Movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens - *Spoilers & Rumours inside*

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Kylo could've worked as the sole main villain in 9 but he needed to be a badass who kicks everyone's ass and holds his own against Luke for it to have worked. Losing to Rey in 7 made him non-threatening, even though he does defeat Rey in 9 which I did like.

He defeats Rey from nowhere though lol. She just kidna gives up without him landing any blows.
Things I want to see in the next movies:

- Phasma kicking some serious arse. She'll be back. Stop this trend of building characters up as formidable but then knocking them off without a whimper. The grudge she could have with this upstart trooper making her look like an idiot in front of the entire New Order could be seriously nasty...
- Rey is related to nobody. It got stupid with Luke and Leia, and even the new twist is a bit "enough already". No more long lost relatives popping up to change galactic events, please...the vision she has could be driven by the Force, telling her to step up because she's the next chosen one - it doesn't have to mean she's related to Luke or Obi-Wan...
- Hux becomes a pivotal figure. You could imagine parallels with Hitler, where a damaged entity like the Empire (Germany) is absolutely r*ped on post war treaties and division (Versailles), and those worlds loyal to the Empire are hankering for someone to make it right again - there would have been many worlds who would have loved living under Empire rule for whatever reason. His powerplay could be rivetting, infighting in the Empire, especially if he and his forces can match it with Snoke...we make this assumption that force users are necessarily invincible, but we see regularly throughout that they are not. You could also introduce a few new henchmen Goering/Rommel/Himmler/Bormann style...did anyone else enjoy that venomous little look Ozzel gave Piett when he was embarassed over the discovery of Hoth by Vader? There could be some great little subplots here...
- Ren and Snoke themselves have a gigantic shitfight, which sorts out the pecking order. Too much cooperation between the Sith characters in the past, as they still go about deceiving each other anyway, so a good rumble where they tell it like it is might be in the moment you'd think it would be a huge mismatch, but noone brings a ruler to a pissing contest...
- Lando returns in some capacity...
- Wedge too...
- Leia does something with the Force. NOT a surprise lightsaber duel where she beats up on Ren, but just a little surprise somewhere that helps tip the balance...
- No more superweapons. Please don't build the Suncrusher...which leads me to:
- Absolutely no references whatsoever to anything that happened in the EU. It's gone. Thanks for the memories. I recall watching Aliens v Predator way back in 2004, not long after reading the comic they took the entire movie from...flattest feeling ever. I don't want to ever hear myself saying "oh yeah, read about that once" at any stage for the rest of my life when watching the next 47 SW movies. No Thrawn, no Mara, no gigantic walking panthers, definitely no Yuzhaan Vong...brand new slate...
Proof that Gibbke is not a head honcho at Disney...! I wrote that after seeing TFA. Phasma displaces Boba Fett as the most poorly treated character in the SW universe, Rey is related to somebody, Hux is a nobody, Ren and Snoke (got this one kinda right, but not how I wanted), Lando walks onto the set in the time-honoured manner that all original characters walk onto the set of a spin-off (stand there nodding at audience applause with his hands outstretched like the Fonz, before a couple of dodgy one liners), Wedge does the same but without Fonz coolness, Leia becomes Mary Poppins, superweapons are ditched in favour of the biggest fleet of all time, and ROS rips off an old comic...

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As in, he loves the sound of his voice too much. Repeats himself, goes off tangents, etc, hence four hours per video part. He might raise great points but he spoils it all by producing 16 hr videos. Ever since his initial first TLJ video took off (which was brief and to the point), he became like this.

By far the best is RobotHead youtube channel. Makes all the same points in brief 10-20 min videos.
Yeah that's why he's good.

I watched the part about nostalgia but whilst he thought it out it was wrong as he compares to a situation that's apples and oranges.

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Watched this on telly last night.

Gee for the first time ever I came around to thinking it's actually bad, but luckily it's made with some heart, which I guess could be a JJ thing. Similar but not as extreme as TROS.
Watched this on telly last night.

Gee for the first time ever I came around to thinking it's actually bad, but luckily it's made with some heart, which I guess could be a JJ thing. Similar but not as extreme as TROS.

The best of a bad batch.

This one is much more bearable than the subsequent two.
Watched and grimaced a little myself. Read my own thing from 2015 here, and it was a lot more glowing than what I would have said from last night...

I'm one of the minority - I think TLJ destroys both movies either side of it, and the third movie is the biggest dropping of the ball in SW history...hindsight is a powerful thing...

Mind you, any SW movie, my guitar, some bourb and a block of old Jamaican is the working definition of a good night in...
Thought about just making a new thread to encompass all the sequels like the OT and PT now that the movies are done, but didn't see much point since these are still open.

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Watched this on telly last night.

Gee for the first time ever I came around to thinking it's actually bad, but luckily it's made with some heart, which I guess could be a JJ thing. Similar but not as extreme as TROS.

I saw it on TV a while back, maybe last year, and had the same thought. I just have no interest in watching any of that trilogy again. They're all actually bad films. The worst part about TFA is.. it's actually boring. It's the most boring Star Wars movie in a series where two of them have extensive political scenes.
To be fair, only the OT has rewatchable value. The PT look even worse these days. At least to me. Much rather watch Plinkett's critiques.

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To be fair, only the OT has rewatchable value. The PT look even worse these days. At least to me. Much rather watch Plinkett's critiques.

I don't mind the PT still, but then I also didn't mind Jar Jar, he was just comedic relief and relegated to meh pretty quickly to focus on the rest around him. Nucleus is there to state they're watchable if entirely forgettable as well as films. ST, saw once, that's enough, epic car crash otherwise as nothing redeeming for me at all.

I saw it on TV a while back, maybe last year, and had the same thought. I just have no interest in watching any of that trilogy again. They're all actually bad films. The worst part about TFA is.. it's actually boring. It's the most boring Star Wars movie in a series where two of them have extensive political scenes.

I felt TFA was the strongest just based on maybe that first third if I'm being kind, but the longer it went on you could just see where the hamster died and the wheel just slowed to a crawl before stopping. Then TLJ came in to nail it shut that both were rubbish and TROS had to follow and wrap up that abortion of a start to final trilogy to end in a red bow.
I used to think that you can't redo them, just live with it, there's a few great things like Adam Driver, Mark and Harrison, Leia and Lando, Chewie and 3PO, but the rest stunk.

Now, I think, even with three of those passing away and the others continuing to age, maybe you still could give it a crack, it couldn't be any worse.

Obviously won't happen, but yeah. I've come around to the concept of burning it all down.

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I used to think that you can't redo them, just live with it, there's a few great things like Adam Driver, Mark and Harrison, Leia and Lando, Chewie and 3PO, but the rest stunk.

Now, I think, even with three of those passing away and the others continuing to age, maybe you still could give it a crack, it couldn't be any worse.

Obviously won't happen, but yeah. I've come around to the concept of burning it all down.

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Disney ruined the ST while they still had the OT actors all on board/alive. But you could do a re-ST without them, completely different story, still chewy, c3po and R2d2 if you must.

Like skipping ahead two generations from the OT. Grandkids of Han/Leia/Luke if you wanted to have the Skywalker name still around. There could be an old Skywalker, son of Leia say who is like old Obi-Wan. Depends on the idea for the larger galactic political environment that all this would exist within.
You didn't need anyone to be anyone's offspring, the original characters are big enough figures to be in a story without having to be related to anyone and everyone younger.

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I used to think that you can't redo them, just live with it, there's a few great things like Adam Driver, Mark and Harrison, Leia and Lando, Chewie and 3PO, but the rest stunk.

Now, I think, even with three of those passing away and the others continuing to age, maybe you still could give it a crack, it couldn't be any worse.

Obviously won't happen, but yeah. I've come around to the concept of burning it all down.

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Which 3 have passed away? Only Fisher?
You didn't need anyone to be anyone's offspring, the original characters are big enough figures to be in a story without having to be related to anyone and everyone younger.

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Sure, but the idea that Han and Leia wouldn't have any kids would almost be stranger.
Fisher, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, and Ford's alive but no way he'll do another Star Wars movie.

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Mayhew and Baker weren't involved in the ST though?
Thought Mayhew definitely was used for closeups and the body double did the action stuff, Solo was the first Mayhew free film. Baker is credited in Force Awakens.

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Maybe he was used briefly in TFA, but the new guy was definitely in all of the ST and Solo as you say, so Mayhew isn't really needed in the way you're referring to the cast. Baker was just a 'consultant'.

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Movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens - *Spoilers & Rumours inside*

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