Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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Sadly, special care nurseries around Vic at least, in both regional and city hospitals, are full of newborns going through withdrawals because their mothers (and fathers if involved) do exactly what this mother has been doing. It's not a nice experience when a newborn screams continually because it has f***ed up parent/s. Bu tit is far more common than most people would be aware of.

I'm living in fantasy land I know, but still holding out hope that her mother didn't betray her.

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Would be interesting if they end up blaming each other. Unless there is sufficient evidence it may be hard to pin a murder charge on either of them (more likely manslaughter).


The mother wasn't there on the Tuesday night, we have no detail of her movements but the cops will have her mapped and say they have nothing to indicate she was involved. The police have already alleged Stein is responsible and that Charlise was killed between 7.00pm Tuesday and 10.00am Wednesday. They might have the mother already off the property at 7.00pm and either the mother or the grandmother has spoken to Charlise on the phone or zoom at that time.

There's been nothing either to suggest that the mother's currently using illicit drugs.
Different angle from the ABC, the impact on search volunteers:

I couldn't help but think about those that had to look in the barrel and then whoever (the coroner?) having to remove the body from the barrel.

They have my utmost respect and immense appreciation for what they have to do in their line of work.
Great article by the ABC, so easy to forget how much impact cases like this, Cleo Smith, Wonnangatta etc can have on search volunteers, police and emergency. I'm glad we are better at providing mental health support these days but even still the trauma that some of these people experience is truly horrible and unimaginable.
The Kallista Mutton Alibi?

'Guests at the Riviera Ski Garden believe they saw the girl with her mother, Kallista Mutten in the days before her death, and claim Ms Mutten’s fiance and Charlise’s stepfather, Justin Stein was also seen at the property, The Daily Telegraph reports.

“The daughter was there for a couple of days, she was playing around with the daughter of a friend of mine,” one witness told the publication.'

front page of today's Daily Telegraph

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If he's in GenPop, God help him

Child killers are the lowest of the low in there

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In Aboriginal culture, they like the images to be suppressed. I sort of get that. I can’t really look at the photos of her or them anymore. Not right now anyway. Too upsetting tbh

I feel like it's a sick tactic to get more sales

Have some respect for the dead ffs
I find it a bit morbid emblazoning her face on the front of every paper like she's still here
In Aboriginal culture, they like the images to be suppressed. I sort of get that. I can’t really look at the photos of her or them anymore. Not right now anyway. Too upsetting tbh
I've just removed part of the front page of today's Daily Telegraph that I posted.
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Police claim Charlise Mutten’s mum was living in caravan before alleged murder

'the Riviera Ski Park at Lower Portland'

'police swarming the park over the weekend as part of their search for answers.'

'Residents at the park said they believed Charlise and her alleged killer Stein even joined Ms Mutten there in the time leading up to Charlise’s death.'

“The daughter was there for a couple of days, she was playing around with the daughter of a friend of mine,” one witnesses said.'

'detectives had been seen taping off a caravan near the water’s edge and carrying evidence bags out over the weekend.'

'A ute towing a boat similar to that police allege Stein tried to use to dump Charlise’s body was captured on CCTV passing the popular Tractor 828 cafe at Ebenezer about 2.20am last Friday, January 14; six hours before Ms Mutten made the call to triple-0 to report her daughter missing.'

'Locals in the area said a man believed to be Stein had been seen travelling with Charlise around the area in the days before she was killed, even using the ferry to travel across into Lower Portland, where Ms Mutten was staying.
One ferry driver said his colleague claimed to have spoken to the “chatty” little girl, but noted “the bloke with her wouldn’t look him in the eye and just kept staring straight ahead”.'

'Police are also understood to have seized CCTV from the ferries that ship cars across the Hawkesbury River at Lower Portland and Sackville.
Detectives were also seen on Thursday visiting businesses along Bells Line of Road, which leads from the Colo River towards Mount Wilson.'

'The decision to let the Tweed Heads schoolgirl stay with her mother and soon-to-be stepfather two weeks ago was made by her grandmother in Coolangatta, who was given sole custody of Charlise in 2018 while former ice addict Ms Mutten was in jail.
It is understood that there were no court orders to let the mother spend any time with her daughter but any visits were left up to her grandmother. The distressed grandmother could not be contacted yesterday.
There were also no court orders for the little girl to spend time with her biological father, who lives in northern NSW.'

A lot to unpack here.
No reports of anyone hearing yelling or screaming or anyone in distress

No reports of any prior violence against the poor girl

Maybe a tragic accident of some sort trying to be covered up?
Hopefully NSW Health, NSW Police, the NSW Justice, Legal and Community Services, will do their utmost to assist try and keep Kallista Mutten safe and healthy enough, for long enough, for all the unanswered questions on WTF happened in this case, to be ascertained.
(Kallista needs to play her big part in this too)
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Something about the mother still doesn't ring true I reckon, even with this caravan park stuff. She may not have been involved in the murder itself, but she left her daughter in the 'care' of JS, and there is still a significant delay in the actual report of her daughter as 'missing'. If they both point the finger at each other, the complete truth may never come out in its entirety, and one or both could end up with manslaughter rather than murder. Technically under the law, that may well be the actual defined outcome, but anyone who has a 9yo in their care and that 9yo dies ('accidentally' or deliberately), and that 9yo's body is then stuffed in a barrel (a deliberate act), and discussions between both of them occur after police involvement, and they both know she is not 'missing' but dead, in my book, that is beyond manslaughter.
No reports of anyone hearing yelling or screaming or anyone in distress

No reports of any prior violence against the poor girl

Maybe a tragic accident of some sort trying to be covered up?

Weirdly enough, I was the same age as Justin when I became a Step Dad to a girl exactly the same age as Charlise and let me tell you, it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do

He might have been all f’ed up on drugs and she was being really difficult and he accidentally killed her out of some sort of frustration rage thing

Accidental death or not, his actions after it do not point to remorse or the actions of anyone with a moral compass - I DGAF if he was f***ed up with drugs or not. He has tried to cover up a death by disposing of the body in disgusting circumstances.

Not sure if your intent, but your 2 posts sound like excuses for him.
The mother of the accused sounds like ***************. "The little girl definitely didn't deserve this." How dare her talk about a murder of an innocent child like that. I suppose she must think there is something a 9 year old child can do that makes them deserved to get murdered. ******* moron.
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Accidental death or not, his actions after it do not point to remorse or the actions of anyone with a moral compass - I DGAF if he was f***ed up with drugs or not. He has tried to cover up a death by disposing of the body in disgusting circumstances.

Not sure if your intent, but your 2 posts sound like excuses for him.

I'll never excuse murder of an innocent girl
Yes, maybe she did it at the caravan park and he was trying to cover it up by disposing of the body.

Yeah, I think there is something suss about mother's involvement in the whole thing, but interesting that the police have only charged him outright at this stage with Charlise's murder. Caravan park is described in one of those articles as 'run-down' or similar, so probably don't have CCTV, otherwise movements of all 3 might reveal a lot. If 3 arrive alive, or come and go several times, but only the two adults leave with JS carrying a large bag or bundle would give it away. Like the Clay/Hill murders after GL's arrest, this case seems to throw up new twists on almost a daily basis.

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Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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