Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

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Present some evidence that TB4 was even on site....

Remembering it's on the prosecution to prove guilt, not the other way around...

You clearly haven't bothered listening the previous 489 times it's been laid out, so I don't think I'll bother wasting the 10 minutes it'll take on my phone gathering the links and whatnot. Hmm'Kay?

Not in a discussion it isn't. What a cop out.
Rubbish. It's not up to the 34's lawyers to prove it was Thymomodulin, it's up to WADA to prove it was Thymosin Beta 4. I can't physically prove it was Thymomodulin, but neither can WADA get close to proving it was TB4.

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Rubbish. It's not up to the 34's lawyers to prove it was Thymomodulin, it's up to WADA to prove it was Thymosin Beta 4. I can't physically prove it was Thymomodulin, but neither can WADA get close to proving it was TB4.

So the molecular weight analysis that even the expert for the players agreed was 98 - 99% certain it was TB4 doesn't satisfy the level of proof required. I'll give you a hint, it absolutely proves it wasn't thymomodulin. It proves that it was in fact TB4. This has been explained many times yet this ridiculous malarkey about thymomodulin keeps getting raised.

Its a dead issue.
Rubbish. It's not up to the 34's lawyers to prove it was Thymomodulin, it's up to WADA to prove it was Thymosin Beta 4. I can't physically prove it was Thymomodulin, but neither can WADA get close to proving it was TB4.

You delusional.

They did, they proved it your dirty, filthy drug cheating club got caught and suspended. TB4 was sourced, obviously on the premises if 6 players admitted they were told they were being injected with thymosin. It was obvious TB4 as the molecular weight was accurate to 98-99% after it was compounded and tested, there was consent forms and an admission by Dank they he administered TB4 to the players. Even the AFL Tribunal ruled out thymomodulin ever being involved. So you are wrong.

What more do you want? Essendon cheated and got caught. 3 eminent QC's very experienced in anti-doping found Essendon guilty, so no-one cares what you think. Always be remembered as drug cheats.
in relation to robbo's road to damascus experience, and chinese new year.

yesterday i was wandering along the river bank in front of crown casino with all the decorations and stalls for celebrating.

the eye that really caught my attention was the food stall call LEADER SHEEP.

it just seemed so apt.
As a young lad I did a bit of work at an abattoir. One of my first days on the job was in the yards. They weren't too pleased when I sent the leader sheep off to slaughter.

Silly campaigners should have told me that there was a special sheep that lead the others into the race.
Rubbish. It's not up to the 34's lawyers to prove it was Thymomodulin, it's up to WADA to prove it was Thymosin Beta 4. I can't physically prove it was Thymomodulin, but neither can WADA get close to proving it was TB4.

Rubbish- my post has nothing to do with WADA. You were in a discussion in here and got asked to prove your point which of course you are unable to do, and so copped out.

Of course having absolutely no evidence that it could be Tymomodulin does not stop you hanging your hat on a drug that has no evidence to support it, but happy to dismiss the only drug that does have evidence to support its use.

I think you should read the CAS outcome - it's there in black and red. Guilty- I guess that means they did prove it.
Rubbish. It's not up to the 34's lawyers to prove it was Thymomodulin, it's up to WADA to prove it was Thymosin Beta 4. I can't physically prove it was Thymomodulin, but neither can WADA get close to proving it was TB4.

This would have been a perfectly reasonable comment prior to CAS making their decision.

It doesn't make sense now, because the decision has been made to the standard of proof required.
Rubbish. It's not up to the 34's lawyers to prove it was Thymomodulin, it's up to WADA to prove it was Thymosin Beta 4. I can't physically prove it was Thymomodulin, but neither can WADA get close to proving it was TB4.

Guess what? They did. Are you Essendon folk behind the times over there at Tulla? The CAS decision has already been handed down. You lost.
They did, they proved it your dirty, filthy drug cheating club got caught and suspended.
Hahahah pfft. No the club did not get found guilty and suspended. The players did. There is a difference between the two parties.
Even the AFL Tribunal ruled out thymomodulin ever being involved. So you are wrong.
The AFL Tribunal couldn't place any kind of Thymosin. That's why they stopped there.
What more do you want? Essendon cheated and got caught. 3 eminent QC's very experienced in anti-doping found Essendon guilty, so no-one cares what you think. Always be remembered as drug cheats.
Even if we were found not guilty we'd always be remembered as drug cheats by stupid people. Who cares?
Rubbish- my post has nothing to do with WADA. You were in a discussion in here and got asked to prove your point which of course you are unable to do, and so copped out.

Of course having absolutely no evidence that it could be Tymomodulin does not stop you hanging your hat on a drug that has no evidence to support it, but happy to dismiss the only drug that does have evidence to support its use.

I think you should read the CAS outcome - it's there in black and red. Guilty- I guess that means they did prove it.
How exactly do you want me to prove it was Thymomodulin? Do you think I was involved at the club when this all went down? Do you think I have access to all the records? I can't prove it was Thymomodulin. If I could I'd have got involved in saving these players... I'm not saying it was for certain Thymomodulin, all I have been saying the whole time is the case put forward by WADA had so much reasonable doubt that it wasn't TB4 that you shouldn't be found guilty. After all it is on them to prove guilt, not the other way around.

I've no idea why I was asked to prove it.
Hahahah pfft. No the club did not get found guilty and suspended. The players did. There is a difference between the two parties.

The AFL Tribunal couldn't place any kind of Thymosin. That's why they stopped there.

Even if we were found not guilty we'd always be remembered as drug cheats by stupid people. Who cares?

How exactly do you want me to prove it was Thymomodulin? Do you think I was involved at the club when this all went down? Do you think I have access to all the records? I can't prove it was Thymomodulin. If I could I'd have got involved in saving these players... I'm not saying it was for certain Thymomodulin, all I have been saying the whole time is the case put forward by WADA had so much reasonable doubt that it wasn't TB4 that you shouldn't be found guilty. After all it is on them to prove guilt, not the other way around.

I've no idea why I was asked to prove it.
How many times do you need to be told that the level of proof is NOT beyond reasonable doubt?
Guess what? They did. Are you Essendon folk behind the times over there at Tulla? The CAS decision has already been handed down. You lost.
Every time a new Essendon poster arrives here they are worse than the last one. Real depths are being plumbed.

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Hahahah pfft. No the club did not get found guilty and suspended. The players did. There is a difference between the two parties.

The AFL Tribunal couldn't place any kind of Thymosin. That's why they stopped there.

Even if we were found not guilty we'd always be remembered as drug cheats by stupid people. Who cares?

How exactly do you want me to prove it was Thymomodulin? Do you think I was involved at the club when this all went down? Do you think I have access to all the records? I can't prove it was Thymomodulin. If I could I'd have got involved in saving these players... I'm not saying it was for certain Thymomodulin, all I have been saying the whole time is the case put forward by WADA had so much reasonable doubt that it wasn't TB4 that you shouldn't be found guilty. After all it is on them to prove guilt, not the other way around.

I've no idea why I was asked to prove it.
You could refer to the CAS findings, that would be a great starting point. Will answer your question.
It's a pretty sad state of affairs if that's what you are hanging your hat on.
What? There is a massive difference there. In my opinion, the club deserved what it got in 2013 for getting into this mess. The players deserved to be found not guilty.

The club wasn't convicted on January 12.
How many times do you need to be told that the level of proof is NOT beyond reasonable doubt?
It's not just reasonable doubt. The doubt is enormous.
What? There is a massive difference there. In my opinion, the club deserved what it got in 2013 for getting into this mess. The players deserved to be found not guilty.

The club wasn't convicted on January 12.
The club was punished for governance issues. Now that it has been established that it ran a doping program outside the rules, it should be punished for that. The players didn't dope by themselves.
Hahahah pfft. No the club did not get found guilty and suspended. The players did. There is a difference between the two parties.

The AFL Tribunal couldn't place any kind of Thymosin. That's why they stopped there.

Even if we were found not guilty we'd always be remembered as drug cheats by stupid people. Who cares?

How exactly do you want me to prove it was Thymomodulin? Do you think I was involved at the club when this all went down? Do you think I have access to all the records? I can't prove it was Thymomodulin. If I could I'd have got involved in saving these players... I'm not saying it was for certain Thymomodulin, all I have been saying the whole time is the case put forward by WADA had so much reasonable doubt that it wasn't TB4 that you shouldn't be found guilty. After all it is on them to prove guilt, not the other way around.

I've no idea why I was asked to prove it.

You said that we think it was thymomodulin. I'd be interested in why you think it was thymomodulin.
Hahahah pfft. No the club did not get found guilty and suspended. The players did. There is a difference between the two parties.

The AFL Tribunal couldn't place any kind of Thymosin. That's why they stopped there.

Even if we were found not guilty we'd always be remembered as drug cheats by stupid people. Who cares?

How exactly do you want me to prove it was Thymomodulin? Do you think I was involved at the club when this all went down? Do you think I have access to all the records? I can't prove it was Thymomodulin. If I could I'd have got involved in saving these players... I'm not saying it was for certain Thymomodulin, all I have been saying the whole time is the case put forward by WADA had so much reasonable doubt that it wasn't TB4 that you shouldn't be found guilty. After all it is on them to prove guilt, not the other way around.

I've no idea why I was asked to prove it.

....because you asked someone else to prove it was TB4 who also wasn't involved. Your hypocrisy was highlighted.

The bottom line is there is more evidence that it was TB4 than anything else but you dismiss that drug- but are happy to put forward other drugs that have no evidence associated with them.

To save you a post, the photo of a photo and Hirdy's laughable statement that he once saw a spreadsheet with Tymomodulin across the top, is not evidence that anyone takes seriously.
Hahahah pfft. No the club did not get found guilty and suspended. The players did. There is a difference between the two parties.

The AFL Tribunal couldn't place any kind of Thymosin. That's why they stopped there.

Even if we were found not guilty we'd always be remembered as drug cheats by stupid people. Who cares?

How exactly do you want me to prove it was Thymomodulin? Do you think I was involved at the club when this all went down? Do you think I have access to all the records? I can't prove it was Thymomodulin. If I could I'd have got involved in saving these players... I'm not saying it was for certain Thymomodulin, all I have been saying the whole time is the case put forward by WADA had so much reasonable doubt that it wasn't TB4 that you shouldn't be found guilty. After all it is on them to prove guilt, not the other way around.

I've no idea why I was asked to prove it.

For the 99th time, there is no reasonable doubt. The substance was tested and proven to be TB4. I don't know why you keep pretending otherwise.

Of all the things to pick on, you've chosen the one thing where there is no doubt
i believe EFC had concerns about Danks program along time before they disclosed?? Football clubs are a small place and management would have been aware of concerns.
The EFC have been punished for governance. Not having house in order, ie. Shredding and deleting documents.
The AFL has still yet to address the issue of the EFC knowledge and involvement in the illegal drug program.
Don't think they will but they should.

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Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

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