Star Wars movie

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That was hot garbage.

Only one good actor in that bunch.

Some good moments but felt like a script that had just finished it's billionth rewrite.
That was hot garbage.

Only one good actor in that bunch.

Some good moments but felt like a script that had just finished it's billionth rewrite.

That’s how I felt. I enjoyed the movie a lot but very often I could FEEL calculated script writing decisions instead of just being immersed in a story. It’s hard to articulate, it just felt very forced and contrived at points.

I felt child-like joy during the Force Awakens but in Last Jedi those feelings were momentary.

I feel like this isn’t a spoiler. The Finn and Rose and Canto Bite storyline was for me awful. I would have just cut it completely.

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Point is to not overthink.

The demographic is 8 years old plus.

Its not and never will be Game of Thrones
Yea, but I don’t go into a Star Wars film expecting a marvel film. I can’t rewatch marvel films, I hope Star Wars doesn’t continue down that route.
So so so deflated after that. About 2/3 of the way in I actually wanted the movie to end. Some decent points and the story is ok in parts, but every big reveal or twist feels so anticlimactic. The humour is cheesy and overdone. Luke's character is so far removed from who he should be. Leia's scene (you know the one I'm talking about) is ****ing awful. Finn and Rose basically shouldn't have been in the movie. Characters that were built up in the force awakens became irrelevant. Just really bad in my opinion. So disappointed

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The movie was so wrong on quite a few levels. Rey is Mary Sue, she has gone from tpstrength to strength. She Ko kylo with saber in Ep 7 and this time winning in a force duel. Complete bs. How is she a good role model to young girls how can anyone relate to her? Apart from her poverty she Is superior in every other department how is this sensible to inspire young girls as her character is intended. Don't bring up kylo, he looks like some Whiney Emo teenager I can knock out in one hit and has the propensity to go sulky la la when he ****s up something. I've had it with Disney putting in sjw related crap and ruined a great series. Star Wars is like American equivalent of the Iliad, now its like a five year old writing its sequel.

I Was so hoping for Rey to get her asses kicked and put in her place. I was expecting she get a serious injury like army chopped off or eyes taken out. No she got stronger. Bs bs bs bs, **** Disney, **** sjw, **** feminism f all the house wreckers.
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When I saw this in the cinema last night I was in awe...from start to finish I loved every moment (besides the Leia scene)

Then I went home to sleep and thought about all the cool parts and naturally, my thoughts drifted to parts that were pretty weak/could've been better/completely nonsensical.

By the time I woke up this morning I pretty much talked myself out of enjoying it, jump online and it seems many others have the same problem.

Will still most likely give it another shot next week, but damn...some of it is just sloppy.
Good but far from great movie IMO. So many fight and chase scenes that went for way too long and buggered up the momentum. It could seriously have been 30 minutes shorter with no detriment to the story.

I loved The Force Awakens, and disagreed with a lot of the negativity around it. But this one was a letdown I reckon.
Good but far from great movie IMO. So many fight and chase scenes that went for way too long and buggered up the momentum. It could seriously have been 30 minutes shorter with no detriment to the story.

I loved The Force Awakens, and disagreed with a lot of the negativity around it. But this one was a letdown I reckon.
I’ve heard the director shitted on a few of the characters and turned them into parodies or comic relief.
Yeah there was a bit of that. I didn't find it terrible, it just could have been so much better.
I’ve heard the hux stuff isn’t great, which is a shame, he had a real Tarkin vibe going.
The spoiler yesterday in this thread has skewered my view of the film and I still haven’t seen it. I may have to give it a few watches.

Got both better and worse after a second viewing.

More better.
Like last time, I'll be taking the kids to see it NYE and hence have no option but to insert spoiler tags galore if necessary around here prior. Getting the gist of people's overall opinions but do not want to know of characters dying etc during the movie, and I imagine I'm not alone there.

I'm far from a devotee though so seeing this is something the kids love, and I love seeing them as excited as I was back in the late 70's wandering into Russell Cinemas for the first release.
Like last time, I'll be taking the kids to see it NYE and hence have no option but to insert spoiler tags galore if necessary around here prior. Getting the gist of people's overall opinions but do not want to know of characters dying etc during the movie, and I imagine I'm not alone there.

I'm far from a devotee though so seeing this is something the kids love, and I love seeing them as excited as I was back in the late 70's wandering into Russel Cinemas for the first release.
Good stuff mate, no matter what, I always get a kick out of any Star Wars film, such a rich universe and has the potential to get better.

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Star Wars movie

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