FTA-TV Survivor: Millennials v Gen X

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  • You (I'm a millennial)

    Votes: 39 70.9%
  • U (I'm a millennial)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You (I'm Gen X)

    Votes: 15 27.3%
  • U(I'm Gen X)

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters

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Adam is an interesting case.

Multiple occasions he came back from tribal being on the wrong side of the votes.

His main "strenght" was not being a strong threat.

It is the boring new normal, as people are too concerned in eliminating threats...so bog ordinary players, like Adam, continue to sneak through.

His game didnt deserve a sweep, IMO pretty similar to Kristie from Oz survivor.

Both just scrambled for most of the game, never really being a kingpin in any alliance...went up at final tribal against a much better physical player, who won immunity idols and preached loyalty...but none of the jury rated their game.

Time for a couple of strong players to actually stick fat with an alliance and just run the game from start to finish...stop letting the middling players win just because they arent a "threat".
Hannah was terrible at the final Tribal.

Constantly interrupting and talking at the jury instead of collecting herself and answering the questions. Thought she probably deserved it but Adam was never going to lose once he brought up his Mum.
Preferably we'd of seen a result that didn't have the influence of someone's cancer dictating an inevitable result, but I don't think Adam's an unworthy winner. Also I can't pretend that there isn't some strategy behind not telling everyone about his mum's cancer, but then doing so at the final tribal, as much as that is a cynical and shitty thing to say. Don't begrudge him for it either, but it's what made those last few minutes of tribal not great to watch because I was frustrated but also understood why.

Hanna's final tribal though had the opposite effect on me that it did on some, and even though it was fruitless in the end, I was pulling for her to win. Thought she argued her position really well, certainly next to Adam, and essentially knocked back the insinuations that she was a flipper that some tried to place on her. The whole idea that there were perceived 'wrong moves' that she made, is bullshit when ultimately it's her and Adam in the final three, and I thought Adam trying to argue that case was weak.

Bret had the whole thing about dumb players, but I never scratched my head at them voting him over Dave. Hannah got what she wanted in the end, and the likes of Bret and Chris praising Adam, whilst dismissing her and Ken, sounded like some bitter Gen X entitlement.

Great season overall though, thought it'd go downhill after Michaela leaving but it found a new voice. Damn excited to see her back next season though, but shit, I struggle to say that half of next season's crop are worthy of the 'game-changers' title.

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Chris made his speech before Adam revealed the news about his mother, so I think that shows that Adam had it on lock, rightly or wrongly, before the emotional plea.
I don't agree, Chris is just one vote, and a few of those millennials hated Adam. No, he played the C card, and it won him the game.
Hanna's final tribal though had the opposite effect on me that it did on some, and even though it was fruitless in the end, I was pulling for her to win. Thought she argued her position really well, certainly next to Adam, and essentially knocked back the insinuations that she was a flipper that some tried to place on her. The whole idea that there were perceived 'wrong moves' that she made, is bullshit when ultimately it's her and Adam in the final three, and I thought Adam trying to argue that case was weak.
I agree :thumbsu:
I don't agree, Chris is just one vote, and a few of those millennials hated Adam. No, he played the C card, and it won him the game.
Who hated him? Taylor and Michelle? They would've been flipped by Jay the moment he reached Ponderosa.

Chris didn't seen to have any real connection with Adam in the game, so to me, that fact he was so pro Adam means there must have been a strong Adam sentiment on the whole jury.
Who hated him? Taylor and Michelle? They would've been flipped by Jay the moment he reached Ponderosa.

Chris didn't seen to have any real connection with Adam in the game, so to me, that fact he was so pro Adam means there must have been a strong Adam sentiment on the whole jury.
I think this is one of those moments where we say - "Let's just agree to disagree." - and move on. ;)
Where would you guys rate this season? I usually watch every season week by week but I just binge watched this season yesterday and today- so i could be getting carried away but... I would rate this in the top 6 of all time IMO. For me the level of gameplay in the season was unreal, filled with one of the strongest crew of new batch players we've seen. So many twists and turns (could be editing) but it felt like no one was safe, there were no strong genuine alliances- 'voting blocks' changed so much which is why there were so many #blindsides. Most players were cunning, conniving and thought a few steps forward and it was so interesting to see how the game evolved despite every individual trying to push their own agenda/prerogative on what they perceived as the best move. Lots of players were power hungry and wanting to be in control, however when they got to the top people would see that and try to cut them down straight away. Every player had pretty good awareness and read the 'state' of where the game stood pretty well which is why this season it felt like the game changed every 5 minutes.

Adam won because he wasn't perceived to be running the show (that's how he got to the end)- he got lucky at times but IMO his gameplay was very very good. His final tribal speech obviously killed it and gave him the sure win. David would've been so deserving though, was rooting for him from the start- the guy needs to be brought back for another season. Top tier game player. Out of this crew a fair few would have a case for being brought back. Overally I really really liked this season because strategically it was a top class season- the drama was created from strategic moves, rather than having a complete nutcase or 'character' in the group of players.
Dave's fake idol gambit was one of the best things I've seen on the show. In previous seasons this has been used to bluff people against voting for someone because they think they have an idol, but to make Jay think he found a hidden idol, and therefore play more recklessly was brilliant.

The fake idol was good entertainment but I don't think it had that much of an effect. Jay still scrambled by stealing the reward and trying to get Dave and Adam to vote for Brett, we got some arrogant soundbites from Jay but he didn't sit back and rely on the idol, he was still playing hard. And Dave has come up with this plan before he later won immunity. What if David hadn't won immunity, Jay uses the fake idol as leverage with the others - perhaps he pulls it out at tribal and puts it around his neck before the vote scattering the pidgeons. If he does this then Dave becomes the #1 target himself instead of Jay. Would anyone have believed him if he said "hey guys, it is a fake idol, I planted it last night......really guys, c'mon". Could have been the ultimate backfire. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Dave was an actor. There was certainly an on/off switch in him being flakey & useless in challenges.
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How come Adam looked like Ellen DeGeneres at the reunion?

I'm probably a heartless prick but the cynic in me hates seeing a player use their or a family member's illness to gain advantage. "I have a sick family member, vote for me" seems so crass. He may have won anyway but he sealed the deal there. I'm just not a fan of his, some of his comments towards David were extremely condescending and he was a snivelling turd at times.

Really enjoyed watching Hannah evolve, thought she was playing the strongest game at the end. But did always wonder why she looked like she was wearing a box.

And anyone in the jury who rolls their eyes deserves a punch in the genitals.
Where would you guys rate this season? I usually watch every season week by week but I just binge watched this season yesterday and today- so i could be getting carried away but... I would rate this in the top 6 of all time IMO.
I don't have a top 6 or anything. Similar to you I did kind of binge watch this. I started watching it when Australian Survivor was still going. I was more into the Aussie one than this and kind of lost interest in this one and even missed a month of it until last week binge watching 4 episodes to catch up. Mikela was only interesting thing for me in first half of this season but the last 6 episodes I have watched really transformed this season into feeling uninteresting to me to being quite compelling watching in the end. Watched tonight not knowing whom would win but Dave was the biggest threat. His fake idol and Jay falling for it really added so much entertainment for me. I found Jay and Adam rivalry and relationship fascinating evolution of the season.

Hannah gave it a real crack in end and Ken was always hard to stop making final but Adam's journey was just too compelling in the end. If Dave had of made it to the final 3 would have been a lot closer. I think final Tribal Council sealed the deal for Adam to win. Hannah was trying hard but Adam had the better answers to jury questions. The final 3 fell into the best circumstances for Adam even if it did not get there by the way he wanted. Was fun end to season to see a fake idol planted and found out to be only fake when played and also people drawing rocks. Made what looked to be a bland season for me after Mikela left into a good final 6 episodes that transformed into a good season. Like Prost himself I still find it amazing that in first episode Dave was terrible to watch and wanted him gone myself but he ended up changing so much as the season went on. To become a serious threat was amazing change.

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How come Adam looked like Ellen DeGeneres at the reunion?

I'm probably a heartless prick but the cynic in me hates seeing a player use their or a family member's illness to gain advantage. "I have a sick family member, vote for me" seems so crass. He may have won anyway but he sealed the deal there. I'm just not a fan of his, some of his comments towards David were extremely condescending and he was a snivelling turd at times.

Really enjoyed watching Hannah evolve, thought she was playing the strongest game at the end. But did always wonder why she looked like she was wearing a box.

And anyone in the jury who rolls their eyes deserves a punch in the genitals.
Yeah, I too hate when the sympathy card is played but more so that Tribal Members get sucked in by this ploy. These are the same jerk offs who wank on about how they are "modern players" voting in "cluster ****s" attempting to think 69 moves ahead but still get sucked in by a sob story. **** That Shit!

Of the bunch that where left I would have voted for the Doll. He made "The Big Move" when he needed to. He won a number of Immunity Challenges. When looking like he may have been on the chopping block early he scrambled to save himself. Sure his social game lacked and you could argue that without Dave his game could have come to an end a hell of a lot quicker but when you compare the general game play of the other two against his does their's really stand out? Adam's claim to fame is that he could find an Idol and sooked about his Mum dying and Hannah hid in the Middle Ground managing to stay on the right side of the votes. Big Deal! :stern look
Wrong. Ponderosa and post show interviews say Ken and Hannah were never getting any votes heading into final tribal. Adam was always winning
And that's why these w***ers need to be separated from each other as Coaxh suggested in Survivor 69. :stern look
Haven't we seen enough of Cirie, Ozzy and SDT?

She annoyed/bored me many years ago in Pearl Islands and the idea of watching her again doesn't thrill me.

I don't like returning players in general and it sounds like next season's entire cast is returnees. Give me new characters not old ones trying to keep up their celebrity status.
Thoughts on the episode:

-The nerdy writer played the best game but was voted out at the last hurdle
-The model ended the game on a decisive immunity run
-The weirdo nobody expected to make it to the end lost in a landslide
-The winner's mother had cancer

It was a great finale of Survivor: The Amazon
Overall an entertaining season. 6 players in the last episode certainly made things too rushed however. And the live crosses to Probst throughout were jarring.

Final Tribal Council was a brief, timid version of what I remember it being in the past. Adam must've been more liked than it came across on TV over the season to win 10-0.

In the reunion show Probst said they offered to put Adam in a filmed in 2017 season instead of this one when he told them about his mum. Seems strange he wouldn't accept that offer. And makes his "doing it for mum" shtick seem cynical.

Not excited about next season being stacked with returning players. But on the upside having not regularly watched the show for years means most of them will probably be new to me.
Pretty happy with Adam as the winner, played a very good game and had it sealed long before he dropped the sick mom card. Woody Allen's daughter was the perfect goat, Ken a little hard done by to not get a single vote though I think. It's how the game goes these days but imo challenge strength is way too underrated, especially going on an immunity run when your head is on the chopping block. You can make as many alliances as you want, but the only guaranteed way to keep yourself safe is to win immunity challenges. Outplay gets a raw deal.
Just had a look at next season's cast. Jeez Louise it's a shocker. So many people I can't stand the sight of.

Was quite happy to never see Aubry, Ciera, Cirie, Debbie, Culpepper never again. No need for Tai to come back either. Offered nothing other than not killing a chook. Ozzy has has a lot of chances too but I'm a sucker for challenge beasts.
In the reunion show Probst said they offered to put Adam in a filmed in 2017 season instead of this one when he told them about his mum. Seems strange he wouldn't accept that offer. And makes his "doing it for mum" shtick seem cynical.

I think the main reason was him and his mother shared a love for Survivor and she wanted him to do it. So it makes sense for him to do it in hope she could see his accomplishment.

Poor guy missed at least a month and a halfish of time with his mum to fulfill a dream of both of theirs. Can definitely understand how conflicting that would be for him.
Wrong. Ponderosa and post show interviews say Ken and Hannah were never getting any votes heading into final tribal. Adam was always winning
Yeah. Going into the Finale, only David, Adam and Jay (if he went on an Immunity Run) could have won it.

David played the best game of the lot, and I was stunned that Ken decided that moment was when he should have made a big move against his morals.
This season had a lot of players who were playing it hard, Which meant a player like Adam can drift under the radar. Zeke, David, Jay were all huge threats that needed to go, and then Will made himself into a massive target which meant no one was looking at Adam.

Meanwhile Adam was working with those Jury people, trying to organise with them a potential blindside of David, But he could never convince hannah to flip until that last vote (and he stuffed up by bragging about his Idol at Final 5). He endeared himself to them, and with his close relationship with Jay he had the friends on the jury.
Hannah was terrible at the final Tribal.

Constantly interrupting and talking at the jury instead of collecting herself and answering the questions. Thought she probably deserved it but Adam was never going to lose once he brought up his Mum.

This is interesting as i thought the complete opposite.

Based on her final tribal she would have had my vote.

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FTA-TV Survivor: Millennials v Gen X
