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Sad to see the Cousins situation and probably feel for his parents more than anyone.

Cousins knew what he was getting into and made a bad choice like a number of others he has made during his career.

If he wasn't such a high profile person I am sure the legal system may have dealt with the issues in a far more harsh way.

Hopefully he can deal with his problems, but when you make these decisions, you eventually have to suffer the consequences.
ICousins has given you all hours and hours of entertainment, how about you all just stay the **** out of his personal life and let the man play football? I mean, they are his own choices after all.


a/ he hasnt given me hours and hours of more than any footy player has.
b/ HIS PERSONAL LIFE has damaged OUR game...its not HIS to do anything he likes with....through his stupidity and selfishness he's made it evryones business...the game is bigger than Ben Cousins' ego...whenever he signs a contract with his club he agrees to abide by certain conditions...he decided that these conditions only applied to others.

If u stuff up then u take responsibility for it...unless of course u think like a 12yo boy.

At this stage Cosuins STILL hasnt even had the guts to admit his stupidity...he's always avoided taking responsibility for hismself and others are once again cleaning up after him. Afterall he didnt even tell his old man NOT to talk to the press coz HE would.

The bloke is making people think he's an absolute simply looks like he's trying to work out the best course of action again...whatever it takes to help HIMSELFinstead of actually acting like a responsible bloke...perhaps we are simply seeing the real Ben Cousins...certainly looks like he's never grown up.

Dont forget he's not suffering from anything life threatening...looks like its only a bit of grog and rec drugs that are the issue....stuff we've all been exposed to....he can turn around and stop acting like a complete selfish brat whenever he feels like u actually think he doenst know he's burnt a lot of ppl along the way ? u think he doesnt realise how disappointed his fans are and how much damage he's done to the game ?

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ohh yeah...i feel so sorry for the poor bloke...he's only broken just about every rule in the book REPEATEDLY and KNOWINGLY thru his OWN CHOICES....along the way he's potentially damaged his clubs chances in 07, ruined their name, tainted a premiership, burnt his mates, brought the game into disrepute and lost all respect.

Sorry champ...rules are rules...and to top it off he's been accepting payment from his club whilst knowingly breaking his contract....those that have had to put up with the spoilt brat are the ones more deserving of your pity.

Too late buddy...he made his choices...he should just accept some responsibility for his own stupidity and take it on the chin instead of trying to once again look for a hole that lets him squirm out....that way he can be back playing footy next yr and ppl will gladly forgive him for a mistake.

...or should there be a drugs policy for the unkown players and a seperate one for the well known ?

Doesnt anyone want to take responsibity for their actions anymore ?....or is it all about how many solicitors u know and how much bullshyt u can spin ? All he needs to do is take his punishment like a man and all will be forgiven....not enjoying seeing him look like a squibb.

Do I feel sorry for Ben Cousins? NO, and why should I?
Do I feel sorry for West Coast? NO! If they have known about Booze Bus Benny, Cocaine Cousins (or what ever you want to call him) antics for nearly 12 months then they are repeat offenders also.
Did the club think that if they kept the local media wrapped around their little finger (as they seem to do so well) they could keep Cousins out on the field, continue paying him(thus supporting his habit) and worry about the rehabilitation later?
What a mess!!!
Give me a break.

Pity him? Yeah, that I could manage.

He didn't just slip up, he put himself before his club, teammates, family and spouse on an ongoing basis. I'd support his rehabilitation, but not as reported with the AFL offering to charter a private jet to send him to the States for rehab. Smacks of the AFL trying to clear its guilty conscience which is well deserved.

Long long way back for Cousins and his club to regain a semblance of credibility in this country.
Ben Cousins has had more opportunities than most to make a good living. There is no way I can feel sorry for him. He made his bed and has to lie in it. Having said that we all make mistakes and if Ben Redeems himself I will be more than happy to forgive and forget.

If Ben can clean himself up, distance himself from the people he reportedly hangs around with(you all know what im saying) and then give a bit back to the community(conselling for young users etc) then I will be the first to say well done Ben. He is very lucky he has such a large support network and access to resources like overseas rehab clinics etc. Many young kids who don't have these opportunties have a much longer road to revcovery than he has. I hope for his sake he goes down the right path.
Did the club think that if they kept the local media wrapped around their little finger (as they seem to do so well) they could keep Cousins out on the field, continue paying him(thus supporting his habit) and worry about the rehabilitation later?

The answer is yes.

The WA media knew about it.
The general WA public knew about it.
Kids in high schools knew about it.
The WA police knew about it.
The players knew about it.
The club knew about it.
The AFL knew about it.
Vlad knew about it.

But there was this conspiracy of silence in order to protect the game. Year after year, they just swept it all under the carpet, until the pile of filth under the carpet became just too big to ignore.

a/ he hasnt given me hours and hours of more than any footy player has.

All the players put together give you hours and hours of entertainment, but is that enough for you? No, you want them to do more and more every year. Here's an idea, maybe AFL players should come into your house and start raising your kids for you, going to work getting you down? well don't worry an AFL player will come and do your job for you. Maybe they could help you out with your mortgage too, I mean it's not as if they've done anything for you already!!

b/ HIS PERSONAL LIFE has damaged OUR game...its not HIS to do anything he likes with....through his stupidity and selfishness he's made it evryones business...the game is bigger than Ben Cousins' ego...whenever he signs a contract with his club he agrees to abide by certain conditions...he decided that these conditions only applied to others.

If u stuff up then u take responsibility for it...unless of course u think like a 12yo boy.

At this stage Cosuins STILL hasnt even had the guts to admit his stupidity...he's always avoided taking responsibility for hismself and others are once again cleaning up after him. Afterall he didnt even tell his old man NOT to talk to the press coz HE would.

So if he had said 12 months or so ago: "I'm going to take drugs from time to time - it's my decision - the club can judge me on how I play and train, but I don't want them judging me on what I do in my spare time. If it affects my game or my health, that is my responsibility and I will take care of it myself" - would that have been okay? Do you think the current rules would allow a player to do that?

The bloke is making people think he's an absolute simply looks like he's trying to work out the best course of action again...whatever it takes to help HIMSELFinstead of actually acting like a responsible bloke...perhaps we are simply seeing the real Ben Cousins...certainly looks like he's never grown up.

Dont forget he's not suffering from anything life threatening...looks like its only a bit of grog and rec drugs that are the issue....stuff we've all been exposed to....he can turn around and stop acting like a complete selfish brat whenever he feels like u actually think he doenst know he's burnt a lot of ppl along the way ? u think he doesnt realise how disappointed his fans are and how much damage he's done to the game ?

Who has he burnt along the way?

The only reason it damages the game is because morons like you start complaining about how you're too lazy to explain the dangers of drugs to your kids and you expect footballers to be perfect role models for everyone. And the weak AFL is too scared that your complaints will lead to a drop in their $$ to actually stand up for their players.

It will only damage the game if people like you let it damage the game.
I think everyone should support Benny, it takes courage to admit u have a problem, U can all bag him if u want but ben wil end up having the last laugh 2 all u critics......

He isn't really deserving of sympathy as he got himself into this situation, no one else did. But the amount of sanctimonious moral grandstanding on here has been obscene. I never realised so many Mormons were members of Bigfooty.
He isn't really deserving of sympathy as he got himself into this situation, no one else did. But the amount of sanctimonious moral grandstanding on here has been obscene. I never realised so many Mormons were members of Bigfooty.

Exactly, I don't sympathise that much with him for getting a drug problem in the first place, but I do sympathise with him having to put up with all this **** from the media and from morons on here that think they have a god-given right to demand perfection from him.
I think everyone should support Benny, it takes courage to admit u have a problem, U can all bag him if u want but ben wil end up having the last laugh 2 all u critics......

Get it right. please.???

Benny hasn't admitted anything.....he's said nothing.

So far, he has left to his parents to explain HIS behaviour.

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Exactly, I don't sympathise that much with him for getting a drug problem in the first place, but I do sympathise with him having to put up with all this **** from the media and from morons on here that think they have a god-given right to demand perfection from him.

I agree.
but I do sympathise with him having to put up with all this **** from the media and from morons on here that think they have a god-given right to demand perfection from him.

Oh FFS, most of people are taking offence to the fact that we are expected to sympathise and feel sorry for him.

Most people here have their own problems to worry about.... where is Ben Cousins and his 500 thousand dollars a year when people here are struggling to meet the payments on their mortgage?
Ben Cousins has been put on a pedastal all his life for being a good footballer.

Now some people and the West Aust. media want him up on a pedastal for being a drug addict.

Yeah thats going to send a great message to the thousands of kids who idolise him.

'Bens a drug addict and everyone loves him , I'm gunna be just like Ben'

Do you people understand how scary it is bringing kids up in todays society. We certainly dont need role models like Ben Cousins.

Do you feel sorry for the thousands of others out there that are addicted?
I bet you dont.
Get it right. please.???

Benny hasn't admitted anything.....he's said nothing.

So far, he has left to his parents to explain HIS behaviour.

Mate Do u really think His dad would have read out that statement with talking to ben first. So in a way he has admitted it ...
Uh oh,a teeny with the crush on Cuz :rolleyes:

Sorry,I'm not supporting him.Why the hell should I ?
Big deal he has a problem,which he's brought on himself.
I couldn't give a fat rats if he recovers or if he's found dead in a gutter.

Seems to be the theme at Geelong..leaving people to die
Talk to 'God' and find some compassion...
Oh FFS, most of people are taking offence to the fact that we are expected to sympathise and feel sorry for him.

Most people here have their own problems to worry about.... where is Ben Cousins and his 500 thousand dollars a year when people here are struggling to meet the payments on their mortgage?

Well go and worry about them then . I don't expect you to sympathise, but I wish people wouldn't demonise him for doing something that is none of your business and that shouldn't even be against the law or especially against the AFL rules.
Ben Cousins has been put on a pedastal all his life for being a good footballer.

Now some people and the West Aust. media want him up on a pedastal for being a drug addict.

Yeah thats going to send a great message to the thousands of kids who idolise him.

'Bens a drug addict and everyone loves him , I'm gunna be just like Ben'

Do you people understand how scary it is bringing kids up in todays society. We certainly dont need role models like Ben Cousins.

Do you feel sorry for the thousands of others out there that are addicted?
I bet you dont.

1) I do feel sorry for people who have drug addictions who have them because of poor upbringing etc

2) Since this thread is all about people taking responsibility - why don't you ****ing take some and raise your own damn kids? I hope your kids take a truckload of drugs and then live extremely long, happy lives because ridiculously simplistic statements like "drugs = bad" is something not even a Herald Sun reader would believe (you'd hope!).
Well go and worry about them then you ****ing idiot! I don't expect you to sympathise, but I wish people wouldn't demonise him for doing something that is none of your business and that shouldn't even be against the law or especially against the AFL rules.

Whoa Nelly! Now you're getting silly.
I agree that Cousins has made his own choices. But I don't agree with the rules. If it's his own choice, and if it doesn't affect his game, why should anyone else care?

You are joking ?

Amphetamines increase your heart beat.

Someone who is as fit as an AFL player could easily have a heart-attack if playing football while on the gear.

That is why others should care. How good is it going to look when a player dies on the footy field from a heart-attack and the media asks the AFL what their drug policy is and they reply 'we dont have one because it doesnt effect us, it's not our lives'

Wake up , and think before you post drivel
Mate Do u really think His dad would have read out that statement with talking to ben first. So in a way he has admitted it ...

1st hand......... would be Benny.

2nd hand......was his dad.

People want the 1st hand account.

So in a way, he hasn't admitted it.
Get it right. please.???

Benny hasn't admitted anything.....he's said nothing.

So far, he has left to his parents to explain HIS behaviour.

Yes he has admitted it to his friends and family. He owes you and every other sanctamanious twit NOTHIN....

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