Setka Resigns

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Exactly this. It's insane from the 'party of unions', democracy right.

Can't even determine a long game here, soul has been sold
Their long game is getting big donations from property developers. But I think the CFMEU crackdown is mostly the short game for Labor. They smell an opportunity to look tough on unions and criminality, and they're looking for the PR benefits now, reasoning that the unions have nowhere else to go. That's why they're utterly apoplectic that Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather addressed the Brisbane CFMEU rally today. They want the unions to be their little b*tch and don't take kindly to anyone else courting them.
On the 12 of July, John Setka resigned as boss of the CFMEU. The following day, the Nine newspapers published allegations that people associated with criminal gangs had been put into positions of power within the construction arm of the CFMEU from which they benefited enormously.

52 members of The Australia Council of Trade Unions met on the 17thy of July and all except 4 or 5, voted to suspend the construction arm of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union.

The independent statutory regulator of federally registered organisations is the general manager of the Fair Work Commission and he moved to appoint an administrators to the construction arm of the CFMEU, as is his right to do.

In 2012, the ACTU suspended the Health Services Union due to allegations of crime, corruption and financial irregularities. There was a prima facie case of corruption against the HSU as there is currently against the CFMEU and the same steps towards appointing an administrator were taken then, as they are now. All of these measures were and are legal under Australian Law.

Sally McManus, the ACTU Secretary said that just as the HSU emerged out of administration stronger and better, so too will the CFMEU.

The Workplace Minister in July was Tony Bourke and he warned the CFMEU that if it opposed the appointment of an administrator, then the Government would introduce legislation to do so. The CFMEU said no, the Government introduced legislation and now an administrator has been appointed. At the end of this process, those responsible for any and crime and corruption, money laundering, “bribers” and “bribees” and any underworld organisation involvement will be identified and weeded out and then, the CFMEU, just like the HSU, will again be part of the ACTU free of crime and corruption.

This is the rule of law being applied and parasitic politicians seeking to grab cheap political votes are not for the public interest – they are Setka types in it for self-interest.

Unions are there to protect and progress the pay, welfare and conditions of those who sell their labour and expertise. They are not there to facilitate the capitalist pig dog pursuits of extortion, crime, corruption, nepotism nor narcissism.

I have been an active union member since I was 14 and have been so for longer than some around here have been alive. I know what unions stand for and why they exist and the Setka’s and other lairds of fiefdoms some have created within union structures, are lower than a snake’s belly. They and their corrupt practices need to be eradicated from the union movement and the sycophants and parasites with them. That is the only way that the union makes us strong.
Nobody in Australia disagrees that nurses and paramedics work hard and deserve more. They need to band together and make it happen.

People shouldn't be bashing others for earning a good wage. They should be upset that their own conditions aren't better and making an attempt to fix it.

The profits are going to be there either way. Would you prefer the workers to be making more or the big businesses?

When the government is 180 billion in debt due to paying off the CFMEU for votes then it directly affects police, firefighters, paramedics and the other 300,000 people who’s pay is cut due to the government spending it all on the CFMEU.

Victoria’s emergency services have had their budgets slashed to pay for the Big Con.

Don’t worry about your life if a major emergency occurs in Victoria, we can always fall back on some lollipop girl in the city to save the day!!!

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Nowhere ever from the CFMEU-stans do you see an honest explanation as to why they think locking a 19 year old kid in a shed for four hours is OK
Has anyone said it's ok? it's not. Do you think the members voted to lock the kid in a shed?
, or why they do not believe in freedom of association (which also means freedom from association).
Freedom of association laws have been stripped with all the bikie stuff, freedom from association laws come under harassment/AVO's etc
When the government is 180 billion in debt due to paying off the CFMEU for votes then it directly affects police, firefighters, paramedics and the other 300,000 people who’s pay is cut due to the government spending it all on the CFMEU.

Victoria’s emergency services have had their budgets slashed to pay for the Big Con.

Don’t worry about your life if a major emergency occurs in Victoria, we can always fall back on some lollipop girl in the city to save the day!!!
I reckon they've paid off that with 20 million in fines due to 'illegal strikes'(cause that's a thing)

The vic govt? debt is because of the CFMEU and that's the reason they don't fund and pay emergency services properly? That's a long bow for bigfoot there
Has anyone said it's ok? it's not. Do you think the members voted to lock the kid in a shed?

Freedom of association laws have been stripped with all the bikie stuff, freedom from association laws come under harassment/AVO's etc
Point 1 - they kept re-electing Setka secretary, whose methods weren't exactly a secret.

Point 2 - Freedom of association means I should not be compelled to join a union, either through enforceable rules or intimidation, if I choose not to. Surely the improved pay and conditions for union members should make a compelling case why anyone should join a union without being made to.
I reckon they've paid off that with 20 million in fines due to 'illegal strikes'(cause that's a thing)

The vic govt? debt is because of the CFMEU and that's the reason they don't fund and pay emergency services properly? That's a long bow for bigfoot there

How is it a long bow to draw? The debt is due to the big build which is all CFMEU projects which keep massively exceeding budget to pay the union.
How is it a long bow to draw? The debt is due to the big build which is all CFMEU projects which keep massively exceeding budget to pay the union.

It's almost as if people forget covid even happened. This debt is not from the big build it's because the state was running on bare bones for 2 years.
It's almost as if people forget covid even happened. This debt is not from the big build it's because the state was running on bare bones for 2 years.

Covid is only responsible for about half the debt, the State was already racking up debt before Covid where it reached $55 billion a year before the first lockdown…
Most like governments are no longer running deficits, yet Victoria's still is by a long way. It's in part because they have preferred paying a CFMEU wage bill to an AWU wage bill.
How is it a long bow to draw? The debt is due to the big build which is all CFMEU projects which keep massively exceeding budget to pay the union.
The tunnel is 3 Billion over budget. Labour is required to build the tunnel irrespective of what the wages are. The premium on EBA wages is give or take an extra $20 an hour. Don't see how that equals $3 billion or all that over debt 🤔

Labour, John Holland and CPB (china) are to blame. If they have not priced the job properly that's not on the unions. So yes a very long bow to draw.

If you use 3 billion as an example and use a rough figure of $200,000 (which is way overs) gross per person that works out to 15000 workers 😉

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The tunnel is 3 Billion over budget. Labour is required to build the tunnel irrespective of what the wages are. The premium on EBA wages is give or take an extra $20 an hour. Don't see how that equals $3 billion or all that over debt 🤔

Labour, John Holland and CPB (china) are to blame. If they have not priced the job properly that's not on the unions. So yes a very long bow to draw.

If you use 3 billion as an example and use a rough figure of $200,000 (which is way overs) gross per person that works out to 15000 workers 😉

Even if you use that bogus $200,000 figure, across 2000 workers that's $400 Million in wages. $130 million is straight back to the government in payg tax. Every cent they spend is taxed. They're paying interest, rates, utilities, fuel, shopping. Every Cafe in the cbd at lunch is hi vis people spending.

The real criminals are the banks. Most of the reason builders are pushing overtime is to get the job done to get rid of the interest and avoid other penalties
How is it a long bow to draw? The debt is due to the big build which is all CFMEU projects which keep massively exceeding budget to pay the union.
So they shouldn't build infrastructure ever? libertarian I guess

The debt is because they haven't balanced their income and spending
Even if you use that bogus $200,000 figure, across 2000 workers that's $400 Million in wages. $130 million is straight back to the government in payg tax. Every cent they spend is taxed. They're paying interest, rates, utilities, fuel, shopping. Every Cafe in the cbd at lunch is hi vis people spending.

The real criminals are the banks. Most of the reason builders are pushing overtime is to get the job done to get rid of the interest and avoid other penalties
I'm sorry, how exactly is that the banks' fault? Construction companies sign up to loan contracts with full knowledge of what late penalties would be applicable. Are the banks just supposed to say "it's all good, just pay us back when you can"?
I'm sorry, how exactly is that the banks' fault? Construction companies sign up to loan contracts with full knowledge of what late penalties would be applicable. Are the banks just supposed to say "it's all good, just pay us back when you can"?

C'mon, you know ensuring a legal contract is adhered to is exactly the same as locking up a 19 year old kid in a shed for four hours. <sarcasm font off>
I'm sorry, how exactly is that the banks' fault? Construction companies sign up to loan contracts with full knowledge of what late penalties would be applicable. Are the banks just supposed to say "it's all good, just pay us back when you can"?

Well you're right... I didn't mean that they are criminals for that... but in general banks are bigger crooks.

Back to bit you bolded, yes you're correct. Builders are undercutting, under quoting, inventing dumb unrealistic time lines. That is not the fault of the workers or the union. But everyone is happy putting the entire debt of Victoria on the unions and their workers 😂😂
Listening to him rant about Albo has done what I thought would never happen. I'm warming to the PM.
If he can make this oxygen thief melt then well done Albo.
Interesting he is now working for dream Street lending
He has been a for advocate for them since he bought them into the union
They dream Street lending had a raffle a few years back,first prize was get your mortgage paid off
Well surprise he turns up to Footscray hospital and you wouldn't believe it,the bloke who won the raffle is the CFMEU shop steward on that job and guess what he is also best mates with John setkas son,no coincidence though.
Just how stupid is he though. Does he think the Libs are going to make life easier for the CFMEU than albo?

He doesn't operate with that kind of logic. Someone messes with him, he's going to mess with them. The ALP needs to deliver for the union movement and specifically the CFMEU or else. If Dutton wins, we deal with him when that happens.

CFMEU organiser charged with threats to kill​

David Marin-Guzman and Nick McKenzie

Sep 5, 2024 – 7.32pm

A senior CFMEU organiser has been charged over alleged threats to kill an Indigenous labour hire owner who he was recorded telling “I’ll f---ing take your soul and rip your f---ing head off”.

Victoria Police arrested CFMEU Indigenous organiser Joel Shackleton, 40, on Thursday morning and charged him with making threats to inflict serious injury and threats to kill, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.


CFMEU official Joel Shackleton was involved in an ugly altercation on a publicly funded road project.

It is the first criminal charge laid since the joint investigation by The Australian Financial Review, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald revealed allegations of violent threats, intimidation and bikie and underworld infiltration of the CFMEU.

The investigation exposed a video of Mr Shackleton allegedly threatening to bash two owners of a small Indigenous labour hire firm, Marda Dandhi, which was aligned with the rival Australian Workers Union.

He was recorded telling one of the owners that he would “f---ing end you c--- and you know it, don’t f--- with me. I’ll f---ing take your soul and I’ll rip your f---ing head off, don’t f--- with me, c---. F--- you, you’re a f---ing dog”.
The second company owner was also called a “f---ing dog” and “germ” and threatened with a severe bashing.
The threats were made at a Big Build site run by civil contractor CPB in 2022. The police charges raise serious questions about why action was not taken earlier, either by the employer, the state government or then transport minister Jacinta Allan.
At the time, the Indigenous owners wrote to Ms Allan, then premier Daniel Andrews and then opposition leader Anthony Albanese about the incident, including transcripts of the alleged threats from Mr Shackleton and advising them they were captured on video.
Ms Allan did not respond until a year later and only to say the management of industrial relations and subcontractor selection was the responsibility of the contractor. CPB raised the matter with the state infrastructure authority but no action was taken. The claims were only referred to police after the media reports.

Marda Dandhi was allegedly kicked off several major government sites by the CFMEU in that time and ended up going out of business.
Mr Shackleton is the third senior CFMEU official facing criminal charges, with former CFMEU NSW leaders Darren and Michael Greenfield set to be committed for trial on charges of accepting bribes from an employer. The Greenfields have denied the claims.
Police continue to investigate recently sacked union assistant secretary Derek Christopher for allegedly taking kickbacks from building companies. Mr Christopher denies wrongdoing.
Police are also assessing a complaint from the state government in connection to disgraced ex-union leader John Setka’s presence on two taxpayer funded major Victorian projects this week. It is unclear if Mr Setka was trespassing on the sites or gained lawful entry after he spoke at snap stop-work meetings.
Detectives will not charge Mr Setka over his intimidating evening visit to a rival union boss earlier this year after the official declined to lodge a formal police complaint or seek an intervention order.
Mr Shackleton was released on bail and is scheduled to appear before the Melbourne Magistrate’s Court on November 22. He did not return requests for comment.
He is still employed by the CFMEU Victorian branch – now under the control of an administrator – but may soon face the sack over the threats. Sources said the organiser had been in the process of renewing his right of entry permit, which has a “fit and proper person” test, when the arrest took place.
His fellow organiser Gerry McCrudden, who was recorded warning that any firms without CFMEU backing would struggle to win work due to union control of the Labor government’s tier one contractors, is likely to face dismissal, a well-placed source said.
In a statement on the charges, police told this masthead that detectives “will allege the man made threats to inflict serious injury on two owners of a labour hire company”.
This probably won't make it into the mainstream media... APRA has commenced action against the National Secretary of the CFMEU (Manufacturing Division) in the Federal Court.

There are various allegations, the one that stood out to me is that this person negotiated on behalf of the CFMEU in the development of a Member & Employer Services contract, while also being on the Board of First Super.

It is also alleged that this person facilitated the full-time employment of a CFMEU member to the Super fund, and knowingly allowed that person to continue to undertake a significant amount of work for the Union

But yeah... The CFMEU are totally there to protect the best interests of its members... :rolleyes:
This probably won't make it into the mainstream media... APRA has commenced action against the National Secretary of the CFMEU (Manufacturing Division) in the Federal Court.

There are various allegations, the one that stood out to me is that this person negotiated on behalf of the CFMEU in the development of a Member & Employer Services contract, while also being on the Board of First Super.

It is also alleged that this person facilitated the full-time employment of a CFMEU member to the Super fund, and knowingly allowed that person to continue to undertake a significant amount of work for the Union

But yeah... The CFMEU are totally there to protect the best interests of its members... :rolleyes:

Can you explain why this is an actionable issue when Industry Super exists in part of ensure the ongoing viability of the union movement (my understanding is the union movement essentially controls the board of every industry super fund)?

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Setka Resigns

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