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Jack Mihocek

Senior List
Jul 26, 2006
AFL Club
Other Teams
Righto lets go all out there I am totally sick and tired of the joke we are playing under! The VAFA and the people that run the competition are an absolute joke if they can honestly maintain that ammo comps don't have remunerated players running around! I

Wow I wonder why David Spriggs has ended up at OB could it possibly be that they couldn't entice Roc Harry from Balwyn with their offer???????? Anyway as a supporter of a struggling ammo club with zero $ I am totally sick of hearing the stories about Old Ivanhoe, Old Camberwell, Old Hailebury etc etc

Either the people who are in charge open the whole competition to the filthy lucre or get SERIOUS about weeding the teams who clealry flaunt the rules out!

Easy to pin some pissy penalty on a D1 team but how about bringing the real culprits to account!

Shape up Sholly et al or F*** off!
Righto lets go all out there I am totally sick and tired of the joke we are playing under! The VAFA and the people that run the competition are an absolute joke if they can honestly maintain that ammo comps don't have remunerated players running around! I

Wow I wonder why David Spriggs has ended up at OB could it possibly be that they couldn't entice Roc Harry from Balwyn with their offer???????? Anyway as a supporter of a struggling ammo club with zero $ I am totally sick of hearing the stories about Old Ivanhoe, Old Camberwell, Old Hailebury etc etc

Either the people who are in charge open the whole competition to the filthy lucre or get SERIOUS about weeding the teams who clealry flaunt the rules out!

Easy to pin some pissy penalty on a D1 team but how about bringing the real culprits to account!

Shape up Sholly et al or F*** off!

Yeah Old Ivanhoe have stacks of ex AFL, VFL, EDFL, EFL and NFL on their list. Actually they have 1, the ever young old Boy John Stevens. Need to get your facts right duffus.

85% of their playing list is either old boys or friends of olds boys, so to be compared Old Camberwell (who by the way has leveraged off of the Loats connection, and Old Hailebury (who have leveraged of the O'Dwyer connection) is a bit rich.

Most clubs would have had a crack at Spriggs, Harry, Sinclair and Rix. Of those four, three aren't playing VAFA. Good luck to David Spriggs and OB. How long will he last, OS had Lawrence for 2 years. No premierships.

Sour grapes to those who can't. Maybe you need to spend more time looking at your failures rather than the successes of others.

So be careful in your assertions, becasue they are very old and very wrong.

Bring on a wet 2009:eek:
Come off it Max what about HH, why couldn't he be lured away from OI?? Face the facts it's time the VAFA change their rules to allow paid players so that at least we are not the laughing stock of football in Victoria!

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Righto lets go all out there I am totally sick and tired of the joke we are playing under! The VAFA and the people that run the competition are an absolute joke if they can honestly maintain that ammo comps don't have remunerated players running around! I

Wow I wonder why David Spriggs has ended up at OB could it possibly be that they couldn't entice Roc Harry from Balwyn with their offer???????? Anyway as a supporter of a struggling ammo club with zero $ I am totally sick of hearing the stories about Old Ivanhoe, Old Camberwell, Old Hailebury etc etc

Either the people who are in charge open the whole competition to the filthy lucre or get SERIOUS about weeding the teams who clealry flaunt the rules out!

Easy to pin some pissy penalty on a D1 team but how about bringing the real culprits to account!

Shape up Sholly et al or F*** off!

spot on cuz. this comp is a farce. if dey want 2 continue to b taken seriously dey need 2 either drop the 'amateur' status n become an 'old boys comp' or weed out da teams, as u say. dis is all about sholly and his luv for us skool boy teams. peninsula bein da weaker school team were made scapegoats - picked his target well. we no it 2 b true. gives us other skool affiliated teams de advantage but dems da breaks bro.
Jack we have disaggreed on a few things , but you are spot on, the biggest joke is St Bedes and Old Xavs they nearly pay as much as Balwyn

Remember Parkdale just prior to entering the VAFA complaining about two players they offered $200 a game to play with them. Ended up playing for Ormond. You have a big mouth Bedford.

All of St Bedes players played for the schoool or in their juniors.
The other one played juniors and U19's. Just read the player profiles in the GF record you turkey and you may stop throwing around this crap. The crap by the way originated from Old Essendon posters. Enough said!

Jealous of the Tiges and looking for excuses to explain your own clubs lack of success.

Name, names or withdraw your comment you low life!
Remember Parkdale just prior to entering the VAFA complaining about two players they offered $200 a game to play with them. Ended up playing for Ormond. You have a big mouth Bedford.

All of St Bedes players played for the schoool or in their juniors.
The other one played juniors and U19's. Just read the player profiles in the GF record you turkey and you may stop throwing around this crap. The crap by the way originated from Old Essendon posters. Enough said!

Jealous of the Tiges and looking for excuses to explain your own clubs lack of success.

Name, names or withdraw your comment you low life!

The biggest joke of all is Bedford with that statement, shows how much he really knows about the Tigers!!!!
Just because you have once played AFL or VFL does not mean that you automatically need CASH to play football. A good club, good admin and support are worth more than a few hundred bucks thrown at you by a club full of the opposite.

Let make sure we let other comps think that cash is the almighty. That way they might not realise that the rest is irrelevant......
Come off it Max what about HH, why couldn't he be lured away from OI?? Face the facts it's time the VAFA change their rules to allow paid players so that at least we are not the laughing stock of football in Victoria!

What a f*cking p*ss poor comment.

Becasuse unlike you, who mouth off without any facts, the guy wants to play with mates who want to play with each other.

This whole thread is a typical sooky sooky la la, no proof throw mud piece of crap.
spot on cuz. this comp is a farce. if dey want 2 continue to b taken seriously dey need 2 either drop the 'amateur' status n become an 'old boys comp' or weed out da teams, as u say. dis is all about sholly and his luv for us skool boy teams. peninsula bein da weaker school team were made scapegoats - picked his target well. we no it 2 b true. gives us other skool affiliated teams de advantage but dems da breaks bro.

^^^^^ Could we have this in english please? I hope your parents didn't pay for your education.
spot on cuz. this comp is a farce. if dey want 2 continue to b taken seriously dey need 2 either drop the 'amateur' status n become an 'old boys comp' or weed out da teams, as u say. dis is all about sholly and his luv for us skool boy teams. peninsula bein da weaker school team were made scapegoats - picked his target well. we no it 2 b true. gives us other skool affiliated teams de advantage but dems da breaks bro.

So, how are things down at the Badlands this time of year?
Did anyone hear S. Madden [now no longer with the VAFA St Bernards Club],talking on the radio last week...

He made the very strong point that "professionalism" was full on in the Ammos but was done in a way of giving jobs to the players etc...

Is this professionalism?

If a Club finds a job for a player,and he commits to and plays for that Club, is he a professional? :rolleyes:

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Come off it Max what about HH, why couldn't he be lured away from OI?? Face the facts it's time the VAFA change their rules to allow paid players so that at least we are not the laughing stock of football in Victoria!

Any suggestions on what the VAFA should do about this pal? Perhaps follow up every bullsh*t rumour about blokes getting paid that pops up on Big Footy?

If some bogan from another comp says to bloke "come and play for us - we'll give you $1000 a game" and the player doesn't want to leave then he can tell them anything he wants.

Saying "I'm getting paid twice that to play Ammos" is a great wind up in my book.

If you've got any evidence about blokes getting paid then run with it. I'd be very interested to hear it. Otherwise keep your rumours, pack up your sh*t thread and f ark off.
In my humble view, as at the middle of December:

1. get an ex-AFL player a job (with an existing club sponsor) for $50K, and you keep him for the following season, if not longer;

2. offer a player $500 per game, and you'll have him for a few weeks until another club trumps the offer.

If Spriggs is committed to playing for OB in 2009, I daresay it'll be due to an employment situation (as per Matty Robbins, David Loats, Steve McKee, etc.) rather than cash being thrown around. That's entirely permitted within the VAFA rules.

Just my opinion though.
In my humble view, as at the middle of December:

1. get an ex-AFL player a job (with an existing club sponsor) for $50K, and you keep him for the following season, if not longer;

2. offer a player $500 per game, and you'll have him for a few weeks until another club trumps the offer.

If Spriggs is committed to playing for OB in 2009, I daresay it'll be due to an employment situation (as per Matty Robbins, David Loats, Steve McKee, etc.) rather than cash being thrown around. That's entirely permitted within the VAFA rules.

Just my opinion though.

Got a job for a gun ruckman. Canteen assistant including all left over dimsims. If they catch my club where can I go from D4/
Any suggestions on what the VAFA should do about this pal? Perhaps follow up every bullsh*t rumour about blokes getting paid that pops up on Big Footy?

If some bogan from another comp says to bloke "come and play for us - we'll give you $1000 a game" and the player doesn't want to leave then he can tell them anything he wants.

Saying "I'm getting paid twice that to play Ammos" is a great wind up in my book.

If you've got any evidence about blokes getting paid then run with it. I'd be very interested to hear it. Otherwise keep your rumours, pack up your sh*t thread and f ark off.

Here comes Cardio's record - always plays during the off/pre season:

I say it year in and year out.

Get every register player in A & B to sign a stat dec stating they are not receiving any financial gain ...then, and more importantly, get the Club Presidents and Secretary's to batch them up and sign their own Stat Dec that these statements are true.

This will clear up the innuendo and crap that goes on.

I have submitted this to the league on 4 seperate occassions - however I think they are scared of the consequences i.e. players leaving the comp. and/or alot of other issues.

If VAFA HO will not implement the tools to eradicate the constant innuendo that goes on which discredits the league when for example a team can have 4 ex-AFL players, then what can we do.

Finding a cure for cancer would be easier

End of story
Here comes Cardio's record - always plays during the off/pre season:

I say it year in and year out.

Get every register player in A & B to sign a stat dec stating they are not receiving any financial gain ...then, and more importantly, get the Club Presidents and Secretary's to batch them up and sign their own Stat Dec that these statements are true.

This will clear up the innuendo and crap that goes on.

I have submitted this to the league on 4 seperate occassions - however I think they are scared of the consequences i.e. players leaving the comp. and/or alot of other issues.

If VAFA HO will not implement the tools to eradicate the constant innuendo that goes on which discredits the league when for example a team can have 4 ex-AFL players, then what can we do.

Finding a cure for cancer would be easier

End of story

Still the greatest thing I have read on bigfootty second only to Brianspeakings perfect day........while we are at it, are our coches being paid too thinks so Cardio for president.....BS in charge of footy trips.........go snakes
Still the greatest thing I have read on bigfootty second only to Brianspeakings perfect day........while we are at it, are our coches being paid too thinks so Cardio for president.....BS in charge of footy trips.........go snakes
Rabs, just for you here it is again.....I actually nearly cried laughing when I re-read it.

4 May 2007, 04:05
This does have some little part of footy in it...
8:15 Wake up to hugs and kisses
8:30 Weigh-in 2 kgs lighter than yesterday
8:45 Breakfast in bed—freshly squeezed orange juice and
croissants; open presents- expensive jewellery chosen by
thoughtful partner
9:15 Soothing hot bath with frangipani bath oil
10:00 Light work-out at club with sexy, funny personal trainer
10:30 Facial, manicure, makeup application, shampoo, condition,
blow wave
12:00 Lunch with best friend at fashionable outdoor café
12:45 Catch sight of partner’s ex and notice that she has gained
17 kgs
1:00 Shopping with friends: unlimited credit
3:00 Nap
4:00 Three dozen roses delivered by florist; card is from
secret admirer
4:15 Massage from strong but gentle hunk—says he rarely gets
to work on such a perfect body
5:30 Choose outfit from expensive designer wardrobe
7:30 Candlelit dinner for two followed by dancing, with compliments
received from other diners/ dancers
10:00 Hot shower- alone
10:50 Carried to bed… freshly ironed, crisp, white linen
11:00 Pillow talk, light touching and cuddling
11:15 Fall asleep in his big, strong arms
6:00 Alarm
6:15 Blow job
6:30 Massive, satisfying shit while reading the sports section
7:00 Breakfast—steak and eggs, coffee and toast—all cooked by naked,
buxom wench who bends over a lot showing her growler
7:30 Limo arrives
7:45 Several beers en route to the airport
9:15 Flight in personal Lear jet
9:30 Limo to Mirage Resort Golf Club (blow job en-route)
9:45 Play front nine (2 under par)
11:45 Lunch—steak and lobster, 3 beers and bottle of Dom Perignon
12:15 Blow job
12:30 Play back nine (4 under)
2:15 Limo back to airport (several bourbons)
2:30 Fly to Bahamas
3:30 Late afternoon fishing expedition with all-female crew, all nude
who also bend over a lot showing their growlers
4:30 Land world record Marlin (1234lbs)—on light tackle
5:00 Fly home, massage and hand job by naked Elle MacPherson
(bending over showing her growler, naturally)
6:45 Shit, shower and shave
7:00 Watch news—Michael Jackson assassinated
7:30 Dinner—lobster appetisers, Dom Perignon (1953), big juicy
fillet steak followed by ice cream served on a big pair of ****
9:00 Napoleon Brandy and Habanos cigars in front of wall-sized TV
as you watch football game
9:30 Sex with three women, all with lesbian tendencies
11:00 Massage and Jacuzzi with tasty pizza snacks and a cleansing beer
11:30 Night-cap blow job
11:45 In bed alone
11:50 A 22-second fart which changes note 4 times and forces the dog to leave the room
11:51 Laugh yourself to sleep
Does anyone know who Bedford is on here fellas? If you do please PM me, he has a penchant for sending threatening private messages and theres a few of my mates who SERIOUSLY want to catch up with him.
Rabs, just for you here it is again.....I actually nearly cried laughing when I re-read it.

Gold briza, gold!

Are we going to get one of your summer preview posts Briza with your musings and predictions for 2009?

I know all the punters look forward to them each year!!
Rabs, just for you here it is again.....I actually nearly cried laughing when I re-read it.

ease up there big fella, that is some seriously mediocre humour the first time round, but to be getting a re-run and spruiked by its author no less! i think you need to get out and exercise your brain a little.

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