Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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It was a shit time and Stalin was nearly as bad as Hitler but to me there is a fundamental difference between killing people you think are your political enemies to hold power and killing people cos they don't fit your view of how the world should be. Humans have always done horrible things to gain or hold power but Nazi Germany was basically a serial killer masquerading as a state. It exterminated people cos it didn't want them to exist, not just because they were some sort of potential threat to its power.
A really good book on this IMO is Inga Clendinnen's Reading the Holocaust (1998). It's the account of a brilliant historian (on Aztecs) who was a young Australian girl during WWII (b. 1934) who basically reads as widely as you would expect to understand this massive spectre of her childhood.
Anyway it’s pretty silly, throw Mao in and we’re discussing who’s the worst. They’re all monsters.
Could not agree more. The least interesting and worst place to begin any comparison of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century is some sort of ranking of evil. I think it also places undue emphasis on the individual dictators of these regimes, a temptation not helped by their monstrous personalities.
If they were attacked after what they’ve done and a peacekeeping force was deployed it would be absolutely disgusting. Yuk. Truely stomach turning.
The genociders aren't going to willingly retreat from their expanding position. A third party will need to remove them in an orderly fashion with the permission / instruction of the court.
We could do this all day and get nowhere.
Like I said I find it really disturbing that what the Nazi's did gets compared to anything. Its like people comparing Gaza to Ukraine. AS bad as the USSR or Russia might be the other things are a level (at least) beyond that.

Germany in the 1920s and 1930s was one of the most liberal and open democracies in history and it somehow let people come to power on the basis that had no qualms about killing off elements of society they didn't like and if anything that was why they were getting power.

Even after the Russian revolution most ordinary people were still better off. Their living standards were raised and the political repression they suffered was basically no different to pre revolutionary Russia. Its just that the worst people were the ones with power and they didn't want their power challenged. The same in China, even Cuba where in the 1950s where one of the biggest employers in the country was the sex industry and most people in it were u18.

Revolutions nearly always cause chaos and are nearly always taken advantage of by the worst of people taking power.

There was no real revolution in Germany tho. It was a supposedly civilised nation that led the world in so many fields and walked away from that so they could murder people they thought were unfit or not good enough for the rest of them.

Wow, if you put this in black and white it'd look like ... something

inglorious basterds grat-zee GIF
What's your point? Countries shouldn't do what's best for their national interest? We aren't all warmongers.

Countries shouldn't be nationalist or xenophobic.

We all live on the same globe.

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A 2nd rate comedian, reality TV star and KGB agent walk into a bar...

Trump surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban, I'd be very watchful of any of his deals if I were Kyiv

Nothing I'm about to say excuses Israel's actions in Gaza, so let's be clear about that right from the outset.

But why is anyone acting surprised that Israel struck back against Yemen/Houthis?
Trump surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban, I'd be very watchful of any of his deals if I were Kyiv

Have you heard the story his ex staffer has put out?

He reckons Trump called a meeting with the Taliban when he was over there, walked into the room and said “we’re going to pull out and if any Americans are harmed we’re going to kill you all”. Then walked over to one of the heads, gave him a phone with satellite images of all their families homes and walked out.

Could be a candidate for ‘things that never happened of the year award’. But it’s Trump so it wouldn’t surprise me either way.

Edit- here it is.

Have you heard the story his ex staffer has put out?

He reckons Trump called a meeting with the Taliban when he was over there, walked into the room and said “we’re going to pull out and if any Americans are harmed we’re going to kill you all”. Then walked over to one of the heads, gave him a phone with satellite images of all their families homes and walked out.

Could be a candidate for ‘things that never happened of the year award’. But it’s Trump so it wouldn’t surprise me either way.

There is a less than 0.0000000% chance that story is even remotely true.

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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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