The Australian Greens - What are they Doing?

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You are a rude pr**k for someone with so many big words Mr. "It's free real estate".
But who am I to argue with big worded people, who know everything. Like cretin and simpleton, you can hang them in me , I rely on a gut feel and
Logic, so as not to make this a pissing contest! Unless you two are friends?
For a prickly dude you sure don't like prickly dudes.
Conservatives need have no shame! They just keep asking for handouts and donations despite being the most affected by climate. It's a cycle with these idiots burn and rinse burn and rinse, then expect the left in Melbourne with their actual white collar jobs to bail them out

They probably never suffer enough consequence to change their ways because idiots donate to them
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Conservatives need have no shame! They just keep asking for handouts and donations despite being the most affected by climate. It's a cycle with these idiots burn and rinse burn and rinse, then expect the left in Melbourne with their actual white collar jobs to bail them out

They probably never suffer enough consequence to change their ways because idiots donate to them

I love it! Got no idea what you mean, but keep it up, whatever it may be?
Shutup rëtard
Ha hahahahahahahahaha, so name calling time is it, excellent.
But yes go easy on me, sell some houses and relax.

But don't get angry that usually means someone knows what they are talking about and maybe you don't, then that makes you annoyed. Any way climate change, lets get back to the fight, I'm not arguing about my mental state, only with my witchdoctor!
He cracks the shits if you don't worship at his alter of narcissism.

Knows fu** all about science too.
Highly amusing, coming from the guy who is all on a world wide science conspiracy theory and who posts his responses to tweets for adulation.
So the models are right in that they predict average global temperature rising? You’re willing to stand by that? Or are you cherry picking?

You are the one cherry picking. You pick up on a vague claim by Tim Palmer whilst ignoring a whole book by Mototaka Nakamura that spells out why the climate models are useless.

How about evidence from John Christy, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama, jointly accredited with Roy Spencer, for the first successful development of a satellite temperature record. Former lead author with the IPCC.

He shows the climate models consistently run too hot.

I love these weasel words, apt from a weasel.

You snipped my post. What I said was

You are the one cherry picking. You pick up on a vague claim by Tim Palmer whilst ignoring a whole book by Mototaka Nakamura that spells out why the climate models are useless.

How about evidence from John Christy, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama, jointly accredited with Roy Spencer, for the first successful development of a satellite temperature record. Former lead author with the IPCC.

He shows the climate models consistently run too hot.

You are the one cherry picking. You pick up on a vague claim by Tim Palmer whilst ignoring a whole book by Mototaka Nakamura that spells out why the climate models are useless.
Wait, you seriously think that ignoring a sole book by one man rivals your dismissal of an entire body of scientific literature?

You cherry picked part of Palmer’s interview that best suited your argument, then dismissed the earlier part that didn’t as “vague”. As someone said to Caesar in this thread:
Run along yourself. You are an intellectual coward. You know nothing about the subject yet you like to pontificate and dismiss counter evidence.
You snipped my post. What I said was

You are the one cherry picking. You pick up on a vague claim by Tim Palmer whilst ignoring a whole book by Mototaka Nakamura that spells out why the climate models are useless.

How about evidence from John Christy, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama, jointly accredited with Roy Spencer, for the first successful development of a satellite temperature record. Former lead author with the IPCC.

He shows the climate models consistently run too hot.

Funnily enough the seats currently held by Greens MP's have never had bushfires or flash foods. Greens look after their local environment you'll never see them allow irrigation the Yarra it's always the Nat/One nation regions that suffer the consequences of these natural disasters.

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You snipped my post. What I said was

You are the one cherry picking. You pick up on a vague claim by Tim Palmer whilst ignoring a whole book by Mototaka Nakamura that spells out why the climate models are useless.

How about evidence from John Christy, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama, jointly accredited with Roy Spencer, for the first successful development of a satellite temperature record. Former lead author with the IPCC.

He shows the climate models consistently run too hot.

Does this research take in to account things such as the 1987 Montreal protocol banning CFCs?
Obviously the modellers couldn't have predicted a man made influence such as this, which helped reduce greenhouse gases.
Approximately ~75-80% of the planet is 15C temperature or below at ~ 1700 hrs AEST.
View attachment 807487
Sweet graphic.

Btw. Be careful of old aunty and their world "heat maps". You'd think they'd be keen to properly explain them, but it seems they simply prefer a story they might tell whenever we get hot dry spells.
A month ago I saw one that was meant to show a snapshot of how amazingly hot Australia was on a world map. I thought it looked a td strange.
What they of course neglected to say was that it was NIGHT TIME for the only other continents in the sthn hemisphere, and the nthn hemisphere is in winter.
Strange how amazingly hot Australia looks when its a gradient map taken at a certain time of day.
no but the grass they eat can otherwise grow and dry out. They will also occasionally eat ferns. Keeping grass down can act as an impediment to fires starting / spreading. Ecologist types disagree on the basis they think cattle damage the environment. The rational person thinks that bushfires arent particularly great for endangerd species.

Grazing in national parks is hardly a cure, however, its a common sense policy that should never have been stopped.
The NSW liberal government allow cattle and horses in the Kosciuszko National Park. Of course it's very destructive but at least there were no fires there.
Oh wait
Flicking between 2gb and 3aw this morning, there's lots of anger in both states regarding increasing fuel loads and the continual lack of reduction burns and clearing.
The green influence has been the primary concern.

It was mentioned NSW 1987 was the year Bob Carr going into the '88 election, for political gain introduced the Wilderness Act. That was the point in time when forest management was taken away from the rural and local fire services and given to the parks and wildlife services. They were described as "great people, but ideologist who dont understand the bush" and fire management and clearing has to be taken away from them.
Does this research take in to account things such as the 1987 Montreal protocol banning CFCs?
Obviously the modellers couldn't have predicted a man made influence such as this, which helped reduce greenhouse gases.

Any models post 1987 should have done. But if CFCs had this much impact in slowing climate change maybe scientists need to reassess the impact of CO2? Maybe there are other factors?
Wait, you seriously think that ignoring a sole book by one man rivals your dismissal of an entire body of scientific literature?

So far you have dismissed experts such as

Hans Von Storch. Professor at the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg, Director of the Institute for Coastal Research at the Helmholtz Research Centre.​
Mototaka Nakamura, Doctor of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and for nearly 25 years specialized in abnormal weather and climate change at prestigious institutions that included MIT, Georgia Institute of Technology, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, JAMSTEC and Duke University.​
John Christy, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama,​

What are your credentials?
Any models post 1987 should have done. But if CFCs had this much impact in slowing climate change maybe scientists need to reassess the impact of CO2? Maybe there are other factors?
Maybe. Or maybe the pre 1987 models would have been accurate if CFC usage continued and we'd have the higher temps they modelled?
Flicking between 2gb and 3aw this morning, there's lots of anger in both states regarding increasing fuel loads and the continual lack of reduction burns and clearing.
The green influence has been the primary concern.

It was mentioned NSW 1987 was the year Bob Carr going into the '88 election, for political gain introduced the Wilderness Act. That was the point in time when forest management was taken away from the rural and local fire services and given to the parks and wildlife services. They were described as "great people, but ideologist who dont understand the bush" and fire management and clearing has to be taken away from them.

Debunked again and again and again and again and again.

It is the most tired, baseless, and ridiculous myth spreading about these bushfires and every firefighter from the RFS Commisioner to on the ground firies are calling it out as nonsense.
All the areas burning are seats held by lib/nats aren't they?

It's what they voted for (no action on climate change). I don't think any alp seats are affected so far?

Quite frankly.. I hope so
Debunked again and again and again and again and again.

It is the most tired, baseless, and ridiculous myth spreading about these bushfires and every firefighter from the RFS Commisioner to on the ground firies are calling it out as nonsense.
Yes exactly , its preparation by people who know the bush and forests and to know how fire behaves, if there's too much fuel, then when a fire comes along it'll burn and it'll burn anything in its way, leave forest/bush fire off season control to people who are from the right place, not a "wilderness" society , calling it the Wilderness act, but Bob Carr would have been of that left political lean which was anti anything that might make a political point even in the 80's the former 60's hippies would be grown up enough to make a splendid voting public for the ALP, aaah Yes I remember it well.
In the time of Bob and Paul and labor's powerhouses, and in those days...YES MY SIDE!!! Bob and Paul would not make the same mistake with the workers party, its unionism and going left to left have changed it.

Can you see the don't chop down trees and the conservation of everything... crowd ?
Even then forgetting how their lives were fairly bloody good, so then everything, went over the top, but that was the foundation of the freaks taking over the ALP and pulling things up.

The true believers like me, stuck, even though being disillusioned until years later and having experienced unionism as actively one of them!!!
I discovered that the freaks had actually
FOUND ANOTHER "NEW WAY" TO STYMIE PROGRESSION! For what ever they hoped to gain????

Because that Progression, that the real ALP people and the working people of Australia wanted and needed, to get on with their lives successfully,like improved Business s', having successful industry moving forward, SAVING THE BLEEDING MOTOR INDUSTRY!!! and what have we done? NOTHING MUCH?

No strong will!

Needed to be really heavy on international companies,( we need some) and taxes and enforcing trickle down ( a s**t of a word I know).

You know even John Howard missed that boat. Force companies as done in other countries to pay and give them tax cuts to build on but be forced to lift their game and their wages /salaries to their workers. SO PEOPLE CAN SPEND!!!!

Nothin like that happened, but the ALP forgot who they represented, went all out to get into government (NO MATTER WHAT) then stuffed up.

After that we copped a pinhead, named Turnbull finished up stuffing the stupid NBN, and even entering the " NEW WAY" thought pattern by the new freaks.

I mentioned it just before, its called CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!
I add the words political point scoring, probably the change 1987/88 in how to handle the bush (NSW I guess?)

Became the avenue which eventually brought about kids on strike and others fanatically panicking and predicting disaster, and teachers encouraging it, exaggerations of disasters and even falsehoods . University s' even joined the falsehoods in some places. But propaganda rules now!

Then back to the original problem in this debate, without the proper people WITH THE PROPER KNOWLEDGE OF HANDLING FIRES, we see instances of lower clearing and burn-offs, leaves extra undergrowth NOT cleared , and what happens, our million of years, old nation, has what it has had forever, and that's normal activity by nature.
BUSHFIRES, but this season became a bloody catastrophic bushfire season! We're told every second by a large number of blinded zealous media.

That's the politics and whats happened to the working mans party, the worker may not have anything to do soon , the way things happen here.

Worst is the bulldust sprouted out by politicians and media and the poor bloody mr average has no idea what's true or what isn't .

Well bad bushfires happen in this country, and climate change DOES NOT create that.

Bad handling of the off season forests/bush preparation, is what causes it.

Happened before hopefully the catastrophe that the media love won't be as bad, if we get the right people to handle the bush 100 times better than lately!
One more fact about the “greenies stopping backburning caused the fires” myth.

Here’s some hippies from the Northern NSW alternative town of Wytaliba. 50% of the adults in this hippie community are RFS volunteers (blows apart the myth that greenies don’t fight fires). Mayor of the nearby community of Glen Innes is a Greens member and a 20 year RFS veteran. All hazard reduction and preventative burns completed by these greens as advised by the RFS command. None of them protested it at all. And still the fire was so strong it broke through their defences.

Wytaliba has been Backburning before fatal fire

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The Australian Greens - What are they Doing?

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