Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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Have you got the full text of this NYT article?

You know what Burisma was up to yeah? That's the real reason Hunter Biden was in Ukraine.

Nah sorry man
Nah sorry man

It was part of the Obama/Biden admin's plan to aid Ukraine (cos Russia had got control of alot of their gas resources) for Hunter to go there and oversee Burisma's move into fracking. Its a piece of shit thing to do to a country. Fracking (CSG and oil) is a financial and environmental rort. Extraction costs ramp up significantly more than advertised and obviously the environmental damage is severe.

I (along with thousands of other people) helped send a fracking exploration company broke a decade ago. Its weird too cos I'm sure there were Russian spooks associated with that protest movement. Fracking was a direct form of competition for natural gas that is extracted normally, which is what Russia was doing. I can't stand it. Honestly tho if Russian money helps prevent it then good on them.

That's why I wanted to read the article, because I was a unsure why they'd want private support for that particular process.

Before Maidan Shell signed a deal to frack in the area of the breakaway republics and Chevron (IIRC) was doing something similar in the west of Ukraine. I think they both reneged on their deals in 2014/15. While Biden was at Burisma the company invested heavily in fracking gear.

So as if the war isn't bad enough for Ukraine, western fossil fuel companies will **** what's left of it to pay for the conflict.

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Putin listened to the military guys and wore the embarrassment of withdrawing from Kherson.

It paid off hugely.

Zelensky sacks military guys who tell him hos adventures are stupid, and Ukraine ends up losing a bunch of important gear they can't replace

They were advertising on Craigslist - people were being paid to attend this rally apparently. (Not sure if it was a genuine ad, to be fair.) If true, people turning up for long enough to get their cash and then going home, perhaps?
While this is obviously a little puff-piece designed to make the Ukrainians look good, what's key here is the fact that the Ukrainian forces have control over Russian military facilities with these kinds of records and intelligence.

Russia withdrew several brigades totaling up to 5,000 soldiers from Ukraine to repel the Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region, as of mid-last week, The Wall Street Journal reported on Aug. 17.

One of these brigades came from Donetsk, the center of Russia's current offensive, while others were pulled from less critical areas. The source also noted that Russia may need to withdraw even more forces from Ukraine to defend Kursk, potentially requiring over 20,000 well-trained troops.

Western estimates suggest Ukraine has deployed 6,000 soldiers to Kursk and holds an additional 4,000 in reserve to support operations in Sumy Oblast. According to the source, a significant portion of the troops in the Kursk offensive are reserves that Ukraine had been building with Western support for operations later this year and into 2025.

While this is obviously a little puff-piece designed to make the Ukrainians look good, what's key here is the fact that the Ukrainian forces have control over Russian military facilities with these kinds of records and intelligence.

This one at least looks real, and I believe happened.

Unlike the "capture of the command post" one a few days ago which was laughable.

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Is there any well known internet friendly meme format to describe military officers having insane orders screamed at them by a drug addled idiot as Russian armies close in?

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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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