Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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Also weird that someone who claims everyone should vote Yes associates the concept of treaties with conspiracy theorist cookers.

Nope, you're conflating the wrong parts.

Fully support the process of treaty - I have actually worked quite closely on parts of the ongoing state-level treaty process here in Victoria.

Suggesting that Australia is illegitimate as a modern nation state because the British documents they signed in the 1800s establishing Australia were invalid? That's straight out of the sov-cit playbook though.

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(Proceeds to not actually answer the question)
You asked me if I was a sovereign citizen cooker. I said wtte of "Not only do I know a few, I've never cooked them."

(Hint, if I'd said "never cooked any of us" you could assume I was one.)

If you applied your mind to comprending what you read instead of constantly looking for heresies and unorthodoxies you could attack you might have been able to work that out.
(Hint, if I'd said "never cooked any of us" you could assume I was one.) in your mind, if I said the following;

"I've known a few Jews, but I've never cooked one" you would take that to mean I'm not Jewish?

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah I don't think you should be the one criticising anyone's "comprending" here, pal.
Nope, you're conflating the wrong parts.

Fully support the process of treaty - I have actually worked quite closely on parts of the ongoing state-level treaty process here in Victoria.

Suggesting that Australia is illegitimate as a modern nation state because the British documents they signed in the 1800s establishing Australia were invalid? That's straight out of the sov-cit playbook though.
Maybe they read the Mabo decision properly too.

The clear implication is that because terra nullius doesn't exist the federal government's existence is not valid. However the High Court is unable to rule itself invalid. If it did it would be a logical absurdity cos the ruling would have been made by an invalid institution and would therefore be invalid itself. Thus the high court would become valid again its ruling would be valid as well. It creates an absurd legal strange loop.

Australia isn't going away but if we want to do our country the right way we need to address this legal absurdity and treaties are the logical way to do that.

After all no one wants some angry blackfella appealing to Iran, or even Russia and saying "these illegitimate invaders stole our country., our culture and even our kids, can you fund us while we fight them off." Or to China, in return for more access to our mineral resources. in your mind, if I said the following;

"I've known a few Jews, but I've never cooked one" you would take that to mean I'm not Jewish?

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah I don't think you should be the one criticising anyone's "comprending" here, pal.
You asked me if I was a Sovereign Citizen cooker.

You're implying I'm a cannibal who cooks sovereign citizens.


Ohhh I get it. You couldn't just say "sovereign citizens". You had to add some form of bigoted signifier implying their brains are cooked. I thought we'd moved beyond stigmatising the mentally ill to be honest.

Now back to the question at hand.

Do you see a difference between Sinwar, Begin and Shamir and if you do can you actually justify it?
Maybe they read the Mabo decision properly too.

blah blah blah

This wall of text really goes a long way to providing cover for sovereign citizens. Some of which it sounds like you're mates with.


Ohhh I get it. You couldn't just say "sovereign citizens". You had to add some form of bigoted signifier implying their brains are cooked. I thought we'd moved beyond stigmatising the mentally ill to be honest.

And now you're defending them.

And you still haven't come out and actually denied being a sovereign citizen, either.

At first I was just shit-talking but now I'm starting to have legitimate concerns about you.

Do you see a difference between Sinwar, Begin and Shamir and if you do can you actually justify it?

Sure, there's differences.
I mean, all three are horrible.
But there's differences.

For example, Begin and Shamir were both democratically elected by their citizenry. Sinwar was never democratically elected by Palestinians for any position of power.

Despite their obvious issues and their role in various conflicts and acts in their various histories (the 1948 war, assassinations, etc), both Begin and Shamir demonstrated a willingness to find peaceful solutions with Palestine. Sinwar, on the other hand, repeatedly stated his only goal was the total eradication of Israel, and a total refusal to engage in any reconcililation efforts.

Just a couple of differences, off the top of my head.
This wall of text really goes a long way to providing cover for sovereign citizens. Some of which it sounds like you're mates with.


Yeah I'm mates with some. What of it?

And now you're defending them.

And you still haven't come out and actually denied being a sovereign citizen, either.

At first I was just shit-talking but now I'm starting to have legitimate concerns about you.

You missed your calling. Spain a few centuries ago and you'd have been set.

If you came up with stupid nicknames for people who suffer some form of mental illness or at the very least have some form of neurodivergence but didn't express it thru weird politics everyone would rightly think you were a ****wit. Because these people basically hold a harmless political philosophy you think its okay to shit on them.

Even the feds designate them "mostly harmless".

They're not Nazis, they don't advocate violence against people or even the government. They just ignore it in the hope it'll go away. But you want to attack them - you're as cooked as they are.

Sure, there's differences.
I mean, all three are horrible.
But there's differences.

For example, Begin and Shamir were both democratically elected by their citizenry. Sinwar was never democratically elected by Palestinians for any position of power.

There's no Palestinian state to grant citizens to democratically elect Sinwar but he has been "elected" many times by members of Hamas, the group he led.

Despite their obvious issues and their role in various conflicts and acts in their various histories (the 1948 war, assassinations, etc), both Begin and Shamir demonstrated a willingness to find peaceful solutions with Palestine. Sinwar, on the other hand, repeatedly stated his only goal was the total eradication of Israel, and a total refusal to engage in any reconcililation efforts.

Just a couple of differences, off the top of my head.
When did they do this?

Begin started the settler movement in the occupied territories specifically to prevent a Palestinian State then invaded Lebanon causing the birth of Hezbollah. Shamir tried to form an alliance with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during WW2!!! FFS! He maintained a hard line against any form of Palestinian self determination throughout his life.

You got an AI to write that paragraph didn't you.

One of the reasons people like Sinwar have the anti Israeli attitudes they have is because of the attitudes and actions of Perez and Shamir while they were in power.
What point? You missed my point entirely and it seems the entire article.

Ths point is AUKUS is a giant scam to begin with, as I've repeatedly said. Try and keep uo
Yeah, take the hint the first 3 times I ignored you;

I'm not playing your bullshit little 'gotcha' games with bad-faith questions.

You ignore it because you can't answer the question. You literally can't because the question exposes you as an absolute intellectual fraud.

It's funny you keep mentioning first year uni.

You're a classic of the genre of the guy who worked out very quickly what lefty platitudes to mouth to fit in - and oh don't you have a desperate need for approval - but you don't actually believe any of it.

You SAY what Israel is doing is genocide, but you think anyone who fights back is a terrorist

It's the intellectual equivalent of saying 2+2 = pink cats.

You know it too, hence the desperate avoidance of having to discuss it any further. Coz you don't actually believe something is a genocide if you delegitimise all resistance (especially while privileging the white people of Ukraine lol)

It's why you continually have to invent stuff to get angry about (people seemingly venerating Sinwar) or whole cloth make up shit about people celebrating civilian deaths when any normal person reading the screenshots can see that's not what is happening.

It's why you use these tragic little "C'mon man, I know you don't believe that" devices. All the bold and italics you deploy, another classic American tell like saying "math".

Was the big plan to write for Deadspin or The Ringer, those long boring articles a out American sports where they use punctuation and fonts over actual ability. A perfect aspiration for someone as US sports and culture obsessed as yourself, hence all online brand building and pretending to be an NFL journo of some sort.

But now that hasn't panned out you spit venom at me for having had a moderately successful career in journalism that let me travel and meet lots if interesting people.

Then there's the anti Semitism card you play increasingly often to avoid having to interrogate you giant void at the heart of your "politics"

That you squeak anti Semitism while stanning the Ukranian scum who were so enthusiastic in their murder of local Jews as soon as the opportunity presented itself it actually disturbed the ****ing Nazis themselves is mind boggling.

The second best of all your avoidance techniques is claiming you're representative of some large group of people who hate me and are posting on their behalf as the congratulatory DMs flow in. Champ, if only you knew. If ONLY YOU KNEW lol.

The best though is your rants about how my life is a failure and I post from some basement alone and unhappy. It's so good, given how pleased I am right now and how things have worked out over the journey lol.

(Your insinuations about drug use are also hilarious, lefties always look at drug use as some sort of moral failure lol, not a health issue. But then like on Israel, you're a massive hypocrite and fraud on social justice too)

But I'm not a bad dude lol, in fact, as I said before, I'm in a really good place right now.

I remember turning 40 and it can be a really difficult time. Like, where's it all going? Did I honestly think it'd end up here?

I say just lean into your true self. I mean you get up at ungodly hours to immerse yourself in that most right wing coded of violent US sports in the NFL.

You're not a bad guy, you're not racist or homophobic, but that doesn't make you a lefty, it makes you Leo Varadkar or Tim Wilson lol.

Your natural instincts, as demonstrated tine and time again here, are simplistic, authoritarian and a completely wedded to US foreign policy.

You don't instinctively question what comes out of paid liars mouths. You don't ever want to engage in debate or look at context.

You just shout child like slogans - "Terrorists are terrorists!" - and attack anyone who disagrees.

Just lean into who you really are - a right wing American Democrat who loves the Commanders, hates Trump and the goddam Russians and knows a terrorist when he sees one (anyone who fights back against Israel)

A hell of a lot of middle class white guys go right wing in their 40s, and that's your path. Just be who you really are, you'll be far happier when you do.
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I loved (and still do) Propaghandi when I was an angsty little teenager too. Saw them live multiple times, and have drunkenly sung Bro Hymn arm-in-arm with mates too many times to count.

But modern politics are slightly more complicated than you'd know if you base your worldview on their lyrics.



Let's not pretend you have a more sophisticated worldview than ferball because that is frankly laughable.

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Is this how you avoid answering difficult questions about the difference between Begin, Shamir and Sinwar?

Bit of a pattern isn't it.
Also weird that someone who claims everyone should vote Yes associates the concept of treaties with conspiracy theorist cookers.

He thinks the violent overthrow of a democratically elected government was the "will of the people", fair to say he makes it up as he goes along depending on who he is talking to.
Ths point is AUKUS is a giant scam to begin with, as I've repeatedly said. Try and keep uo

That’s not what the article is about though.

The CRS’s entire function is to provide scenarios to congress of absolutely every possibility and option, no matter how unlikely. Some of their papers are absolutely batshit and never a real consideration, they are there purely to “cover all bases”.

The Australian media take them for gospel (and apparently you) which shows they don’t really understand the discussion.

Now this particular paper provides an alternative option and suggests simply increasing the number of US and UK subs already agreed to be operated out of Australian sub bases and pivot the entire Australian owned and operated sub spend to B-21’s, drones and next gen missiles so as not to impact on the subs per year being delivered to the US Navy’s requirements.

The B-21 program is probably even more sensitive than the Virginia sub program. They never shared the F-22 program with anyone, it’s highly unlikely they would with the B-21 program.

Now how exactly would that be a scam?

The only risk to AUKUS is Donald Trump.

It’s ok to admit you don’t understand this topic.
So to those kids he wasn't a terrorist but a freedom fighter.

He's only a terrorist is you situate you worldview as opposed to the Palestinian struggle against occupation and genocide imo.

Yeah agree with that. Probably went through some terrible things to turn into who he was, but it doesn’t change that who he turned into was a monster responsible for killing innocent people including children.
If you came up with stupid nicknames for people who suffer some form of mental illness or at the very least have some form of neurodivergence but didn't express it thru weird politics everyone would rightly think you were a ****wit. Because these people basically hold a harmless political philosophy you think its okay to shit on them.

Even the feds designate them "mostly harmless".

They're not Nazis, they don't advocate violence against people or even the government. They just ignore it in the hope it'll go away. But you want to attack them - you're as cooked as they are.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaate. Nice try, but no.

The notion that sovereign citizens are some mentally ill group of harmless eccentrics is ridiculous. And you're dead-wrong about the "feds" - they've constantly raised the threat level regarding these cookers in recent times due to the escalating violence and threats stemming from these clowns. Like we saw in Wieambilla.

I'll just share the lede of this recent article but suggest you read the whole thing, because it details several violent incidents that have occurred recently.



Why is Sinwar bobbing up out of cover after a year on the run to attack Israeli troops head on?

We know he's had cancer before - maybe it came back and he decided martyrdom was better than wasting away under another name in an Egyptian hospital?
That’s not what the article is about though.

The article is about AUKUS, or are you also drifting into Chadworld where you have to deny reality to win an internet argument for an audience of imaginary friends?

The CRS’s entire function is to provide scenarios to congress of absolutely every possibility and option, no matter how unlikely. Some of their papers are absolutely batshit and never a real consideration, they are there purely to “cover all bases”.

Yes I know what it is, we have similar here, as I said previously, people who pretend the Victorian Government is broke use similar things about SRL from the PBO.

The Australian media take them for gospel (and apparently you) which shows they don’t really understand the discussion.

Now this particular paper provides an alternative option and suggests simply increasing the number of US and UK subs already agreed to be operated out of Australian sub bases and pivot the entire Australian owned and operated sub spend to B-21’s, drones and next gen missiles so as not to impact on the subs per year being delivered to the US Navy’s requirements.

That's the point - the whole AUKUS program is a giant fiction.

The B-21 program is probably even more sensitive than the Virginia sub program. They never shared the F-22 program with anyone, it’s highly unlikely they would with the B-21 program.


Now how exactly would that be a scam?

We're paying hundreds of billions to underwrite the US defence industry under the terms of an agreement that's already been secretly changed for submarines we won't have full sovereign control of.

Even you must be able to understand that.

The only risk to AUKUS is Donald Trump.

So you're saying we've entered into a 300 billion plus defence agreement that could be undone by a former US President ... who may be President again in a few months?

Listen to yourself.

It’s ok to admit you don’t understand this topic.

Its ok to admit you don't.
Yeah agree with that. Probably went through some terrible things to turn into who he was, but it doesn’t change that who he turned into was a monster responsible for killing innocent people including children.

I'm not sure how people think you're meant to fight back against genocide tbh

Are you still getting PMs from people telling you how impressed they are by you posting?

Is the Deep State still deleting posts here that prove you right?

Will you ever have an original thought or always rely on wint memes in lieu of a personality
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaate. Nice try, but no.

The notion that sovereign citizens are some mentally ill group of harmless eccentrics is ridiculous. And you're dead-wrong about the "feds" - they've constantly raised the threat level regarding these cookers in recent times due to the escalating violence and threats stemming from these clowns. Like we saw in Wieambilla.

I'll just share the lede of this recent article but suggest you read the whole thing, because it details several violent incidents that have occurred recently.

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Hard agree here.

They're dangerous scumbags, and I was very worried they were going to kill people I know back during lockdown

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Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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