Play Nice Society, Religion & Politics Thread

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it's also noticeable that the loudest voices over the past 20 years proclaiming "australia is not a racist country" have been the first to condemn and declare their "disgust" at what they call "anti-semitism", which in a vast number of cases is simply criticism of the vicious warmongering nature of netanyahu and his government
most sensible people who do question netanyahu's response to the october 7 horror show also condemn the subhuman behaviour of hamas and its affiliates
the voice referendum campaign did not "divide the country", it was already divided, and mostly by those people who'd already made up their minds that the voice campaign would be divisive
Israel has been acting like this for decades. It has no interest in giving a sniff of equality to the Palestinians and is relishing the chance to destroy Gaza, displace between one and two million people, kill thousands of innocent people and eventually claim the territory as its own. West Bank will be next. USA won't abandon them and they are likely to get away with it. Over the long term, they are cutting their own throat.

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Gut feel but I think the Democrats might - finally! - have a good one in Kamala Harris. A better chance of appealing to the predominantly younger Progressive base than Sleepy Joe. A muuuch better chance of appealing to the all-important African-American vote. As with any centrist candidate, she comes with baggage, but compared to Hillary Clinton it's very little, and the baggage she does have almost all pertains to her record as a prosecutor - which should also give her a good chance of appealing to the most important of voters: the independents and anti-Trump Republicans.

Her image as a Vice President has been almost vague and goofy, presumably a strategic foil to the dark cloud that was Biden and his age. But she showed previously she has wit, a razor tongue and a commanding presence. Maybe now she will be front and centre, she can lean more into that instead of seemingly trying everything in her best not to say or do anything that will compound Biden's constant controversies.

She's not a perfect candidate, but she's not despised like Clinton or near-comatose like Biden. So we'll find out just how sexist America really is in November.
She's not a perfect candidate, but she's not despised like Clinton or near-comatose like Biden. So we'll find out just how sexist America really is in November.
She's a narc who consistently pushed and supported marijuana laws which disproportionately and unfairly affected black men. I guess you covered that with the "She's not perfect" line.

As a leftist it just depresses me how much ground needs to be given to not concede control to the likes of the US Republican party or a Morrison-led liberal party here.

It's wild how gas-lit the world have been that hardline conservative or right wing politics has been anything but detrimental.
She's a narc who consistently pushed and supported marijuana laws which disproportionately and unfairly affected black men. I guess you covered that with the "She's not perfect" line.

As a leftist it just depresses me how much ground needs to be given to not concede control to the likes of the US Republican party or a Morrison-led liberal party here.

It's wild how gas-lit the world have been that hardline conservative or right wing politics has been anything but detrimental.
You kinda reminded me of a thought I had as I posted the "baggage" comment and how it's often the centrist politicians that end up with the most of it. Because they tend to be steered where the donor/party lines take them and not really where their principles take them.

Anyhow, the thought I had was... geez one US politician who used to vehemently proclaim and protect his principles was one Bernie Sanders. In a Biden-led, post-Trump landscape, he's toed the party line more than anything. A whole lot of radio-silence as far as pushing back or challenging the Democrats to embrace a more Progressive agenda. Even today as Biden drops out and Harris seemingly steps in, Sanders, AOC and the like offer their immediate endorsement. Simply fall into line.

But on deeper reflection it's not really their faults. Extremism has made politics so tribal, particularly in the US. Progressives barely have the opportunities, platforms and resources to rally for their agenda, for their own candidates, because they have to be unified with the rest of the Democrats just to combat the behemoth that is Trumpism. So focused do the left need to be on stopping Trump that "stopping Trump" takes priority over actual policy that can strengthen their own party, boost their own popularity, and actually, you know... help the people!

You described it aptly as a concession of ground. When I said the Democrats have finally found a good candidate for President, I didn't say anything about her being a good President. Just that I think she can get them the win they need to keep Trump out of office. And, depressingly, that's become the name of the game as far as a Democratic agenda.
She's a narc who consistently pushed and supported marijuana laws which disproportionately and unfairly affected black men. I guess you covered that with the "She's not perfect" line.

As a leftist it just depresses me how much ground needs to be given to not concede control to the likes of the US Republican party or a Morrison-led liberal party here.

It's wild how gas-lit the world have been that hardline conservative or right wing politics has been anything but detrimental.

the grip the murdoch organisation has on the media here and in america guarantees the vested interests of the hard right (fossil fuel corporations and other big business, christian fundamentalism, the nra, etc) a far-reaching propaganda arm and unlimited free publicity
murdoch may no longer have the same grip on britain but the damage has been done there, and the spread of backlash politics against anything progressive has taken root across europe
an example of the stupidity of it is that a lot of the hard right support for the morrison mob was lost when the murdoch media allowed various commentators from the likes of the institute of public affairs, centre for independent studies and the menzies research institute (gotta love the names these folks give themselves) to peddle the line that morrison had shifted too far left!
now we have a labor government derided as "lefties" when they're anything but

meanwhile, the virus of social media runs out of control, never to be contained, as the digital universe runs rings around any genuine attempts to legislate it, and the likes of elon musk plan their own customised worlds somewhere in space

we may as well surrender to whatever artificial intelligence brings because human intelligence seems to have ground to a halt in our own dismal gogglebox version of "real life"
Gut feel but I think the Democrats might - finally! - have a good one in Kamala Harris. A better chance of appealing to the predominantly younger Progressive base than Sleepy Joe. A muuuch better chance of appealing to the all-important African-American vote. As with any centrist candidate, she comes with baggage, but compared to Hillary Clinton it's very little, and the baggage she does have almost all pertains to her record as a prosecutor - which should also give her a good chance of appealing to the most important of voters: the independents and anti-Trump Republicans.

Her image as a Vice President has been almost vague and goofy, presumably a strategic foil to the dark cloud that was Biden and his age. But she showed previously she has wit, a razor tongue and a commanding presence. Maybe now she will be front and centre, she can lean more into that instead of seemingly trying everything in her best not to say or do anything that will compound Biden's constant controversies.

She's not a perfect candidate, but she's not despised like Clinton or near-comatose like Biden. So we'll find out just how sexist America really is in November.
USA is a basket case now. Republicans and Democrats are two cheeks of the same backside when it comes to the warmongering foreign policy. Both sides of politics will make a fuss over Netanyahu who has been defined as a war criminal by international law. 40,000 Palestinians, including 15000 kids and 10000 women, have been killed by US supplied arms. Barely rates a mention in the legacy media here and in the US. Diabolical.
USA is a basket case now. Republicans and Democrats are two cheeks of the same backside when it comes to the warmongering foreign policy. Both sides of politics will make a fuss over Netanyahu who has been defined as a war criminal by international law. 40,000 Palestinians, including 15000 kids and 10000 women, have been killed by US supplied arms. Barely rates a mention in the legacy media here and in the US. Diabolical.
The US condemns all genocides around the world.

Fine print: unless their allies are the ones committing the genocide.
The US condemns all genocides around the world.

Fine print: unless their allies are the ones committing the genocide.

It's not even hidden in the fine print.
The US condemns all genocides around the world.

Fine print: unless their allies are the ones committing the genocide.
We have signed up lock, stock and barrel with them with AUKUS. If we get involved with them in any conflict in our region, and things go pear shaped like it normally does with the US, they will just piss off back to California and leave us to pick up the pieces. They just use us up and pat us on the head. Albanese and Marles just lap dogs. Keating was spot on in his assessment.

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We have signed up lock, stock and barrel with them with AUKUS. If we get involved with them in any conflict in our region, and things go pear shaped like it normally does with the US, they will just piss off back to California and leave us to pick up the pieces. They just use us up and pat us on the head. Albanese and Marles just lap dogs. Keating was spot on in his assessment.
When those rats to the North of us attack you will need the US help , it is something that's locked in . Imagine without US carriers we'd be speaking Japanese now
We have signed up lock, stock and barrel with them with AUKUS. If we get involved with them in any conflict in our region, and things go pear shaped like it normally does with the US, they will just piss off back to California and leave us to pick up the pieces. They just use us up and pat us on the head. Albanese and Marles just lap dogs. Keating was spot on in his assessment.

he was ... aukus is one of the biggest foreign policy debacles in our history, certainly the most expensive
When those rats to the North of us attack you will need the US help , it is something that's locked in . Imagine without US carriers we'd be speaking Japanese now
They helped us out big time in World War 2. Since that time they have stuffed up everything they have been involved in including Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the CIA interfering in countless regime changes, including recently in Ukraine.. China is not silly enough to worry about us but if the US go stupid(again!), we will be collateral damage. These days they are an extremely dangerous ally. Good old days have long gone.
They helped us out big time in World War 2. Since that time they have stuffed up everything they have been involved in including Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the CIA interfering in countless regime changes, including recently in Ukraine.. China is not silly enough to worry about us but if the US go stupid(again!), we will be collateral damage. These days they are an extremely dangerous ally. Good old days have long gone.
Okay go on our own with a pop gun attack . We have 90 odd Abrams tanks , stupid purchase where will we use them ? Pukapunyal ! They will run over us in days and hopefully an imbecile like Adam Brandt is 1st in line
Okay go on our own with a pop gun attack . We have 90 odd Abrams tanks , stupid purchase where will we use them ? Pukapunyal ! They will run over us in days and hopefully an imbecile like Adam Brandt is 1st in line

If they did attack, they'd basically just take the resource sector, aka the mines. They'd have absolutely no interest in taking over a city, esp Sydney or Melbourne, there's no strategic value to the east coast of Australia.
They helped us out big time in World War 2. Since that time they have stuffed up everything they have been involved in including Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the CIA interfering in countless regime changes, including recently in Ukraine.. China is not silly enough to worry about us but if the US go stupid(again!), we will be collateral damage. These days they are an extremely dangerous ally. Good old days have long gone.
Hard disagree on Ukraine, but there's a whole thread where that stuff has been debunked.
A large part of politics in relation to foreign policy in the USA reads likes some sort of far-fetched novel. Because of passages in the Bible, Jewish Zionists claim Israel has a right to land that was Palestinian for centuries and have no qualms about killing thousands of innocent men, women and children and destroying Gaza.

Christian Zionists, mainly Evangelicals, are rock solid with Israel because they believe that, in end of days, all Jews will return to Israel, convert to Christianity, and be taken up in the Rapture. There are 70,000,000 of these people in the US. In addition, the Israeli lobby has most politicians there by the balls.

Netanyahu, a war criminal in relation to International Law, is lionized in Congress by a number of these Evangelicals in the Republican part as well as by a majority of Democrats.

The influence of the Christian Zionists has been felt here when Scott Morrison, under the influence of his fellow Evangelical, Mike Pompeo, moved the Australian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Also influenced the decision to 'torpedo' the French submarine deal and set up AUKUS. Albanese and Marles couldn't wait more than 24 hours to verify it.

In relation to Israel, there are an increasingly large number of non-Zionist Jewish people who are appalled at Netanyahu and his genocidal response to the terrible terrorist attack by Hamas.

Just like in Ireland and South Africa these acts of terrorism will keep happening until Israel comes to its senses and negotiates a just solution. It is telling that both Ireland and South Africa are leading the way in international support of the Palestinians.
A large part of politics in relation to foreign policy in the USA reads likes some sort of far-fetched novel. Because of passages in the Bible, Jewish Zionists claim Israel has a right to land that was Palestinian for centuries and have no qualms about killing thousands of innocent men, women and children and destroying Gaza.

Christian Zionists, mainly Evangelicals, are rock solid with Israel because they believe that, in end of days, all Jews will return to Israel, convert to Christianity, and be taken up in the Rapture. There are 70,000,000 of these people in the US. In addition, the Israeli lobby has most politicians there by the balls.

Netanyahu, a war criminal in relation to International Law, is lionized in Congress by a number of these Evangelicals in the Republican part as well as by a majority of Democrats.

The influence of the Christian Zionists has been felt here when Scott Morrison, under the influence of his fellow Evangelical, Mike Pompeo, moved the Australian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Also influenced the decision to 'torpedo' the French submarine deal and set up AUKUS. Albanese and Marles couldn't wait more than 24 hours to verify it.

In relation to Israel, there are an increasingly large number of non-Zionist Jewish people who are appalled at Netanyahu and his genocidal response to the terrible terrorist attack by Hamas.

Just like in Ireland and South Africa these acts of terrorism will keep happening until Israel comes to its senses and negotiates a just solution. It is telling that both Ireland and South Africa are leading the way in international support of the Palestinians.
Conveniently you don't mention Hamas

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Play Nice Society, Religion & Politics Thread

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