SFA Ask Me Anything (Episode 40: jmoo wan - pg. 174)

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Episode 20: Quivorir

For a long time he has proclaimed to be the SFA's Brock Lesnar, however after last off season and the subsequent abortion that is his Captaincy of the Wolves I think it's more fitting that he's the SFA's Donald Trump.

Donald's tweets even resemble things that Quiv would post:


All stand for the Republican canditate in the coming election, Quivorir.

Ask him anything.


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Quivorir do you prefer the modern day spelling of North or the more traditional NORF
The more traditional way of Norf makes it easier for people from Geelong to pronounce, so I am happy to help the less privileged in anyway I can.

Quivorir if you could throw out every player at the Wolves and start fresh would you?
No. The team has its issues but generally is a good group. If we could just get the group posting, including the leadership group, it would go a long way in not only generating more activity in our own threads, but also make the Wolves a destination club.

Quivorir how much do you enjoy being tagged into threads
I pretend I hate them, but I love the attention.


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Quivorir is being a captain worth the crap you went through to get the position?
Well I see my rise to SFA God captaincy a little different from you. I didn't put in much effort other than begging to be a captain in every post. Whilst a struggle at the moment I am thoroughly enjoying the gig. I have no doubt this sinking ship will be able to be corked up and flying once again.
Well I see my rise to SFA God captaincy a little different from you. I didn't put in much effort other than begging to be a captain in every post. Whilst a struggle at the moment I am thoroughly enjoying the gig. I have no doubt this sinking ship will be able to be corked up and flying once again.

How do you manage to cork up a sinking ship and then make it fly? How was the ship flying previously?
How do you manage to cork up a sinking ship and then make it fly? How was the ship flying previously?
Duh, the holes in the ship don't allow it to pressurize properly therefore it is not safe to travel, unfortunately she went down whilst of the Atlantic so that is where the sinking part comes in. We are strapped for time, but I'll make it work.
Duh, the holes in the ship don't allow it to pressurize properly therefore it is not safe to travel, unfortunately she went down whilst of the Atlantic so that is where the sinking part comes in. We are strapped for time, but I'll make it work.

Appreciate the clarification.
Quivorir explain how you took the Wolves from grand finalist, to basketcase?
Well my friend, that's the magic of the Sim. Explain to me why the Demons have one cup in their entire history.
Quivorir, I heard a rumour you fed your two year old daughter a whole large cheese pizza yesterday. Deep pan or classic crust?
Quivorir, I heard a rumour you fed your two year old daughter a whole large cheese pizza yesterday. Deep pan or classic crust?
It was deep pan, and I only placed to pieces on her plate, she had about 3 bites.

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SFA Ask Me Anything (Episode 40: jmoo wan - pg. 174)

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