Stella & Corona Drinkers

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ben.carbonaro said:
Are you giving us metros and girlieboys a hard time, Dicey?

Really did think we were mates and these sorts of comments really do to seem as though you are suggesting otherwise.

I make special considerations for you C-Banger. Dont stress, you're the leader they're all following.
ben.carbonaro said:
Really, do you think they are following me Dicey?

Definitley, what other explanation can there be:confused:

Is C Banger my new nickname on here is it?

It certainly has a respectability about it Ben. When you're famous and swapping Specials with Bruce, us lil pedants will be sitting back here discussing how we knew Ben when he was C-Banger.

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The Dice Man said:
Definitley, what other explanation can there be:confused:

It certainly has a respectability about it Ben. When you're famous and swapping Specials with Bruce, us lil pedants will be sitting back here discussing how we knew Ben when he was C-Banger.


It sounds like there is sexual links to the term, with the word banger attached to the letter c.

What makes you think I am going to be famous, Dicey?

Haven't done much media wise of note yet.
ben.carbonaro said:

It sounds like there is sexual links to the term, with the word banger attached to the letter c.

What makes you think I am going to be famous, Dicey?

Haven't done much media wise of note yet.

Ben you're seeing sex where there is none. You really are king of teh metros aren't you? :p

I wouldn't use C-Banger, it could be mistaken for Crip-Banger, and if you ever travel the US you could get in some strife with the piru bloods etc.

Ben, what other people think is irrelevant, you need to internalise more.
ben.carbonaro said:
Haven't done much media wise of note yet.

I just think you have character Ben, a uniquness that is rare in teh media these days.

You may only become known on a VFL kinda fame level.. you know, like Phil Cleary, but I reckon you're in with a shot of become a relativley well known sporting name.

I mean your name makes peoplke take notice anyway.... What were your forefathers thinking???

"Mmm, this is a nice and creamy dish, I think I'll just pop on down to the deed poll office and name myself after a pasta".

You are unique Ben, and thats a good thing.
Only VFL circles?

Am known a bit in netball circles, but am not too sure if that can be a good thing although writing about the CBT and international games is something that I enjoy.

Interesting comment about my surname, my grandfather is forever handing me sheets of paper with name stuff on them and urging me to read them which is something still haven't done yet.

Unique could lead to my downfall though, couldn't it Dicey?
Your uniquness will make you stand out fromn the crowd, only you can make it your downfall, and you're not nasty or mean so I doubt it will hurt you.

You should read up on your surname and tell us (or me at least) what posessed your forefathers to take on the name Carbonaro... Unless it's an Italian town, I cant imagine why...
The Dice Man said:
Carlton Draught is a good bottom cost beer, and Id rather pay 2 bucks a pot for my Carlton than 5 bucks for a label that tastes like someone pooed in the Tuns.

A bit of a heads up for the beer collectors/drinkers here; for the Commonwealth Games, Fosters will be releasing- for the first time ever- Crown Lager in Draught and should be available at all Games bars during the events... Not sure if this will spread out to include pubs in melb or around the country yet though.

ALSO, a special edition Crown Lager stubbie will be available from limited bottleshops, this version will have a silver logo.... I'll try and sneak a pic when they're coming off the bottling line ;)
Can anyone hazard a guess when beer was 2 bucks a pot?

As for Crown Lager on tap - all prospective drinkers should be subjected to a blind tasting between it and Carlton Draught. See if you can justify the extra they will charge for it.
McAlmanac said:
Can anyone hazard a guess when beer was 2 bucks a pot?

As for Crown Lager on tap - all prospective drinkers should be subjected to a blind tasting between it and Carlton Draught. See if you can justify the extra they will charge for it.

2 bucks a pot at my work:cool:

The main difference between Crown and Carlton is in the Lagering process. Crown is matured for 12 days, while Carlton is matured for around 9 days.

And apart from Crown having the premium graded ingredients (hops and malt) there are no other differences.

But you try holding 6 million litres of beer for an extra 3 days in maturation tanks and try not to pass on the cost!
ben.carbonaro said:
Have you got your own bat at work?

That's pretty cool.

My own bat?:confused:

Unfortunatley Boonie doesnt pop in all that often and we dont get cricket breaks. But Michael Voss, other Lions players, soem Aussie cricketers and Gordon Tallis are known to drop in from time to time.

Apparently the Lions end of season party for the players after their 3 preimerships were all held at my work, but obviously that was before my time.

Though I have been made an honoury member of the Nevada FBI and the Kathmandu equivilent to the CIB. So if you ever get in trouble in Nevada or Nepal, just gimmee a holler Ben and I'll fix ya up;)

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Stella & Corona Drinkers

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