ALL        1046          ALL        1258
ALL          16          WAU          16          VCO         974          VCO        1167
SAU          14          VCO          14          SAU         965          SAU        1162
VME           0          VME           0          VME           0          VME           0
Geez Vic Metro has been a rabble so far - must be time to fold them!!!

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SFA State of Origin Series 15 Ladder after Round One

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Victoria Country       1   1   -   -    -    103    96   107.29    4     1W     W     +2      Ldr     -
Western Australia      1   1   -   -    -    107   106   100.94    4     1W     W     +3       -     Ldr
Allies                 1   -   1   -    -    106   107    99.07    -     1L     L     -2      -1     -1
South Australia        1   -   1   -    -     96   103    93.20    -     1L     L     -2      -1     -1
Victoria Metro         -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -     -1      -1     -1


• Country charge home to get revenge on Croweaters
• Black Swans break drought in one point thriller


South Australia 15.6 (96) lost to Victoria Country 15.13 (103)
Western Australia 16.11 (107) defeated Allies 15.16 (106)

Round Two Fixtures - 11 January 2020

Victoria Metro vs Western Australia At Melbourne Cricket Ground (MOTR)
Allies vs South Australia at Sydney Cricket Ground
Bye: Victoria Country

Scoring Averages/Efficiency Series 15

Av Points                SF      SA      HF      HA      AF      AA    Goals  Behinds   Acc%    Rat%

Allies                 106.00  107.00   00.00   00.00  106.00  107.00    15     16      48.39   93.75
South Australia         96.00  103.00   96.00  103.00   00.00   00.00    15      6      71.43  250.00
Victoria Country       103.00   96.00   00.00   00.00  103.00   96.00    15     13      53.57  115.38
Victoria Metro          00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Western Australia      107.00  106.00  107.00  106.00   00.00   00.00    16     11      59.26  145.45

Totals                    412     412     203     209     209     203    61     46

Averages               103.00  103.00  101.50  104.50  104.50  101.50    15.25  11.50   57.01  132.61

Points Totals            SF   SA    HF   HA   AF   AA    H    A

Allies                  106  107     -    -  106  107    -    1
South Australia          96  103    96  103    -    -    1    -
Victoria Country        103   96     -    -  103   96    -    1
Victoria Metro            -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Western Australia       107  106   107  106    -    -    1    -

Fast Facts

• Victoria Metro and Western Australia have met on 10 previous occasions with Metro leading the head-to-head record 6-4.
• Allies and South Australia have met on seven previous occasions with South Australia leading the head-to-head record 4-3.

Did you know? Western Australia's win over Allies in Round One broke a 10 game losing streak for the Black Swans and is their first win over the Allies since Round One of Series 11.
Not surprising - have you seen their lineup?
Unfortunately yes.
I raised this with a couple of people elsewhere but I was honestly underwhelmed by their squad list /lineup . On paper at least - my least favourite team.
Can't say that I do
It took a while, but I've found it:

The Half Back (VCO)

While I was searching, I also found a list of match winning points:

larrikin (WA)

You're welcome.
Rich (BB code):
TOP TEN (Round 2)

KICKS                                    HANDBALLS                                DISPOSALS                                HITOUTS
PLAYER              TEAM       K         PLAYER              TEAM       H         PLAYER              TEAM       D         PLAYER              TEAM      HO 
cadsky              SAU        15        sausageroll         SAU        15        cadsky              SAU        27        JackNah_8           VME        15
Tony Lynn 15        VME        15        Antonio BlueVein    VME        14        Jivlain             ALL        25        Golumless           SAU        14
Ljp86               WAU        14        Ned_Flanders        VME        14        Tony Lynn 15        VME        24        AceAndy             ALL        11
Golumless           SAU        13        Jivlain             ALL        13        Antonio BlueVein    VME        24        TY24                WAU         8
Jivlain             ALL        12        CazC30              WAU        13        Ned_Flanders        VME        24        Agent93             WAU         7
NaturalDisaster     VME        12        cadsky              SAU        12        sausageroll         SAU        23        U2tigers            ALL         4
Carson Dial         WAU        11        Callums_Guns        ALL        12        CazC30              WAU        22        philreich           SAU         0
akkaps              ALL        11        JackBero            SAU        12        Riviat              ALL        22        CakeEater           WAU         0
beez                VME        11        Riviat              ALL        12        beez                VME        21        Proper Gander       VME         0
TheInjuryFactory    WAU        11        Barrybran           WAU        12        Callums_Guns        ALL        20        DemonJim            VME         0

MARKS                                    TACKLES                                  GOALS                                    BEHINDS
PLAYER              TEAM       M         PLAYER              TEAM       T         PLAYER              TEAM       G         PLAYER              TEAM       B 
akkaps              ALL        10        Loonerty            ALL         7        philreich           SAU         6        CakeEater           WAU         4
NaturalDisaster     VME         8        Tony Lynn 15        VME         6        CakeEater           WAU         5        philreich           SAU         3
ArdentEagle         WAU         8        TheInjuryFactory    WAU         6        Proper Gander       VME         4        I Dont Care         ALL         3
JoshWoodenSpoon     WAU         8        MWPP                WAU         5        Golumless           SAU         3        Yakker              ALL         3
Antonio BlueVein    VME         7        GreyCrow            SAU         5        DemonJim            VME         3        Proper Gander       VME         2
JackBero            SAU         7        Golumless           SAU         4        BRAB                ALL         3        Tony Lynn 15        VME         2
Metalcrusher        WAU         7        Cadaver             SAU         4        harry000            ALL         3        U2tigers            ALL         2
I Dont Care         ALL         6        U2tigers            ALL         4        CALL ME SNAKE       VME         3        Golumless           SAU         1
beez                VME         6        AceAndy             ALL         4        Jivlain             ALL         2        DemonJim            VME         1
iBeng               SAU         6        AuntyBlindEye       VME         3        KohPhi              VME         2        BRAB                ALL         1

FREES FOR                                FREES AGAINST                            DREAM TEAM                               EXIE
PLAYER              TEAM      FF         PLAYER              TEAM      FA         PLAYER              TEAM      DT         PLAYER              TEAM     EXIE
Callums_Guns        ALL         5        Golumless           SAU         4        Tony Lynn 15        VME        95        Golumless           SAU       110
TheInjuryFactory    WAU         5        Wacky Tiger         SAU         4        Golumless           SAU        92        Antonio BlueVein    VME       109
Golumless           SAU         4        DemonJim            VME         3        Antonio BlueVein    VME        91        Tony Lynn 15        VME       103
DemonJim            VME         3        I Dont Care         ALL         3        cadsky              SAU        88        sausageroll         SAU       100
MWPP                WAU         3        NaturalDisaster     VME         3        sausageroll         SAU        83        DemonJim            VME        98
ArdentEagle         WAU         3        ArdentEagle         WAU         3        Jivlain             ALL        82        beez                VME        98
Blaze Storm         VME         3        Far Kern            SAU         3        beez                VME        81        Jivlain             ALL        97
BRAB                ALL         2        Jivlain             ALL         2        CakeEater           WAU        78        cadsky              SAU        97
Cadaver             SAU         2        Sab22               VME         2        DemonJim            VME        77        CakeEater           WAU        96
The Filth Wizard    ALL         2        BEEG                VME         2        Ljp86               WAU        77        JackBero            SAU        96

Rich (BB code):

KICKS                    HANDBALLS                DISPOSALS                HITOUTS
TEAM         K           TEAM         H           TEAM         D           TEAM        HO 
VME         138          SAU         122          SAU         257          WAU          15
SAU         135          VME         118          VME         256          ALL          15
ALL         133          ALL         117          ALL         250          VME          15
WAU         132          WAU         104          WAU         236          SAU          14
VCO           0          VCO           0          VCO           0          VCO           0

MARKS                    TACKLES                  GOALS                    BEHINDS
TEAM         M           TEAM         T           TEAM         G           TEAM         B 
VME          54          ALL          28          VME          20          ALL          10
WAU          52          WAU          26          SAU          19          VME           8
ALL          51          SAU          25          ALL          13          SAU           7
SAU          48          VME          21          WAU          12          WAU           6
VCO           0          VCO           0          VCO           0          VCO           0

FREES FOR                FREES AGAINST            DREAM TEAM               EXIE
TEAM        FF           TEAM        FA           TEAM        DT           TEAM       EXIE
ALL          20          SAU          20          VME        1005          VME        1204
WAU          16          VME          16          SAU         983          SAU        1177
SAU          15          ALL          15          ALL         976          ALL        1167
VME          14          WAU          14          WAU         931          WAU        1115
VCO           0          VCO           0          VCO           0          VCO           0
Rich (BB code):
TOP TEN (Tournament)

KICKS                                    HANDBALLS                                DISPOSALS                                HITOUTS
PLAYER              TEAM       K         PLAYER              TEAM       H         PLAYER              TEAM       D         PLAYER              TEAM      HO 
cadsky              SAU        28        cadsky              SAU        26        cadsky              SAU        54        Golumless           SAU        30
Ljp86               WAU        27        Riviat              ALL        22        JackBero            SAU        44        AceAndy             ALL        21
Carson Dial         WAU        26        Barrybran           WAU        22        Metalcrusher        WAU        44        Agent93             WAU        18
Bloodied52          ALL        24        Callums_Guns        ALL        21        TheInjuryFactory    WAU        43        JackNah_8           VME        15
Metalcrusher        WAU        24        JackBero            SAU        21        Bloodied52          ALL        42        Knifey Spoony       VCO        10
TheInjuryFactory    WAU        24        Loonerty            ALL        20        Ljp86               WAU        41        TY24                WAU         8
JackBero            SAU        23        Agent93             WAU        20        Loonerty            ALL        40        U2tigers            ALL         7
akkaps              ALL        22        Metalcrusher        WAU        20        Carson Dial         WAU        40        akkaps              ALL         0
Golumless           SAU        22        TheInjuryFactory    WAU        19        akkaps              ALL        39        Bloodied52          ALL         0
Noobz0r             WAU        21        Bloodied52          ALL        18        Agent93             WAU        39        BRAB                ALL         0

MARKS                                    TACKLES                                  GOALS                                    BEHINDS
PLAYER              TEAM       M         PLAYER              TEAM       T         PLAYER              TEAM       G         PLAYER              TEAM       B 
akkaps              ALL        20        TheInjuryFactory    WAU        14        philreich           SAU         9        CakeEater           WAU         9
HawkAussie          ALL        11        Loonerty            ALL        13        BRAB                ALL         8        AceAndy             ALL         4
por_please_ya       SAU        11        Callums_Guns        ALL        11        CakeEater           WAU         8        BRAB                ALL         4
sausageroll         SAU        11        Cadaver             SAU         7        harry000            ALL         5        philreich           SAU         4
JoshWoodenSpoon     WAU        11        GreyCrow            SAU         7        Golumless           SAU         4        I Dont Care         ALL         3
fitzroybowiedog     ALL        10        iBeng               SAU         7        Milera2Betts        SAU         4        Yakker              ALL         3
JackBero            SAU        10        Art Vandelay_       VCO         7        ant555              VCO         4        dogs105             SAU         3
VSTone              SAU        10        MWPP                WAU         7        Proper Gander       VME         4        Sparkle             VCO         3
Biggie              WAU        10        AceAndy             ALL         6        Norma Lee Ava       SAU         3        Larrikin            WAU         3
Carson Dial         WAU        10        Tony Lynn 15        VME         6        Knifey Spoony       VCO         3        harry000            ALL         2

FREES FOR                                FREES AGAINST                            DREAM TEAM                               EXIE
PLAYER              TEAM      FF         PLAYER              TEAM      FA         PLAYER              TEAM      DT         PLAYER              TEAM     EXIE
Callums_Guns        ALL         9        SM                  ALL         7        cadsky              SAU       184        cadsky              SAU       211
Agent93             WAU         9        Callums_Guns        ALL         5        TheInjuryFactory    WAU       183        TheInjuryFactory    WAU       210
Golumless           SAU         8        Golumless           SAU         5        Loonerty            ALL       163        akkaps              ALL       203
TheInjuryFactory    WAU         8        Wacky Tiger         SAU         5        JackBero            SAU       163        JackBero            SAU       197
Art Vandelay_       VCO         7        GCB85               VCO         4        akkaps              ALL       159        Loonerty            ALL       186
Matera92            WAU         5        Metalcrusher        WAU         4        Bloodied52          ALL       153        Bloodied52          ALL       183
Bloodied52          ALL         4        Bloodied52          ALL         3        Golumless           SAU       152        Golumless           SAU       177
Loonerty            ALL         4        I Dont Care         ALL         3        Agent93             WAU       150        Carson Dial         WAU       174
AceAndy             ALL         3        Lemon Boi           ALL         3        Carson Dial         WAU       147        Agent93             WAU       172
Cadaver             SAU         3        Far Kern            SAU         3        Ljp86               WAU       144        Ljp86               WAU       168
Rich (BB code):
TEAM STATS (Tournament)

KICKS                    HANDBALLS                DISPOSALS                HITOUTS
TEAM         K           TEAM         H           TEAM         D           TEAM        HO 
WAU         293          ALL         244          WAU         534          SAU          30
ALL         283          WAU         241          ALL         527          ALL          28
SAU         272          SAU         229          SAU         501          WAU          26
VME         138          VCO         122          VME         256          VME          15
VCO         125          VME         118          VCO         247          VCO          10

MARKS                    TACKLES                  GOALS                    BEHINDS
TEAM         M           TEAM         T           TEAM         G           TEAM         B 
ALL         106          ALL          58          SAU          34          ALL          26
WAU         102          WAU          54          WAU          28          WAU          17
SAU         101          SAU          53          ALL          28          SAU          13
VME          54          VCO          28          VME          20          VCO          13
VCO          51          VME          21          VCO          15          VME           8

FREES FOR                FREES AGAINST            DREAM TEAM               EXIE
TEAM        FF           TEAM        FA           TEAM        DT           TEAM       EXIE
WAU          42          ALL          41          WAU        2046          WAU        2432
ALL          36          SAU          39          ALL        2022          ALL        2425
SAU          29          WAU          30          SAU        1948          SAU        2339
VCO          19          VME          16          VME        1005          VME        1204
VME          14          VCO          14          VCO         974          VCO        1167
SFA State of Origin Series 15 Ladder after Round Two

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Victoria Metro         1   1   -   -    -    128    78   164.10    4     1W     W     +4      Ldr     -
South Australia        2   1   1   -    -    217   191   113.61    4     1W     LW    +2       -     Ldr
Victoria Country       1   1   -   -    -    103    96   107.29    4     1W     W     -2       -      -
Western Australia      2   1   1   -    -    185   234    79.06    4     1L     WL    -2       -      -
Allies                 2   -   2   -    -    194   228    85.09    -     2L     LL    -2      -1     -1


philreich boots six as Croweaters rebound against Allies
• Metro prove too strong for Black Swans


Allies 13.10 (88) lost to South Australia 19.7 (121)
Victoria Metro 20.8 (128) defeated Western Australia 12.6 (78)

Round Three Fixtures - 14 January 2020

Victoria Country vs Allies at Mallacoota Town Oval
Victoria Metro vs South Australia at Melbourne Cricket Ground (MOTR)
Bye: Western Australia

Scoring Averages/Efficiency Series 15

Av Points                SF      SA      HF      HA      AF      AA    Goals  Behinds   Acc%    Rat%

Allies                  97.00  114.00   88.00  121.00  106.00  107.00    28     26      51.85  107.69
South Australia        108.50   95.50   96.00  103.00  121.00   88.00    34     13      72.34  261.54
Victoria Country       103.00   96.00   00.00   00.00  103.00   96.00    15     13      53.57  115.38
Victoria Metro         128.00   78.00  128.00   78.00   00.00   00.00    20      8      71.43  250.00
Western Australia       92.50  117.00  107.00  106.00   78.00  128.00    28     17      62.22  164.71

Totals                    827     827     419     408     408     419   125     77

Averages               103.38  103.38  104.75  102.00  102.00  104.75    25.00  15.40   61.88  162.34

Points Totals            SF   SA    HF   HA   AF   AA    H    A

Allies                  194  228    88  121  106  107    1    1
South Australia         217  191    96  103  121   88    1    1
Victoria Country        103   96     -    -  103   96    -    1
Victoria Metro          128   78   128   78    -    -    1    -
Western Australia       185  234   107  106   78  128    1    1

Fast Facts

• Victoria Metro and South Australia have met on six previous occasions with South Australia leading the head-to-head record 4-2. The Croweaters have won four of their past five encounters between the two sides.
• Victoria Country and Allies have met on nine previous occasions with Victoria Country leading the head-to-head record 5-4. The Country side have also won four of their five games against the Allies.

Did you know? Victoria Metro's win over Western Australia was their seventh straight win over the Black Swans.
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State of Origin Series XV Fixture, Ladder, Results & Stats

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