Mega Thread The Goodes, Eddie and Racism Megathread - media release post #845 Buckley interview post #1072

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Gerard Whately on AFL 360 just clearly and specifically identified Harry O'Brien as an indigenous player. (rewound it and played it again to make sure)

He's likely indigenous to somewhere... but yes Whately cocked that up.

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I'm sorry for posting on your board, but Eddie is the scape goat in what is an embarrassing and ridiculous series of events...

Let's wrap this whole thing up now....

a) Ever called a girl an ugly mole?

b) Ever called someone a wog?

c) ever called someone fat?

d) ever called someone a Gook?

e) ever called someone a ****ta?

f) Ever called someone a Lezzo? (lesbian)

g) ever called someone a Curry Muncher?

If you answered YES to any of these, then you should stand down from your job, go to counselling and apologise 45 times on National Television...

Because, you have attacked someone by their apperance.... End of Story... don;t talk to me about anything else, because that's what this is all about. If Goodes was white, he would not have been called an Ape... A vey simple, yet true way of looking at this debacle....

Not to forget Ram Rooter, Sheep Shagger and U-Turner.
Can't stand Collingwood... or Eddy or Buckley for that matter

But this Oooooooooooooooooooooooover reaction with what Eddie said on radio is ridiculous!

Really this is page one news :rolleyes:

Yes he needs to step down from radio, because his listeners are obviously Morons
If I came from Africa, Asia or was indigenous, I'd feel very insecure in this country. Australians are among the most racist and violent people in the western world. We can be absolute arseholes to minority groups.

You obviously haven't travelled much
TheNewQ said:
If I came from Africa, Asia or was indigenous, I'd feel very insecure in this country. Australians are among the most racist and violent people in the western world. We can be absolute arseholes to minority groups.​

You obviously haven't travelled much

I have...

And I've actually lived in different lands...

And he/she's right.
TheNewQ said:
If I came from Africa, Asia or was indigenous, I'd feel very insecure in this country. Australians are among the most racist and violent people in the western world. We can be absolute arseholes to minority groups.​

I have...

And I've actually lived in different lands...

And he/she's right.

You do realise that your broad generalisation about Australians can be termed racist....

Racism is a human trait remember that. The world is a big place to remember that
Start looking for another club Harry, if you're not willing to give edd the benefit of the doubt after all you know he's done for the cause you can **** off Imo, spend your time chastising 13 yr old girls about not calling large bearded men Apes.
why are people saying he made a poor joke?

He wasn't attempting to be funny, or make a joke - he was just making a link between the controversy and how PR firms and the public in general used to operate.

He worded it terribly, offended quite a few people and will pay dearly for it - however, he wasn't making a joke or a gaffe.

Obviously Adam Goodes and Ape were front of mind for him after the week we've had. Then King Kong comes up in conversation, and unfortunately for everyone, he links the 3 together.

What he was obviously trying to then articulate was that in the old days, despite it being racist – because of all the publicity around Goodes and Apes, they would have tried to get Goodes involved to promote it.

He worded it terribly, completely stuffed up his train of thought and it was incredibly dumb and offensive to many to even mention it.

He is paying for it dearly, and those out to get him will have their day.
Great post and absolutely captures the truth of the matter. :thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:

The suggestion that there was any malice involved or that Eddie should stand down is such a ridiculous notion driven only by small children who believe everything written or spoken by morons in the media who are eager to make a buck by creating rather than reporting news. It's fairly obvious to anyone who heard what happened that most of them have been avoiding publishing the whole story about what was said because that would obviously make their faux indignation look a little silly.

It was no surprise to see this morning that the bitter bitch at the age would eventually see yet another opportunity to further her obvious agenda against Eddie and take a swipe. She is no better than a jilted bride bent on revenge.

Untouchable? Holy cow, most of the assertions she makes in her idiotic rant are just complete and utter bullshit speculation which no intelligent person could honestly believe. There is no comparison to be drawn between this incident and the goings on at Essendon whatsoever and to draw one is to walk the finest line one can imagine between revealing yourself as a bitter and twisted person with a complete dearth of principle and someone lacking any semblance of intelligence. How on gods earth one can compare systematic doping for advantage to a poor choice of words is beyond me. The dishonesty in that article is plain for all to see and from my perspective it's time for the Collingwood footy club to ban all contact with that rag until such time as they appoint an editor who will make some attempt to report even handedly.

Eddie's brain fart, in terms of the way it sounded and the way he then tried to brush it off is worthy of criticism for sure and it will likely draw some form of penalty even if only to serve as an example but I would defy anyone to show how the comment was anything more than just a stupid mistake and poor choice of words.
Start looking for another club Harry, if you're not willing to give edd the benefit of the doubt after all you know he's done for the cause you can **** off Imo, spend your time chastising 13 yr old girls about not calling large bearded men Apes.
Is there any chance that you are going to, at any stage, acknowledge that the term is offensive when used towards people of Aboriginal descent?

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I grew up getting called "wog" at primary school... by indigenous people. :)

For some reason this term doesn't seem derogatory today, nor is there a public fallout when a comment is made about how hirsute our wives are... Is that because we trust that the jokes are made in good spirit? I wish we could evolve in a similar way with indigenous people.

Anyway, what Eddie said was beyond stupid, especially in context of the current climate. He knows it, and so do we. No point trying to defend/explain it.
mr untouchable is extremely sensitive--all football club supporters and fans support eddie from all clubs--it was only an obvious slip of the tongue -part of an faded end of a conversation-he(goodes) should be able to understand this factor and stop carrying on.and causing stress to others.most like goodes and eddie--no offense was attended..we can only remember what Ernie Sigley said years ago while scratching his pants---"tell a wrong joke and the whole country turns against you."
I grew up getting called "wog" at primary school... by indigenous people. :)

For some reason this term doesn't seem derogatory today, nor is there a public fallout when a comment is made about how hirsute our wives are... Is that because we trust that the jokes are made in good spirit? I wish we could evolve in a similar way with indigenous people.

Anyway, what Eddie said was beyond stupid, especially in context of the current climate. He knows it, and so do we. No point trying to defend/explain it.
Having grown up through the 60's and 70's I was very familiar with the racism directed at Greeks and Italians at that time and it was pretty rife. My best friend through primary school and beyond was a guy of Italian parentage and I know he copped plenty in the early years. There was no excuse for this and it was pretty hurtful stuff. What happened through the 70's and 80's was pretty amazing though in the scheme of things. What I saw was that these people turned the entire situation on its head by wearing the "wog" tag as a badge of honour. Now I'm not suggesting for one moment that they ought to have been expected to do that nor that indigenous people ought to do the same but it is very much a testament to the pride of those people that they chose to rise above the abuse and control their own destiny. This to the point where the term is in my experience almost never used in a derogatory way these days and more often than not it is used by Italians and Greeks in a playful way to describe themselves.

Obviously the issues confronting indigenous people are quite different and I would hope that nobody would read my comments and think that I am drawing a parallel. The reality is that indigenous people in this country have endured many lifetimes of abuse and maltreatment at the hands of European settlers. Many of them have not had the opportunity to learn of pride and self esteem in a race sense. At the same time, whether we like to admit it or not, many of us have grown up surrounded by attitudes that we would have hoped would have been killed off long ago yet who amongst us has not heard racist jokes or comments from those around us passed off as innocuous humour. Without serious community effort and education, these things are self perpetuating. My only hope is that one day, we will see the same levels of pride from the indigenous community which can only come about through the education of the general community and the changing of out-dated and medieval attitudes.

P.S. For the record, I am absolutely of the belief that what Eddie said was nothing but a poorly considered set of words which expressed almost the opposite of his true thoughts on the matter. I happen to believe that there is no punishment that the League or anyone else could dish out which would come close to the punishment he will have mentally meted out to himself. It is clear from his demeanour that he is a shadow of his normal self and is a shattered man. What I do think he ought to consider in all of this is to consider stepping aside for a short time as a gesture of solidarity and support for Adam and the wider indigenous community. I do not see any need for this as punishment but more as a way for Eddie himself to match his words with a symbolic action and to help him to relieve his obviously troubled conscience.
TheNewQ said:
If I came from Africa, Asia or was indigenous, I'd feel very insecure in this country. Australians are among the most racist and violent people in the western world. We can be absolute arseholes to minority groups.​
Obviously neither of you have been to Texas or Large parts of Africa or many other places around the globe.

I have...

And I've actually lived in different lands...

And he/she's right.
mr untouchable is extremely sensitive--all football club supporters and fans support eddie from all clubs--it was only an obvious slip of the tongue -part of an faded end of a conversation-he(goodes) should be able to understand this factor and stop carrying on.and causing stress to others.most like goodes and eddie--no offense was attended..we can only remember what Ernie Sigley said years ago while scratching his pants---"tell a wrong joke and the whole country turns against you."
It's good to know that among the mindless haters there are those with some semblance of balance on the issue but I do think that your post misses the mark slightly in one area. Even Adam Goodes would recognise that this was nothing more than a mindlessly poor use of words but that knowledge will not diminish the pain they caused and even Eddie has acknowledged that. Live radio is a minefield for media personalities and it is all the more reason why preparation is so important for those in the spotlight. It's pretty clear that there are times when people like Ed ad-lib on the spur of the moment because otherwise broadcasts will lack the spontaneity which makes them entertaining. It seems to me that someone of Eddie's experience ought to have prepared a little better when he would have known that the King Kong discussion was on his running sheet and any comment, whether scripted or not would be analysed and scrutinised very closely in the wake of last Friday's events. I think he probably does deserve some understanding but one would hope he would learn a very big lesson from this incident and he certainly cannot be totally absolved of blame.
For some reason this term doesn't seem derogatory today, nor is there a public fallout when a comment is made about how hirsute our wives are... Is that because we trust that the jokes are made in good spirit?

I don't think so.

I think it's because today those people are now respected by society, and they feel included in society.

In the past they were disrespected and made to feel alienated. The term 'wog' was a proxy for that.

I wish we could evolve in a similar way with indigenous people.

Me too.

We have come a long way. Less than fifty years ago Aboriginal people didn't even have the right to vote.

But we have a very long way to go.
It's amazing that a club president has stated that certain of his players receive rascist comments each week. You could think the problem of racism was solely a problem with supporters of Collingwood.
Or, perhaps North they play Collingwood each week?

Footy is an important, but small plank in the framework of our society, but as good a place as any to try to eliminate this sort of slur. The crucial thing though is that it's high profilers, such as Goodes, Mcleod, Nic Nat, Harry, Daw that do have a reach outside of footy, so their ability to imfluence is very important and more power to them.
The fact that Eddie McGuire has to be publicly humiliated in the manner that is being displayed by the Australian media is absolutely appalling in my opinion. It is part of our culture to 'have a go' at people. I'm a Caucasian young Australian and I for one would have a laugh at someone if they called me Michael Jackson's twin or some other supposedly derogatory insult. I concede that this one was probably a little bit too fresh to be joking about quite yet. But if we let this go on we are letting go a part of Australian-ism that makes our people unique. There's a line and as such a multicultural nation we can not be racist, but in this instance I believe that the haters should have a concrete pill and harden the funk up. Goodesy included.
I'm a Caucasian young Australian and I for one would have a laugh at someone if they called me Michael Jackson's twin or some other supposedly derogatory insult.

Michael Jackson's twin is an insult for a Caucasian these days? Didn't know that.
As I have said in a previous post, have had many nasty comments directed at me growing up and I believe this has made me stronger. Strong enough to point out to others that do they realise what they have just said is hurtful? As I got older, the way I handled it was to agree with the speaker and tell them I love being different, were they jealous? Not much response then. Whether it was the way I spoke or what was in my sandwiches or my dark olive skin, really don't know why they made comments, perhaps because I was very good in school and sport.
I think Winmar handled it best, pointing to his colour, basically saying I am proud of who I am.
Thank god they didn't realise I was Muslim too.;) Fortunately, religion was not such a big thing in those days as it is now.
Don't excuse racism or the girl, but still have a problem with Goodes, singling out the girl in the crowd.This too could have been handled better.
If O'Brien and Krakouer don't feel they are able to take the field this weekend that is their prerogative. But make the stand on Wednesday or Thursday and draw your line in the sand. Why travel with the team, holding your decision over the club until the last moment, disrupting the preparation of the whole team.

It's best the club stands them down until further notice and until they are 100% sure they are in the right frame of mind to represent the Collingwood fc.

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