Society/Culture The Manosphere - Andrew Tate, the PUA grift, and other such nasties.

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I'm genuinely intrigued by what draws young men to Tate.

Someone will say 'misogyny' as a catch-all I'm sure.

But what is it that's making young men find what he says appealing? Tate is a POS, and most people can see him for what he is, but some can't, or find his views appealing even if they can.

Getting Tate off social media - and locking him up for all the crimes he appears to have actually committed - is a good thing, but it doesn't address the underlying cause of why some people are gravitating towards his views.

Without finding and addressing the root cause, I don't see it going a whole lot of anywhere.

He is an aspirational figure to a lot of lost teenage boys due to his macho image and material belongings.

Also they are usually horny and want all girls to have sex with them and be able to blame the girls when they don’t to make them feel better.
I'm genuinely intrigued by what draws young men to Tate.

Someone will say 'misogyny' as a catch-all I'm sure.

But what is it that's making young men find what he says appealing? Tate is a POS, and most people can see him for what he is, but some can't, or find his views appealing even if they can.

Getting Tate off social media - and locking him up for all the crimes he appears to have actually committed - is a good thing, but it doesn't address the underlying cause of why some people are gravitating towards his views.

Without finding and addressing the root cause, I don't see it going a whole lot of anywhere.
I watched/listened to this yesterday:

And it provides a pretty reasonable explanation for why people keep turning to Tate or Brand, listening to grifters explain away their dissatisfaction with late stage capitalism with their particular brand of right wing nonsense.

It's a phantasm. It's something we all do to avoid the fear of something in our lives; Abigail Thorn posits one of the common ones as wanting our grave to be 'somewhere with a view'.

Why do we want this? We're no longer able to experience the view. We're dead. We have no way of witnessing it, but the fact that the view is there allows us to be comforted away from the fact that we are dead. If we were alive, we could see the view; ergo, the view is a nice thing to have, and the fear of death is avoided.

The deep unhappiness that a lot of these boys feel is real enough: why can I not get a girl? Why can I not get ahead? Why is money so hard to get, happiness so far away? It's the effects of a good half century of concerted right wing effort to dismantle as much support for the lower-middle classes as they can without rebellion. They take in the rhetoric from the grifters, and it soothes them: if women are at fault because they're all sluts; if I clean my room and bring order to the world; if the world is run by a New World Order...

I don't need to worry anymore. It's not my fault. It's out of my hands.

It's also why confronting them with why they're wrong doesn't help: you're attacking that sense of peace, that safety. They feel attacked because you're attacking them.

Dunno what this means for trying to help them or get them out of that mindset. Just, thought it was an interesting idea.
I watched/listened to this yesterday:

And it provides a pretty reasonable explanation for why people keep turning to Tate or Brand, listening to grifters explain away their dissatisfaction with late stage capitalism with their particular brand of right wing nonsense.

It's a phantasm. It's something we all do to avoid the fear of something in our lives; Abigail Thorn posits one of the common ones as wanting our grave to be 'somewhere with a view'.

Why do we want this? We're no longer able to experience the view. We're dead. We have no way of witnessing it, but the fact that the view is there allows us to be comforted away from the fact that we are dead. If we were alive, we could see the view; ergo, the view is a nice thing to have, and the fear of death is avoided.

The deep unhappiness that a lot of these boys feel is real enough: why can I not get a girl? Why can I not get ahead? Why is money so hard to get, happiness so far away? It's the effects of a good half century of concerted right wing effort to dismantle as much support for the lower-middle classes as they can without rebellion. They take in the rhetoric from the grifters, and it soothes them: if women are at fault because they're all sluts; if I clean my room and bring order to the world; if the world is run by a New World Order...

I don't need to worry anymore. It's not my fault. It's out of my hands.

It's also why confronting them with why they're wrong doesn't help: you're attacking that sense of peace, that safety. They feel attacked because you're attacking them.

Dunno what this means for trying to help them or get them out of that mindset. Just, thought it was an interesting idea.

Just to add
It proposes that a basic psychological conflict results from having a self-preservation instinct while realizing that death is inevitable and to some extent unpredictable. This conflict produces terror, which is managed through a combination of escapism and cultural beliefs that act to counter biological reality with more significant and enduring forms of meaning and value

That and worsening material conditions as you say, here in lies at least some of the fix

Our algorithms must be similar if you're getting Thorn, which is in itself an interesting factor

Interesting talk on this from a socialist media company and an evolutionary psychologist(or researcher at least), long though soz

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Interesting research on evolutionary psychologists...

Oh he's definitely not on board with the incels, just an interesting discussion that is almost an explanation

Yes you can justify anything through it, it's a field fraught with terrible people. As always nature vs nurture, genetics vs culture.

The video goes through this with good push back from the host, thought there was some interesting points and possible solutions

Ohhhh its munecat, I like her too
Interesting talk on this from a socialist media company and an evolutionary psychologist(or researcher at least), long though soz
I liked the point he made with incels not really knowing what women find attractive and how to find a partner - given that not every married man is a rich, swole Chad!

I, of course, totally am.
Interesting research on evolutionary psychologists...

Yeh good vid, particularly like her shitting on williamson, hate him but struggle to pinpoint why sometimes. Here's a funny pod when he and the guest have fundamental differences but remain awkwardly polite

I'm very much on Hagen's side

There is still a point in evolutionary psychology imo. Here's a first year course from Robert sapolsky, probably the foremost expert in these things

There's like 20 lectures so prepare yourself for undergrad shit. He ends up pro gay/trans etc if you're worried about that, the game theory bits are very interesting for me

Wrote a book about free will a year or so ago, lot of blowback but his arguments are interesting.

Anyway, just throwing a few links out there

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I liked the point he made with incels not really knowing what women find attractive and how to find a partner - given that not every married man is a rich, swole Chad!

I, of course, totally am.

Maybe Bikies belong here?

Might be when the photo was taken, but the pic in this article states that this fella is being let out on bail to attend the imminent birth of his 3rd child. I'm guessing the photo in the article is an old pic, or he has a different baby mama?

I've always thought the whole Andrew Tate thing might start diverting people who would otherwise be joining motorcycle gangs. Not sure which is worse.
How did this idiot get so famous.
Grifting the morons. Paying influencers to shill his rip off "success training" channel/pyramid scheme, which kids stole their parents credit cards to pay $50 a month for. Sexting guys who thought they were talking to his abuse victims.

Standard stuff for any weird sex criminal looking for easy cash.

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Society/Culture The Manosphere - Andrew Tate, the PUA grift, and other such nasties.

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