The good thing about Hyde

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Surely he's not one of the slowest on our list. Was Wallace tanking when he decided to play him on Gary Ablett?(who has a very quick step). Do you reckon he should have gone with Angus, Joel, Cleve, Tivers or Patto that day?
did you see the result?
Sure Ablett should destroy him, but he was never even close to him.
Please don't try and convince me he has a quick step by comparing him to Bowden, Hughes, Graham and Pattison, thats just stupid
Terrific post top 4 tiger. Just so you know i ran into Chris Hyde a couple of years ago in Port Melbourne and told him i was a big fan. He looked a little surprised. Not sure whether it was because i had said i was a big fan or because i was drinking a pink cruiser that i had found in the fridge at the time.

Anyway i totally agree with you - I too am sick and tired of us bagging players because they may not be a graders. Every player on the park for any team can not be an a grader. The club needs good honest hard workers who give their all just as much as they need the Deledios and the Cotchins. I think Tuck should get a little more respect. he might not be the quickest or the most skillful but he does a hell of a lot of the grunt work.

Excellent post, particularly the part about the pink cruiser, had me in tears.
The thread was your pathetic and transparent attempt to shame supporters for getting stuck into Hyde.

Hyde is not some kid running around. He's been there many years, and at this stage of his career, you'd expect him to at least be capable to do a job every week.

So dont give me the he tries his hardest for the club routine. He's never shown any shred of passion on the ground. Nor any of your professed sick of losing attitude. If he had one thousandth of the passion the supporters have he'd be a better player instead of a waste of time. He's been a coaster happy to be in and out of Coburg.
That is a bullshit generalisation, you made it up to support your argument. Hyde is one of the few who actually seems to dig in and give a damn, despite his crappy performances from time to time. Hyde peaked with Tuck, in 2004, and seemed really exciting. When, and why did he become our whipping boy?

We can't expect every player to be a gun. When teams get good, the improvement comes in their B and C, even D grade players because they lift playing in well functioning team with some exciting stars and a good game plan. We say "Hyde wouldn't get a game anywhere else," but I'm betting if Geelong were where we are, they'd be saying "Max Rooke wouldn't get a game anywhere else. Travis Varcoe wouldn't get a game anywhere else." At Hawthorn, "Tim Boyle wouldn't get a game anywhere else. Stuart Dew wouldn't get a game anywhere else..." I could do this for every team. But these B, C, D graders are regulars in their teams. It's all about perspective.
did you see the result?
Sure Ablett should destroy him, but he was never even close to him.
Please don't try and convince me he has a quick step by comparing him to Bowden, Hughes, Graham and Pattison, thats just stupid

Put simply, if Hyde isn't quick, why did our coaching staff put him on Ablett? You did say Hyde is one of the slowest at the club. I reckon if you watched him do sprints at training he'd be in the top 20! I suppose we'll never know.

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I'm sick and tired of him being crap too , great post but unfortunatley when I played football , I was pretty good at giving the boys pump up speeches but never made my way into the seniors because I was a shite player like Hyde and deserved to be in the 2's.
ROFLMAO. Every club I played for had a bloke who couldn't get a game but would give the rousing pep talk as we were running warm-down laps at the end of the night.
Firstly congratulations to the OP, whether you agree with it or not, it was worth the read and subsequent replies.

I'm with 1980 and Coughlan, but I wish you blokes would stop playing the man all the time. Just because someone doesn't agree with you all the time - it does not make them stooges, idiots or deadbeats.

Anyways, enough moralizing the reality is that it is not Chris Hyde's fault he is on an AFL list, he is doing everything he can to keep his dream of AFL alive.

The problem is with the club who wait too long to delist players.
I reckon the coach is way to close to certain players who end up getting cheap games.
We can't expect every player to be a gun. When teams get good, the improvement comes in their B and C, even D grade players because they lift playing in well functioning team with some exciting stars and a good game plan. We say "Hyde wouldn't get a game anywhere else," but I'm betting if Geelong were where we are, they'd be saying "Max Rooke wouldn't get a game anywhere else. Travis Varcoe wouldn't get a game anywhere else." At Hawthorn, "Tim Boyle wouldn't get a game anywhere else. Stuart Dew wouldn't get a game anywhere else..." I could do this for every team. But these B, C, D graders are regulars in their teams. It's all about perspective.

THIS was an excellent post. Spot on. Thanks to Top_4_Tiger for the OP and peejay and True_Thylacine for showing that these forums can be about (a) revealing tidbits of information that shed new light on Tiger-related issues, and (b) intelligent discussion, not just a place to bag out players we don't like.
No doubt a call will be made on Hyde at the end of the year, but to say "team balance" is a stupid criteria for picking the team shows a total lack of understanding of this game.
As a sidenote, some players put themselves in the spotlight in search of public profile and deserve any bagging they get. Don't think Hyde makes that category. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and if you think Hyde isn't good enough that's fine, but no need to make it personal by questioning his passion - which, as others have pointed out - is ridiculous anyway.
And no, I don't know the guy!
I have low expectations of him but he's earned his spot for now.

On the trip home he'll be hanging out with the youngsters and they'll all be pretty excited to be on our list I reckon. Hopefully he passes on some passion to the kids, they've already got the talent.
believe me dude, making the 8 hinges solely on blooding the kids as many here know all to well. Thats the point, get those who can in and those who havent and cant out. ;)

Those of you who keep repeating this apparently see no connection between playing a lot of kids and fading out of games - whether that 'fade out' be at the end or mid-game.

You can't complain about not enough kids and blokes like Hyde getting a game, then also complain about our inability to finish games off. Hyde (like Tuck who you also hang shit on...but have gone very quiet about lately) is one of our few full game players who allows the kids to rotate off the bench and play the amount of decent competitive football they're currently capable of - in some cases, barely half a game.
Someone called for that Tucky dude to be dropped a while back. We invest all this time and money into building their body size up to be able to cope with the physicality of AFL and then some people want blokes like them dropped.
Noticed a little mention in the Herald Sun here.

I'd rather my threads get in the paper than the "let's murder mcmahon' threads that other people start.

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The good thing about Hyde

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