Setka Resigns

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Ultimately when you sift through all the agenda's from the Liberals and the media, the biggest crime to everyone is the wages and conditions they have won for their members.

If construction workers got paid $30 an hour, or were on ABN's, no one would be reporting about anything to do with them.

I know for a fact there are sub contract security guards working on those major projects illegally. Getting paid $27 an hour flat rate nights or days on a student visa.

Won't hear a peep about that.
Crossbench senator David Pocock, whose vote was critical in helping Labor abolish the construction industry watchdog early last year, now wants the government to increase scrutiny and policing of the sector in the wake of the CFMEU scandal.

Senator Pocock said the allegations of organised crime and bikie gang affiliations levelled against the construction union giant fall beyond the scope of existing and former industrial relations regulators.
He has been a major disappointment, pops up to try cash in on the odd headline but does nothing. Couldn't even be bothered commenting when the APS were being offered an offensive pay rise despite taking care of the APSZ being part of his platform. If libs run a moderate next time, he will be out.

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I know for a fact there are sub contract security guards working on those major projects illegally. Getting paid $27 an hour flat rate nights or days on a student visa.

Won't hear a peep about that.

Finishing trades are often on ABNs too. Not the eba full time rate. So yeah the labour wage isn't as big as people think

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Ultimately when you sift through all the agenda's from the Liberals and the media, the biggest crime to everyone is the wages and conditions they have won for their members.

If construction workers got paid $30 an hour, or were on ABN's, no one would be reporting about anything to do with them.
And what relevance does any of that have to do with the fact that it is the ALP who are bringing in this legislation?
And what relevance does any of that have to do with the fact that it is the ALP who are bringing in this legislation?
Because the Liberals and media attacking the construction industry (and the Labor party) is nothing new. This scandal is just another way to try get at them to ultimately try tear up ebas and drive the wages down.

If the wages were at what they think they should be, there would be no attacks like this.

As for the ALP doing this, it's just damage control trying to not have this harm them too much at the next election.
The bar the CFMEU has to clear for it to have the moral high ground here is "don't lock up 19 year olds for four hours in a shed" and "don't hire known criminals to be OHS reps, reps who conduct criminal activities on work time and drive themselves to hospitals when shot in taxpayer funded cars when conducting illegal business".

The inability to see this as wrong doing is the inability to acknowledge what is happening right in front of your face. It is indefensible - no improved wages and conditions are worth this cost (the kid who got locked in the shed killed himself later that day - all he wanted was to work in construction and he had previously worked for the "wrong" company, something he did with absolutely no malicious intent).

Setka's tattoo tells you all you need to do about the attitude of the people running the CFMEU.
Because the Liberals and media attacking the construction industry (and the Labor party) is nothing new. This scandal is just another way to try get at them to ultimately try tear up ebas and drive the wages down.

If the wages were at what they think they should be, there would be no attacks like this.

As for the ALP doing this, it's just damage control trying to not have this harm them too much at the next election.
If that's the only reason, then they are gutless. If you don't think something is broken don't fix it. If you do think something is wrong, don't try and hide behind it being someone else's fault.
If that's the only reason, then they are gutless. If you don't think something is broken don't fix it. If you do think something is wrong, don't try and hide behind it being someone else's fault.
Of course they're gutless. They passed a bill today to neuter the CFMEU, but are they going to give back a red cent of the multi-millions in donations they received while Setka was running the show? Of course not! And to boot, Murray Watt had a go at the Greens today because they thought the bill went too far. Labor are showing the entire union movement exactly how loyal they are - when the chips are down, they'll sell you down the river for a slight boost in the polls.
Of course they're gutless. They passed a bill today to neuter the CFMEU, but are they going to give back a red cent of the multi-millions in donations they received while Setka was running the show? Of course not! And to boot, Murray Watt had a go at the Greens today because they thought the bill went too far. Labor are showing the entire union movement exactly how loyal they are - when the chips are down, they'll sell you down the river for a slight boost in the polls.
The Greens are full of shit. They didn't want the CFMEU going into administration. They are either dumb or just playing politics; AGAIN!

Deregistration would have allowed Setka and the crims to get off scot free and none of the criminal activities and the crims would have been exposed, neither the money laundering nor who was taking the bribes. Deregistration would have also meant that the same organised crime cabal could have gone on negotiating enterprise agreements with all the associated kick backs and corruption - that is not what Unions are supposed to do! The ALP is showing the Union Movement exactly how loyal they are to the movement by exposing the criminals of the CFMEU which is used by the ant-labour forces to paint every Union as being corrupt.

Will the Greens hand back the $75,000 + from Woollard and Cochrane who make their doe from investing in fossil fuels? They reckon that these donations were consistent with federal donations laws. So much for the crocodile tears by the Greens on donations to the ALP from the CFMEU.

Your comment, "they'll sell you down the river for a slight boost in the polls" is grotesque considering the Greens sell out of the black fellas, the failure to distinguish between Jewish people in Australia and the terrorist Netanyahu Government thus fuelling anti-semitism, their failure to go mental at Dutton for visiting the aforementioned extremist and kissing his arse and giving him and his far right Government all his support. Where are the Greens harassing dogwhistle Dutton and his extremist mates? Where are they barricading dogwhistle Dutton's electoral office? Nah, no votes in that and anyway, dogwhistler Dutton is doing them a good turn by ramping up his islamophobia and helping the Greens whip up anti-Jewish sentiment. The tactics by the Greens to get a slight boost in the polls is exactly the same as dogwhistle Dutton and the LNP: divide by spreading suspicion and hatred.

Dutton, let's not mince words, screams "kill, kill, kill ... " when it comes to Palestine as do the Murdoch gutter press but not a peep out of the Greens. They just attack the ALP who have had as part of their platform for many years! the recognition of a Palestinian state along with an Israeli state in a two state solution. This is something that the Greens refuse to say if they support. They refuse to say if they support the right of Israel to exist, therefore, it is an absolutely legitimate question to ask the Greens, "if you are steadfast in your support for the slogan from the river to the sea, does that mean that you want the state of Israel to be obliterated from the face of the earth?" And what do the Greens say about who will control the State of Palestine? Hamas or their sworn enemies Fatah? Maybe even those who have crossed the border and joined with Hezbollah? And what of the Golan Heights? Don't worry about the details, don't worry about the unleashing a civil war between the river Jordan and the Mediterranean sea. It doesn't matter, so long as the Greens score some votes. Shoebridge peddled misinformation/lies about the Albanese Government sending $1.5 million worth of arms and ammunition which was proven to be absolutely wrong!

Talk about selling people down the river for a slight boost in the poll.
The Greens are full of shit. They didn't want the CFMEU going into administration. They are either dumb or just playing politics; AGAIN!

Deregistration would have allowed Setka and the crims to get off scot free and none of the criminal activities and the crims would have been exposed, neither the money laundering nor who was taking the bribes. Deregistration would have also meant that the same organised crime cabal could have gone on negotiating enterprise agreements with all the associated kick backs and corruption - that is not what Unions are supposed to do! The ALP is showing the Union Movement exactly how loyal they are to the movement by exposing the criminals of the CFMEU which is used by the ant-labour forces to paint every Union as being corrupt.

Will the Greens hand back the $75,000 + from Woollard and Cochrane who make their doe from investing in fossil fuels? They reckon that these donations were consistent with federal donations laws. So much for the crocodile tears by the Greens on donations to the ALP from the CFMEU.

Your comment, "they'll sell you down the river for a slight boost in the polls" is grotesque considering the Greens sell out of the black fellas, the failure to distinguish between Jewish people in Australia and the terrorist Netanyahu Government thus fuelling anti-semitism, their failure to go mental at Dutton for visiting the aforementioned extremist and kissing his arse and giving him and his far right Government all his support. Where are the Greens harassing dogwhistle Dutton and his extremist mates? Where are they barricading dogwhistle Dutton's electoral office? Nah, no votes in that and anyway, dogwhistler Dutton is doing them a good turn by ramping up his islamophobia and helping the Greens whip up anti-Jewish sentiment. The tactics by the Greens to get a slight boost in the polls is exactly the same as dogwhistle Dutton and the LNP: divide by spreading suspicion and hatred.

Dutton, let's not mince words, screams "kill, kill, kill ... " when it comes to Palestine as do the Murdoch gutter press but not a peep out of the Greens. They just attack the ALP who have had as part of their platform for many years! the recognition of a Palestinian state along with an Israeli state in a two state solution. This is something that the Greens refuse to say if they support. They refuse to say if they support the right of Israel to exist, therefore, it is an absolutely legitimate question to ask the Greens, "if you are steadfast in your support for the slogan from the river to the sea, does that mean that you want the state of Israel to be obliterated from the face of the earth?" And what do the Greens say about who will control the State of Palestine? Hamas or their sworn enemies Fatah? Maybe even those who have crossed the border and joined with Hezbollah? And what of the Golan Heights? Don't worry about the details, don't worry about the unleashing a civil war between the river Jordan and the Mediterranean sea. It doesn't matter, so long as the Greens score some votes. Shoebridge peddled misinformation/lies about the Albanese Government sending $1.5 million worth of arms and ammunition which was proven to be absolutely wrong!

Talk about selling people down the river for a slight boost in the poll.
Ohhhhhhh... So that's why we need a special envoy for Anti-Semitism... Because of the Greens :rolleyes:
Because the Liberals and media attacking the construction industry (and the Labor party) is nothing new. This scandal is just another way to try get at them to ultimately try tear up ebas and drive the wages down.

If the wages were at what they think they should be, there would be no attacks like this.

As for the ALP doing this, it's just damage control trying to not have this harm them too much at the next election.

And there we have it. Barely 12 hours into administration and there is not much talk about bikies and corrupt individuals and the talk is about tearing up the eba and working rdos because 102 hours a fortnight isn't enough.

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None of these campaigners on union jobs are doing that. Wouldn't do that a month
The cfmeu site I was on years ago I did actually work pretty hard with some OT. But pretty much every day you would get a random "stop work, union meeting everyone!" And then listen to some fat meatheat like Joe McDonald bang on about random stuff like workers getting a drop in lunch room quality 2000kms away up north. And an upcoming march along with fairly aggressive threats to anyone that decided to not attend and go the another job.

Also I think there was a running joke around the time that Joe had a flash apartment being build and by an amazing coin cadence it had spleen zero union hold ups.
No one should be on $200k a year for work that requires a couple of day courses to do.

I have several mates under 30 qualified in certain trades who have found themselves on union sites doing unrelated works for enormous pay packets. It’s an absolute mockery.
Traffic controllers aren't on 200k a year 😂😂😂

The HS calculates the casual hourly rate on the big build and works it out on a 70 hour week. These people are working on and off
ex boss had dealing with him said he was w piece of shit, Was a bully and usually had a few meat head covering his back.

Wonder by how much spin there’ll be in his interview tonight..
No one should be on $200k a year for work that requires a couple of day courses to do.

I have several mates under 30 qualified in certain trades who have found themselves on union sites doing unrelated works for enormous pay packets. It’s an absolute mockery.
Why not?

If an enterprise is profitable enough that they can afford to pay that what's the problem?

Mine sites will pay 150k for a cleaning supervisor because they can afford it and it's shit work, not sure it's even a tafe dip, bit of experience will do. The issue here lies with the limited amount companies pay for extraction rather than some pleb on a good wicket
Interesting to hear we get paid too much,I've worked on union sites since 1988,so I've been in the game a long time,this is my standard week,I'm a carpenter Monday to Thursday 7am to 5 pm 10 hours pay have one break at 11am for lunch
Friday 7 am to 3 pm 8 hours one break at 11am
Saturday 7am to 2.30 pm 7 hours one break at 11 am I clear just over $2800 for the week.
On RDO weeks I get high $2600 clear.
Do I get too much you tell me?
Interesting to hear we get paid too much,I've worked on union sites since 1988,so I've been in the game a long time,this is my standard week,I'm a carpenter Monday to Thursday 7am to 5 pm 10 hours pay have one break at 11am for lunch
Friday 7 am to 3 pm 8 hours one break at 11am
Saturday 7am to 2.30 pm 7 hours one break at 11 am I clear just over $2800 for the week.
On RDO weeks I get high $2600 clear.
Do I get too much you tell me?

Compared to the average you get paid a lot more.
I forgot to say I'm up at 4.45am and home at 6.15-6.30 pm,so what should I get then

I fully understand. I've been on both sides of the coin working the same hours/longer hours on major projects etc doing non EBA & EBA work.

CFMEU EBA's are way better than the average for the every day worker. It's just a fact. Is it overpaid? I don't believe so. I feel like the complaining on the matter of wages comes from a place of jealousy for the most part. People should be trying to bring everyone up rather than trying to pull people down.

The majority of these government funded projects are being run by overseas companies so any wage cuts will just be taken as profit offshore.
Interesting to hear we get paid too much,I've worked on union sites since 1988,so I've been in the game a long time,this is my standard week,I'm a carpenter Monday to Thursday 7am to 5 pm 10 hours pay have one break at 11am for lunch
Friday 7 am to 3 pm 8 hours one break at 11am
Saturday 7am to 2.30 pm 7 hours one break at 11 am I clear just over $2800 for the week.
On RDO weeks I get high $2600 clear.
Do I get too much you tell me?
Based on your numbers, you earn approx $220k + super.

When I look up your salary compared to others on an sbs article from this year, it says you are paid more than 97% of other people.

I also don't see why your travel to work time has anything to do with it. A lot of people travel for work and don't get paid for it.
Based on your numbers, you earn approx $220k + super.

When I look up your salary compared to others on an sbs article from this year, it says you are paid more than 97% of other people.

I also don't see why your travel to work time has anything to do with it. A lot of people travel for work and don't get paid for it.

Based on your numbers, you earn approx $220k + super.

When I look up your salary compared to others on an sbs article from this year, it says you are paid more than 97% of other people.

I also don't see why your travel to work time has anything to do with it. A lot of people travel for work and don't get paid for it.
I was just pointing out how long my day is and I didn't earn 220,it was just under 180,the year before166 and most people wouldn't do the hours construction workers do to be honest, people are lazy,I earn every cent I get and I stack it high.

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Setka Resigns

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