Reasonable info but the usual Warner mocking us as"laughing stock" just makes it "meh"
If you want to read something that is very close to the bone and clearly has been well researched this is good
if you're a journalist using those cliches there's an agenda-and with him it's not about promoting us
He must have been licking his lips waiting to churn out those column inches
All Clubs have this stuff going on
Our continued lack of success makes us an easy target
You'd hope this sort of piece would at least give some credit to East for having there balls to finally take Cochrane on-and hoe it's about changing culture here- not team culture-organisational
To some extent it does by acknowledging the previous Board was basically a disaster control mechanism for Cochrane
I have to say though I thought we had lucked out getting Mark Evans
Now I'm starting to think he's just another Auld/Ashcroft
Using us to feather his nest and underperforming because he's not answerable to anyone
But I've rabbitted on about this for years
Who's answerable to who from the Board down?
Certainly we supporters have zero input and I have to say after 14 years and thousands of dollars forked over I'm starting to get over it
I'm hoping East can change that perception
Again I really don't understand this "botched"sacking ?
There was no way Dew could just be given to the end of the season
And despite the hand wringing there were no guarantees given to him
That was just the spin from Dew and his media mates
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