Roast The Drag on my Intelligence, the Bane of my Existence, my unchallenged Icon of Mediocrity … that is David Koch

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In the decade-plus that I applied myself to helping PAFC secure a million-dollar-per-annum China partner I never once heard anyone say, as a positive, that they had become, or would become, a paid-up member of the club … “Because David Koch is chairman.”

Neither have I heard the same rationale applied to Ken Hinkley as incentive to take out membership.

These two since October 2012 are meant to have been mere ‘members’ themselves - of a team, a team within a team, at Alberton. But this was a dream. No, this was a lie. On 2 October 2012 when interviewed on becoming president of PAFC and changing his title to chairman, David Koch said something to the effect of: “I will never interfere in the operations of the Football Department.”

It was just the first lie.

When the PAFC board of directors came to Hong Kong in May 2014, and Koch took centre-stage and the microphone in the main restaurant of the Hong Kong Football Club, he revealed a hidden truth that has grown into something much too unpleasant, as far as I am concerned, to remain hidden to the extent it has. If I’d been able to see into the future, it would’ve been a red flag, and I would not have helped the club take things any further.

Easy for me to say that now, I know. Hindsight has not just 20:20 vision it has genius IQ.

Koch, at that luncheon, introduced himself to a room of 180 strangers in a foreign location with these words: “I am a professional bullshitter.” Put this to AI and the translation would be: “I am paid to tell lies.” (And if you believe anything I say to you, then you are the mug.)

It was aimed to produce a laugh. It was meant to reveal that Koch was not really a god on high, even though he thought he was, that he was down to earth and one of the boys. The Chinese people in the room didn’t get it. I had several as guests at my table. (I’d co-operated with Koch’s daughter to set the function up and market it.) Puzzlement all round. In Hong Kong nobody talks that way, and nor should they.

David Koch was off to a bad start. Only he could keep coming up with dumb stunts that made things worse (e.g.: On the Grass with the Farriss Bros.). Fixed in Koch’s mind was that he was a god and everybody worshipped him; even people in foreign lands who’d never heard of him worshipped him, he’d decided. Even when he was only No. 1 ticket holder, he thought that gave him licence to playact as the god of the little battler club that rose to the national stage from the swamp at Alberton - something to which he contributed zilch.

Koch has always been a particular kind of god, by his bizarre standards - standards that would’ve been torn to shreds in any schoolyard in the Port district. PAFC has, through its history, produced a number of gods. Every one of them played football, and played it better than anyone else. One died this week - Geof Motley, whom I watched with my father as he kicked his seven goals in the second half of the 1957 SANFL grand final. David Koch has never known which end of a football to point at the goals, let alone kick one. God? For godsake. Learn a bit about PAFC first, David.

I have opened this thread at this particular juncture because it’s about time I did. Coming into the finals this year I knew - I knew - that we would go out in straight sets and in ugly indigestible fashion. How did I know that? Because that’s the sort of failure the Koch-Hinkley-Cardone combo have made themselves the gods of. On the Thursday before the 2021 prelim final, Richo gave me a call out of the blue. I’ve confessed elsewhere that at that stage I was supporting him as CEO, for my own reasons - for three years maximum. Richo was so confident we would beat the Bulldogs and get to the Big Dance. His excitement, his certainty, was palpable down the line. I said: “Let’s wait and see.”

Years earlier, latest 2017, I’d assured him: “We will never win a flag under Ken Hinkley.” He was flabbergasted. “Why?” he asked. I ran off a list: negativity, pessimism, stubbornness, lack of intelligence, loser mentality, over-focus on being the players’ protective god above all else versus that other god, the dark one - the chairman. At the time I hadn’t dared to add the worst curse of all: Hinks the Jinx. Hinkley carries with him, yes, a jinx. His record proves it. Richo has never accepted what I told him in 2017, or was it 2016? Whatever, I was wrong both times. It wasn’t a flag that Hinkley would never coach us to … it was the Big Dance itself.

This post is just the opener. I have much more to say - some of it not for the first time. But all of what I say will be new. Because we have a new situation. We have a Red Raw New Situation. We have a senior coach who has been signed into his twelfth and thirteenth seasons, in anticipation, in an act of guesswork - again - of him doing something he has never ever been able to do. Never in his football life. Never has he been able to win when it really matters - not as a player, not as a senior AFL coach. Not once.

And we have a chairman who has thrown himself into his own twelfth and thirteenth years joined at the hip with this failed senior coach who seems to have something over him … something on him.

Come clean, David. What is it? What does Hinkley have on you?

Was it 2017? Was it something you gave in on, surrendered to, and promised at that emergency meeting around the Hinkley kitchen table after your disgraceful performance post-match, after the elimination final versus West Coast, when you abused the players, some of whom were in tears - yes, abused, in Hinkley’s mind and by Hinkley’s own standards whatever they be … and according to the favourite uncle-of-my-favourite-players act that Hinkley perfected that Saturday night … in order to fight back against you. And you flew halfway across this continent of ours, to distant Bungan Beach, carrying with you your ignorance, your unawareness of what you’d done … and you got a phone call from KT in a state of panic … and you had to fly straight back … to the Hinkley kitchen. Where you gave in.

You surrendered standing, quivering, in a broadening puddle of cold sweat.

Is that what Hinkley has on you, David?

Because if Hinkley hasn’t got that or something else on you … then you have no excuse for the nauseous performance you continue to put up. And therefore it’s all on you.

I’ve just posted the link to this on Facebook and Twitter…

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Thank you Lockhart Road for giving us a tiny glimpse into the dysfunctional workings within the club. The “I’m a professional bullshitter” remark by Koch, might be the most honest words that’s ever come out of his mouth. But we shouldn’t be surprised, as this is the same individual who made a living from reading off a teleprompter. The Ch7 bosses wouldn’t have cared that he didn’t believe half the shit he was saying, but they would have been emphatic in his ability to convince millions of TV viewers it was all true.

Narcissistic personalities like Koch are toxic. They are master manipulators whose outward appearance couldn’t be more far removed from their more sinister, inward persona. Lying to them, is equivalent to a hammer in the hands of a carpenter, it’s just a tool for the job. They rarely show any remorse, or empathy, because to admit to any type of wrongdoing is anathema to them. If there is one weakness all narcissists share in common, it’s this, they hate being told ‘No’, because power & control means everything to them.
That’s 100% why Tredders is on the outer, & will never be allowed back into the fold while Koch is still at the helm.

As for Ken, he doesn’t come across as being a very bright individual, but he sure as hell is opportunistic, & cunning to the core. People like him thrive in questionable environments & bad cultures, because they value self preservation over integrity & ethics.

The club is in an awful state, with an egotistical madman at the helm. Unfortunately, It probably gets much worse before it gets better.
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The club we knew as PAFC has been changed forever, removing Kochi and ken is the first step but it's going to take a long time to recover.
Supporters have been divided,I can't see that recovering any time soon,this is on Kochi, telling them for a decade it's not the sanfl anymore,how hard it is to win premierships and it's sunken in, occasional finals are a pass mark with a lot of supporters now,the damage seems massive.
Thank you Lockhart Road

I would love to hear from you how Joe average can in any way influence anything at all, to end this miserable chapter.
From your reply, and all the other replies thus far, it’s obvious to me that there’s a groundswell afoot that is not good news for Koch and his enablers. It requires us not to keep quiet, not to accept the unacceptable … and build the groundswell at least to the point it threatens to overflow. I’m not saying we march on Alberton. Not yet, not here, at least.

I’m not saying we catch the media eye by planting banners everywhere. Not yet, not here, at least.

Every one of us needs to feed this groundswell in whatever way we can. Give it individual thought, leading to unification of purpose. The key is not to allow momentum to wane, to increase the momentum in any way that is reasonable, at a pace that is purposeful.

Call the radio, comment on-line to articles, think up unthoughtof ways to make it known we’re here and we ain’t goin’ away.

The worst we can do is to do nothing.

We are the White Noise. So let’s be heard - not loud but voluminous.

And whiter than white. We need to be the Persil People from the Port. We need to shine.

Show ‘em we are not from the bottom of the pile … that we are the core supporters who count, that without us the PAFC is indeed no longer the PAFC. Show ‘em we are the sector of the supporter base that hurts the most, that feel the wounds going deeper than any other sector, and thus we are the ones who yell the loudest because we have more heart … more than Koch himself who, truth be known, has proven himself not to know how to be chairman of anything more sizeable than his own small family business. What do they do? Media. Anyone can do media. Does he do it well? Well enough, yes, to keep his family business in the ‘small’ category.

What about Sunrise, you ask? Well, the sun has set on that … at last.

Think of ways to help David Koch prove to observers all that he is unqualified to be where he is. He does it every time he opens his mouth. Help him do that some more. He is his own worst enemy.

We are not fools. We are not dropouts like Koch himself who falls short of his father’s example - his father who worked at ETSA by day and worked at a different desk by night at the School of Mines to become a chartered accountant - no easy task - and then was good enough at his job in Sydney to be recruited by Kaiser Corp. in California, and to go to China on coal trading business in the 1970s before any of us got into China. I didn’t go there until 1980. What his father did was something Koch himself failed to achieve, yet has taken full advantage of the opportunity his father built for him. I saw Dean Koch play in some curtain-raisers in the 1950s; he wasn’t talented but he was big and he tried and because he wore the Bars he looked bigger and he tried harder. If Dean Koch was still alive, my guess is he would be one of us - the White Noise Brigade with an intelligence and passion to put fear into those who doubt us. The fear of being found out … in public.

We are the ones who took the club to China, not Koch. He merely allowed it to happen. We are the ones who paid out of our own pockets to travel to China to take a look at what the club was trying to show the world … and liked what we saw and wanted more of it. It takes something extra to be like that, to be there, to show up like we did.

What did David Koch do in Shanghai? He used the occasion to put on his own ‘business’ symposium for which attendees paid money to listen and hear not a lot.

More to come. I want to make noise about how our actual membership has flatlined from the moment Koch walked through the door.
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The surprise phone call I received and which I referred to was the Thursday before the prelim vs Footscray in 2021.

Richo was on a high. Under normal circumstances he deserved to be. But nothing to do with PAFC has been normal since we were punished with the imposition of the Koch-Hinkley-Cardone curse of curses.

And we still haven’t been given an explanation for what happened that night.

In the absence of any denial, any believable denail, I remain convinced that something else unprofessional happened in the rooms right before the game … which sent Schofield straight out the exit he’d been sizing up for some time, and which sent the players out on the field in a state of punch-drunkedness.

From your reply, and all the other replies thus far, it’s obvious to me that there’s a groundswell afoot that is not good news for Koch and his enablers. It requires us not to keep quiet, not to accept the unacceptable … and build the groundswell at least to the point it threatens to overflow. I’m not saying we march on Alberton. Not yet, not here, at least.

I’m not saying we catch the media eye by planting banners everywhere. Not yet, not here, at least.

Every one of us needs to feed this groundswell in whatever way we can. Give it individual thought, leading to unification of purpose. The key is not to allow momentum to wain, to increase the momentum in any way that is reasonable, at a pace that is purposeful.

Call the radio, comment on-line to articles, think up unthoughtof ways to make it known we’re here and we ain’t goin’ away.

The worst we can do is to do nothing.

We are the White Noise. So let’s be heard - not loud but voluminous.

And whiter than white. We need to be the Persil People from the Port. We need to shine.

Show ‘em we are not from the bottom of the pile … that we are the core supporters who count, that without us the PAFC is indeed no longer the PAFC. Show ‘em we are the sector of the supporter base that hurts the most, that feel the wounds going deeper than any other sector, and thus we are the ones who yell the loudest because we have more heart … more than Koch himself who, truth be known, has proven himself not to know how to be chairman of anything more sizeable than his own small family business. What do they do? Media. Anyone can do media. Does he do it well? Well enough, yes, to keep his family business in the ‘small’ category.

What about Sunrise, you ask? Well, the sun has set on that … at last.

Think of ways to help David Koch prove to observers all that he is unqualified to be where he is. He does it every time he opens his mouth. Help him do that some more. He is his own worst enemy.

We are not fools. We are not dropouts like Koch himself who falls short of his father’s example - his father who worked at ETSA by day and worked at a different desk by night at the School of Mines to become a chartered accountant - no easy task - and then was good enough at his job to be recruited by Kaiser Corp. in California, and to go to China on coal trading business in the 1970s before any of us got into China. I didn’t go there until 1980. What his father did was something Koch himself failed to achieve, yet has taken full advantage of the opportunity his father built for him. I saw Dean Koch play in some curtain-raisers in the 1950s; he wasn’t talented but he was big and he tried and because he wore the Bars he looked bigger and he tried harder. If Dean Koch was still alive, my guess is he would be one of us - the White Noise Brigade with an intelligence and passion to put fear into those who doubt us. The fear of being found out … in public.

We are the ones who took the club to China, not Koch. He merely allowed it to happen. We are the ones who paid out of our own pockets to travel to China to take a look at what the club was trying to show the world … and liked what we saw and wanted more of it. It takes something extra to be like that, to be there, to show up like we did.

What did David Koch do in Shanghai? He used the occasion to put on his own ‘business’ symposium for which attendees paid money to to listen and hear not a lot.

More to come. I want to make noise about how our actual membership has flatlined from the moment Koch walked through the door.

Don't know if you have any idea but is our membership revenue actually fallen even by enough to make the accountants worry??
Sensational posting as per usual by LR, but it still begs the question as to why the board is so p*ss weak that it allows that clown Koch to continue, I thought that given his past history Snowdon would have rattled a few cages, but he just appears to have fallen in to line as just another of the kokmeister's enablers.

I had heard before that kok had been nailed by some after his `little old blue collar club from Alberton' Bull Sh*t, and it appeared he had also been reined in a tad a few years back from making other stupid public comments when he went fairly quiet for a while, but nothing appears to have happened since and he is now back to being the leading clown in a struggling circus.

Surely there are board members with intelligence and integrity who want to distance themselves from the biggest d*ckhead in the history of our once great club, but atm it appears to me he has the chairman's job for as long as he wants it, and that is beyond depressing!
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Surely there are board members with intelligence and integrity who want to distance themselves from the biggest d*ckhead in the history of our once great club, but atm it appears to me he has the chairman's job for as long as he wants it, and that is beyond depressing!

It seems the board members who are most inclined to challenge David end up leaving (though we are only told about it long after it occurs).
Surely there are board members with intelligence and integrity who want to distance themselves from the biggest d*ckhead in the history of our once great club

They usually distance themselves from Koch by leaving the board.

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we are only told about it long after it occurs

If we’re told at all.

To date there has still been no mention of Cahill stepping down, other than via governance protocols.

It seems the club doesn’t deem us worthy of knowing about board movements unless it needs us to vote in a patsy.
If we’re told at all.

To date there has still been no mention of Cahill stepping down, other than via governance protocols.

It seems the club doesn’t deem us worthy of knowing about board movements unless it needs us to vote in a patsy.

Does your local gym inform you of changes in its governance structure? We're not members in an ownership sense, we're members in a subscriber sense. You are valued for your dollars and nothing else. There's no community, it's a closed off boys club who think of us as irrelevant, there's us and there's them. The only community is the supporter base itself.
Does your local gym inform you of changes in its governance structure? We're not members in an ownership sense, we're members in a subscriber sense. You are valued for your dollars and nothing else. There's no community, it's a closed off boys club who think of us as irrelevant, there's us and there's them. The only community is the supporter base itself.

This is what gets me about the 'member' metric in the AFL. It is nothing like membership. Membership suggests a role in governance. We obviously don't have that. We have multi-game ticket-holders. It is nothing like membership.

When I moved to Melbourne, I saw the value in a Victorian membership in that it gave me a vote. It hasn't (except for the facade of the member-elected and board approved board members) since 2012. Thus, there is no detriment to me giving up my subscription.
This guy will leave a long lasting legacy on this club - none of it good. Koch doesn't care about the traditional values at Port Adelaide: all he cares about is David Koch. When he finally leaves, the club could hold his farewell in a phone box, and I doubt it would sell out.
This is what gets me about the 'member' metric in the AFL. It is nothing like membership. Membership suggests a role in governance. We obviously don't have that. We have multi-game ticket-holders. It is nothing like membership.

When I moved to Melbourne, I saw the value in a Victorian membership in that it gave me a vote. It hasn't (except for the facade of the member-elected and board approved board members) since 2012. Thus, there is no detriment to me giving up my subscription.

In Brazil, there’s a category called “supporter-member”. It’s a member without voting power and access to the social club’s structure.

[At Grêmio, the category is misleading because they all have voting power, but the club doesn’t have any social structure anymore.]

It seems that all PAFC members are “supporter-members” (or treated like it).
This guy will leave a long lasting legacy on this club - none of it good. Koch doesn't care about the traditional values at Port Adelaide: all he cares about is David Koch. When he finally leaves, the club could hold his farewell in a phone box, and I doubt it would sell out.

I'd be tempted to go to heckle him on his way out.
Sensational posting as per usual by LR, but it still begs the question as to why the board is so p*ss weak that it allows that clown Koch to continue, I thought that given his past history Snowdon would have rattled a few cages, but he just appears to have fallen in to line as just another of the kokmeister's enablers.

I had heard before that kok had been nailed by some after his `little old blue collar club from Alberton' Bull Sh*t, and it appeared he had also been reined in a tad a few years back from making other stupid public comments when he went fairly quiet for a while, but nothing appears to have happened since and he is now back to being the leading clown in a struggling circus.

Surely there are board members with intelligence and integrity who want to distance themselves from the biggest d*ckhead in the history of our once great club, but atm it appears to me he has the chairman's job for as long as he wants it, and that is beyond depressing!
Surely Kochi appoints who he wants on the board,that's why nobody says anything

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On LR's point of feeding the groundswell, I've been chipping away at brainwashed relatives and am starting to see some minor effects. It's a long game however.

Similar scenario with me, although Jill's lovely work on AA really helped to swing some of the more "happy clapperish" family members! We are all singing from the same hymn sheet now!

The groundswell is there indeed, in my wider circle of people, port and non port alike, only about 15% are at most ambivalent towards Ken, the rest can see how toxic and ludicrous the situation has become.

The pressure can't wane now, the clubs gone into hiding again, but once next year starts, we drop a couple games and the pressure will be palpable. They've brought this on themselves and deserve every squirming moment of it.

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Posting on social media platforms, emails and calls to the club, withdrawing membership, radio calls, and a sticker has unfortunately brought zilch accountability on those at the club. It's all individualistic and the attention is short-lived.

These custodians measure the heat on them by the volume and frequency by media talk, not by its suppirters. They go into hiding for long periods of time because the less they say and the lesser occasions they front up to media interviews about the passing season, then the more likely the media don't discuss and disect what they say. They'll escape attention until the football talk moves to the next topic, such as the draft.

Some type of unified sophisticated campaign that the media will reference to continously at any time of the year is what I feel is needed.

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Roast The Drag on my Intelligence, the Bane of my Existence, my unchallenged Icon of Mediocrity … that is David Koch

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