Star Wars The Mandalorian

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I dont care what anyone says, when Luke turned up to save Grogu that was a totally epic scene. Been some bog average stuff around the Star Wars universe recently but that was brilliant.
I dont care what anyone says, when Luke turned up to save Grogu that was a totally epic scene. Been some bog average stuff around the Star Wars universe recently but that was brilliant.
There are some people that are just anti-Disney SW everything and they tend to be ridiculous. Either they're embedded in culture war anti-woke BS or they're that angry about the ST ruining their childhood heroes that they won't concede anything good.

But if you're being honest, I would say Mando S1, S2, Andor, and Rogue One have been fanbloodytastic and deserve to stand alongside the untouched OT.

Ahsoka and Solo I think belong in the almost very good sphere; they were certainly closer to the highest standards than Mando S3, Kenobi, and BOBF were, for mine.

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There are some people that are just anti-Disney SW everything and they tend to be ridiculous. Either they're embedded in culture war anti-woke BS or they're that angry about the ST ruining their childhood heroes that they won't concede anything good.

But if you're being honest, I would say Mando S1, S2, Andor, and Rogue One have been fanbloodytastic and deserve to stand alongside the untouched OT.

Ahsoka and Solo I think belong in the almost very good sphere; they were certainly closer to the highest standards than Mando S3, Kenobi, and BOBF were, for mine.
Agreed on Andor and season 1 and 2 of mando. I also really liked Rogue 1. Some decent nostalgia hits from Kenobi but was not a fan of BOBF really.
Yes I found the final few episodes of season 2 of Mando, in particular the last 15 minutes of that finale, to be up there with all time Star Wars moments. Andor as well was outstanding.

Amazingly I still encounter reluctance from friends to even try Andor. One refuses to go anywhere near Star Wars since TLJ. Which is a shame as Andor was glorious.
There are some people that are just anti-Disney SW everything and they tend to be ridiculous. Either they're embedded in culture war anti-woke BS or they're that angry about the ST ruining their childhood heroes that they won't concede anything good.

But if you're being honest, I would say Mando S1, S2, Andor, and Rogue One have been fanbloodytastic and deserve to stand alongside the untouched OT.

Ahsoka and Solo I think belong in the almost very good sphere; they were certainly closer to the highest standards than Mando S3, Kenobi, and BOBF were, for mine.
Ahsoka started out with some promise but fell in a heap pretty quickly. It's not quite BOBF bad but it's on the bottom tier.

TV-wise I probably have Andor and Mando season 1 on the top tier, Mando 2 and 3 and Kenobi on the middle tier, and Ahsoka and BOBF on the bottom tier. Kenobi could almost be bottom tier but Ewan McGregor tries his heart out and the fights with Vader are good.
Ahsoka started out with some promise but fell in a heap pretty quickly. It's not quite BOBF bad but it's on the bottom tier.

TV-wise I probably have Andor and Mando season 1 on the top tier, Mando 2 and 3 and Kenobi on the middle tier, and Ahsoka and BOBF on the bottom tier. Kenobi could almost be bottom tier but Ewan McGregor tries his heart out and the fights with Vader are good.
Hmm, I thought Ahsoka actually started pretty meh and picked up mid-way through the season with the rescue mission, confrontation with Shin and Baylan, search for Thrawn, and so on.

For me, it dropped off towards the end when they found Ezra and Thrawn seemed kinda ridiculous.

I agree with Kenobi. Huge problems with the show, but Ewan is so charismatic, the Vader scenes were cool, and the kid Leia played a good part. Was definitely better than BOBF.

I don't think Mando 2 was as consistent as season 1 but its highs were as good as anything I've seen in SW IMO.
Andor is the closest to your "prestige drama" sort of shows that Star Wars is ever going to get (or needs to get). Great show. I don't want every Star Wars show to be like it but a few more would be great.

Mando Season 1 is the best classic fun Star Wars put into a series. It's exactly the tone I would love if most series had. I'd say that unfortunately the series gets worse the more it delves into Star Wars lore and keeps hooking up with older characters. I still enjoy it though.

Kenobi I liked, it's not outstanding but I think it's maligned more than it needs to be. Little Leia and Obi Wan is a fun combo. Plus even though I comfortably rate the prequel trilogy as the worst of the 3, getting to see Hayden / Ewan back together was fun.

Ahsoka was fine but very bogged down for me by being a sequel to shows I hadn't seen which meant I didn't really care about the characters.

Book of Boba Fett was the worst. I don't necessarily care that they "softened up" Boba if the story was good and/or the show was entertaining, but at times it was a weird paced, unexciting slog. The chase sequence on the scooters was on of the worst action sequences I can remember in the series.

All up though I feel there's been more hits than misses with the TV series though and I've not hated watching any of them.
There are some people that are just anti-Disney SW everything and they tend to be ridiculous. Either they're embedded in culture war anti-woke BS or they're that angry about the ST ruining their childhood heroes that they won't concede anything good.

But if you're being honest, I would say Mando S1, S2, Andor, and Rogue One have been fanbloodytastic and deserve to stand alongside the untouched OT.

Ahsoka and Solo I think belong in the almost very good sphere; they were certainly closer to the highest standards than Mando S3, Kenobi, and BOBF were, for mine.
There are some people that are also anti nostalgia/fanservice and won't like the Luke scene. **** them too. Luke was doing it right.

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I dont care what anyone says, when Luke turned up to save Grogu that was a totally epic scene. Been some bog average stuff around the Star Wars universe recently but that was brilliant.

It was the only time in 9 movies that I bawled in Star Wars.

Incredible season that one.
Yes I found the final few episodes of season 2 of Mando, in particular the last 15 minutes of that finale, to be up there with all time Star Wars moments. Andor as well was outstanding.

Amazingly I still encounter reluctance from friends to even try Andor. One refuses to go anywhere near Star Wars since TLJ. Which is a shame as Andor was glorious.

Same here

Maybe it’s the same guy

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Andor is the closest to your "prestige drama" sort of shows that Star Wars is ever going to get (or needs to get). Great show. I don't want every Star Wars show to be like it but a few more would be great.

Mando Season 1 is the best classic fun Star Wars put into a series. It's exactly the tone I would love if most series had. I'd say that unfortunately the series gets worse the more it delves into Star Wars lore and keeps hooking up with older characters. I still enjoy it though.

Kenobi I liked, it's not outstanding but I think it's maligned more than it needs to be. Little Leia and Obi Wan is a fun combo. Plus even though I comfortably rate the prequel trilogy as the worst of the 3, getting to see Hayden / Ewan back together was fun.

Ahsoka was fine but very bogged down for me by being a sequel to shows I hadn't seen which meant I didn't really care about the characters.

Book of Boba Fett was the worst. I don't necessarily care that they "softened up" Boba if the story was good and/or the show was entertaining, but at times it was a weird paced, unexciting slog. The chase sequence on the scooters was on of the worst action sequences I can remember in the series.

All up though I feel there's been more hits than misses with the TV series though and I've not hated watching any of them.

This is almost exactly my thoughts on the Disney+ Star Wars series - are you me?

I'm not going to rewatch Ahsoka and Kenobi any time soon but they were enjoyable enough (the latter moreso, I find it difficult at times to understand the pure visceral hatred some have for it). Ahsoka's main problem is exactly what you said - you had to have watched the previous shows to fully engage with it and that is a poor story telling technique. As a result, I never really cared about Sabine or Ezra and I pretty much only liked Thrawn because he looked cool and had a cool star destroyer and storm troopers and was just generally cool. I know he's fleshed out a lot more in the EU but it should not be a prerequisite to engaging with the characters.

Andor is still one of the finest TV series I've seen in the past few years. It's proof that Star Wars can still be special.
This is almost exactly my thoughts on the Disney+ Star Wars series - are you me?

I'm not going to rewatch Ahsoka and Kenobi any time soon but they were enjoyable enough (the latter moreso, I find it difficult at times to understand the pure visceral hatred some have for it). Ahsoka's main problem is exactly what you said - you had to have watched the previous shows to fully engage with it and that is a poor story telling technique. As a result, I never really cared about Sabine or Ezra and I pretty much only liked Thrawn because he looked cool and had a cool star destroyer and storm troopers and was just generally cool. I know he's fleshed out a lot more in the EU but it should not be a prerequisite to engaging with the characters.

Andor is still one of the finest TV series I've seen in the past few years. It's proof that Star Wars can still be special.

Andor was nominated several times this past week at the two Awards Shows; that says a lot about the quality
For me it was more do they add to SW, that universe and the myriad of things and events in them.

Boba, Ahsoka, Kenobi, the ST they added basically nothing or actively removed things, R1, Mando, Andor they added either to characters in Andor or the wider universe in Mando, and with something like R1 that directly is added context to IV done well as an event instance, compared to something like Solo which should be more contained like Andor, but was more confused.

What was the EU largely added even if there was trash in it, but as much as there was trash, there were also banger stories that hooked you, that made someone like Thrawn a beast, a random Chiss to then add context to why the Empire did Empire things for so long. That then has Ahsoka's thing as a did it add to what that story thread was? Did it replace it, did it fit the same way or an acceptable way into how that universe is.

Andor can as it is self contained, Mando still can since it is a race, a creed, that exists, not a single instance. We're not going to get another R1, that ship sailed with how the ST was received that filling the gap or tagging on is fraught with danger. Kenobi and Solo to me had same issues in that coulda shoulda woulda but from start to finish had random issues pop up to curtail the finished product.

Is to say, a Mando movie is likely going to be fine despite how S3 bottled it.
I really enjoyed Book Of Boba Fett’s depiction of the Tuskens. It’s never been seen from that angle or depth, that they’re indigenous to Tatooine. All of the “flashback” sequences when he was recuperating in the bacta tank were nicely done, the train heist sequence was brilliant. Seismic charging the Sarlaac is all time.

I wish the Tuskens were in it more however. When the series “caught up” to the present, and the storyline pivoted elsewhere, it really fell away for me. The highlights then became centred on two Mandalorian themed episodes.
I really enjoyed Book Of Boba Fett’s depiction of the Tuskens. It’s never been seen from that angle or depth, that they’re indigenous to Tatooine. All of the “flashback” sequences when he was recuperating in the bacta tank were nicely done, the train heist sequence was brilliant. Seismic charging the Sarlaac is all time.

I wish the Tuskens were in it more however. When the series “caught up” to the present, and the storyline pivoted elsewhere, it really fell away for me. The highlights then became centred on two Mandalorian themed episodes.
I also really liked how they developed the Tuskens in that series. But then I don't understand how you do all that at the start of the series and then don't build it into the finale, with the Tuskens coming in to aid Boba. Just another weird decision that series had
They never should have had Boba survive the Sarlaac and should have just adapted the Bounty Hunter Wars or something. Boba in his prime and a loner is what I suspect most people wanted to see, not getting in touch with his feelings and becoming the good guy.
I don't think BOBF was a total disaster, no we didn't need it but it happened and it was some light entertainment. Didn't add or detract much from the ultimate SW storyline.

I think where they fell down, was they tried to make Boba too "Cloney", adapting his personality too closely to the clones from CW and BB. Unlike the clones he's seen the world, his morals are questionable, he's never had the chip and he's the perfect clone of badass Jango. But as he chilled in the Sarlaac for a bit and got older, in the series he became more like Rex than Jango.

Again, not horrible but an anti-hero Boba would have been way cooler. We have too many good guy clones already.

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Star Wars The Mandalorian

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