Mega Thread The Adam Goodes Megathread - Now with Added Poll!

Why are crowds booing Goodes?

  • Racism

    Votes: 565 29.9%
  • He's perceived as a dirty player

    Votes: 563 29.8%
  • He's perceived as making a team game all about himself

    Votes: 758 40.1%
  • Because everyone else is booing, I thought I'd join in - like a Mexican wave thing

    Votes: 268 14.2%
  • Because Gillon doesnt want them to

    Votes: 135 7.2%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 74 3.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 183 9.7%
  • His onfield message is at odds with his off field one

    Votes: 233 12.3%
  • He can do no wrong with the MRP

    Votes: 164 8.7%
  • I was saying Boo-Urns?

    Votes: 61 3.2%
  • Jack Watts

    Votes: 56 3.0%

  • Total voters

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Ok but what if that continues public bullying affected his mental/emotional state?

What if it causes depression and suicide? What if AG was the next Charlotte Dawson? Would it still be ok?

If you can no longer boo players then the game has officially gone soft. If you can't stand the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.
Andrew doesnt conduct himself in the same manner as Adam. As we have said before, this isnt about Adams race, its about being a knob. Macca doesnt go on about evil white men. I have spoken to him about racism in the AFL, including the Matt Rendell issue.
Maybe you should talk to him about it.
And what would he think about the booing of Goodes?
So we have less booing. I don't see that as a bad thing, maybe we can actually focus on football now.

Reckon the fans have always had their eyes on the ball & their focus on the game....It's Goodes, the AFL & it's media machine who are running this particular agenda.

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The treatment goodes has been receiving is completely different than when a player faces their former home crowd. And it's been covered multiple times already this thread and adds nothing to the argument.

I then went on to say in a later post that if this type of booing is acceptable, what about the small % of racists in the crowd that see it is a chance to boo an indigenous player for who they are, is it now unacceptable, if it is supposedly providing cover for the racist element?
Why are we not as accepting of indigenous players doing a war dance to celebrate? Sure, it's meant to antagonise but just boo the player kicking the goal against your team, and get over it for the next bounce. For me the whole war dance kerfuffle is just as embarassing, as if the indigenous players aren't allowed to do something indigenous.

Well no, its more those with your viewpoint can't concede or have a discussion that isn't it being allowed rather a double standard? In that no white players can "incite" the crowd without getting fined. Inciting is against the AFLPA CoC in fact. It's special treatment no matter what way you slice it.
I've booed Buddy. But it wasn't because of his stance on racism in the AFL. And some people have booed Goodes for "normal" footy reasons. But the every game every possession booing is getting crazy and likely is related to how he is "divisive".
Jobe got booed every possession over in WA, as did Milne, Judd when he first left WC.
Crowley will most likely receive the same, he normally gets booed week in and week out because he is a dirty sniper
Do you boo the All Blacks after their haka?
The All Blacks direct the Hakka at the opposition before a game (you could think of a game as a war as such with the opposition being the enemy). Goodes directed his war dance at the crowd!! It's completely different. If Goodes wanted to celebrate his indigenous heritage with a war dance, directing it at the opposition pre game ala the all blacks re the Hakka would of been the appropriate time and place for it.

I haven't personally ever booed Goodes because I think booing in general is childish, however I do think that Goodes is a w***er. This is not because I am racist (I have close personal friends that are Aboriginal, Greek, Italian, Filipino etc) it's because Goodes acts like an absolute tool. There are plenty of white people (Carey, Hird) that I think are tools too, however I am not racist to white people because I think that some white people are tools.
did the St Kilda crowd boo that St Kilda player?

don't know. but if 'no' then it proves fans will conveniently ignore shit behaviour from there own players, even defend it. hmmm... sound familiar?

if no, are we to believe all St Kilda fans are all rapists?

no. they are just too tribal to call their own player a tosser? sound a little familiar?

are rapists only attracted to St Kilda?

nope. 'players from my team can do no wrong' attitude rises above all else. high percentage of swans fans in here eh?

if rapists are found in equal measure everywhere, why haven't the St Kilda non-rapists taken the opportunity to make the booing just as loud in St Kilda?

because they are too blinded by allegiances to recognise their players are fallible. hmmm...

there you go. answering questions isn't hard. you have a go.
But if there are a small percentage of racists who see that booing as an opportunity to do so towards an indigenous player, is it now acceptable to do so? I had a friend tell me he'd be too scared to boo Goodes now for fear of being branded a racist, given all the exposure it has received.

Heaven forbid a a person feels uncomfortable shouting 'boo' at another person from a safe distance.
Where and when does it all end? Wrongs have been committed throughout history, how long do we dwell on the past and is it at the expense of the future. How long will people live in the past. When is the time to unite and move forward.

It's hard to move forward when you keep looking back.

Well, the simplest answer to your question is

1. It isn't for you, or me, or anyone who directly benefits from the murder and oppression of the aboriginal Australians to decide when it's time to move forward.

2. We cannot move forward while there is such violently racist feelings still evident among non-aboriginal Australians toward aboriginal Australians.

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As for the girl / he had ALL NIGHT to consider his statement next day and he STILL came up with she was the face of racism.
Please .... Just like his pre written speech, just like his predetermined war dance - none of this was off the cuff and spontaneous

Aren't selective quotes wonderful. Let's pick a few more from that speech.

"She's 13, she's still so innocent, I don't put any blame on her."

"I can guarantee you right now she would have no idea, you know, how it makes anyone feel by calling them an ape."

"But I think the person that needs the most support is the little girl, you know. People need to get around her, she's 13, she's uneducated. You know if she wants to pick up the phone and call me and apologise, I'll take that phone call and I'll have a conversation with that girl about 'You know what, you called me a name, this is how it made me feel', and it's school stuff, it is school stuff."

"And that's what it took me back to last night, I felt I was in high school again, being bullied, being called all these names because of my appearance. I didn't stand up for myself in high school, I'm a lot more confident, I'm a lot more proud about who I am and my culture, and I decided to stand up last night and I'll continue to stand up because racism has no place in our industry, it has no place in our society. Hopefully any person out there that has been name called, that has been verbally abused, can stand up for themselves after what happened last night."

"But whether they have the people to support them like I've had, I've had fantastic support in the last 24 hours. And like I've said, I just hope they give the 13-year-old the same sort of support because she needs it, her family need it, the people around them need it. It's not a witch hunt. I don't want people to go after this young girl."

But no you're right that one off quote which was an intro to a more meaningful point suits your argument better run with that...
If you can no longer boo players then the game has officially gone soft. If you can't stand the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that we can't boo players anymore. I just think IN THIS INSTANCE people need to use common sense and consider someone's wellbeing.

17 weeks straight with some pretty intense hatrid. Something like this is unlikely to ever happen again. So it's not like other players will stop getting booed.

Is everyone so obsessed with proving their right to free speech that they are willing to overlook the mental and emotional wellbeing of a human being, his family and his friends?

Does is really mean THAT much to you? Really?
Jobe got booed every position over in WA, as did Milne, Judd when he first left WC.
Crowley will most likely receive the same, he normally gets booed week in and week out because he is a dirty sniper
So are you saying a lot of people aren't booing Goodes because of how he has communicated his views on racism? Seriously? Re-read this thread dude.
So if an aboriginal is boo-ed it's racist, and if they're white its okay?
seems like double standards no?

The problem all steams from the fact that Adam is saying Australians are racist because they are "boo-ing" him.

On top of this, you then get people backing up this statement, with absolutely no fact what so ever, and telling people, "its disappointing".

Its a load of garbage and pure politics.

I'm sick of A.Goodes and these tantrums. The fact that he can simply label people as racist when the majority are clearly not, is very infuriating, insulating and disrespectful. Of course this is going to really anger the spectators by being told something you are not.

He needs to look at himself for the reasons why, and not play the "you're a racist" game.

If he wants to retire, fine, I really don't care if he can't handle "boo-ing". This is his decision. But if I read or see a headline along the lines of "how racism ended Goodes career", I'll spit it.
They way I see it as an opposition fan at a Swans game you have two choices when Goodes has the ball.
  1. You Boo Goodes and express your displeasure towards him. You join in a chorus with your team's fans also expressing their displeasure towards Goodes. You may be clear in your own mind that your feelings towards Goodes are not racially motivated, you cannot be certain of the motivation of others and you may be inadvertantly supporting a more sinister cause. In the process you join what is becoming an increasingly pathetic campaign where the negative reception being afforded to a champion of the game is disproportionate to the "other reasons" (staging, cheap shots) Goodes is being criticised. You may be a bully, you may not be aware that you are bullying. You don't question why it is happening you just join in because everyone else is doing it. You do it because the authorities are telling you not to and you fancy yourself as a bit of a rebel. Maybe you are racist and aren't ashamed, maybe you don't know you are racist, maybe you feel confronted by people labelling you racist and don't know how to act, you may not be racist, but you are booing in concert with some people who are. It achieves nothing, doesn't help your team and judging by Goodes' form isn't putting him off his game. Regardless of your reasons why, what you are doing is a little bit sad, not funny and not original. It is however hurting Goodes and others and you are contributing to that, and if there is a personal benefit in doing so I don't know what it is.
  2. You don't Boo Goodes every time he gets the ball. You save it for when he takes a dive, hits a player high or late, or for when he is lining up for a goal after the siren. If he transgresses in a serious way early in the game, then Boo him every time he goes near it, just like you would any other player. Act how you normally would, Don't be a sheep.
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The haka is at the start of the game and directed at the opposition players, not the opposition supporters.
In saying that, I believe Adam has got the message and it's time for everyone to back off, he is still a champion of the game.

The trouble is it is not about Goodes or even Jetta now. It is about Gil and others taking the side opposite the people in the crowd
Aren't selective quotes wonderful. Let's pick a few more from that speech.

"She's 13, she's still so innocent, I don't put any blame on her."

"I can guarantee you right now she would have no idea, you know, how it makes anyone feel by calling them an ape."

"But I think the person that needs the most support is the little girl, you know. People need to get around her, she's 13, she's uneducated. You know if she wants to pick up the phone and call me and apologise, I'll take that phone call and I'll have a conversation with that girl about 'You know what, you called me a name, this is how it made me feel', and it's school stuff, it is school stuff."

"And that's what it took me back to last night, I felt I was in high school again, being bullied, being called all these names because of my appearance. I didn't stand up for myself in high school, I'm a lot more confident, I'm a lot more proud about who I am and my culture, and I decided to stand up last night and I'll continue to stand up because racism has no place in our industry, it has no place in our society. Hopefully any person out there that has been name called, that has been verbally abused, can stand up for themselves after what happened last night."

"But whether they have the people to support them like I've had, I've had fantastic support in the last 24 hours. And like I've said, I just hope they give the 13-year-old the same sort of support because she needs it, her family need it, the people around them need it. It's not a witch hunt. I don't want people to go after this young girl."

But no you're right that one off quote which was an intro to a more meaningful point suits your argument better run with that...

If it can't be condensed into a sensationalist headline, it didn't happen.
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