FTA-TV Survivor: Millennials v Gen X

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  • You (I'm a millennial)

    Votes: 39 70.9%
  • U (I'm a millennial)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You (I'm Gen X)

    Votes: 15 27.3%
  • U(I'm Gen X)

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters

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Hated the last couple of hours watching that.

- It all happened way too quickly, and we didn't see enough of the final jury. Certainly from what we saw, Adam wasn't justified in winning every vote.
- I agree that Adam finding that final idol stank like shit. Did no one bother looking for it before the Jay vote? Or was it just another weird bit of editing?
- I really loathe final tribal sob stories. Yeah it's sad that your mums dying - but people die, and a grown man having his mum as a best friend is weird.
- I hated Chris advocating for Adam based on him convincing Ken to vote David out - at least from what we were shown, it was Hannah who twisted Kens arm more than Adam.
- I didn't really rate Hannah throughout the game, but she convinced me from what we were shown at the final tribal. She was at the heart of plenty of votes that she didn't really get any publicity for.
- I'm at least glad that Ken didn't get any votes. Didn't deserve them, the game has evolved beyond just being nice.
Probst pointing out Ciera voted out her mum for what must be the 105912354172094th time.

It's Ciera's entire reason for being on the "Game Changers" season, so of course he was going to mention it again

Also, I would love a list of the things the rest of the people did to justify being a "game changer" because there's at least 2 or 3 I barely recognise
Yeah, I meant Sandra. I don't even remember that Sierra (despite the fact that she apparently came 5th in her season).

Why do you think we haven't seen enough of Cirie? IMO 3 times should be the maximum someone should be allowed to play
Sierra is the worst casting for an all stars season ever imo.

I think Cirie's underrated, she'd be in my top 3 players of all time, and people that good should always be allowed to play again if they want.
Wonderful Season, Great Finale..kind of happy that both Jay and David did not win as it means they will more then likely return sooner rather then later.
Am excited for season 34 even with the strange cast choices, anything with Tony is worth watching for me.
Also, as usual casual fans sooking it up about Ken not winning due to the 10-0 'pity votes' to adam :') same thing was written about Jeremy in Cambodia because the greatest player of all time Spencer was robbed :rolleyes: 10-0.
Hannah, almost but not quite, Goat with delusions of adequacy, deserved at least one vote, soon as Adam's Mum's story was out there, no contest.
Yeah, he was probably deserving winner of the final 3, but the cynic in me has to ponder if it was unanimous if his mum wasn't brought up.
Good on him for donating $100k to his charity at the reunion.

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Hannah could have got maybe 1 vote sure, but that was a seriously poor final tribal council effort from her, she really needed to stop interrupting Adam.
She held all the cards to say in her original answers that Adam just let me control 2 crucial tribal votes and I still got the result I wanted with my final 3.
Instead she gloated and gave herself way too much credit instead of digging into Adams mistakes.
Well, just finished watching the finale. Here's some thoughts:

Dave's fake idol gambit was one of the best things I've seen on the show. In previous seasons this has been used to bluff people against voting for someone because they think they have an idol, but to make Jay think he found a hidden idol, and therefore play more recklessly was brilliant.

Brett continually calling the other survivor's "crazies" was not only wrong, but highly insulting to those people.

Adam finding that hidden idol when he did, has to go down as the biggest bit of dumb luck in idol history.

Brett's comment about Dave after he was eliminated lacked class, and was an obvious ploy to undermine Dave again. Brett really was the biggest douche in the game, followed by Ken.

I thought Dave went out with class, just as Jay did.

Once Adam played the "my mom's dying of cancer" card at final tribal he was never going to lose. It was his big ace up the sleeve to take to the final tribal.

Hannah's game was really underestimated by the jury, she deserved to win. She had no dying relative to use. I really thinks she's like a female Woody Allen.

Overall, this season has been one of the best I've seen in recent years.
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Well, just finished watching the finale. Here's some thoughts:

Dave's fake idol gambit was one of the best things I've seen on the show. In previous seasons this has been used to bluff people against voting for someone because they think they have an idol, but to make Jay think he found a hidden idol, and therefore play more recklessly was brilliant.

Brett continually calling the other survivor's "crazies" was not only wrong, but highly insulting to those people.

Adam finding that hidden idol when he did, has to go down as the biggest bit of dumb luck in idol history.

Brett's comment about Dave after he was eliminated lacked class, and was an obvious ploy to undermine Dave again. Brett really was the biggest douche on the game, next came Ken.

I thought Dave went out with class, just as Jay did.

Once Adam played the "my mom's dying of cancer" card at final tribal he was never going to lose.

Hannah's game was really underestimated by the jury, she deserved to win.

Overall, this season has been one of the best I've seen in recent years.

I agree, I think Hannah played a great game but I couldnt see the jury voting against Adam
Just watched.. I don't know but I'm a bit underwhelmed by how that all played out.

I don't think that Adam played the great game he seemed to think he played, but the moment the mum stuff came out at tribal I looked at my missus and said well he's won now. Hannah impressed in parts at tribal, but her inability to shut the f**k up probably cost her.

Would have preffered Dave or Jay.. the fake idol thing was brilliant...

Brett is a tool, when he came out to Zeke I thought we saw a different side of him... then he went right back to being a dick when he was mocking Dave that tribal.
Glad he didn't win at least.

I actually liked Ken, but he just didn't have the social game to win
I think a lot of people are confusing Bret generally not taking much seriously for something more sinister.

Brett continually calling the other survivor's "crazies" was not only wrong, but highly insulting to those people.

I think this is main reason Adam won tbh, I think most of the jury did think Ken and Hannah were crazy for leaving David in for as long as they did, whereas Adam was clear about wanting him out much earlier.
David was clearly the best player of the season, in a way him not winning makes the season more of a success.
Sometimes the legacy of not winning is better then winning, Jay and him will be back very very soon.
Ken will also be back, has a Joe Anglim type fanbase...:$ others from this season- Hannah,Michelle, Jessica, Chris? even Mari you could mount a case for returning, I mean if some of these game changers are back.... even Lucy could come back one day. :D
Sympathy vote winner, flipping annoys me.
Let the game be judged on what u did in the 40 days on the island, not some back story no matter how sad.
Brett and Chris were total flogs at the final tribal council. In fact Brett annoyed me basically the whole game the way he continually talked down others. Says a lot that hes a cop.
I think most of the jury did think Ken and Hannah were crazy for leaving David in for as long as they did
No, he won because he played the "my mom's got cancer" card.

It really made no difference what order Brett and Dave went out in, as if they if they had of voted Dave out when Brett says they should've, they still would've voted him out next. That was just sour grapes talking on Brett's part.

The fact the whole jury voted for Adam shows the cancer thing worked, as some of those people hated Adam. But I don't want to sound like a douche, it's very sad his mom died of cancer. I know how he feels as mine did a year ago too. But Adam is a player, and he used a personal tragedy to garner the sympathy vote. Outwit Outlast Outplay. And maybe on that point, he did deserve to win.
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Decent season. Although I felt the final 2 hours was a bit rushed with 6 players left. Didn't the final 3 used to take time to appreciate their time and fellow players? Or at least get a decent feed? Nuthin tonight.

Adam probably deserved to win in the end. He did play better than Hannah or Ken. Surprised he scored every vote but I think he won on more than just his sob story that some are suggesting.

Bring on the next one.

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FTA-TV Survivor: Millennials v Gen X
