Star Wars The Acolyte

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How is the alleged focus on DEI impacting on storytelling in The Acolyte though? Is poor pacing, editing and direction just something indemic to non-white males? Are you contending that white men would be better in the roles given to supposed DEI hires (which I’m assuming includes the 3 lead characters)? Or are you suggesting the entire show is an expensive yet thinly veiled DEI propaganda piece dressed up to push a social agenda to unsuspecting Star Wars fans for … reasons?
Because quite often DEI is more important than hiring the most qualified person for the role.

We know this is a directive in Hollywood as a whole. For instance, you can't be eligible for awards if you don't have at least 50% representation in roles from PoC, LQBTQ, etc.

The Acolyte could very well have been directed by a white male director, with white actors and been just as bad but there isn't a public directive in Hollywood to only hire white males for roles and creative direction.

As for your last line, Bib Iger himself has admitted Disney pushes 'messaging' in films, as well as BlackRock being an institutional investor. Surprise surprise, Larry Fink said a while back in an interview that they are 'enforcing behaviours'.

It's not like this is tinfoil conspiracy theory rubbish. The people in charge have admitted to it.
As I said before, before the narrative of the show is conceived, before anyone has any passion or creative drive for the focus the parameters are set - we want it to be diverse. This is going to be a story led by a black woman, with lesbian parents etc etc. That is what they start the story with and decisions are made from there - this character can't do that because they're a black woman, what would it say if we portrayed a black women as evil, what message would we be sending, no we can't do that, have her be conflicted instead, let astray by others... etc etc. Thsi reverse engineering of narrative design is incredibly easy to pick up on as a viewer and makes the story so predictable, dumb and boring.

So if the above were true, and I’m not saying it is, why would they be doing this do you think?
Because quite often DEI is more important than hiring the most qualified person for the role.

We know this is a directive in Hollywood as a whole. For instance, you can't be eligible for awards if you don't have at least 50% representation in roles from PoC, LQBTQ, etc.

The Acolyte could very well have been directed by a white male director, with white actors and been just as bad but there isn't a public directive in Hollywood to only hire white males for roles and creative direction.

As for your last line, Bib Iger himself has admitted Disney pushes 'messaging' in films, as well as BlackRock being an institutional investor. Surprise surprise, Larry Fink said a while back in an interview that they are 'enforcing behaviours'.

It's not like this is tinfoil conspiracy theory rubbish. The people in charge have admitted to it.

Look, I openly admit there is an element of diversity and representation awareness ACROSS ALL MODERN INDUSTRY (not just Hollywood), it’s a far from the conspiracy theory paranoia you’re making it out to be. In fact, the only negative impact it seems to be having is when irate and frustrated assholes resort to hate speech and violence because they feel slighted seeing a gay person in their comic book movie.

I ask again. Why would they be doing this? I’d really like to know what you think the end game for Disney is in all this.
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So if the above were true, and I’m not saying it is, why would they be doing this do you think?
Because they're arrogant and not talented and have fallen victim to a sick twisted academic fantasy that diversity = important. There is also the argument that they do it intentionally to create a shield so that if they fail they can blame the fan base. "It's not my fault the show is bad - the fanbase are racist misogynists". That type of thinking is actually very common in major companies where management can get decision paralysis and take the approach that provides them the most protection rather than risking what will be the most successful. You don't usually see it in creative driver industries but it has become very prevalent in the post-Marvel world where these studious have become so much more of an assembly line than anything actually creative.
Because they're arrogant and not talented and have fallen victim to a sick twisted academic fantasy that diversity = important. There is also the argument that they do it intentionally to create a shield so that if they fail they can blame the fan base. "It's not my fault the show is bad - the fanbase are racist misogynists". That type of thinking is actually very common in major companies where management can get decision paralysis and take the approach that provides them the most protection rather than risking what will be the most successful. You don't usually see it in creative driver industries but it has become very prevalent in the post-Marvel world where these studious have become so much more of an assembly line than anything actually creative.

Ok, I’ve responded to this in the general Star Wars thread

You can discuss with me over there. I’m off to touch some grass.

Apologies everyone for the diversion.

Let the sanity resume.
Senior VP whose LinkedIn page has mysteriously been deleted? Worse, a senior VP who was somehow doing the job at the same time as the current senior VP?

Holy shit. For people so critical of every frame of a new Star War, you will happily over look glaring “plot holes” in a video posted by some rando from a website with an obvious axe to grind, agenda to push, and history of posting fake hidden cam “scoops”. Do you just believe anything posted to YouTube, or just the things that confirm what you already believe?

As I posted earlier, anyone with half a critical brain would see some major red flags with this “confessional scoop”.

If this is a fake video the guy is a better actor than many in recent Disney Star Wars. He doesn't have an axe to grind. He's mostly defending company policy.

Of course he's deleted his social media profile. He's just been sprung revealing some very embarrassing and possibly illegal employment practices.
If this is a fake video the guy is a better actor than many in recent Disney Star Wars. He doesn't have an axe to grind. He's mostly defending company policy.

Of course he's deleted his social media profile. He's just been sprung revealing some very embarrassing and possibly illegal employment practices.

Lol. Yeah ok, I’m sure it’s totally legit.

Have at it.
I finally caught up on House or Dragon Season 2.

I haven't watched much television in yonks, like apart from Star Wars Disney shows House of the Dragon in 2022 was probanyl the last thing I watched and it was good to watch some new HBO again.

The difference in story telling is night and day. I thought I was maybe judging The Acolyte too harshly but seeing HotD made me realise the complete absence of any dramatic tension in dialogue scenes in The Acolyte. All the dialogue is so one dimensional and expository. House of the Dragon makes your hair stand up through a conversation. You can tell exactly what everyone's motivations are and what drives each character. I know NOTHING about 90% of the characters in the Acolyte.

Then there is the cinematography. The Acolyte has nothing creative. I forgot that TV could have all these shots, of people's eyes feeling emotion, od tears running down people's faces, there is legitimately none of that in The Acolyte.

Wow. It has completely recontextualised the show for me.
I finally caught up on House or Dragon Season 2.

I haven't watched much television in yonks, like apart from Star Wars Disney shows House of the Dragon in 2022 was probanyl the last thing I watched and it was good to watch some new HBO again.

The difference in story telling is night and day. I thought I was maybe judging The Acolyte too harshly but seeing HotD made me realise the complete absence of any dramatic tension in dialogue scenes in The Acolyte. All the dialogue is so one dimensional and expository. House of the Dragon makes your hair stand up through a conversation. You can tell exactly what everyone's motivations are and what drives each character. I know NOTHING about 90% of the characters in the Acolyte.

Then there is the cinematography. The Acolyte has nothing creative. I forgot that TV could have all these shots, of people's eyes feeling emotion, od tears running down people's faces, there is legitimately none of that in The Acolyte.

Wow. It has completely recontextualised the show for me.

I mean, HotD is two episodes into its second season and for most of its first season people complained about it jumping forward in time regularly. Acolyte is 4 episodes into its first season.
I finally caught up on House or Dragon Season 2.

I haven't watched much television in yonks, like apart from Star Wars Disney shows House of the Dragon in 2022 was probanyl the last thing I watched and it was good to watch some new HBO again.

The difference in story telling is night and day. I thought I was maybe judging The Acolyte too harshly but seeing HotD made me realise the complete absence of any dramatic tension in dialogue scenes in The Acolyte. All the dialogue is so one dimensional and expository. House of the Dragon makes your hair stand up through a conversation. You can tell exactly what everyone's motivations are and what drives each character. I know NOTHING about 90% of the characters in the Acolyte.

Then there is the cinematography. The Acolyte has nothing creative. I forgot that TV could have all these shots, of people's eyes feeling emotion, od tears running down people's faces, there is legitimately none of that in The Acolyte.

Wow. It has completely recontextualised the show for me.

One of the things that does seem crazy to me is despite their massive budgets, these Star Wars shows have a real “made for TV” quality to them. This and Obi-Wan Kenobi in particular seem so cheaply made which I didn’t think I’d ever see in a Star Wars series, particularly given the advances that have been made with shows like GOT.

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I finally caught up on House or Dragon Season 2.

I haven't watched much television in yonks, like apart from Star Wars Disney shows House of the Dragon in 2022 was probanyl the last thing I watched and it was good to watch some new HBO again.

The difference in story telling is night and day. I thought I was maybe judging The Acolyte too harshly but seeing HotD made me realise the complete absence of any dramatic tension in dialogue scenes in The Acolyte. All the dialogue is so one dimensional and expository. House of the Dragon makes your hair stand up through a conversation. You can tell exactly what everyone's motivations are and what drives each character. I know NOTHING about 90% of the characters in the Acolyte.

Then there is the cinematography. The Acolyte has nothing creative. I forgot that TV could have all these shots, of people's eyes feeling emotion, od tears running down people's faces, there is legitimately none of that in The Acolyte.

Wow. It has completely recontextualised the show for me.

It's not just House of the Dragon that The Acolyte is poor in comparison to. Just in sci-fi this year, shows like Foundation, Fallout and Three Body Problem have had much better story telling, acting and set design. Then outside of that genre you get House of the Dragon, One Piece, Shogun and Fargo. Andor was as good as those shows.
I've read Fire and Blood so had no such issues with House of the Dragon.
So you're saying that house of the dragon is so hard to follow you had to read a book to fill in the picture.
It's not just House of the Dragon that The Acolyte is poor in comparison to. Just in sci-fi this year, shows like Foundation, Fallout and Three Body Problem have had much better story telling, acting and set design. Then outside of that genre you get House of the Dragon, One Piece, Shogun and Fargo. Andor was as good as those shows.
Oh Yeah I forgot Shogun that I watched this year as well. Fk that was good.
I mean, HotD is two episodes into its second season and for most of its first season people complained about it jumping forward in time regularly. Acolyte is 4 episodes into its first season.
Those two episodes are equal in run time to the four episodes of the Acolyte. And if part of the audience is too stupid to understand a time jump that's hardly a valid criticism is it.
Those two episodes are equal in run time to the four episodes of the Acolyte. And if part of the audience is too stupid to understand a time jump that's hardly a valid criticism is it.

So what you're telling me is that the House of the Dragon episodes are a lot longer on top of it being the second season? No wonder there's a lot more world building and deeper understanding of what's going on.
At least there’s a new episode today.
I'm sure we'll get three posts about it and then another week of Star Wars/Disney/House of the Dragon etc.

Looking forward to it today, hopefully builds well on the last ep.
I'm sure we'll get three posts about it and then another week of Star Wars/Disney/House of the Dragon etc.

Looking forward to it today, hopefully builds well on the last ep.

Yep I have the same doubts. Fast approaching exit the thread stage until new episode day. Happy to discuss the episode though whenever you see it, am aiming to watch it tonight.

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Star Wars The Acolyte

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