Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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I've seen her cousin at least three times on TV giving interviews, a polished performer, hence the question
Yes, lots of smiles… You just don’t know about people. Could be genuine, nervous, a lot of people seem to react inappropriately when they feel the opposite. Oh well, let’s not judge.

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I can't read that due to paywall, but someone without "a bad bone in their body" doesn't kill a 9yo, then drive around for 5 hours trying to find somewhere to bury her, and end up with the body in a barrel filled with sand. Whatever the outcome in regards to KM, JS can get all the defenders into the media he likes in the form of his mother and mate and anyone else, he's still ultimately a POS.
I've seen her cousin at least three times on TV giving interviews, a polished performer, hence the question

I don't watch a lot of TV so didn't know the cousin was getting involved so much. Anything of note coming from the interviews?
I don't watch a lot of TV so didn't know the cousin was getting involved so much. Anything of note coming from the interviews?
The cousin has the same surname as Charlise’s biological father, who I’m sure I read hadn’t seen her since she was a baby. The interviewer didn’t ask when was the last time she saw Charlise or how often.
On other social media there are other supposed family members calling out this cousin saying the cousin is full of it, met C once or twice, hasn't seen her in years etc, has ignored family requests to stop talking publicly. Apparently the cousin claims that C was named after her which others are saying is completely false and cousin is a attention seeking headcase. But it's social media so anyone can claim to be a family member or close family friend.
On other social media there are other supposed family members calling out this cousin saying the cousin is full of it, met C once or twice, hasn't seen her in years etc, has ignored family requests to stop talking publicly. Apparently the cousin claims that C was named after her which others are saying is completely false and cousin is a attention seeking headcase. But it's social media so anyone can claim to be a family member or close family friend.
Sadly, people like their piece of 'fame', don't they? All it does is add nothing but confusion and wasted time to the narrative. "Look at me, I know so-and-so" is a symptom of the social media age, and as you say, anyone can claim a relationship, others dispute it, and anyone like most of us on here interested in actual details has to resort to wading through some of this to see if there is any actual merit to their claims.

I still appreciate all of you posting links to articles I haven't seen though, or adding confirmed details, and like yourself Awakening, we have people on here who can call out red herrings as well. :thumbsu:
The cousin has the same surname as Charlise’s biological father, who I’m sure I read hadn’t seen her since she was a baby. The interviewer didn’t ask when was the last time she saw Charlise or how often.
Interview with cousin on abc radio this morn - the cousin said she last saw her when she was 1 year old.
Tiny amounts of information trickling out

The part I don’t understand is how they report that KM initially believed JS and then say she was on the phone to him talking about sandbags and boats?
The part I don’t understand is how they report that KM initially believed JS and then say she was on the phone to him talking about sandbags and boats?
I don't believe the police know what they were discussing during those calls on the Thursday afternoon, only that were a number of calls between the pair. Using GPS they've then been able to work out where they both were when the calls were made. Not 100% sure but expect she was at the caravan park when calls were made. Maybe she was ringing him asking where her daughter was.

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Interview with cousin on abc radio this morn - the cousin said she last saw her when she was 1 year old.
Yeah, I think as others have said, someone who hasn't seen the kid for 8 years commenting on the situation doesn't really add much, other than adding to their own perception of their self-importance.
The part I don’t understand is how they report that KM initially believed JS and then say she was on the phone to him talking about sandbags and boats?

I still think there is something fishy about KM's involvement, even if only awareness after the fact and still not alerting police to everything she knew or suspected. I know she had her medical episode, and whatever the cause of that may have impaired her ability to talk to police, but if the timeline is correct and she had reported her daughter missing, then JS is talking to her about sandbags, boat, etc, and at that stage had not told KM he was involved in Charlise's 'disappearance' or outright in her death, surely, surely KM has suspicions raised about JS's actions and evasiveness about where her daughter is.

Your daughter is missing, your 'fiancee' is giving you glib, or outright BS answers to where she is, and talking to you about sandbags and launching a boat, and you continue to believe him?! Sorry, that stretches incredulity. There may be a genuine explanation, and I hope there is, but atm, it's got a stench to it IMO.
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There's a possbility the mother had covid and that's why Charlise was taken to Wildenstein. About a week in hospital where the cops couldn't approach her, fits with the isolation period.
That's a valid point, but isn't speculating on a valid reason why she couldn't make a statement and her possible innocence just the flip-side to deleted posts speculating on her possible guilt? (Sorry, I don't want to labour the point, but I did see several of the posts before they were deleted, and I thought at least some didn't over-step the line, but will leave it there, as I don't want to annoy the moderator too much. :))
There's a possbility the mother had covid and that's why Charlise was taken to Wildenstein. About a week in hospital where the cops couldn't approach her, fits with the isolation period.
That would make quite a bit of sense. If she did have covid she was trying to protect Charlise by sending her to Wildenstein, not negligently putting her in danger. Could have also contributed to her medical episode.
I don't believe the police know what they were discussing during those calls on the Thursday afternoon, only that were a number of calls between the pair. Using GPS they've then been able to work out where they both were when the calls were made. Not 100% sure but expect she was at the caravan park when calls were made. Maybe she was ringing him asking where her daughter was.
Yes, the timeline is still as clear as mud.
Interview with cousin on abc radio this morn - the cousin said she last saw her when she was 1 year old.
And yet she was describing her as friendly, cute, sweet, etc as if she'd seen her recently... :think: I think she picked up that impression from photos on the news.
We all know police only give out information that will get information to secure a conviction. Based on how clear they have been about KM being a witness only I'm finding the incessant focus on trying to find her at fault for something here is getting a bit much. This case is very difficult to process as an outsider and I can very easily see someone susceptible to bad mental health having a nervous breakdown when finding out their daughter was likely murdered when they were trying to rebuild the relationship.

The COVID angle is a good one, as is her suffering from a number of mental health issues or just wanting her future husband to bond with her daughter. We literally have no idea and it might pay us all to be more open to the fact that maybe, just maybe KM is a victim in all of this too?
Look, I'd really like nothing more than confirmation that KM is completely innocent of any involvement in her daughter's death, and that my trust in basic human nature and a parent's love and care for their child over-rides anything else.

As Dogs_R-Us and others continue to point out, timelines and other details are still not consistent across media reports and police pressers, and while this doesn't help, trying to at least navigate through these still leaves a fair bit of doubt on KM's actions as a responsible parent. I would be happy to be proven wrong and have all this doubt removed, but until it is, I think many of us continue to speculate on KM's actions and possible involvement, even if minute.

Sadly, I think we will need to await a court session to begin to clarify the inconsistency and missing details.

Edit: I posted that concurrently with Kurve's and craffles' posts, so I think I'll leave this thread at this stage as a contributor, continue to read updates as they become available, and take an interest from arms-lengths. Best wishes to all, let's hope for an outcome that honours young Charlise, and appropriately punishes anyone responsible for her life being cut so tragically short.
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I hope this isn't one of those cases where questions remain unanswered, I'm scratching my head for a possible motive as to why this happened, drug fuelled rage? she saw something she shouldn't have? The calculated movements after she was killed suggests there was some planning, but who knows. It could quite be the case that the mother is genuinely hopeless and wasn't actually directly involved in the crime itself, child negligence should carry a serious penalty regardless, but that's another kettle of fish.

Hope more comes out eventually.
I hope this isn't one of those cases where questions remain unanswered, I'm scratching my head for a possible motive as to why this happened, drug fuelled rage? she saw something she shouldn't have? The calculated movements after she was killed suggests there was some planning, but who knows. It could quite be the case that the mother is genuinely hopeless and wasn't actually directly involved in the crime itself, child negligence should carry a serious penalty regardless, but that's another kettle of fish.

Hope more comes out eventually.

Apparently, it was Justin's mother's idea that Justin and Charlise go and stay at Wildenstein. Not Kallista's. That's what's being said over social media, the claim made by someone who professes to be a friend of Annemie Stein.

In a covid context, it might make sense.
Look, I'd really like nothing more than confirmation that KM is completely innocent of any involvement in her daughter's death, and that my trust in basic human nature and a parent's love and care for their child over-rides anything else.

As Dogs_R-Us and others continue to point out, timelines and other details are still not consistent across media reports and police pressers, and while this doesn't help, trying to at least navigate through these still leaves a fair bit of doubt on KM's actions as a responsible parent. I would be happy to be proven wrong and have all this doubt removed, but until it is, I think many of us continue to speculate on KM's actions and possible involvement, even if minute.

Sadly, I think we will need to await a court session to begin to clarify the inconsistency and missing details.

The timeline's messy because the press have let us down imo and they've done a job on the mother. They failed at basic research and misinterpreted what the police said at the presser (mis) leading readers to believe that Kallista was ringing Justin to discuss buying sandbags and fuel for the boat to dump her daughter's body.

They might try to switch the narrative now.

At this stage, Kallista is officially a victim of crime and potentially, the most important witness for the DPP in their prosecution of Stein.

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Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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