Such is Life- Ben Cousins doco

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You have focused, continuously (in various threads), on Cousins as a negative for our club.

are you seriously having a go at someone else for continually complaining about a midfielder?

But hey, in your mind you know everything and thats all that matters.
im also leading a $2500 tipping comp, but hey, what would i know

edit: just realised he's got a red, so there was probably no point in posting this
thanks TurlBurl...expected to be shot down in flames -might still happen?

i dont hate the guy (gave me hours of footy joy) over him,just wish he'd disappear, he still keeps dragging us back into that mire..

and now chad the fletcher...the media sharpen up their knives again...but i guess when we are back in a winning way, the great joy is that the journos will have nothing on us (hopefully?) next time around..they can all eat humble pie - as can cuzz if+when he comes back to coach the midfield, he can eat a lot of humble pie, every day,for a long time hopefully..too much humble pie will never be enough for him. ;)

How do you propose he eat this humble pie? Your subjective opinion that Cousins was arrogant, doesn't make it so. Do you know him personally to be able to make an informed judgment?

Those on their high horse make sure Australia keeps alive it's infamous tall poppy syndrome.

You can't complain that the media are sharpening their knives again because of Cuz and Fletch, when you say that you just wish he'd just disappear; but you too, also comment on a public forum, yet still keeping the issue alive. It's your double standard.
One of the other things on the doco that I thought was interesting was the amount of Eagles people helping get him back on track. I though it was interesting, because apparently according to a lot of people we let him down by abandoning him:

Legal counsel trying to get him back into the AFL was the Eagles lawyer.
Their "family" doctor, Rod Moore, is the Eagles Dr.
The bloke who took him up North surfing was as ex Eagles board member.

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One of the other things on the doco that I thought was interesting was the amount of Eagles people helping get him back on track. I though it was interesting, because apparently according to a lot of people we let him down by abandoning him:

Legal counsel trying to get him back into the AFL was the Eagles lawyer.
Their "family" doctor, Rod Moore, is the Eagles Dr.
The bloke who took him up North surfing was as ex Eagles board member.

Add to that Billy Sutherland - the eagles trainer
you are so right tesseract...why should i express my opinion at all,especially if its not one that people wish to warned - do not criticise ben, he's been a bad boy but now he's good...and profiting from all his dirty laundry..
arrogant?- the public 'such is life' incident wasnt arrogant??? i need to be informed to make an opinion about this?
humble pie? - donate the proceeds from the cynical profiteering exercise called a 'doco', to a worthy and relevant charity would show that this guy is not 100% still about ben cousins and his ego..that would demonstrate some adult smarts and fact if he and his agent were smart,they could capitalise on that whilst seeming to do the right thing.
double standards-why because i criticise the man..if i come here to praise him its ok?
i should stay mute..dont think so..

but you are right in a way, i dont wish to further go on about fact i havent for some time..i refuse to be drawn in on the topics..but this doco, is not right,in many ways..he should have just slipped away quietly and merged with the suits,and normal life.but he cant, can he, and therein lies the problem.??.
you are so right tesseract...why should i express my opinion at all,especially if its not one that people wish to warned - do not criticise ben, he's been a bad boy but now he's good...and profiting from all his dirty laundry..
arrogant?- the public 'such is life' incident wasnt arrogant??? i need to be informed to make an opinion about this?
humble pie? - donate the proceeds from the cynical profiteering exercise called a 'doco', to a worthy and relevant charity would show that this guy is not 100% still about ben cousins and his ego..that would demonstrate some adult smarts and fact if he and his agent were smart,they could capitalise on that whilst seeming to do the right thing.
double standards-why because i criticise the man..if i come here to praise him its ok?
i should stay mute..dont think so..

but you are right in a way, i dont wish to further go on about fact i havent for some time..i refuse to be drawn in on the topics..but this doco, is not right,in many ways..he should have just slipped away quietly and merged with the suits,and normal life.but he cant, can he, and therein lies the problem.??.

It has nothing to do with you criticizing Ben. I'm not trying to silence your negative comments towards Cuz because I have nothing emotionally invested in Cousins. You said you wished the issue would just go away, yet you continue to discuss, which is acting counter to what you're posting.

None on here can speak of Cousins' intentions for making the documentary, because we don't know. You're basing your opinion that Cousins made this film for profit on nothing more than your own perception. Your perception doesn't make it so.

Cousins arrogance is irrelevant. Who's to say he is or isn't, except for those that know him well.

How about you give your wage/salary to a charity before you call upon another to do likewise. Your arrogance comes from your exaggerations. You don't know him, yet you're willing to make a definitive judgment. One could claim the arrogance is yours.
Adult smarts and humility isn't measured by donating to charity. BTW, how is "adult smarts" measured?
Doing the right thing for whom? Giving away money which rightfully belongs to Cousins, is no measure of doing the right thing either. You're saying he should do it out of obligation, as some kind of penance for redemption, not from generosity. Cousins has no such obligation. Doing the right thing isn't measured by giving away your own cash unwillingly.

Like I've said previously, your double standards come from wanting the media to let this issue die, and yourself wishing it to go away, yet you continue to prop the issue up by getting yourself involved in public discussions.
Whether you're pro or anti-Cousins is irrelevant.

As for being drawn in on the issue, to late. You post one thing yet do another.
Whether Cousins should've slipped away quietly and merged with the suits is irrelevant. He doesn't dance to your beat, nor fade away, just to please those who wish he wasn't in the spotlight.

The cynicism you claim Cousins has, could be said that you share too.
a conceptual semantics circlejerk tess...perceptions? life is a perception,reality is a perception,i am a perception to you,you are perception to me,your analysis is a perception,your criticism of me,and my opinions on cousins is a perception,and is irrelevant, as in it wont change my opinion.i'm not here to discuss you or you analytical prowess tess..ive come to dump on cuzz whether you like it or not, whether you intellectually permit it,debate it, or not..

its really simple..i wished cousins to go away, to stop impacting on the club with his dreary stop manipulating and exploiting his past into a profiteering package..a media machine..
i no longer wished to be drawn into the tired cousins debate..but hey,guess what, i changed my mind-why, because i can do that..and because
cousins hasnt gone away, he's since released and produced a 'doco',which has directly entered my living room,and life,as it was meant to do,and has left an impression on me,from which ive formed an opinion..that opinion is that he strikes me as being somewhat arrogant and unremorseful for all the damage he has caused to his family,friends,his team mates,fans, and club - a club that has since imploded it seems.

should he show remorse and humility? to a certain extent - hell, yes!
if he wants to milk the public and the media,he then has a responsibilty, certainly to children,teens,and young footy disciples..and i didnt see that, i didnt feel it..i was left with the impression of someone who lives in a bubble,a rather exclusive bubble,and comes across as self indulged, self obsessed,or spoilt..and i maintain that to profit from all this strikes me as manipulative,exploitative and yes, cynical. the ben cousins minidrama seems to say that it doesnt matter what you do wrong,nor the impact it has on others, if you can get away with it,and commercialise it into a consumer product,and profit from it, then hey - its all good!!??

so tess, thats my opinion,for what its worth,you can intellectually tug on about it ad infinitum or ad nauseam..but it wil be irrelevant to me.
love you and leave you...(damn, loves a perception too)(but leaving you is real,for i am going now..) ;)

perception:-the neurophysiological processes,including memory,by which an organism becomes aware of,and interprets,external stimuli.

i am perceived to have left the building..which in itself is irrelevant..arent we all?
a conceptual semantics circlejerk tess...perceptions? life is a perception,reality is a perception,i am a perception to you,you are perception to me,your analysis is a perception,your criticism of me,and my opinions on cousins is a perception,and is irrelevant, as in it wont change my opinion.i'm not here to discuss you or you analytical prowess tess..ive come to dump on cuzz whether you like it or not, whether you intellectually permit it,debate it, or not..

its really simple..i wished cousins to go away, to stop impacting on the club with his dreary stop manipulating and exploiting his past into a profiteering package..a media machine..
i no longer wished to be drawn into the tired cousins debate..but hey,guess what, i changed my mind-why, because i can do that..and because
cousins hasnt gone away, he's since released and produced a 'doco',which has directly entered my living room,and life,as it was meant to do,and has left an impression on me,from which ive formed an opinion..that opinion is that he strikes me as being somewhat arrogant and unremorseful for all the damage he has caused to his family,friends,his team mates,fans, and club - a club that has since imploded it seems.

should he show remorse and humility? to a certain extent - hell, yes!
if he wants to milk the public and the media,he then has a responsibilty, certainly to children,teens,and young footy disciples..and i didnt see that, i didnt feel it..i was left with the impression of someone who lives in a bubble,a rather exclusive bubble,and comes across as self indulged, self obsessed,or spoilt..and i maintain that to profit from all this strikes me as manipulative,exploitative and yes, cynical. the ben cousins minidrama seems to say that it doesnt matter what you do wrong,nor the impact it has on others, if you can get away with it,and commercialise it into a consumer product,and profit from it, then hey - its all good!!??

so tess, thats my opinion,for what its worth,you can intellectually tug on about it ad infinitum or ad nauseam..but it wil be irrelevant to me.
love you and leave you...(damn, loves a perception too)(but leaving you is real,for i am going now..) ;)

perception:-the neurophysiological processes,including memory,by which an organism becomes aware of,and interprets,external stimuli.

i am perceived to have left the building..which in itself is irrelevant..arent we all?

Your point of view is perception, but once you've publicly posted an opinion on Cousins, then it becomes open for debate. Challenging how you came to those conclusions is then legitimate.

The clarification of your position was unnecessary, for what you've posted when I originally commented on this, has been repeated 2 extra times.
As I've stated before, I'm not trying to stop you from having your say, that is your right, and I'm someone who'll argue for you to have that, if necessary. I'm interested in understanding 'how' you've come to your conclusions. I know you've seen the documentary and are basing your opinion on that, but surely that's not nearly enough to make such definitive statements.
Your call of Cousins being cynical is matched by your own cynicism because you've immediately assumed the worst intentions from Cousins, without really knowing. There was no wait and see attitude, or benefit of the doubt. My opinion in this regard isn't just perception because you've clarified your position 3 times.

Calling an assumption an opinion or perception, in this regard, is deceiving. It's a way of trying to hide from any critical analysis of your post. I'm not against you having an opinion, but if your opinion is going to hold any water, it needs to be backed up. This isn't just an issue that involves you, it applies to all.
oh cease+desist tess..
i cant satisfy your lust for intellectual stimulus..
i'm simply not interested ..(in pysochology 101)
youre beginning to sound like the headmaster..
getting a bit spooky..
i dont have to give you any explanations..nor back up my words according to you..
i simply dont like cuzz's behaviour nor his 'doco'..its how i feel, subjectively or objectively..
whether thats rational or irrational,or a perception,or irrelevant - i dont care, youll just have to deal with that..i'm sure youll be able to reason your way thru seem very intelligent..dont be too hard on yourself..its not your fault..some people are just irrational, and impervious to reason..isnt that so annoying..its a mad world,full of whacky unexplainable situations and events - and irrational football posts..sometimes they need some colour, to balance out the forensically drizabone factual posts are obviously flippant, so flip it off.
by the way tess, whats your opinion on the cuzz video, which is the topic for debate as i recall..or you just stalk and dissect other posts?. i would like to hear your opinion,maybe then we could have a balanced discussion.
are you seriously having a go at someone else for continually complaining about a midfielder?

Ok, I see your MO now. Make a statement. Have it ripped apart for the shallow, pointless, crap that it is and move on by deflecting. Cool.

You pointed out that Cuzz was bad for our club. I pointed out that while he had done some very ordinary things to our club by his actions he was a net positive. You being about 2 when he joined the club (literally) have no idea, but still hold strong opinions.

On the "deflection", yes, I have continually complained that Priddis has been slowing the development of our future mids. On the evidence of the last few games, I suggest my view has been 100% spot on.

Now, back on topic, is there any comeback to my actual post? Any chance you could propose a counter view? Or are you simply conceding defeat and being cute?

im also leading a $2500 tipping comp, but hey, what would i know

My mother won $1,000 in a tipping comp in 2008. She has never watched an entire AFL game in her life (on TV or live). You are indeed "the man".

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oh cease+desist tess..
i cant satisfy your lust for intellectual stimulus..
i'm simply not interested ..(in pysochology 101)
youre beginning to sound like the headmaster..
getting a bit spooky..
i dont have to give you any explanations..nor back up my words according to you..
i simply dont like cuzz's behaviour nor his 'doco'..its how i feel, subjectively or objectively..
whether thats rational or irrational,or a perception,or irrelevant - i dont care, youll just have to deal with that..i'm sure youll be able to reason your way thru seem very intelligent..dont be too hard on yourself..its not your fault..some people are just irrational, and impervious to reason..isnt that so annoying..its a mad world,full of whacky unexplainable situations and events - and irrational football posts..sometimes they need some colour, to balance out the forensically drizabone factual posts are obviously flippant, so flip it off.
by the way tess, whats your opinion on the cuzz video, which is the topic for debate as i recall..or you just stalk and dissect other posts?. i would like to hear your opinion,maybe then we could have a balanced discussion.

I apologize if I've come across as argumentative.

It is what it is. Ideally for Ben, it was the view he wished to convey publicly. It may very well just be a good PR campaign to help his future aspirations, where a solid public perception is necessary. A manipulation it could possibly be. That would be a cynical view, but I understand why one could come to that conclusion, considering the nature of some people. I think personal circumstances are involved when one's first personal view is one of cynicism.
I wouldn't have the faintest clue if it was an honest portrayal of events.

My gut feeling, without really knowing one way or the other is that there were elements of the truth being told, without explaining the whole side of the story. The depth of his lows weren't really portrayed well, if at all. The show did it's best to highlight Ben as heroic in his feats for climbing out of the gutter to make a comeback to football.
It was fluff with little substance.

It was a fluff piece, so it makes it impossible to form any reality based opinion of Ben.
not argumentative Tess...just like a dog with a bone..
and you could well be right?
but i deflected as you well know..
and i may well be cynical on the cousins subject, no apologies there.
and i appreciate your opinion on the topic..and enjoyed your earlier comments..damn,you got me. ;)

leigh mathews commented,saying he was still none the wiser as to who the real cousins was,would the real cousins please stand up..
interesting was Ed Mcguires comments re meeting with cousins who was desperate to find a new club at the time,towards the end of the draft..saying his behaviour was was always about us being a vehicle for Ben..never once was it about collingwood..
so one could read between the words there and extract some arrogance,even cynicism..for what its worth..
but basically,i didnt like the guy i saw talking at me,in a doco about himself,produced/funded by himself..and i have to say its pretty much the first time ive seen this guy speak..and i didnt like the persona that was coming across...but thats just how it affected me.

(i deal with the subject of propaganda all the time in my work,and am very wary/conscious of the power of the moving image-and the still image-and how it can subvert peoples beliefs/perceptions,and cause them to shift,via the simple process of editing,let alone the other skills involved-about what i'm being sold,and why i'm being sold (or told) this story,or any story.)-not unlike 'shapeshifting' - you can use it to shift your shape-improve/alter your perceived image,or intended agenda..and its altered my perception of cousins - just not the way it was intended,maybe my cynicism saved me,it can be a good thing)
(curiously Tess, i said you were like a dog with a bone..i.e-dogged,doglike-which comes from the greek root word kuon-kunikos,which translated into latin means cynicus or cynical..and thats more of an admirable quality,as in tenacious..but because i called you doglike,doesnt make it true. (; )
The Dvd is released this month, containing 2 hours extra footage. $24.99 at sanity. Google to find where you can buy it if you want. This will be in the $9.99 bargain bin within a few months..

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Such is Life- Ben Cousins doco

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