Streaming The Bear

Streaming Television

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This season was very much setting up several things but had no pay off on any of them so I think that has frustrated a view viewers.

Carmy is virtually “stuck” and has closed himself off to everything except the performance of the restaurant. That’s left unresolved issues with Syd, Ritchie, his family, his finances and Claire.

I think the showmakers are deliberately making the viewer feel that sense of frustration of being stuck. There’s obviously a lot of pay off to come - good and bad.

It feels like part 1 of a season.
Apparently the showrunner Christopher Storrer had originally planned a 3 season arc, but due to the popularity of s1 and s2 FX convinced him to do 4 seasons. SO potentially he has fleshed out the storyline he initially envisioned as one season to two.
They also filmed both s3 and s4 concurrently (due to the busy filming schedules for Carm, Sydney and Richie) which gives more weight to the theory its a 2 season story arc.
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Apparently the showrunner CHristopher Storrer had originally planned a 3 season arc, but due to the popularity of s1 and s2 FX convinced him to do 4 seasons. SO potentially he has fleshed out the storyline he initially envisioned as one season to two.
They also filmed both s3 and s4 concurrently (due to the busy filming schedules for Carm, Sydney and Richie) which gives more weight to the theory its a 2 season story arc.
Heh. Well there you go. No wonder it felt like padding. Because it was.
Heh. Well there you go. No wonder it felt like padding. Because it was.
Yeah its a fine line between license to experiment vs filler. I liked the first ep but there was definitely a point where I started thinking "ok i get it, you've shown the same scenes a couple of times now, can we have some narrative movement?"

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Happy for it to be padding for a more impactful Season 4 then. Not every episode needs to have a whole bunch of stuff happening, but it felt like this whole season achieved little to nothing.
Can't deny that it was a step down from the first two. Some of the scatterplot storytelling late in the season, hindered more than helped. And not that the show struggles when it goes outside of the kitchen, but just didn't spend enough time in there for my liking.

But still think there were pockets of brilliance throughout. It ended in a place that offers more promise for the next season, then even the ending of season two did. Especially if it's the final one.

Not here for 'Tomorrow' slander though lol. The highpoint of the season, and up there with Forks, Review as the series' best. It's foundational text for the show, scored by Nine Inch Nails. Near perfection.
This sucks.

Three episodes in and it’s just reiterating “kitchens are hectic” and “Carmy is emotionally damaged”. The writers have seemed to think that they can get by on “who needs a story when you’ve got the vibe?”
Well Season 3 was a step back in every way imagineable.

Nothing happens. There's an abundance of flashbacks and it's hard to know what's present and isn't. There are constant montages of Carmy being miserable and depressed. We get it. The episode his sister has a baby and bonds with the mum is a total bore and it took me 3 attempts to get through it. Episode 1 and 2 were fantastic and the show got off to a great start but I can honestly say nothing memorable happens. None of the episodes live up to the family dinner one in Season 2 or the chaotic The Beef episode from Season 1. Cousin, the best character in the show, has nothing to do and is lost. Final episode is kinda good though. At least they finished on somewhat of a high.

I sincerely hope they have big plans for Season 4 because this was honestly pathetic from a pretty good show.
Sing it sistah
Very much a season 3 part one right down to the To Be Continued.

I skipped so much of this series and the two character episodes.

I love the premise but sometimes people shouting at each other or fumbling what they want to say doesn't become great screenwriting or great acting. It just becomes painful to watch. Like watching the Office without the comedic pay off.

So torn by this show.
Didn't hate it. Didn't love it like season 2. Still enough there to enjoy the season and be excited for next. Loved Napkins, really liked Doors, Tomorrow, Ice Chips, Apologies and Forever. Others were okay. Agree with those who think this was a step back from S2. Agree also that we will look back on it differently when we finish S4.

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Is this deliberate? I feel like Season 3 episodes were designed to reflect the food of a Michelin star restaurant - minimalist, understated and highly pretentious with no self-awareness - tight focus on the history and creation of individual character, teasing greatness but with nothing substantial behind it and leaves you feeling both unfulfilled and needing more.

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