Current The Nurse - Tasmania

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A nurse lives in a quiet town in Tasmania, Australia. He spends his life working with children and is the ultimate father figure, but he has a dark secret.

People who still hold positions of power protected him.

He was cleared for Working With Children.

A serial paedophile who spent almost three decades grooming, drugging and molesting vulnerable children – also filming and bragging about his crimes online – has been unmasked as a paediatric nurse who worked for 18 years on the children’s ward at Launceston General Hospital in Tasmania until 2019.

Last October, police in Launceston laid more than a dozen charges against James ‘Jim’ Geoffrey Griffin, a 69-year-old man from Legana, who since 2001 had worked on Ward 4K, the paediatric unit attached to Launceston General Hospital.

The charges relate to sexual offences against children as young as 11 – abuse which Griffin admitted to during police questioning last year. The details of some crimes are so disturbing they cannot all be published.

The seven-page charge sheet spans 28 years, with sex crimes dating back to at least 1987, when Griffin worked as a volunteer ambulance officer for the Tasmanian Ambulance Service. The sexual crimes continue through to 2019, at which time Griffin was working at the hospital while also volunteering as “medic” and “masseuse” for a local children’s sporting team.

On his arrest in October last year, police also discovered a “significant amount” of child pornography downloaded from the internet, as well as child pornography he had self-created. Some included children from the hospital ward.

On internet chat sites, detectives then uncovered examples of Mr Griffin “bragging” to others, outlining how he would use various drugs to sedate little girls “in order to sexually abuse them.”

Now, nurses from the hospital are breaking their silence, revealing how he would use the ward as his own personal hunting ground to “groom” and “target” sick and vulnerable kids. In some cases, he even preyed upon the children of his own colleagues.

The explosive revelations have been unearthed by investigative journalist, Camille Bianchi, who is set to expose all in a compelling true crime podcast called The Nurse.

Charges laid against James Geoffrey Griffin, born 1950

1987-1989 Indecent sexual assault of a victim in Youngtown, Tasmania
1987-1990 4 x indecent sexual assault of a second victim in Youngtown, Tasmania
1988-1989 Indecent sexual assault of a third victim in Youngtown, Tasmania
2009-2013 ‘Maintain a sexual relationship with a young person under the age of 17’ and ‘Sexual intercourse with a young person under the age of 17’. Locations: multiple around Tasmania
2011-2012 2 x indecent sexual assault in South Launceston, Tasmania
2015 Involve a person under the age of 18 in the production of child exploitation material
2015 Distributing child exploitation material
2015 Producing child exploitation material
2016 Successfully passed Working with Children and Vulnerable People check
2019 Possession of child exploitation material

We gotta start public executions trials in the streets for these animals. Current laws clearly aren’t enough of a deterrent. 😢
A whole lot more on this horrific case in an article this afternoon after it was the subject of interest in the Tasmanian Parliament today.
Hopefully someone will post the parliament transcript link in here when it is available.

'Mark Shelton was grilled about his knowledge of James Geoffrey Griffin's alleged crimes in Budget estimates hearings on Thursday.
Mr Griffin — who took his own life after being charged with child sex offences last year — worked on the children's ward of the Launceston General Hospital for years.
He also worked at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre for several months, acted as a masseuse for a Launceston netball club and was employed at different periods at the University of Tasmania's Launceston campus, where schoolchildren would stay while on excursion.'

'the matter was subject to an upcoming commission of inquiry — Tasmania's version of a royal commission.'


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Here's the Coroners report into Griffin's 18 October 2019 death at his home (from an open and shut drug ingestion incident around 13/14 October) whilst he was out on bail, after his 3 Oct 2019 arrest having been charged with repeated sexual abuse of a child and 4 further similar complaints that were yet to have charges laid.

How on earth was he let out on bail after his arrest?

Did they let him out on bail so that he could suicide, as he reportedly had claimed he would suicide as opposed to go to jail?

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'On October 3 charges were laid. But then, 10 days later, Griffin attempted to take his own life. He was found on October 14 in his home, sitting in a chair. There was paperwork and bills organised on his dining room table – as if he was putting his affairs in order – along with family photo albums and sealed letters addressed to his family containing cash. But James Griffin was not dead.
He’d threatened to kill himself earlier, even telling one victim he would “die before going to prison.”
Griffin was rushed to the same hospital where his own colleagues were required to try to revive him.

'And then, suddenly, he died.
On October 18 in Launceston General Hospital, Griffin was pronounced dead.'

'Comparing Griffin’s death to the alleged suicide of infamous paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Bianchi says she was determined to make a podcast to give the survivors their chance to be heard.'

'even in a town ripe with gossip, the case has been all but hushed up.
“This is a story you don’t know, unless you live in Launceston” says Bianchi, “and even then, it’s been whispered to you in the pub, or passed only by word-of-mouth.
“People are scared. Scared to lose jobs. Scared to upset those who are covering up what’s happened.”
Griffin was connected in various circles of power and the hospital has so far not co-operated with the investigation.'

'The story that was first brought to me was that these women wanted to speak and no media was interested or willing to touch it. People had tried, but it always fell over,” says Bianchi.'

'Launceston General Hospital was in receipt of complaints against Griffin dating back to at least 2009. When Bianchi and contacted the federal health watchdog, AHPRA, to determine whether the complaints were ever passed along to them, as required, that line of questioning revealed they had no record of the hospital ever having forwarded the 2009 complaint, or another complaint which had been lodged in 2017.'

So Griffin was out on bail when he allegedly attempted suicide by drug overdose whilst at his home, and as a direct result of this, was admitted to the hospital he used to work at, and committed many of his heinous crimes at, and was there for 5 days when he suddenly died in their care.

Epsteinesque indeed.
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I haven't even started listening to the podcasts yet.

Might give anywhere near Launceston a miss next time I'm in Tassie.

One woman insisted on sleeping on the floor next to her child, it's in one of the podcasts. He was really angry about it.

That he'll never be rightly held to account and convicted after killing himself is despicable.
That he'll never be rightly held to account and convicted after killing himself is despicable.
The people and institutions of power that served to obfuscate and facilitate his crimes despite being aware should be brought to light and public scrutiny, and made to face consequences. Frightening to think how much of this kind of stuff is lurking beneath the surface of society but is continually quashed because people have connections, especially in a town like Launceston or some of the smaller Tasmanian towns.

The LGH in general, though, is home to rampant negligence so not too surprising they'd let it go. As someone who lived in Launceston, it's not where I'd want to be if I was sick.
I have been listening to this podcast every week. While I shouldn't be surprised about cover ups, I am always shocked and in disbelief after story after story is told. There are many people who wanted to hide this for their careers and because its "too hard" or someone else's problem. Hopefully there will be enough evidence to publicly name paedophile enablers. Please don't be a person in the future who says "It's just Jim".

As an aside, it's not as easy to produce a slick podcast on an evolving story, but I like Camille Bianchi's style and tenacity.

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Keep pressing for answers. What a swine of an individual. If there have been institutionalised cover ups then that is abhorrent.
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Keep pressing for answers. What a swine of an individual. If there have been institutionalised cover ups then that is equally.
Nearly every organisation they investigate has had their records lost or destroyed, and/or won't comment (most probably due to self-incrimination). The lawyers representing their clients in these cases will have a hard time proving anything and it will probably need to come down to people listening to their consciousnesses.

Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein reveals he is a victim of child sexual abuse

By James Dunlevie
Posted 1h ago, updated 11m ago

Tasmania's Premier Peter Gutwein has spoken for the first time about wrestling free from a teacher who sexually assaulted him when he was 16 years old.

Key points:

  • Mr Gutwein was at a COVID briefing when asked about an incident that happened in Question Time yesterday
  • Government MPs were heard groaning after a question from a sexual abuse victim-survivor was asked by the Opposition Leader
  • Mr Gutwein today said the incident "troubled" him and went on to tell his own story of abuse at the hands of a teacher

Mr Gutwein was speaking at the end of a COVID briefing on Friday outlining changes to mask rules.

He was asked by a reporter about whether he would discipline members of his own party who were heard groaning during Question Time in response to a question about the state's upcoming Commission of Inquiry into child sexual abuse.

The Labor Opposition Leader quoted a question from a Tasmanian victim-survivor of child sexual abuse.

Later, the victim-survivor said they took offence at the reaction from the government benches yesterday.

At the press conference this afternoon, Mr Gutwein said he had trouble sleeping last night.

"I must say last night this really troubled me, to have a victim-survivor that felt this government was not being supportive," he said.

He then said he was going to reveal something only once: "I am not going to speak about it again."

"I have great empathy with people who are victim-survivors. I crossed the floor in 2002 to bring about a Commission of Inquiry that ultimately could have completely derailed my career," he said.

"When I was a young man, when I was 16, I was the victim of a sexual assault. It was by a former teacher.
"I was asked to go to their home for a beer, which I thought was fantastic.

"I'd known this person for a long period of time, they'd spent a lot of time at the football club I was involved with.

"While I was there, they put their arm around me and they grabbed for my groin, tried to put their hand down my pants.

"I was big enough and strong enough to get them off me and get away."

Mr Gutwein said he had not "spoken to anyone about the motivations about why I crossed the floor in 2002".

He said he had reached out to the victim-survivor who took offence at the groaning of government MPs.

"I hope they get in touch," he said.

"I know what the loss of trust feels like, I know what the shame feels like."

What happened in parliament to spark this?

Mr Gutwein's revelation comes after Labor leader Rebecca White yesterday read out a question in parliament on behalf of a victim-survivor of notorious paedophile nurse James Geoffrey Griffin.

Government frontbenchers were heard groaning and saying "come on" as Ms White spoke: "The victim survivor who watched you yesterday said she saw you show no warmth, no empathy or even mention the victims."

Mr Gutwein stood up later in parliament to acknowledge his MPs had caused offence.

"On behalf of the government, and without explanation or excuse, I wish to unreservedly apologise," he said.
Ms White said the victim-survivor wanted an apology from the MPs who had interjected.

The Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government's Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings is examining many allegations of abuse in state settings, including by Griffin.

Griffin was a paediatric nurse at Launceston General Hospital for 19 years.

He was charged in 2019 with child sexual abuse offences and took his own life.

The commission held its opening hearing on Tuesday, October 26 last year.

It will recommence its hearings in May, with hearings to be held in Hobart and Launceston.'
Lead story online in the SMH tonight.

Sounds like Griffin might have used yet another get out of jail free card.

'The victim, Tiffany Skeggs, has now told The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes that at the time, both her phone and that of offender James Griffin contained “extremely exploitative and pornographic material of myself [aged 15] for certain”.'
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To do nothing was unforgivable.

In 2011, Kylee Pearn told the Launceston General Hospital that there was a child abuser working in the hospital's children's ward.

Key points:

  • Former social worker Kylee Pearn says she was "fobbed off" when she first told the Launceston General Hospital she'd been abused by a hospital nurse as a child
  • Paedophile James Geoffrey Griffin continued to work there for another eight years and was eventually charged with multiple sex offences
  • Ms Pearn says when her own child became a patient on his ward she was too scared to leave her child alone

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Current The Nurse - Tasmania

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