Media Steamer of the Week

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Round 4 - Natural Disaster
This week saw the mighty Bombers take on the Coney Island Wazzas at Ankle Bracelet Park. I must say I was looking forward to going up against the Bombers' biggest fanboy in TheInjuryFactory and the honest to goodness genuine winner of the EKA last season in Tonga Bob. Unfortunately for Bob, they don't acknowledge posting talent when choosing the EKA winner.

Anyhow, another Bomber fanboy (80 odd posts in a Bombers' thread the previous week) in NaturalDisaster endeavoured to make his mark on this match thread early with his best opening gambit.

This was duly met with a fair appraisal of ND's posting ability by miggs.

Not sure what’s worse. Your ability as a poster or your ability as a mod. I’ve seen how pathetic you are at trying to maintain order so I’m not holding out for much in the way of your posting. I’m just glad you stopped blowing up my inbox for info on who leaked to me that the simmers were rigging it

To which ND gave his most moderator sounding response possible.

only a matter of time until you showed up :$

Only 1 minute to respond. Even without a tag. Get a life you utter waste of bandwidth

Three to four probes from Miggs, and then the melt happened ...

You think your sh*t doesn't stink, but the truth is you are probably one of the biggest non events in SFA history.

You started around the same time I did, you were at the Swamprats if I recall correctly. You melted your way out of there because your captain wouldn't blow smoke up your arse constantly. You then went to the Hawks and found you were too sh*t and spammy for them, so you went to stint #1 at the Bombers where you could spam your heart out. You then drifted off the board, joined the Royals and only came on every so often to take snipes at me for reasons even I am not aware of.

You are now back at the Bombers, desperate for relevance and to be liked even though most people wouldn't even give you a second thought.

I would say that describes you well doesn't it, Miggs? Maybe I got the order of events mixed up, please don't tell me if I did, I do not care.

Doesn’t care

posts 182762728 word essay

nice melt

As his pulse began to rise, ol melty ND began to cook a little inside ...

I've never understood why people say "cooked" to mean washed up..

Cooked is good, cooked food you eat. If food is undercooked, depending on what that is, it can cause food poisoning. Overcooked? Well, then it's just disgusting. Being "cooked" is where you want to be!

Thanks for the compliment miggs.

I’m actually referring to your mental health or head space. You seem genuinely cooked. Incoherent. Not all there. Mentally fragile. Or the more likely cause is that you are just a plain old ********* that spends his days on a fantasy forum desperately seeking the approval of others, So much so that you wound up being a moderator to try and flex some muscle after spending year after year being bullied at school for being the loser you are. Am I getting warm? Hopefully you reply to this and then once you’ve stewed on it a bit more, you come back an hour later and post another 10,000 word dossier on how irrelevant I am.

Lol. ND bommmered there. He then continued to carry on about a bunch of other inane shit before offering up the most bizarre response I've heard round these parts for an opponent getting one over them ...

Miggs couldn't past me on the pastingness day of his life if he had an electric pasting machine.

This is the stupidest sounding sentence I've read this year. Inane.

There's no excuse for stupid.

If he actually read over this and thought it sounded humorously odd-ball wacky then the head is empty with this one.

NaturalDisaster, congratulations. You join the ranks of esteemed posters this season such as Sterge (a somebody :$ belted back into hiding again), The Jesus (amazing fall from posting grace, basically on the ice pipe) & Blaze Storm (types with her index finger only) as recipients of the Steamer of the Week. You posted 160 odd times and they generally didn't offer much. Your teammates no doubt cringe at having a weasel living amongst them as any interesting and edgy banter they may wish to partake in would be scuppered no doubt by goody two shoes you. No wonder the Wazzas have no rookies coming through as who'd want to banter alongside a turnip picker like you.

You've had a decent stint.

Hang em up.

You've had another steamer :thumbsu:

Trophy - Round 4.jpg
View attachment 943303
This week saw the mighty Bombers take on the Coney Island Wazzas at Ankle Bracelet Park. I must say I was looking forward to going up against the Bombers' biggest fanboy in TheInjuryFactory and the honest to goodness genuine winner of the EKA last season in Tonga Bob. Unfortunately for Bob, they don't acknowledge posting talent when choosing the EKA winner.

Anyhow, another Bomber fanboy (80 odd posts in a Bombers' thread the previous week) in NaturalDisaster endeavoured to make his mark on this match thread early with his best opening gambit.

This was duly met with a fair appraisal of ND's posting ability by miggs.

To which ND gave his most moderator sounding response possible.

Three to four probes from Miggs, and then the melt happened ...

As his pulse began to rise, ol melty ND began to cook a little inside ...

Lol. ND bommmered there. He then continued to carry on about a bunch of other inane sh*t before offering up the most bizarre response I've heard round these parts for an opponent getting one over them ...

This is the stupidest sounding sentence I've read this year. Inane.

There's no excuse for stupid.

If he actually read over this and thought it sounded humorously odd-ball wacky then the head is empty with this one.

NaturalDisaster, congratulations. You join the ranks of esteemed posters this season such as Sterge (a somebody :$ belted back into hiding again), The Jesus (amazing fall from posting grace, basically on the ice pipe) & Blaze Storm (types with her index finger only) as recipients of the Steamer of the Week. You posted 160 odd times and they generally didn't offer much. Your teammates no doubt cringe at having a weasel living amongst them as any interesting and edgy banter they may wish to partake in would be scuppered no doubt by goody two shoes you. No wonder the Wazzas have no rookies coming through as who'd want to banter alongside a turnip picker like you.

You've had a decent stint.

Hang em up.

You've had another steamer :thumbsu:

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An extraordinarily worthy winner. Actually picked himself.

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An extraordinarily worthy winner. Actually picked himself.

Nothing gets past me.

Not even on the most pastingness day of his life and even if he had an electric pasting machine :$
View attachment 943303
This week saw the mighty Bombers take on the Coney Island Wazzas at Ankle Bracelet Park. I must say I was looking forward to going up against the Bombers' biggest fanboy in TheInjuryFactory and the honest to goodness genuine winner of the EKA last season in Tonga Bob. Unfortunately for Bob, they don't acknowledge posting talent when choosing the EKA winner.

Anyhow, another Bomber fanboy (80 odd posts in a Bombers' thread the previous week) in NaturalDisaster endeavoured to make his mark on this match thread early with his best opening gambit.

This was duly met with a fair appraisal of ND's posting ability by miggs.

To which ND gave his most moderator sounding response possible.

Three to four probes from Miggs, and then the melt happened ...

As his pulse began to rise, ol melty ND began to cook a little inside ...

Lol. ND bommmered there. He then continued to carry on about a bunch of other inane sh*t before offering up the most bizarre response I've heard round these parts for an opponent getting one over them ...

This is the stupidest sounding sentence I've read this year. Inane.

There's no excuse for stupid.

If he actually read over this and thought it sounded humorously odd-ball wacky then the head is empty with this one.

NaturalDisaster, congratulations. You join the ranks of esteemed posters this season such as Sterge (a somebody :$ belted back into hiding again), The Jesus (amazing fall from posting grace, basically on the ice pipe) & Blaze Storm (types with her index finger only) as recipients of the Steamer of the Week. You posted 160 odd times and they generally didn't offer much. Your teammates no doubt cringe at having a weasel mod living amongst them as any interesting and edgy banter they may wish to partake in would be scuppered no doubt by goody two shoes you. No wonder the Wazzas have no rookies coming through as who'd want to banter alongside a turnip picker like you.

You've had a decent stint.

Hang em up.

You've had another steamer :thumbsu:

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Round 5 - SSwans2011

Round 5 saw the mighty Bomber juggernaut head to the Colosseum to take on the Wonders. With recent events (Wayne being unfairly and unjustly pressured into relinquishing the captaincy) casting a shadow over the week the match thread was fairly reserved. That and we were playing the aforementioned Wonders. A posting unit as limp as an AceAndy comeback. ClarkeM did his very best to lead his troops early by hosting an interesting and insightful Q&A and they responded in kind by making considered and thoughtful contributions to the thread. It was becoming increasingly challenging to select a winner of the Steamer of the Week as no Wonders had really embarrassed themselves in the thread aside from the one or two obvious blunders that Grand Uncle Horace makes both in his nappy and on the forums. That was until SSwans2011 stepped up to the plate this weekend ...

Hahaha imagine being so bad at banter you have to go have a cry in another match thread.

Metalcrusher I was wrong. The Bombers need you, mate.


durrrrrr hurrrrrr hurrrrrr

Bomber banter bad duurrrrr hurrrrrr hurrrr

also SSwans2011

Durrrrrrr hurrrrrr hurrrrrrr

Better get other poster in here for leader durrrrrrr hurrrrr hurrrrr



Are you okay, mate? Stress of losing Wayneo getting to you? I know replacing a captain mid-season can be tough. Chin up, I'd be feeling the pressure too if I had far superior captain choices breathing down my neck. Just accuse me of being BC and you'll be right. :)


What's it like being the dictionary definition of irony, mate? I now see why you're so willing to be Metalcrusher's b*tch. You're already losing it as leader.


melts under little heat

also SSwans2011

Hurrrrrr durrrr durrrr irony

Holy fu**. I actually had to try to break the Dragons and Bears. I broke you with literally no effort. Incredible.


flails wildly

Also SSwans2011

Claims unsubstantiated victories after sniffing his own farts

I'm glad I'm heading out for the night. I know ABV is stressed at the moment and I don't want to embarrass him further.

Then again, he's sort of doing that himself anyway. Maybe put him to sleep for the night so it doesn't get any worse Bombers?



also SSwans2011

just announcing that I’m going out, because that’s important


The only regret that Antonio BlueVein had, I'm sure, was wasting his time and energy engaging in banter with the lowest common denominator of the Wonders, SSwans2011.

What had saved our match thread, up until this point, was the fact that Swanny was pouring his time and effort into creating this hot mess of a thread ...

I was a little shocked that the young Dragons, like serial_thrilla and co, were so quick to ragdoll this clown in our match thread with cricket images. Now I realise just why they were happy to baste and cook this turkey. SSwans2011 is perhaps the worst poster on this board. I don't think this was a bad week. I think this was the standard for Swanny.

If the Wonders need a plan on improving their posting stocks, I'm pretty sure Plans A, B & C are to jettison this wretched campaigner into the SFA wilderness and hope that without this dreg talent they can attract some youth and perhaps one or two elder statesmen in the hope they can start to earn some posting respect back off the wider SFA community. At the minute, with this no hoper at the forefront of their posting unit, they're going nowhere. Much like his media.

SSwans2011, you've had a steamer this week mate. Be better next time we play you. Your club's future is counting on it you no talent hack :thumbsu:

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I thought the part of the thread where you celebrated your team's tendency to resort to casual homophobia and sexism and then made light of sexual assault was top drawer banter.

View attachment 949126

Round 5 saw the mighty Bomber juggernaut head to the Colleseum to take on the Wonders. With recent events (Wayne being unfairly and unjustly pressured into relinquishing the captaincy) casting a shadow over the week the match thread was fairly reserved. That and we were playing the aforementioned Wonders. A posting unit as limp as an AceAndy comeback. ClarkeM did his very best to lead his troops early by hosting an interesting and insightful Q&A and they responded in kind by making considered and thoughtful contributions to the thread. It was becoming increasingly challenging to select a winner of the Steamer of the Week as no Wonders had really embarrassed themselves in the thread aside from the one or two obvious blunders that Grand Uncle Horace makes both in his nappy and on the forums. That was until SSwans2011 stepped up to the plate this weekend ...

The only regret that Antonio BlueVein had, I'm sure, was wasting his time and energy engaging in banter with the lowest common denominator of the Wonders, SSwans2011.

What had saved our match thread, up until this point, was the fact that Swanny was pouring his time and effort into creating this hot mess of a thread ...

I was a little shocked that the young Dragons, like serial_thrilla and co, were so quick to ragdoll this clown in our match thread with cricket images. Now I realise just why they were happy to baste and cook this turkey. SSwans2011 is perhaps the worst poster on this board. I don't think this was a bad week. I think this was the standard for Swanny.

If the Wonders need a plan on improving their posting stocks, I'm pretty sure Plans A, B & C are to jettison this wretched campaigner into the SFA wilderness and hope that without this dreg talent they can attract some youth and perhaps one or two elder statesmen in the hope they can start to earn some posting respect back off the wider SFA community. At the minute, with this no hoper at the forefront of their posting unit, they're going nowhere. Much like his media.

SSwans2011, you've had a steamer this week mate. Be better next time we play you. Your club's future is counting on it you no talent hack :thumbsu:

View attachment 949158
I heartily endorse this post. Facts and logic never looked so beautiful.
manangatang can this qualify for POTY?
I thought the part of the thread where you celebrated your team's tendency to resort to casual homophobia and sexism and then made light of sexual assault was top drawer banter.


ClarkeM - Assault.PNG
As a victim of sexual assault myself, I think I know what I’m talking about

ClarkeM makes light of sexual assault early doors :$

I’d personally lay off sexual assault jokes/lines. It’s unnecessary.
Same. As a victim of it myself, I feel disheartened by the actions here today.
Save your logic and reasoning mate. It's wasted on us :thumbsu:

It’s just insensitive mate, nothing to do with logic and reasoning.

Who's being insensitive? The Bombers as a club or the Wonder captain making light of it and had his post deleted?

God you just love to sook.
I think you're doing a great job mate :thumbsu:
Might as well pull his pants down at this point mate

Your teammate suggesting I give ND oral.

You're still going with the steaming posts mate. Just stop while you're well behind :$:$:$
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ClarkeM makes light of sexual assault early doors :$

Who's being insensitive? The Bombers as a club or the Wonder captain making light of it and had his post deleted?

Your teammate suggesting I give ND oral.

You're still going with the steaming posts mate. Just stop while you're well behind :$:$:$
Happy to chat in private. I was sexually assaulted in the USA. 100% true. :)
View attachment 949126

Round 5 saw the mighty Bomber juggernaut head to the Colosseum to take on the Wonders. With recent events (Wayne being unfairly and unjustly pressured into relinquishing the captaincy) casting a shadow over the week the match thread was fairly reserved. That and we were playing the aforementioned Wonders. A posting unit as limp as an AceAndy comeback. ClarkeM did his very best to lead his troops early by hosting an interesting and insightful Q&A and they responded in kind by making considered and thoughtful contributions to the thread. It was becoming increasingly challenging to select a winner of the Steamer of the Week as no Wonders had really embarrassed themselves in the thread aside from the one or two obvious blunders that Grand Uncle Horace makes both in his nappy and on the forums. That was until SSwans2011 stepped up to the plate this weekend ...

The only regret that Antonio BlueVein had, I'm sure, was wasting his time and energy engaging in banter with the lowest common denominator of the Wonders, SSwans2011.

What had saved our match thread, up until this point, was the fact that Swanny was pouring his time and effort into creating this hot mess of a thread ...

I was a little shocked that the young Dragons, like serial_thrilla and co, were so quick to ragdoll this clown in our match thread with cricket images. Now I realise just why they were happy to baste and cook this turkey. SSwans2011 is perhaps the worst poster on this board. I don't think this was a bad week. I think this was the standard for Swanny.

If the Wonders need a plan on improving their posting stocks, I'm pretty sure Plans A, B & C are to jettison this wretched campaigner into the SFA wilderness and hope that without this dreg talent they can attract some youth and perhaps one or two elder statesmen in the hope they can start to earn some posting respect back off the wider SFA community. At the minute, with this no hoper at the forefront of their posting unit, they're going nowhere. Much like his media.

SSwans2011, you've had a steamer this week mate. Be better next time we play you. Your club's future is counting on it you no talent hack :thumbsu:

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Well I'm just shocked to be sitting here, reading this.

But good to see some recognition around the comp of Swanny's posting "talent". I don't know how he goes on the Qooty field, but if it's anything like his match thread posting even the Wonders would be hard pressed to continue finding him a spot

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Well I'm just shocked to be sitting here, reading this.

But good to see some recognition around the comp of Swanny's posting "talent". I don't know how he goes on the Qooty field, but if it's anything like his match thread posting even the Wonders would be hard pressed to continue finding him a spot

We don't agree on many things ...
You forgot your quality content hashtag mate :thumbsu:
I realised linking people to this thread went against its role of being a quality curation tool.
Imagine having your team leach onto anything involving me and then implying I'm bad at banter. :$ :$

Don't need to imply something that's self evident.

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Media Steamer of the Week

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