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Doesn't matter how you look at it but tanking = Fraud :eek:

deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.

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I used to think like you too.

Then I realized that you need much more than the extra draft pick to make a difference.

If you rely entirely on the draft, you will not succeed.

that's quite a flawed argument though. NOT having the extra draft pick we're even less likely to succeed. winning some meaningless games won't make a diff at all to player development.

i do agree that we need to keep playing the kids and the kids only. if we do that and we still manage to win then i can accept it. what i cannot accept is when we play old list cloggers like simmonds, mcmahon etc and win games (which is what terry wallace did when he was in charge). how he could have kept all those blokes in for his farewell game i have no idea cos the week after jade dropped them all....totally selfish.

the carlton game this week was probably the most enjoyable game to watch for the year despite the loss cos we played the kids and it was actually the kids who stood up at the end.
that's quite a flawed argument though. NOT having the extra draft pick we're even less likely to succeed. winning some meaningless games won't make a diff at all to player development.

i do agree that we need to keep playing the kids and the kids only. if we do that and we still manage to win then i can accept it. what i cannot accept is when we play old list cloggers like simmonds, mcmahon etc and win games (which is what terry wallace did when he was in charge). how he could have kept all those blokes in for his farewell game i have no idea cos the week after jade dropped them all....totally selfish.

the carlton game this week was probably the most enjoyable game to watch for the year despite the loss cos we played the kids and it was actually the kids who stood up at the end.

I totally agree about playing the kids at all cost. What I don't want them to do is tell them not to win or play them in positions they will never play again just to lose.

As for my flawed argument, I just do not think that one extra pick makes that much difference at all. Look at 2004, we had 5 picks in the top 20. According to you we would be premiers now but we are not. So you may argue that we are less likely to succeed without pick 18. I say winning games breeds confidence and belief in the youngsters. This is far more likely to translate into success in the long term.
Cattle wins premierships.

Pick 18 doesn't mean 18 men. That's what is needed on the ground. One man doesn't make a team.

Every player playing his bit makes the difference. The faster the team learns to play as a team, the faster they will improve.

Cattle do not win premierships. Even if every bull is a prizewinner, the team of ordinary bulls pulling together would wipe the floor of the other team.

And we are talking about one pick, not 18.
Well you got me there! Wow, even Gary Lyon. I just can't beat that. Game, set and match.:rolleyes:

Good, maybe now you will stop making stupid just comments like "cattle don't win premierships". What a pathetic statement. Let's clone Jake King 22 times then and let's see how that team goes.
Good, maybe now you will stop making such just comments as 'cattle don't win premierships'. What a pathetic statement. Let's clone Jake King 22 times then and let's see how that team goes.

I thought people won premierships?

I don't think he meant it that way. I think he is saying things that are going above your head. So you better not any more pathetic statements either or he'll make you out to be a dill.:thumbsdown:

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Good, maybe now you will stop making stupid just comments like "cattle don't win premierships". What a pathetic statement. Let's clone Jake King 22 times then and let's see how that team goes.

Maybe you should stop making stupid comments yourself. Look at http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sport/afl/ and the first article you knob, before you start shooting your mouth off.
no clubs tank they just select jake king or jarrad silvester. 25 and 24 haven't shown much one would think they would be hanging out with kayne pettifer and jay schulz.

I think scully is the player we need. not because of his talent alone but the fact he is one of us. The little bit extra passion he will have will lift his performance along with the rest of the teams. He might just turn out to be the spark we need to turn our good players into great ones.
I'd rather have NO picks than become another Carltank!

I think this is the first time i've agreed with you. :thumbsu:

I would love Scully as would any team but just because he is all the rage now doesn't mean he will be the best player to come out of the draft.
It really shits me that once again we are in this position... discussing the merits of winning every time we set foot on the park versus 'engineering' the best possible draft outcome at seasons end.

When I looked at the paper after the last game was played last weekend I was disgusted to see we were equal last... EQUAL ****ING LAST!!!

How the hell have we allowed ourselves to get into this ****ing position after getting 5 picks in the top 20 of the draft just 5 years ago.

I have always been firmly against anything rather than a go out there with the aim to win each week mentality... I don't believe when dealing with humans/athletes, footy clubs & the vagaries of form & emotion etc, that you can confidently predict the outcomes 6 - 12 - 18 - 24 months out in regards to players & how they will be performing.

Hell, our recent history is littered with periods where we have finished 9th & not gone on with it & also finished last and not managed a re-biuild properly.

Arguments for either side will say that:
"we did not re-build properly"
"we did not bottom out properly"
"we did not recruit properly"
"we did not trade/list manage properly" etc.......

What this tells me that it is hardly an exact science & that all the plans and strategies in the world simply DO NOT GUARANTEE SUCCESS.

Sure you need to maximise your chances at getting it right by astute recruiting and PLAYER DEVELOPMENT & there is no argument that The Tigers have been pretty poor at these, especially the latter, in recent times.

I'm actually worried that regardless of if we bottom out this year and get pick 1 or 2 versus win a few more and get say pick 5 - 7, that Melbourne will still move right past us next year and beyond because we still don't have the rest of our shit in order.

What am I saying??????

I guess I don't believe a Scully or a Butcher or a Trengrove alone will do anything concrete apart from getting another talented young player on our list & this in no way guarantees any sort of climb up the ladder.

Get out there each week & try to win (keeping selection processes in line with player development of those on our list already)... take the results as they come and finish off the season honorably...

Then we end up where we will & recruit/draft/trade accordingly...
Why can't we try winning as many games as we can, tell Scully to tell potential clubs with higher picks that he will ONLY play for us, and pick him up at pick him up at 4 or 5 ??

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