Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * ACT Bar clears former DPP head Shane Drumgold of misconduct

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Here is PART 1

Historical Rape Allegation Against Fmr AG Christian Porter
The Alexander Matters matters

Just a reminder, this is the crime board and we need to be aware that there will be victims of crime either watching this thread or engaging in here from time to time. A degree of respect in all discussions is expected.

Joint media statement – Chief Minister and Attorney-General

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You brought the notes around to the cover up angle again. I don't think it really matters because as we've seen through this thread time and again, things can be said and done and if it can't be proved in court, they can say it didn't happen.

The reality is, they did actually clean up a crime scene.

Brown's notes prove Reynolds was pushing to report to the AFP and my guess is, it was essentially to cover ass.

The cynic in me has thoughts there was another reason why Reynolds and the SMOS wanted it reported to the AFP, which was to put added pressure on Higgins. On an approach by the AFP, at that point while she was still trying to process it all and not ready, she'd have been stunned and either refused to talk to them which would go against her, or she'd try and bumble her way through, which would also have gone against her.

It's interesting that the SMOS was also wanting the matter reported to the AFP, given the Special Minister of State administers their portfolio through The Department of Finance.

Wasn't it The Department of Finance who ordered the special out of hours deep clean of Reynold's office?
All good points and spot on for relevance and accuracy.

BUT......what did Justice Lee say?

That's all that matters looking back and going forward isn't it, on anything to do with the rape and aftermath? They surely could just close this latest trial down, tell the witnesses to go home, just cut and paste whatever he said that fits the Reynolds' narrative and be done with it - case closed.

judge judy GIF
...things can be said and done and if it can't be proved in court, they can say it didn't happen.

By that logic anyone can go on telly or social media and claim whatever they want, completely devoid of any semblance evidence and garner a posse of 'believers'.

Irrespective, one of the main issues with Higgins' statement that she was pressured by her employers, is the complete chasm of confiding in this "pressure" to Ben Dillaway in their text messages.

657 On 27 March, Mr Dillaway came up from Melbourne to visit Ms Higgins and was giving her support – around this time Ms Higgins was saying her “main concern” was that she did not want anyone to know what had happened and she also “had concerns about becoming known as the girl who was r*ped in Parliament, and she was worried about how it could affect her job and her career” (T1223.33–35; T1224.16–26). Mr Dillaway explained to her that she had nothing to worry about because she was the victim and should have nothing to fear in terms of her job (T1224.42–45).

As I've said before, her feeling this way is probably the way my 24 year old self would have felt in that situation and within that environment. But it's a big jump from that state of being to 'my employers pressured me into choosing between my career and a rape allegation'. The latter does need some form of proof, even just a snifter thereof; but there has been nothing!

The reality is, they did actually clean up a crime scene.

You make it seem like they got Dexter in to clean up a known murder site, whilst they actually got humble cleaner Carlos to " look for signs of a "party".

Brown's notes prove Reynolds was pushing to report to the AFP and my guess is, it was essentially to cover ass.

Yep! That's what Lee said and I think / thought.

The cynic in me has thoughts there was another reason why Reynolds and the SMOS wanted it reported to the AFP, which was to put added pressure on Higgins. On an approach by the AFP, at that point while she was still trying to process it all and not ready, she'd have been stunned and either refused to talk to them which would go against her, or she'd try and bumble her way through, which would also have gone against her.

We agree that it is cynical. They might have been thinking to get a liaison officer to sit in on the meeting in light of the "on top of me" claim, but thinking that they were going to flank themselves with a large number of intimidating top brass types for intimidation reasons is an overreach.
You make it seem like they got Dexter in to clean up a known murder site, whilst they actually got humble cleaner Carlos to " look for signs of a "party".

Michaelia Cash rang the AFP, worried they HAD interfered with a crime scene and asking if they were in trouble for it.

Why did Michaelia Cash do it? It was ordered through the Department of Finance, has the Liberal Party been trying to hide the SMOS attempts at interference through this?

First the Department of Finance orders an out of hours deep clean of Reynolds office, THEN he wants to put a report in to the AFP behind Higgins back, knowing said crime scene had been tampered with.

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As I've said before, her feeling this way is probably the way my 24 year old self would have felt in that situation and within that environment. But it's a big jump from that state of being to 'my employers pressured me into choosing between my career and a rape allegation'. The latter does need some form of proof, even just a snifter thereof; but there has been nothing!

If Higgins said she was made to feel like she had to choose between her career and a rape allegation, all good.

If she said her employers pressured her in to choosing, she could perhaps have been more careful with her words.

IMO ... no big deal.
Looks like Reynolds has zero evidence the Attorney General was personally involved in shutting her out of mediation.

In court on Wednesday, Ms Higgins' lawyer Rachael Young SC took Ms Reynolds to parliamentary guidelines stating the Commonwealth was entitled to block her from proceedings.

Ms Reynolds pointed to sections of the guidelines that said the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus had personally decided that she should be blocked from mediation.

Ms Young then pointed to a line in the guidelines that said the Attorney-General's office was generally in charge of that decision, but Ms Reynolds said the decision to block her did not have to be made at all.

Her voice then rose.
'I firmly believe the Attorney-General was certainly involved,' she said.


Linda Reynolds slams Brittany Higgins as a liar, but admits she never apologised for calling her a 'lying cow'

Linda Reynolds was asked a number of times whether she apologised to Brittany Higgins for calling her a 'lying cow' in front of staff in Parliament House on February 15, 2021.
The comment was made while Ms Reynolds watched Ms Higgins' interview on The Project, during which her rape claims were divulged for the first time.
While the comment was made in a private ministerial suite, a staff member leaked it to media.
Ms Reynolds then released a media statement to say that she did not deny Ms Higgins' rape allegations - but she didn't apologise for making the comments.
In court on Wednesday, Ms Reynolds was repeatedly asked whether she apologised to Ms Higgins.
She deflected - pointing out that she would not apologise for the 'lies' Ms Higgins had told about her.
Ms Higgins' lawyer Racahel Young SC asked: 'When you made your statement on March 3, 2021, you knew Ms Higgins would see it ... you never apologised to Ms Higgins in that statement, did you?'
Ms Reynolds replied: 'Apologise for lying about me? No, I didn't.'
Ms Young continued: 'You never apologised to Ms Higgins for calling her a lying cow, did you?'
Ms Reynolds pointed to her statement and said: 'You can see though, Ms Young, I have never questioned her alleged sexual assault so I made it very clear that I hadn't and didn't and still do not deny her sexual assault.'
Ms Young asked again: 'You didn't apologise to Ms Higgins for calling her a lying cow?'
Ms Reynolds replied: 'No, I did not apologise for the lies she was telling.'
Ms Young asked again: 'You didn't apologise for calling her a lying cow.'
Ms Reynolds said: 'No.'

Via DM link above
If Higgins said she was made to feel like she had to choose between her career and a rape allegation, all good.

IMO ... no big deal.

I agree, that if she felt this way (and I am unsurprised that she may have) then it would be worth bringing up to the world via the media at some juncture in or after the criminal process.

If she said her employers pressured her in to choosing, she could perhaps have been more careful with her words.

IMO ... no big deal.

This "no big deal" has given a Brown a nervous breakdown.

This "no big deal" saw Reynolds break down in Parliament and then go to hospital.

This "no big deal" facilitated a story with The Project and Maiden that without the claim of pressure from the government, might not have been publishable in the first place.

This "no big deal" meant that the ACT police the second time around had credibility issues with Higgins in part due to her 'media first, police an afterthought' process, but largely due to conflicting evidence.

This "no big deal" brought about a swathe of exploitable falsities that cut to Higgins' credibility in the Lehrmann criminal trial that had a jury get stuck and then see the trial aborted.

This "no big deal" brought about the ACT Sexual Assault review report, whereby Higgins' profile led to statements from sexual assault victims that they did not want to proceed with their case based on how Brittany was treated online, whilst others had their cases delayed while Higgins' case was prioritised, with one victim withdrawing their case as a result.

This "no big deal" brought about Lehrmann's now infamous civil trial, that both finally netted some degree of justice for Higgins, but also exposed Higgins of having crafted of a narrative, made false representations, curated data and lied when it suited her.

This "no big deal" that saw Sharaz and Higgins double down on the claims via socials has now, with the ill-advised help of Reynolds, kicked off this abomination of a defamation trial.

So you can see why I and some others, are firmly of the opinion that the false allegations are, IMO...a huge ****en deal!!
I agree, that if she felt this way (and I am unsurprised that she may have) then it would be worth bringing up to the world via the media at some juncture in or after the criminal process.

This "no big deal" has given a Brown a nervous breakdown.

This "no big deal" saw Reynolds break down in Parliament and then go to hospital.

This "no big deal" facilitated a story with The Project and Maiden that without the claim of pressure from the government, might not have been publishable in the first place.

This "no big deal" meant that the ACT police the second time around had credibility issues with Higgins in part due to her 'media first, police an afterthought' process, but largely due to conflicting evidence.

This "no big deal" brought about a swathe of exploitable falsities that cut to Higgins' credibility in the Lehrmann criminal trial that had a jury get stuck and then see the trial aborted.

This "no big deal" brought about the ACT Sexual Assault review report, whereby Higgins' profile led to statements from sexual assault victims that they did not want to proceed with their case based on how Brittany was treated online, whilst others had their cases delayed while Higgins' case was prioritised, with one victim withdrawing their case as a result.

This "no big deal" brought about Lehrmann's now infamous civil trial, that both finally netted some degree of justice for Higgins, but also exposed Higgins of having crafted of a narrative, made false representations, curated data and lied when it suited her.

This "no big deal" that saw Sharaz and Higgins double down on the claims via socials has now, with the ill-advised help of Reynolds, kicked off this abomination of a defamation trial.

So you can see why I and some others, are firmly of the opinion that the false allegations are, IMO...a huge ****en deal!!

I wonder if a guilty conscience might possibly lead to high blood pressure, breakdown etc.
I agree, that if she felt this way (and I am unsurprised that she may have) then it would be worth bringing up to the world via the media at some juncture in or after the criminal process.

This "no big deal" has given a Brown a nervous breakdown.

This "no big deal" saw Reynolds break down in Parliament and then go to hospital.

This "no big deal" facilitated a story with The Project and Maiden that without the claim of pressure from the government, might not have been publishable in the first place.

This "no big deal" meant that the ACT police the second time around had credibility issues with Higgins in part due to her 'media first, police an afterthought' process, but largely due to conflicting evidence.

This "no big deal" brought about a swathe of exploitable falsities that cut to Higgins' credibility in the Lehrmann criminal trial that had a jury get stuck and then see the trial aborted.

This "no big deal" brought about the ACT Sexual Assault review report, whereby Higgins' profile led to statements from sexual assault victims that they did not want to proceed with their case based on how Brittany was treated online, whilst others had their cases delayed while Higgins' case was prioritised, with one victim withdrawing their case as a result.

This "no big deal" brought about Lehrmann's now infamous civil trial, that both finally netted some degree of justice for Higgins, but also exposed Higgins of having crafted of a narrative, made false representations, curated data and lied when it suited her.

This "no big deal" that saw Sharaz and Higgins double down on the claims via socials has now, with the ill-advised help of Reynolds, kicked off this abomination of a defamation trial.

So you can see why I and some others, are firmly of the opinion that the false allegations are, IMO...a huge ****en deal!!
Can you at least try not to keep exaggerating?

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I wonder if a guilty conscience might possibly lead to high blood pressure, breakdown etc.
I imagine much more stressful for a senior and ambitious politician at the pinnacle of their career would be:

- the pressure of keeping track of what was said to who and when over days, weeks, months and years;

- trying to keep your story believable and consistent;

- keeping your relationship, conversations and messages with opposing attorneys, journalists and gossip columnists hidden from view;

- managing the rapidly changing expectations of your superiors, voters etc. in an effort to keep your career as a Minister and politician on the rails; and finally

- managing the financial and reputational risk of looking for a scapegoat to place the blame and seek financial recompense from when it all goes horribly wrong and your lies, mistruths and actions finally catch up with you. Especially as you seek alternative and lucrative career options in the private sector after your resignation as a serving politician.

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You're getting hysterical over semantics and launching off my posts in to wild strawmanning rants

"Hysterical" and "rants" I can't argue with. "Strawman" I'm not so sure about, but whatevs!

Can you at least humour me with by answering one question though? Do you agree or disagree that the claim from Higgins that her employers pressured her in to choosing between her career and a rape allegation, saw Fiona Brown experience a torrent of abuse that ultimately led to her having a nervous breakdown?
"Hysterical" and "rants" I can't argue with. "Strawman" I'm not so sure about, but whatevs!

Can you at least humour me with by answering one question though? Do you agree or disagree that the claim from Higgins that her employers pressured her in to choosing between her career and a rape allegation, saw Fiona Brown experience a torrent of abuse that ultimately led to her having a nervous breakdown?

Can you point me to the record of exactly what Higgins said with regard to her employers pressuring her to choose?
Hypocrite and just a nasty piece of work. Good luck getting decent work anywhere else Senator.

A reminder that she's been doing this backgrounding and leaking while she was a Senator, a Minister/Shadow Minister.

And she's still on the public payroll ffs - she hasn't taken leave from the Senate to mount her court action, which someone who cared about their reputation and their role as a federal representative surely would have.
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Can you point me to the record of exactly what Higgins said with regard to her employers pressuring her to choose?

The crux of it is from the very first media article (there is also plenty of in Maiden's interview with her, but dunno where that is).


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Updated Bruce Lehrmann Pt2 * ACT Bar clears former DPP head Shane Drumgold of misconduct

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