Unsolved The Family Murders

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He came forward in 1980 . He didn’t just say he passed out he said they put him in a bed and what he thought was a she turned out to be a man . He said he was in and out of consciousness and he in his statements ID bve , dr , pf and LT .

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If only we could get a copy. Would love to see it.
I'm not questioning you or your understanding, you were there I wasn't. If it was my brother I would have known exactly who and where everybody was as well.

Its just my way of trying to slot info in, in the way I understand it.

Cool what you all have is the pre- trail hearing not the committal . B Martin was not at the committal only the pre-trail the notes Jaz sent me are of that . There is not notes taken in the committal hearing as I did look for them . Ps : I am doing the same slotting thing in .

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I know a few people who didn't even register to vote until they were in their twenties, I was one of them.
Before 84' Australian residents could vote if they were registered, but the rules changed that year.
You had to be an Australian citizen whereas I was only a permanent Australian resident..
I moved house and had a baby that year so changing my voting address was the furthest thing from my mind.
I was taken off of the electrol roll because they couldn't find me, if I had let them know my new address
I would have been fine, but because I didn't tell them, I was taken off of the roll and the only way
to get back on it was to become an Australian citizen, not just a resident.
So hense, I haven't been allowed to vote since 83'!!
John Barnes Hi Charlie, do you know what Darko’s brother’s name is? Just being curious. He’s mentioned in books, articles etc, but never by name. He’s just always “Darko’s brother”.
John Barnes Hi Charlie, do you know what Darko’s brother’s name is? Just being curious. He’s mentioned in books, articles etc, but never by name. He’s just always “Darko’s brother”.

That’s a good one and thank you for asking. No I don’t and I will ask preacher as he should know . That will take same tact as the minute I talk about darko to him he losses it . Preacher really dose hate him lol .

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Thanks Charlie, but please tread lightly. It’s not important enough to upset him. I don’t want to cause anyone to be upset over a silly question.
If Mr. R's (DR) similar fact evidence wouldn't have helped to get it all over the line, I can see why they might not have put him up if he was resistant to taking the stand and knowing they actually wanted him for murder?

At a guess, whatever they got from Mr R would probably be similar to what they got from Mr B - explaining away the inescapable stuff and then pin everything on the other guys.

Mr B's version of events was basically "look I know about it cause I was in the car when Alan was picked up. He drunk from BVE's esky and passed out. Then BVE pulled over and phoned DR and invited me to perform some surgery on the passed out guy. At that point I noped out but since the guy showed up murdered it just had to be those guys."

Mr R's version of events is probably similar. Just a complete guess but it might be something like: "BVE would often pick up young men and drug them and have sex with them. Often he'd get others involved, including me. Yeah yeah I know. Anyway one day he phoned me up to meet him and I did and he had an unconscious bloke in his back seat. We went to a place and did our usual things but BVE was nuts. He did all sorts of things but ended up killing the guy. Yeah I might've r*ped the guy but it was BVE who killed him."

Probably not exactly what he said but you get the idea. He probably wasn't called or had his statement used in evidence because like Mr B's statements, it had loads of holes in it where he's obviously trying to explain away details of his involvement by pinning it on someone else. At that point you might as well not use it because it's not gonna help your case. We saw it with Mr B. The Alan Barnes case in the 90s was pretty much dependent on his word and it was often impossible to determine what parts of his word you could trust and what parts were fabricated by him to cover his own involvement which killed all his credibility as a witness
Ok the reason for the call list ! I wanted to get this settled in my mind about b .
First was major crime! They have not got back to me as yet but I have same things I want to ask them .
NH ! I asked what dose he know about b ? He said b is dead ! Me ) are you shore ? NH ) going by what I know yes .
TK ! Conversation! Me ) gday trev how are you ? Little small take !!! Me ) hay Trev I have been told b is still alive , is that true ? TK laughed let me put it this way , he is no longer with us !!! Small talk and good by .
PV ! Again start with small talk . Peter you know when you told me b was not with us did you mean the dirt nap . PV yes small talk and again good by .
This is 3 people that have been at the forefront of this all saying the same thing .
Now who do I believe???
People who I have known and been at the forefront of this case or people who only know what they read on the net and in books ?
Who would you believe peoples?
Add note : I was not looking to prove anyone here wrong but to find out if they were right !!!
There not b is dead !!!
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Probably not exactly what he said but you get the idea. He probably wasn't called or had his statement used in evidence because like Mr B's statements, it had loads of holes in it where he's obviously trying to explain away details of his involvement by pinning it on someone else. At that point you might as well not use it because it's not gonna help your case. We saw it with Mr B. The Alan Barnes case in the 90s was pretty much dependent on his word and it was often impossible to determine what parts of his word you could trust and what parts were fabricated by him to cover his own involvement which killed all his credibility as a witness

Agree, his statements weren't going to help but the point was whether that might have looked like 'protection' from Charlie's point of view. And it might have because there's a grown man, Mr R. of some power just sitting there when it looks like he was up to his neck in it and Mr. B who I assume was still a teenager?? being grilled.

Mr. B might have told a few whopper lies but it was him that stuck his neck out in the first instance after Alan was murdered.
Thanks Charlie, but please tread lightly. It’s not important enough to upset him. I don’t want to cause anyone to be upset over a silly question.

I gave preacher a ring just now and he said he dose not remember then went on about darko . He said I should have said something about darko on tv . Preacher really hates him lol . Sorry I couldn’t get the name for you I never meet Darkos brother as I said Alan didn’t know him that long . Ps for those who don’t believe I made that call I can re- post my phone list lol .

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I gave preacher a ring just now and he said he dose not remember then went on about darko . He said I should have said something about darko on tv . Preacher really hates him lol . Sorry I couldn’t get the name for you I never meet Darkos brother as I said Alan didn’t know him that long . Ps for those who don’t believe I made that call I can re- post my phone list lol .

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Please don’t apologise Charlie. Thanks for trying. Sounds like Preacher was a good friend to Alan. Darko’s brother was just a curiosity. Sorry I set Preacher off.

Preacher’s reaction just shows the impact on so many people for so long. It is unforgivable. I think that’s why people still want to dig into this and get some of those evil people who are still walking around to be made accountable at long last. Even if it isn’t in court, even if it is just getting their name out there. A lot of them died fairly young, and good riddance frankly, but some of the major players are just going about their lives like nothing happened. Time for them to be named and shamed at the very least.

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Agree, his statements weren't going to help but the point was whether that might have looked like 'protection' from Charlie's point of view. And it might have because there's a grown man, Mr R. of some power just sitting there when it looks like he was up to his neck in it and Mr. B who I assume was still a teenager being grilled.

Mr. B might have told a few whopper lies but it was him that stuck his neck out in the first instance after Alan was murdered.

I think his statements would have been bill shit but they ( the cops) gave him protection as a dpp witness . You can’t even to this day say a thing about the case to him and I am not to go anywhere near him .

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Now for the clothes Alan was found in!!!!
I like jaz thought that they washed Alan’s clothes and redressed him.
This I believe for same time until mom ( Judy Barnes) was talking to a reporter . Mom said that Alan was not in his clothes.
I had a chat to dad (John T Barnes) about it as dad ID Alan . Dad said that he did not recognise the clothes they showed him that Alan had on when found . The only things he did know were preachers jacket and Alan’s name bracelet .
When mom finished with the reporter I asked her about it , she replied that they were not his clothes .
This was not long after RK was found ( a day or two ) . No internet back then so I did not get it from that as same have suggested.
Again I ask who do I believe in this????
Mom and dad or others who can not disprove this ?
Now if mom and dad were wrong cool but don’t just say it prove it .
The same goes for b being alive . I am happy if you prove the people I believe wrong but don’t just say it prove it .
I have been told that there is a lot of you who know b is alive , cool prove it to me.
I have been told that same of you have transcripts of the diary . NH was the one the diary was first sent to . I don’t have to read it he would tell me anything I ask about it .
NH has read the ebook by the way and said nothing new . Sorry all .

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Please don’t apologise Charlie. Thanks for trying. Sounds like Preacher was a good friend to Alan. Darko’s brother was just a curiosity. Sorry I set Preacher off.

Preacher’s reaction just shows the impact on so many people for so long. It is unforgivable. I think that’s why people still want to dig into this and get some of those evil people who are still walking around to be made accountable at long last. Even if it isn’t in court, even if it is just getting their name out there. A lot of them died fairly young, and good riddance frankly, but some of the major players are just going about their lives like nothing happened. Time for them to be named and shamed at the very least.

The age newspaper did put up all the names in 1990 and like I say it is a bad kept secret as most people now know who they are . My wife and I were in Unley buying same sets about a week ago . The little old lady we got them from I told her who dr was . She was shocked as she was going to get her clock fixed by him , now she won’t lol . That lady said she was going to put it out there in the neighbourhood . That’s the best way I think .

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Please don’t apologise Charlie. Thanks for trying. Sounds like Preacher was a good friend to Alan. Darko’s brother was just a curiosity. Sorry I set Preacher off.

Preacher’s reaction just shows the impact on so many people for so long. It is unforgivable. I think that’s why people still want to dig into this and get some of those evil people who are still walking around to be made accountable at long last. Even if it isn’t in court, even if it is just getting their name out there. A lot of them died fairly young, and good riddance frankly, but some of the major players are just going about their lives like nothing happened. Time for them to be named and shamed at the very least.

I loved your question it was a bit out of the blue and it was a very good one . I wish I had the answer for you but I don’t . If I ever do I will let you know ASAP

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Now for the clothes Alan was found in!!!!
I like jaz thought that they washed Alan’s clothes and redressed him.
This I believe for same time until mom ( Judy Barnes) was talking to a reporter . Mom said that Alan was not in his clothes.
I had a chat to dad (John T Barnes) about it as dad ID Alan . Dad said that he did not recognise the clothes they showed him that Alan had on when found . The only things he did know were preachers jacket and Alan’s name bracelet .
When mom finished with the reporter I asked her about it , she replied that they were not his clothes .
This was not long after RK was found ( a day or two ) . No internet back then so I did not get it from that as same have suggested.
Again I ask who do I believe in this????
Mom and dad or others who can not disprove this ?
Now if mom and dad were wrong cool but don’t just say it prove it .
The same goes for b being alive . I am happy if you prove the people I believe wrong but don’t just say it prove it .
I have been told that there is a lot of you who know b is alive , cool prove it to me.
I have been told that same of you have transcripts of the diary . NH was the one the diary was first sent to . I don’t have to read it he would tell me anything I ask about it .
NH has read the ebook by the way and said nothing new . Sorry all .

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Your parents definitely weren't the only ones who heard that. I remember the CIA episode reporting the same thing. According to that episode Alan had been washed and dressed in someone else's clothes.

But either way it does make you wonder. If SAPOL still have those clothes in evidence somewhere or any other physical evidence relating to the 4 unsolved murders why not just test it and see what happens? Technology's only getting better. Worst case scenario there's nothing useful in which case you're no better or worse off than you started with and best case scenario better technology gives us something useful.
Your parents definitely weren't the only ones who heard that. I remember the CIA episode reporting the same thing. According to that episode Alan had been washed and dressed in someone else's clothes.

But either way it does make you wonder. If SAPOL still have those clothes in evidence somewhere or any other physical evidence relating to the 4 unsolved murders why not just test it and see what happens? Technology's only getting better. Worst case scenario there's nothing useful in which case you're no better or worse off than you started with and best case scenario better technology gives us something useful.

A lot of the evidence is sitting in a tin shed at the back of hat street including the clothes Alan was found in . They have done a lot of tests but they (the cops) won’t tell what they have . If you look in your preliminary trial transcript use should see that there is same physical evidence that was accepted. MS did not fight that so it would just be noted.
That CIA program mom was the one who told the reporter about the clothes. The first program I would like to note was before there were chat rooms like this on the net . FB was not even invented when she did that interview .

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When they found Alan the cops didn’t came to us mom rang the cops . The story ( news flash) came on tv of a 25 year old man being found murdered at the south para reservoir. Mom picked up the phone and called the cops and told them that they have her 16 year old son . Look at his bracelet and on the back it said ( love mom Xmas 1978 ) Alan at the front . No pictures were on the news flash she just knew .
At this time I would like to note that I do have a spelling problem called dyslexia and have had a major stroke, triple bypass and a tumour removed all in the last 8 years . Spell check gets me a bit as well so if I get same spelling wrong please forgive it .

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Alan awake or unconscious!!!
At the time of Alan’s killing we were told he was unconscious and would not have known what happened . I think that was a relief for us as a family as we felt he would not have suffered . I think the cops told mom this to help her but it was untrue . When we found out Alan was awake it came as a shock to us all and it felt like it was happening all over again knowing he did suffer . Alan bleed out in 2.5 minutes so that pard was quick and did help the shock a little but that lie we were first told is something I find hard to forgive . The copper ( hunt ) I think it was , was trying to do the right thing as he seen it but no it was not . There is still the thought that he could have been unconscious but going by the toxicology report no .

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The reason I am here !!!!
As I have said I have had a heart attack, triple bypass, massive stroke, cancer and massive nerve damage. Please DO NOT feel sorry for me that is not what I am about . We have a saying in my family, once’s I cried because I had no shoes until I meet the man with no feet !!!! So why am I here ???? I don’t need to be nor will it stop people regurgitating vomit as keyboard heroes . I am here to tell all I know about what happened nothing more . I do not seek a pat on the back nor peoples sorrow . Just to tell you all what I know , simple as that !!! I will as you have seen be posting things here as I seen it happen and from what I have seen for myself and heard . Non of what I know have I read in same body’s book . I at this time would like to point out this to you all . The 60 minutes program was in 1988 ( no net ) the reporter talked to a eastern businessman, where did she know who he was ? We told her as the cops would never do so . She talked about it on the program and he said he knew bve . Look it up !!!! I have lived this and feel I am getting close to taking the dirt nap so I just want people to know . I will be posting more here and keep going till I have nothing more. Thank you

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Thanks for raising it, I've had some questions around this as well. I'd like to know whose medical supervision they were under.
How would have the two transgender woman been able to access hormones from such a young age?

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