the afl player tattoo file

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the cut off is the 'in' look dude, also that's why it's called a sleeve

not hating or anything just pointing it out

oh also, he has a sock


I think (at the time of this photo i am guessing it is b4 the 1st game against carlton last year coz swanny had an injured wrist at the time) his tat was not complete, i am unsure as to whether or not it is complete now but i remember swanny saying last year it was incomplete.
I think (at the time of this photo i am guessing it is b4 the 1st game against carlton last year coz swanny had an injured wrist at the time) his tat was not complete, i am unsure as to whether or not it is complete now but i remember swanny saying last year it was incomplete.

yah needs to be filled in more. but was just using pic as an example of how the 'sleeve' tattoo cuts off and it is supposed to look that way.

also pic is there for those to see ankle/sock tattt

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My absolute favourite is Barry Halls sboulder spider (?) tat that has been tattoed over a pair of boxing gloves. Class act there

Beams and Swan look pretty funny standing side by side. Swan got his done first didn't he? I wonder if he's annoyed at Beams doing his same arm, it even looks the same pattern & colours from a distance.

Some people on this thread are getting a bit emotional and questioning what gives anyone the right to judge someone's choice for having a tat. Surely some part of you realises that you are going to stand out when you get the tat done, and maybe people will have an opinion of your tat that will not always be positive. If you're so thin-skinned, maybe getting something marked on your skin for life was a bit of a mistake?

Fact is, society rightly or wrongly does judge people by what they look like (haircuts, clothes, shoes, tattoes), and always will. If you can't handle criticism of your precious tat without getting defensive, blaming society for judging you is going to be a hard battle to win.

The tats on most current AFL players do look ridiculous, and the fact they are becoming more prevalent suggests the 'coolness' factor & peer pressure is the largest reason for footballers getting them.

Either that, or it's suddenly dawned on everyone that the best way you can get spiritual, remember someone, or express a key moment in your life is to permanently mark your skin...
How about because all tattoos look moronic (or is it just the white trash host) and normal members of society aren't given a choice about whether they want to see it. That goes double for piercings, and triple for those tribal ear disgraces.

Bahahahahaha. Your a (normal) moron. Suck it up and dont look!
What gives you the right to judge people on their looks like that?? Shallow is what people call judgemental morons like you.
Might aswell say 'I dont like fat chicks and dont want to put my eyes through the pain of looking at them so they should stay indoors' :D

Seriously- go get a life...........and a tattoo. hahahahahahaha
im gonna get a massive sleeve on my arm just because of this thread. i have now learned me getting a tattoo can unintentionally, while minding my own business, piss off thousands of people who don't even know me.

of every post on this thread word by word?

oh ok! very well!

how about mcuzzy is a lamb :p

feel free to get it done in gothic lettering too :D because thats the only font tattoo artists know how to write
I would love to see a study done on people who have tattoos or not who are either;
A) uni students (or have a degree)
B) non-uni students

no disrespect to anyone who hasn't gone to uni, I'm not saying you're not intelligent, just on a whole people with degrees are more intelligent than those without...

I would predict a high correlation between non-uni students and tattoos, while a very low correlation between having a degree and having a tattoo.

USUALLY people with tattoos are quite stupid (not saying all!).

I don't think you'll find a correlation between stupid people and tattoos but more so people who are or want to be of a higher class not having tattoos.

I'm a nurse and most nurse's I know have tattoos (myself included), as well as a surprising number of doctors, and all other professionals that work within the hospital setting. I don't mean to limit it to one professional field but that's the only one I really know.

I don't think you'll find a link between intelligence and tattoos but you might find one between desired social standings and disapproval of people with tattoos.
i went shopping the other day and there was a young man at a store working at the shop had the strangest looking tattoo, it looked all dishevelled and incomplete. i then asked him: is that a rub on?

and then he told me: 'no, im getting it removed'


tattoo removal companies stand to make a lot of money when this current fad wears out
The art of the tattoo is as old as the hills and like most things are sometimes done for the right reasons and sometimes for the wrong. Like most people though my tattoo's are for personal reasons and at times with my work I need to cover them up and I accept this. However the days of tattooed people only being the fringe of society are gone, people from all walks of life have been inked.

My advice for those thinking of getting a tattoo is to realize they are forever and you at 18 will most likely not be the same person at 35. Find an artist and a studio you are comfortable with, don't rush into anything and ask questions of the artist. Lastly tattoos are very addictive not many can stop at one.
It's funny to see peoples perceptions change about tattoos, my wife's family is from the country and I remember the first time her father saw my collection of tattoos, although he said nothing his face told a thousand words of disapproval. A few years later when his home was threatened by a bush fire he said he was not worried about losing the house but the memories inside the house. I commented that he like me should carry his memories with him and that my tattoos had the same importance to me as his wall of photo's and nic nats. From that point on he looked at my artwork differently because he then understood it was more to me than he first realized.

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Jared Rivers....


I don't quite get why people tattoo their own names on themselves? Is it in case they suffer from sudden amnesia?

Its like the tools who have personalised number plates of their car model like:


Do you really need to be reminded what your car is:rolleyes::confused::eek:
Yeh I have always liked Andrew Mcleod's tattoo also. His is cool because he got it ages ago, before it was trendy. Now every man and his dog has one and it aint cool
They should make some dollars if they are going to draw on themselves .. might as well put a sponsor there .. $$$ka-ching$$$.

My personal view is I am against it and I reckon they look shit tbh.. "your" body isnt yours .. it belongs to our creator.. how dare we desicrate it. If it was meant to be there it would of been there from the start of your life.

Is this guy for real!? What an arseh*le! Going by that, HOW DARE you ever get your hair cut. How dare you cut your nails, shave your beard. If they weren't meant to keep growing, our "creator" would make them stop!

Such a ******. Im continuously amazed at how much non-tattooed people care about those with tattoos. How can it bother you people so much!?
A lot of them end up looking like lizards - lizard skin...sort of like a scaly reptilian look with all that grey/dark stuff on their arms. It looks like a mess.
The one I can't stand the most is the cricket captain - Michael Clarke- nob city here we come.
If ever there was an incentive - other than looking like a reptilian- to not get a tattoo he is it. His designer tattoos are so try hard.
After living in Austin, where pretty much every second person has some kind of ink, I can't work out if I like tattoos more or less (never been a fan). At least you see some good ones, and some that are so bad that they are good.

The "Worst Tattoo in Austin Contest" went down a month or so ago. Don't know why I'm bothering to post this, but the AFL players' tattoos are just regulation bad, they wouldn't stand a chance.

After living in Austin, where pretty much every second person has some kind of ink, I can't work out if I like tattoos more or less (never been a fan). At least you see some good ones, and some that are so bad that they are good.

The "Worst Tattoo in Austin Contest" went down a month or so ago. Don't know why I'm bothering to post this, but the AFL players' tattoos are just regulation bad, they wouldn't stand a chance.

Lot's of ex-cons in Austin, hey?

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the afl player tattoo file

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