Roast Should Richmond begin searching for Luke Meehan's replacement immediately?

Should Richmond look for a big bucks, top tier replacement for Luke "The Punt Rd Slasher" Meehan?

  • Yes. Club needs to be ruthless and "Pay the Price!".

  • No. We should back in Meehan and gamble our aging stars bodies, potentially sacrificing 2024.

  • No. replace with another el cheapo McGee with their online $29 P.T cert IV and cross our fingers.

  • Undecided.

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Suburban footy clubs are run more professionally than us
How did we slip so far and so fast?
Too busy championing causes , rather than being a FOOTBALL club
Well Jy Amiss has changed his trajectory, Freo might look for Lynch to be a forward partner, be key forwards with form and records do not grow on trees
you reckon hes gone a miss?
What utter BS. I never said we'd be contending dickhead. heck you're off with the pixies. Just want players on the park stupid. Farking nong.

lol, who is the knob???

Why are you worried about how we look when we have to walf through the mud and do the hard yards again??

You sound like a model looking for pretty privilege and a handout!!! Toughen up buttercup

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I don't mind Meehan being there as it means we don't have to tank.

If we had these issues when we are contending up in finals then we would have a problem looking to belt the Swans

We are not playing for sheep stations yet, good perspective.

The Swans are interesting, if they are the real deal after the GF in 2024 and the rules do not change our list might need to get younger with more run. Someone might have to be able to run and tag Errol
In the latest article Livingston says "it's not the same leg, it's the opposite leg" as if that's some sort of get out clause. They know they're ****ing up and it's human nature to deflect, but it's embarrassing.
In the latest article Livingston says "it's not the same leg, it's the opposite leg" as if that's some sort of get out clause. They know they're ****ing up and it's human nature to deflect, but it's embarrassing.
The fact they hid the bad news until a journo broke it after reading a report from a track watcher tells me everything. They know they are a basket case and now trying to sweep the bad news under the carpet.