Unsolved The Family Murders

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Out of Sight - The Untold Story of Adelaide's Gay Hate Murders

The Cases of Forensic Pathologist Colin Manock

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I agree. As much as the deceased players don't deserve a let off for things they've done, ultimately they're dead and of no real use to bringing anyone to justice as their stories have gone to the grave with them.

Turtur all but confirmed your suspicions about Pru and the other TGs in his interviews with Debi Marshall. He always refused to answer the question put to him that he was the one who would know when BvE and his crew were coming and got a room ready for them. But he did say that the main reason the TGs were willing to do what they did is because BvE was willing to give them some of his supply of sedatives in exchange for doing it in addition to occasionally allowing them to participate.

But what struck me was how confident he was to admit to drugging and raping young men and that a murder victim had been in his house. After all this time those lips were loosened and he spilled a lot of details. If police were to go hard at him and push him for more details, I reckon there's a decent chance you could get him to slip up. Even just repeating hearsay they've got on their records and seeing if Turtur corrects them could be valuable.

Turtur and possibly Mr B are the best bet I reckon. Turtur's probably way too talkative for the others' liking (I can't imagine how much they were probably bricking themselves when news articles started appearing) and Mr B has talked in the past.

Maybe even dangle a carrot at Mr B. Jamie Vlassakis got a lengthy prison term but also got a parole period allowed because he was willing to become the star witness. Mr B probably knows his immunity doesn't cover the whole story of his involvement. Maybe he'd be willing to talk for an agreement that if he's sent to prison he's eligible for parole at 80 or something (not that he'd necessarily get it but there's a chance).

I don't know how family members of the victims might feel about that. We can get John Barnes' opinion here obviously. John would you be willing to accept Turtur or Mr B getting some sort of deal to not be charged or get their charges reduced provided they stopped telling porkies and exposed everyone else so they could face charges?

I would suggest adding Mr R to this list as he has the most to lose financially speaking.A persons background deceased or not is always a factor in assesing needs/wants and motives of the particular individual in question, it also serves the purpose of casting the net wider if required. The old saying "It takes a wolf to catch a wolf" ..Doesnt seem to have been applied to this case given a number of factors amongst them of the time "the political climate"..The police were the sheep in this instance..
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I would suggest adding Mr R to this list as he has the most to lose financially speaking.

Mr R's finances are interesting. Presumably a big reason behind the courts siding with him in keeping the suppression orders up is that it would be damaging for his business if it were to come out that he's the leading uncharged suspect in one of the state's most depraved murder cases. But just how much does he stand to lose?

He's reportedly close to BVE's age so let's say at a minimum 70. Realistically someone his age isn't going to be running a business that much longer before giving it away. In fact, I'm honestly wondering if the only reason he keeps operating is just to have any excuse to give to a judge to not lift the suppression order on his name.

But additionally, his business trades in super niche antiques. The market for his wares must be shrinking day by day. I'm in my mid 20s and I can't think of a single person my age who, when decorating their living space, would even consider buying what he sells. I'd love to see the books on that place. He's open 4 hours a day in a tiny shop with no sign and Fort Knox security, selling and repairing niche antiques. He's made no attempt to advertise or get his business an online presence and by all accounts from online reviews that have since been deleted he's a massive tosser who's rude and standoff-ish to customers. Does a single person walking in and being stupid enough to splurge a couple of grand on an old clock count as a good week for him?

I wanna know where the money that made him the "wealthy businessman" came from cause his business model isn't exactly one that you'd expect would be bringing in consistently large sums of money
I have a connection with Pru's family and can probably answer respectful questions here to the best of my knowledge.

I'm not comfortable with her father's headstone pics being posted here though, as he has done nothing wrong. Maybe we can refrain from posting his details as it isn't respectful or relevant.

I am not an admirer of Pru. I believe the key to the whole investigation was ignored and subsequently lost when when police incompetence resulted in the peripheral players not being pressured. They had vital information which could have resulted in convictions other than BVE. They pretty well knew it all.

I think we need to recognize that Pru's background is useless and irrelevant now, peculiar as it may have been. She is dead. Her family are all in total denial that any wrongs were done. I have no doubts that family dynamics shaped some of her life choices, but it is what it is.

I believe her involvement was much more than reports suggest, but what's the good now?

The key now is Turtur. He is alive and knows all. Why on earth is he still on the loose? Words fail me.

Hello Dropbearess, above you say "that family dynamics had shaped her life choices" Are you able to elaborate please?
Mr R's finances are interesting. Presumably a big reason behind the courts siding with him in keeping the suppression orders up is that it would be damaging for his business if it were to come out that he's the leading uncharged suspect in one of the state's most depraved murder cases. But just how much does he stand to lose?

I wanna know where the money that made him the "wealthy businessman" came from cause his business model isn't exactly one that you'd expect would be bringing in consistently large sums of money

I assume he would be dealing with high end clients mainly by appointment only hence the weird opening hours.

It is also pretty obvious that all it takes is for either one of his many alleged victims or a pissed off member of the general public with a grudge against him to come to trash his shop and he knows if that happened then his business will be all over red rover hence the high security all over his shop.
Mr R's finances are interesting.
He went to school at Scotch College so there's a reasonable chance his family a very well off. Despite the perception that everyone who goes to the elite private schools are super loaded, in my experience it's maybe only the top 30% who can and will bank roll their offspring. The ebook suggest his older live in partner is a bit of a money-buckets as well. We keep seeing the same pattern over and over again within the gay community - when you're young, the better looking you are, the richer older dude you can be with, but as you get older, the more money you have, the better looking younger dude you can be with. That's pure human nature and the only reason it's different with hetero people is we have to form family units if we have kids. But that's another story.

I don't believe Mr R would be earning megabucks from his walk in business. I know at one stage his business was all over Google - it appeared he paid a marketing person to boost his profile. No pictures of him, just his location all over Google. I suspect his money from his clock business comes from dealing - acquiring good pieces and selling them to his network of collectors. He's probably been making a respectable income all these years, and that's been topped up by family money flowing down, as well as his long term partner paying for a lot of stuff.

I wonder how he got into his line of work? Is it a family business? I went to high school with a kid and his Dad had a similar business and they were loaded.

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There are differing versions.
http://netk.net.au/SA/SA37.asp This is an old article by Nigel Hunt in The Advertiser saying he died in Sydney several years ago. This is the only reference to his death that I can find.

I’ve been digging and can’t find any death, funeral, memorial, cremation etc records anywhere.

Another version is that he is not dead and the name that is commonly mentioned for him is incorrect. He is thought to have been in Sydney at some stage, then there is mention of him driving buses in Queensland. This is info from various media reports with no sources available.

It is also possible (no proof at all, this is pure speculation) that he has changed his name or is in witness protection.

Nigel was wrong on this one . It was Queensland Toowoomba.

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Which boy? George?

Bve was ID in over 20 cases of drugging and rapping boys . The port house was pointed out yet nothing was done at the time because the boys were drugged and they didn’t think it would hold up in court . The cops did not put 2 and 2 together as it was widely used in the gay community ( drugging and rapping boys ) at the time .

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Bve was ID in over 20 cases of drugging and rapping boys . The port house was pointed out yet nothing was done at the time because the boys were drugged and they didn’t think it would hold up in court . The cops did not put 2 and 2 together as it was widely used in the gay community ( drugging and rapping boys ) at the time .

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What was Lewis Turtur implicated in?

Did anybody point a finger at him?
Alan and the rest of the boys are dead too and most people think they are free game to say what they want . Respect one of those things not a chance in hell !!!!

It was hip deep in drugging, rapping and maybe even killing kids so to me I will pee on its grave . The only good thing is it is dead and I hope it was a 1000 times more painful then it ever gave the kids it did this too .

Your right in saying that the cops should go after turtur and put it in a hole with no light . But as far as having any respect for any of them, good luck with that !

So far on this post people have asked if Alan was gay , on hard drugs, a rapest and a street kid . Then others have said that he was in on Stevenson murder, a drug dealer, a prostitute and in with this lot of things .

So what if same one put up a picture for its grave because that’s the good place for this thing !!!!

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Hey Charlie,

I think it's more about respect for the LGBT community and the family of the TGs (who really have nothing to do with it). I think on this thread there is an unspoken clear line that everyone is aware of. The issue with the grave is probably only an issue because it adds little upside but has a downside of mentioning family members. We all know who these TG's families are - that's just part and parcel of sleuthing. But I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't think these perpetrators shouldn't be named and shamed, ************************.

Just like you, everyone here wants the truth and wants it to come out. Part of the process for people is to ask the hard questions. No one here is the source of rumours about Alan's sexuality, drug use, or involvement with Derrance Stevenson. This is all been made over the years by journalists. All the people here have done is questioned what the journalists have said. That's a step further than anywhere else.

Stay strong mate. Nothing is personal.
The cops did not put 2 and 2 together as it was widely used in the gay community ( drugging and rapping boys ) at the time .

How could they not put it together? Or it was just too hard to prosecute?

Did you ever hear of any murders or disappearances of young boys more specifically street kids or rent boys, that went unresolved before Alan was murdered?
Bve was ID in over 20 cases of drugging and rapping boys . The port house was pointed out yet nothing was done at the time because the boys were drugged and they didn’t think it would hold up in court . The cops did not put 2 and 2 together as it was widely used in the gay community ( drugging and rapping boys ) at the time .
While I think police made critical and game-changing mistakes during the investigation, I don't know if this is that simple.

My understanding is that George was the only boy at the time to follow up. Pru Firman was charged and it went to court (I assume a trial). It couldn't be proven that she was aware he was drugged. That investigation was done by another police station. Back in those days there was no digital communication so it was hard for police to know what was going on in different areas.
I assume he would be dealing with high end clients mainly by appointment only hence the weird opening hours.

It is also pretty obvious that all it takes is for either one of his many alleged victims or a pissed off member of the general public with a grudge against him to come to trash his shop and he knows if that happened then his business will be all over red rover hence the high security all over his shop.

He updated his security after I went there and told him “ one day “ . There is another story there but I have to leave that one alone sorry .

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Alan and the rest of the boys are dead too and most people think they are free game to say what they want . Respect one of those things not a chance in hell !!!!

It was hip deep in drugging, rapping and maybe even killing kids so to me I will pee on its grave . The only good thing is it is dead and I hope it was a 1000 times more painful then it ever gave the kids it did this too .

Your right in saying that the cops should go after turtur and put it in a hole with no light . But as far as having any respect for any of them, good luck with that !

So far on this post people have asked if Alan was gay , on hard drugs, a rapest and a street kid . Then others have said that he was in on Stevenson murder, a drug dealer, a prostitute and in with this lot of things .

So what if same one put up a picture for its grave because that’s the good place for this thing !!!!

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Headstones and gravesites can stay, it's consistent across the board and we often refer to them. Including deceased family.

If you're referring to my post about respectful language to refer to a group of people, it's also consistent across this board there's certain derogatory terms that aren't to be encouraged. "trans" (TRA***) is one of them and that has absolutely nothing to do with Pru Firman's reputation.
Hey Charlie,

I think it's more about respect for the LGBT community and the family of the TGs (who really have nothing to do with it). I think on this thread there is an unspoken clear line that everyone is aware of. The issue with the grave is probably only an issue because it adds little upside but has a downside of mentioning family members. We all know who these TG's families are - that's just part and parcel of sleuthing. But I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't think these perpetrators shouldn't be named and shamed, and have their pictures displayed.

Just like you, everyone here wants the truth and wants it to come out. Part of the process for people is to ask the hard questions. No one here is the source of rumours about Alan's sexuality, drug use, or involvement with Derrance Stevenson. This is all been made over the years by journalists. All the people here have done is questioned what the journalists have said. That's a step further than anywhere else.

Stay strong mate. Nothing is personal.

As you can tell I have been ok with people asking things about Alan the only time I get peed off is when the same question is asked non stop . I have answered everything asked of me and been happy to do so . There have been as you have seen people came on here and made same outrageous allegations then when I call them out they run . I am only pointing out to drop bear that these things are being said and asked about the boys so for same one to post a picture and he gets upset about it, I have no remorse for . I know I can came across as short but I like to be straight up and no crap .

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Unsolved The Family Murders

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