Roast The Drag on my Intelligence, the Bane of my Existence, my unchallenged Icon of Mediocrity … that is David Koch

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For me, the reason we dont sack Ken is just stubbornness. Koch wants his “Port Adelaide members, you were wrong” moment
From your reply, and all the other replies thus far, it’s obvious to me that there’s a groundswell afoot that is not good news for Koch and his enablers. It requires us not to keep quiet, not to accept the unacceptable … and build the groundswell at least to the point it threatens to overflow. I’m not saying we march on Alberton. Not yet, not here, at least.

I’m not saying we catch the media eye by planting banners everywhere. Not yet, not here, at least.

Every one of us needs to feed this groundswell in whatever way we can. Give it individual thought, leading to unification of purpose. The key is not to allow momentum to wane, to increase the momentum in any way that is reasonable, at a pace that is purposeful.

Call the radio, comment on-line to articles, think up unthoughtof ways to make it known we’re here and we ain’t goin’ away.

The worst we can do is to do nothing.

We are the White Noise. So let’s be heard - not loud but voluminous.

And whiter than white. We need to be the Persil People from the Port. We need to shine.

Show ‘em we are not from the bottom of the pile … that we are the core supporters who count, that without us the PAFC is indeed no longer the PAFC. Show ‘em we are the sector of the supporter base that hurts the most, that feel the wounds going deeper than any other sector, and thus we are the ones who yell the loudest because we have more heart … more than Koch himself who, truth be known, has proven himself not to know how to be chairman of anything more sizeable than his own small family business. What do they do? Media. Anyone can do media. Does he do it well? Well enough, yes, to keep his family business in the ‘small’ category.

What about Sunrise, you ask? Well, the sun has set on that … at last.

Think of ways to help David Koch prove to observers all that he is unqualified to be where he is. He does it every time he opens his mouth. Help him do that some more. He is his own worst enemy.

We are not fools. We are not dropouts like Koch himself who falls short of his father’s example - his father who worked at ETSA by day and worked at a different desk by night at the School of Mines to become a chartered accountant - no easy task - and then was good enough at his job in Sydney to be recruited by Kaiser Corp. in California, and to go to China on coal trading business in the 1970s before any of us got into China. I didn’t go there until 1980. What his father did was something Koch himself failed to achieve, yet has taken full advantage of the opportunity his father built for him. I saw Dean Koch play in some curtain-raisers in the 1950s; he wasn’t talented but he was big and he tried and because he wore the Bars he looked bigger and he tried harder. If Dean Koch was still alive, my guess is he would be one of us - the White Noise Brigade with an intelligence and passion to put fear into those who doubt us. The fear of being found out … in public.

We are the ones who took the club to China, not Koch. He merely allowed it to happen. We are the ones who paid out of our own pockets to travel to China to take a look at what the club was trying to show the world … and liked what we saw and wanted more of it. It takes something extra to be like that, to be there, to show up like we did.

What did David Koch do in Shanghai? He used the occasion to put on his own ‘business’ symposium for which attendees paid money to listen and hear not a lot.

More to come. I want to make noise about how our actual membership has flatlined from the moment Koch walked through the door.
100% agree LHR. Great post.

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Its undeniable that Kochie blows but it seems like the AFL would just replace him Cordone or some other Z Tier clown. Whats the actual plan here because I'm getting tired of hearing how awful the leaders are, I already know they're awful. Someone please sell me some god damn hope.
Its undeniable that Kochie blows but it seems like the AFL would just replace him Cordone or some other Z Tier clown. Whats the actual plan here because I'm getting tired of hearing how awful the leaders are, I already know they're awful. Someone please sell me some god damn hope.

Holly Ransom will probably step into the role.
For me, the reason we dont sack Ken is just stubbornness. Koch wants his “Port Adelaide members, you were wrong” moment

I also think it’s all ‘ego’ - we’ve been at this king enough we might as well keep going, we are owed something for our efforts…. I’m sure that’s what they think - ‘we aren’t bottom’.

If Koch and Ken leave it will be seen as an abject failure in regards to premierships.

The ‘Ken’s’ the most successful AFL coach comment re wins/loss ratio - that’s just ‘data’ rewriting the narrative.

I have no doubt they will fail.
The surprise phone call I received and which I referred to was the Thursday before the prelim vs Footscray in 2021.

Richo was on a high. Under normal circumstances he deserved to be. But nothing to do with PAFC has been normal since we were punished with the imposition of the Koch-Hinkley-Cardone curse of curses.

And we still haven’t been given an explanation for what happened that night.

In the absence of any denial, any believable denail, I remain convinced that something else unprofessional happened in the rooms right before the game … which sent Schofield straight out the exit he’d been sizing up for some time, and which sent the players out on the field in a state of punch-drunkedness.
Schofield leaving the very next morning was as telling to me as anything that happened on the paddock
David Koch was appointed to get ours out of debt basically coz he was a “guru”

11 years later we are still millions in debt.

Koch would say that there is ‘good’ debt and there is bad debt.

He maintained the club in debt because his ‘financial guru’ disguise is based on clever terminology like ‘leverage’, ‘managing debt’, etc.

I’m the old-fashioned type. I don’t want any sort of debt. Pay it off as soon as you can, don’t play with it to make yourself sound clever.

But Koch is fixated on this. Take it away from him and he is further exposed as a fraud who sold everybody including the AFL a lemon and a bottle of snake oil in 2012.

The AFL on the other hand sees it differently. They look at the bottom line. If a club is in debt, they own that club, they lose respect for that club, and that club loses clout in its dealings with the AFL.

Take the Bars vs. Collingwood for example.

The AFL cares nought for fancy explanations re debt. They have plenty of other clubs to worry about.

Keep It Simple Stupid.

If we want to negotiate with the AFL on the future structure of our club, eliminate the debt tomorrow. Then talk.
Koch would say that there is ‘good’ debt and there is bad debt.

He maintained the club in debt because his ‘financial guru’ disguise is based on clever terminology like ‘leverage’, ‘managing debt’, etc.

I’m the old-fashioned type. I don’t want any sort of debt. Pay it off as soon as you can, don’t play with it to make yourself sound clever.

But Koch is fixated on this. Take it away from him and he is further exposed as a fraud who sold everybody including the AFL a lemon and a bottle of snake oil in 2012.

The AFL on the other hand sees it differently. They look at the bottom line. If a club is in debt, they own that club, they lose respect for that club, and that club loses clout in its dealings with the AFL.

Take the Bars vs. Collingwood for example.

The AFL cares nought for fancy explanations re debt. They have plenty of other clubs to worry about.

Keep It Simple Stupid.

If we want to negotiate with the AFL on the future structure of our club, eliminate the debt tomorrow. Then talk.
His half assed push for the bars eliminates the need in his eyes anyway, playing it into the Showdown corner further diminishes it.

He basically doesn't really care about it, but plays just enough of a game with it that the clappers swallow.

"They like teal because I'll tell them to like teal" - D. Koch
Whats the actual plan here
Step 1: Take Koch down
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Premiership

Seriously now, if we manage to get organized enough to force Koch down, we may be able to keep pushing the agenda forward (regardless of whom replaces him).

The final goal is to take the club back to its members and restore the club’s spirit.

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Very nice work LR. The more this stuff gets exposed the better.

You may know that Koch is co-founder of Ausbiz, an investment and business channel. I watch the channel most days. One thing is clear. Koch loves to brag about the conversations he's had with AFL heavy weights like Richard Goyder, Andrew Pridham and Gil. You can see the chest puff out.

Makes him feel as if he's part of the corporate elite. He'd be surprised if he knew what the heavy weights really thought of him.
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Koch would say that there is ‘good’ debt and there is bad debt.

He maintained the club in debt because his ‘financial guru’ disguise is based on clever terminology like ‘leverage’, ‘managing debt’, etc.

I’m the old-fashioned type. I don’t want any sort of debt. Pay it off as soon as you can, don’t play with it to make yourself sound clever.

But Koch is fixated on this. Take it away from him and he is further exposed as a fraud who sold everybody including the AFL a lemon and a bottle of snake oil in 2012.

The AFL on the other hand sees it differently. They look at the bottom line. If a club is in debt, they own that club, they lose respect for that club, and that club loses clout in its dealings with the AFL.

Take the Bars vs. Collingwood for example.

The AFL cares nought for fancy explanations re debt. They have plenty of other clubs to worry about.

Keep It Simple Stupid.

If we want to negotiate with the AFL on the future structure of our club, eliminate the debt tomorrow. Then talk.
Koch said these words at the AGM February 2023.
"Not all debt is bad debt."
Very nice work LR. The more this stuff gets exposed the better.

You may that Koch is co-founder of Ausbiz, an investment and business channel. I watch the channel most days. One thing is clear. Koch loves to brag about the conversations he's had with AFL heavy weights like Richard Goyder, Andrew Pridham and Gil. You can see the chest puff out.

Makes him feel as if he's part of the corporate elite. He'd be surprised if he knew what the heavy weights really thought of him.
Indeed, it is sickening. He is such an obnoxious big-noter, so un-Australian.

Koch was supposed to be hobnobbing with such nobs from the start … but they were supposed to be buying sponsorships and partnerships from him as a result.
Koch loves to brag about the conversations he's had with AFL heavy weights like Richard Goyder, Andrew Pridham and Gil. You can see the chest puff out.

Koch is here “for the social life, for the prestige”. He’s not here “to win”.
From your reply, and all the other replies thus far, it’s obvious to me that there’s a groundswell afoot that is not good news for Koch and his enablers. It requires us not to keep quiet, not to accept the unacceptable … and build the groundswell at least to the point it threatens to overflow. I’m not saying we march on Alberton. Not yet, not here, at least.

I’m not saying we catch the media eye by planting banners everywhere. Not yet, not here, at least.

Every one of us needs to feed this groundswell in whatever way we can. Give it individual thought, leading to unification of purpose. The key is not to allow momentum to wane, to increase the momentum in any way that is reasonable, at a pace that is purposeful.

Call the radio, comment on-line to articles, think up unthoughtof ways to make it known we’re here and we ain’t goin’ away.

The worst we can do is to do nothing.

We are the White Noise. So let’s be heard - not loud but voluminous.

And whiter than white. We need to be the Persil People from the Port. We need to shine.

Show ‘em we are not from the bottom of the pile … that we are the core supporters who count, that without us the PAFC is indeed no longer the PAFC. Show ‘em we are the sector of the supporter base that hurts the most, that feel the wounds going deeper than any other sector, and thus we are the ones who yell the loudest because we have more heart … more than Koch himself who, truth be known, has proven himself not to know how to be chairman of anything more sizeable than his own small family business. What do they do? Media. Anyone can do media. Does he do it well? Well enough, yes, to keep his family business in the ‘small’ category.

What about Sunrise, you ask? Well, the sun has set on that … at last.

Think of ways to help David Koch prove to observers all that he is unqualified to be where he is. He does it every time he opens his mouth. Help him do that some more. He is his own worst enemy.

We are not fools. We are not dropouts like Koch himself who falls short of his father’s example - his father who worked at ETSA by day and worked at a different desk by night at the School of Mines to become a chartered accountant - no easy task - and then was good enough at his job in Sydney to be recruited by Kaiser Corp. in California, and to go to China on coal trading business in the 1970s before any of us got into China. I didn’t go there until 1980. What his father did was something Koch himself failed to achieve, yet has taken full advantage of the opportunity his father built for him. I saw Dean Koch play in some curtain-raisers in the 1950s; he wasn’t talented but he was big and he tried and because he wore the Bars he looked bigger and he tried harder. If Dean Koch was still alive, my guess is he would be one of us - the White Noise Brigade with an intelligence and passion to put fear into those who doubt us. The fear of being found out … in public.

We are the ones who took the club to China, not Koch. He merely allowed it to happen. We are the ones who paid out of our own pockets to travel to China to take a look at what the club was trying to show the world … and liked what we saw and wanted more of it. It takes something extra to be like that, to be there, to show up like we did.

What did David Koch do in Shanghai? He used the occasion to put on his own ‘business’ symposium for which attendees paid money to listen and hear not a lot.

More to come. I want to make noise about how our actual membership has flatlined from the moment Koch walked through the door.
I am working on something in this regard, I may need to contact you at some point as part of my research if that is something you might be interested in, but I do believe the end goal is something you’d be very much in support of.
Indeed, it is sickening. He is such an obnoxious big-noter, so un-Australian.

Koch was supposed to be hobnobbing with such nobs from the start … but they were supposed to be buying sponsorships and partnerships from him as a result.

Yep. The pic with Branson is the epitome of this. Koch gets whatever reflected glory there may be from the visit, the club gets a fleeting moment of someone with a profile getting a bit of merch but there is no long-term benefit. In short, it was all about Koch feeding his needs, not those of the Club.
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I think this can be a "quick fix" once the riff raff is cleared out.

Problem I have is, there is only 1 notable Port voice is against this, and Im not sure the AFL will allow him any position of influence given his off field beliefs, this is my major concern about not being able to change.
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What Collingwood have shown is that cultural change can be implemented quickly, with success quickly following. The cultural problems run deeper at Alberton though, so even getting to the point of implementing change may take years. Things will get worse before they get better, but with sustained pressure I think change will occur eventually.

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Roast The Drag on my Intelligence, the Bane of my Existence, my unchallenged Icon of Mediocrity … that is David Koch

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