I understand what you are saying, but if you believe what you hear, the Beaumont Children knew the man. They weren't lured by a younger boy and the man turned up, as in the Carly Ryan case. They knew who they were looking for and where to find him.We're told that Jane had a 'boyfriend' at the beach just prior to that fateful day, anyone who's met someone at the beach would know the topic of when you'll be back again would come up which is the perfect cover for a 'ring' or accomplice to have prior knowledge of an opportunity.
Honestly, what are the odds of a child going to the beach unsupervised?
Now shorten that to a child plus 2 siblings unsupervised.
Now shorten that to an unsupervised child that has a recently aquired 'boyfriend'.
And finally, an unsupervised child, with her siblings, who recently aquired a 'boyfriend' at the beach, whom on a subsequent visit to said beach goes on to be part of the most infamous multiple child/siblings disappearance in not only South Australian, not only Australian, but quite likely the entire world.
I dont think Jane hooked up with an adult Carni operator somehow..
The 'grooming' was highly likely to be by way of the 'Boyfriend', who provided the opportunity via an arranged meet, to an adult accomplice who probably played the rols of 'Dad' much like the Carly Ryan murder 4 decades later and a mere 75km away.
I believe, if there was a younger person with him on previous occasions, you would think that person would have come forward, sometime in the past 50+ years. There has been too much publicity for him not to know he was connected.