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i too want to thank Chris Judd.

To be honest, in hindsight i think the writing has been on the wall all season by his decision not to sign a contract. And i think we just didn't want to admit/accept what we all knew was quite a possible chance.

But i can only ever admire him for what's he's done for the club. The timing of his decision leaves a bit of a bitter taste as this was a time when we needed him. Even if only for one more year.

But aside from that i can't begrudge anything on him. He's left us with some unbeliavable memories and that can never be taken away.

It's going to be hard when he comes out to play in opposition colours next year, but i only hope the fans at that game can give him a cheer when he gets out on the field. of course he's going to cop a few boos when he gets the ball, any player that goes to another club will so he won't be any different, but i think the supporters should give him a fair cheer before and after that game.

Anyway, we move on to the next era, and as long as we get a fair trade than we will be in just as strong, possibly a stronger position than before.

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I'm a WCE fan and an am absolutely gutted. But you can't heap shit on Judd for this. Yes he's our captain and yes the club has done heaps for him. But he's done heaps for us as well (he won us a flag for God's sake) and pretty much held the club together this year when most of our other stars seemed to be doing their level best to destroy it.

You will always have this problem if you draft kids from interstate. Just as WCE, Freo and all the non Victorian clubs have benefited from kids wanting to come home from Vic clubs it is now the turn of the Vic clubs to benefit.

If you don't want this to happen don't draft non WA kids to WCE (or Freo). This isn't logical as by having this mindset you miss out on too many good kids. You have to take a chance and sometimes you get burnt. But for every Judd there is a Wirra who stays in WA for his whole career.
I'm a WCE fan and an am absolutely gutted. But you can't heap shit on Judd for this. Yes he's our captain and yes the club has done heaps for him. But he's done heaps for us as well (he won us a flag for God's sake) and pretty much held the club together this year when most of our other stars seemed to be doing their level best to destroy it.

You will always have this problem if you draft kids from interstate. Just as WCE, Freo and all the non Victorian clubs have benefited from kids wanting to come home from Vic clubs it is now the turn of the Vic clubs to benefit.

If you don't want this to happen don't draft non WA kids to WCE (or Freo). This isn't logical as by having this mindset you miss out on too many good kids. You have to take a chance and sometimes you get burnt. But for every Judd there is a Wirra who stays in WA for his whole career.

Top post :thumbsu::thumbsu:

We can't let this stop us from looking at all markets, the go home factor is there in every player that is drafted to another state, its football in a national comp. But at the same time it's good to know that the young sandgropers are looking the goods. Excellent selections will be made close to home.
Juddy could come here and lay a big steamer in my cereal, and i'd still love him. Without him, the West Coast footy club wouldn't have enjoyed the success we've had in the last few years. But frankly, during his time here we've built a team that can survive without him.

Devastated he's going, but its his decision. We'll miss you champ.:thumbsu:
We don't have to thank him for anything - we don't owe him, he doesn't owe us. We drafted him, paid him well to play football and he played some great football. He wants out - fine, goodbye. We also got Chicky and Stinger because they played the "homesick" card. He won't be the last player to leave to return home. The only thing I am angry about is the fact that he accepted the captaincy when he knew all along that he was not going to be a one team player. In may eyes , Ben was always the captain anyway. Ben is the greatest Eagles ever, Juddy is a great footballer but not in Ben's league as far as service to the club. The club will lose a great midfielder but we still have two in Ben and Daniel, and with some early draft picks ( or perhaps Fevola!) we will be even stronger in the future.
We don't have to thank him for anything - we don't owe him, he doesn't owe us. We drafted him, paid him well to play football and he played some great football. He wants out - fine, goodbye. We also got Chicky and Stinger because they played the "homesick" card. He won't be the last player to leave to return home. The only thing I am angry about is the fact that he accepted the captaincy when he knew all along that he was not going to be a one team player. In may eyes , Ben was always the captain anyway. Ben is the greatest Eagles ever, Juddy is a great footballer but not in Ben's league as far as service to the club. The club will lose a great midfielder but we still have two in Ben and Daniel, and with some early draft picks ( or perhaps Fevola!) we will be even stronger in the future.

Exactly my thoughts.

We dont need Chris Judd to win and are probably better off without him. There is no point in having a player in our team who is simply going to backstab our players when it suits him.

There is every chance that we will pick up a good player in the preseason draft and be an even better team from it, regardless of Judd's abilities.

Next time we play Judd we will give him a lesson in real footy.

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