Star Wars Solo - A Star Wars Story (2018) -- Spoiler Tags and Rumors

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Isn't Lando in the next film?

Yep, out of desperation.

Which to be honest I think is unfounded, since they have Hamill coming back and could have given him a decent role to replace Leia anyway.

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It's been done.

What do you mean?

Does this mean you sit there when you see someone using the Force and say "Boring... It's been done." or ignites a lightsaber? Or flies in a ship?
The general plot points are not original, is what he is trying to say I think

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Which is why I responded in kind, how general does a plot point have to be to be compared to other films in a negative light?

Sure, having Luke and Yoda appear to Rey as she's racing off to save her friends, with Luke telling her to remain with [insert new Jedi Master] to complete her training would be boring and a rehash.

Having Luke appear as a Force Ghost full stop is not a boring rehash, it's a character point.

In fact an entirely original and interesting way to use Luke and kill two birds with one stone, as it were, would be to have Luke confront Kylo in the climax of IX in place of Leia as originally intended. We've never seen a Force ghost actively involved in the plot of a film before.
I guess I'm just disheartened after TLJ and hate little to no faith that the next movie will improve. I'm disappointed by Luke in the new trilogy, and I'd like to see him have some relevance rather than just coming back as a force-ghost-advisor.

Which is why I suggested they should use him in a more hands on role instead of panicking and bringing back Billy Dee who can do little more than sit in a pilot's seat.
Which is why I responded in kind, how general does a plot point have to be to be compared to other films in a negative light?

Sure, having Luke and Yoda appear to Rey as she's racing off to save her friends, with Luke telling her to remain with [insert new Jedi Master] to complete her training would be boring and a rehash.

Having Luke appear as a Force Ghost full stop is not a boring rehash, it's a character point.

In fact an entirely original and interesting way to use Luke and kill two birds with one stone, as it were, would be to have Luke confront Kylo in the climax of IX in place of Leia as originally intended. We've never seen a Force ghost actively involved in the plot of a film before.

There's been nothing yet that inspires me that we won't see a strict rehash rather than a general similarity.

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Which is why I responded in kind, how general does a plot point have to be to be compared to other films in a negative light?

Sure, having Luke and Yoda appear to Rey as she's racing off to save her friends, with Luke telling her to remain with [insert new Jedi Master] to complete her training would be boring and a rehash.

Having Luke appear as a Force Ghost full stop is not a boring rehash, it's a character point.

In fact an entirely original and interesting way to use Luke and kill two birds with one stone, as it were, would be to have Luke confront Kylo in the climax of IX in place of Leia as originally intended. We've never seen a Force ghost actively involved in the plot of a film before.

I think the force ghost thing is a chance to expand the mythology a whole lot, having Luke telling Rey things and turning his head off to the middle distance like he can hear a voice - then at the end of the film there is Ewan McGregor and Yoda with Luke telling Rey that she will be ok and it's time for him to explore the next stage of his journey - and she should too.

Sort of a life goes on in an unspoken, unrestricted with detail way. It could be finishing Anakin's story too because you'd watch Jedi again and think: "they are there to guide him along too, that's why we never see him again after the smiling scene in the treetops, off onto his adventures in some spiritual and eternal way"
Billy Dee should have been back in TFA, or did John diversity Boyega have claim to being the only black guy?

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Han Solo was barely in the frame for The Force Awakens politically plot wise, he and Leia had a real awkward separation vibe about them. Lando was totally a fringe character in Return of the Jedi who has less claim to a place than Wedge Antillies so unless Han had been crashing on Lando's couch during that time - why would he be hanging around the plot in a way that was less shoe-horned than Solo finding the Falcon?

But that is a totally different discussion.

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Han Solo was barely in the frame for The Force Awakens politically plot wise, he and Leia had a real awkward separation vibe about them. Lando was totally a fringe character in Return of the Jedi who has less claim to a place than Wedge Antillies so unless Han had been crashing on Lando's couch during that time - why would he be hanging around the plot in a way that was less shoe-horned than Solo finding the Falcon?

But that is a totally different discussion.

lol the ****?

Lando was turned the main three in to a main four, and carried the space battle part of the movie. Add to that, Lando is shown to be an administrator and governing type of person, so he definitely should have had some pivotal role in the Republic
lol the ****?

Lando was turned the main three in to a main four, and carried the space battle part of the movie. Add to that, Lando is shown to be an administrator and governing type of person, so he definitely should have had some pivotal role in the Republic
The new books make it pretty clear Lando went back into business for himself. Just like in the old EU.

Also, it's still 'the big three', not the big four. Lando sits alongside Chewie and the droids.
Which is why I responded in kind, how general does a plot point have to be to be compared to other films in a negative light?

Sure, having Luke and Yoda appear to Rey as she's racing off to save her friends, with Luke telling her to remain with [insert new Jedi Master] to complete her training would be boring and a rehash.

Having Luke appear as a Force Ghost full stop is not a boring rehash, it's a character point.

In fact an entirely original and interesting way to use Luke and kill two birds with one stone, as it were, would be to have Luke confront Kylo in the climax of IX in place of Leia as originally intended. We've never seen a Force ghost actively involved in the plot of a film before.

Rey has friends?

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Star Wars Solo - A Star Wars Story (2018) -- Spoiler Tags and Rumors

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